Marine Life

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Marine Life :

Orcinus Orca
Prepared by :
Humaira Arissa Sofea
SK Bandar Baru Sintok
Orca or Killer Whale
• Name : Orca or Killer Whale
• Sceintific name : Orcinus Orca
• Type : Mammals
• Diet : Carnivore
• Group name : Pod

• Male : Averages weight is 3,628 to 5,442 KG

• Female : Averages weight is 1,361 to 3,628 KG

• Average size for and adult males is 6.6 m (21.7 ft.).

• Average size for and adult femals is 5.5 m (18 ft.).
Life Expectancy


• Male: 10-35
• Female : 10-45


• Male : 50-60
• Female : 80-90
Here is the example of
the food chain :

Orcas are top predators

in the food chain
• The orca or killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a toothed
whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family, of
which it is the largest member. It is the only extant
information species in the genus Orcinus and is recognizable by
its black-and-white patterned body. A cosmopolitan
about Orcas species, orcas can be found in all of the world's
oceans in a variety of marine environments, from
Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas.
About Orca’s Intelligence
and Streghtness
• The gyrencephaly index (GI) for humans
is 2.2; for bottlenose dolphins is 5.62,
and for orcas is 5.70. This makes orcas
the most gyrified brain in the world.
Orcas have a highly developed set of
brain lobes called paralimbic system,
compared to land mammals, including

• Unlike sharks, killer whales don't

typically attack humans unless they feel
threatened, and in no known case has a
human ever been eaten by a killer
whale. For the most part, killer whales
are considered amiable animals, at least
as far as we know and have experienced
them to be.
Little-Known Facts
About Orcas
• Orcas are actually dolphins.
• Orcas are very fast.
• Adults orcas are almost as big as a bus.
• Orcas lived in every ocean of the world.
• Orcas are smart hunters.
• Orcas have a form of culture.
• Female orcas have a similar lifespan to
• Killer whales sleep with one eye open.
• Offshore orcas eat sharks!

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