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Design and Innovation

for Biomedical Engineers

Lecture 0: Course Overview

--- Lecture Rules ---

1. Speak English
2. No cameras
3. Contribute
4. Respect others

1. This subject will be in English. If you don’t know the

English word for something, just try explain it in English,
or say the Dari and we will work together as a class to
translate into English.
2. For my security, you are not allowed to take photos while
I am lecturing. There will be no need for you to take
photos. At the end of the lecture I will share the slideshow
with you, Ustad Faisal will send it to you on Whatsapp and
it will contain all the information you need. If you have
questions, you should ask as we go along.
3. It should be interactive, you may call out. I will ask
questions as we go and I expect you to answer me. If I go

too fast, or I need to repeat something, or explain more
please let me know, tell me to stop.
4. Respecting others means not talking over others. But it
also means there are no dumb questions. For me it is
important in a design subject, all of you are encouraged to
question, to be curious. If you don’t ask questions, I will
assume you are not paying attention. If you ask questions, I
think it is because you are engaged and wanting to
contribute. Remember you will be marked for class

Course Structure

Mondays – 4:00 – 4:50pm Lecture 1

Wednesdays – 4:50 – 5:40pm Lecture 2
5:50 – 7:30pm Lab

You must attend 75% of lectures, as you probably know.

For the Lab, or tutorial, today I will be around until the end of the class. But usually, I
can only be here until 6:40pm, then Ustad Matiullah and/or Faisal will remain for the
rest of the class.

The allocated lab time will not be sufficient for you to do all your project work. This
subject involves a major design project. It will require you to set aside time outside of
these hours to work with your group to complete the project. I won’t give you the
major project information until next week, but just be aware you need to allow extra

Course Structure

Mondays – 4:00 – 4:50pm Lecture 1

4:50 - 5:40pm Technical Drawing
Wednesdays – 4:50 – 5:40pm Lecture 2
5:50 – 7:30pm Lab

I will also be teaching you Technical Drawing on Mondays. This is a short class, but it
is crucial for this course as well. You will use your technical drawing for the design
report you do in this subject.
Make sure you bring your computer, because this is the 21st century, all the drawing
we do will be on computer software. Understood?

Course Outline

A Course Outline will be shared with you on WhatsApp. This includes at the end a list
of textbooks. Three out of the four are available online for free, and so I have
included the link for you. The first one I can share with you on WhatsApp also.

The first and third textbooks are similar, they are overviews of the entire design
process. And then the second one is an interesting array of all kinds of ideas in a
different format. The last textbook is going to be more useful for specifically the
concept generation phase of design, which we will talk about.

Course Outline

Course Outline

Design notebook mid-term assessment: 10%; final assessment: 25%.

This adds up to 35%, which is actually the biggest assessment of the course. It means you
can’t rely on others in your group to do all the work while you relax, because these are
marked individually.
You need to find a notebook this week so you can start using it next week.

All you need is any paper notebook which is lined and goes right to left or left to right, I
don’t mind (no notepads which flip upwards, no plastic sleeves or folders, it must be
bound). It has to be at least A6, any smaller and I won’t be able to read it!
This notebook is where you record each stage of the design journey. I will share more
specific information about this next week, we will go into detail about what I expect in a

Course Outline

This is a combination of lectures and tutorials. If you

attend, but you sit at the bag scrolling through tik tok the
whole time, you will not get good marks. You must be
active and participating, and I will note who is participating

Course Outline

I will explain these more in detail closer to the due date, but
they will be group work related to the major project. You
will present you design as a physical prototype to the class,
talk about it, and also write a group report detailing your
design process.


Who has designed something?

Hands up if you have designed something in the past.

What have you designed?

Who has designed something?

Hands up if you have done any of these:

- Chosen a rug for your house
- Chosen a colour to paint the wall
- Chosen how to set up or arrange the furniture
- Edited a photo
- Told the tailor how you would like your peron tombon made
- Written a CV
- Drawn a picture


Design is everywhere. You are already a designer. You can come up with new ideas to
solve problems.

Designer + Technician

And, with the other subjects you’ve learnt, you are a technician. You have skills in
mathematics and electronics. If someone tells you to do something, you can do what
they tell you to, the way they tell you to. You can follow instructions.

Designer + Technician =

But in this course, I hope you will realise that it is all connected. Design and technical
skills combine to form the greatest art: engineering. The theoretical techniques and
skills you have learnt are applicable in the real world; you can use them to solve all
kinds of problems, and innovate new technologies.

Engineers of the future

We don’t want you to just be skilled guys who can work on the machines which exist
already. You can learn how all the machines work, and then next year, a new machine
will come out, and you won’t understand it. So, we want to train you to be able to
adapt your skills to any problem and any new technology which comes along.
I want you to be ready for a future which does not exist yet. The technologies you will
be working on are still in development, or maybe haven’t even been thought of yet.
How can you be prepared to work in a world which does not exist yet?

Design Thinking

We want to train you how to think; how to approach any problem analytically, how to
problem solve and come up with an answer.
This is called DESIGN THINKING.

Design Thinking

Design thinking sounds vague, and intimidating, but it is actually a clear process. This
is the process here, and throughout this course we are going to go through each of
these steps to design something.


And I hope that this subject is going to be fun! To become good engineers I want you
to be curious, to ask questions, to explore possibilities.

What are you bringing on Monday?

What are you bringing on Monday?


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