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Worksheet on Chapter One

1. Define voltage, current and electric charge.

2. List and explain each electric circuit elements
3. What are dependent and independent electric sources, draw each source.
4. Differentiate resistor, inductor and capacitor, how they behave for dc and ac sources?
5. Prove current division theorem
6. State super-position and maximum power transfer theorem
7. Figure below shows a circuit with five elements. If 𝑝1 = −205 𝑊, 𝑝2 = 60 𝑊, 𝑝4 = 45 𝑊 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝5 = 30 𝑊. calculate the
power received or delivered by element 3.

8. (a) Calculate current i in Fig. below when the switch is in position 1.(b) Find the current i when the switch is in position 2.

9. Find i1, i2, and i3 in Fig. below.

10. Given the circuit in Fig. below, use KVL to find the branch voltages V1 to V4.
11. In the circuit shown in Fig. below, determine Vx and the power absorbed by the 12-Ω resistor.

12. Find i and Vo in the circuit of Fig.

13. Find Req and io in the circuit of Fig.

14. Determine V in the circuit of Fig.

15. A three-wire system supplies two loads A and B as shown in Fig. below. Load A consists of a motor drawing a current of 8 A,
while load B is a PC drawing 2 A. Assuming 10 h/day of use for 365 days and 6 cents/kWh, calculate the annual energy cost
of the system.

16. Use linearity and the assumption that Vo =10 V to find the actual value of Vo in Fig.

17. Given the circuit in Fig. , use superposition to get Io.

18. Use source transformations to reduce the circuit in Fig. to a single voltage source in series with a single resistor

19. Find the Thevenin and Norton equivalents at terminals of the circuit shown in Fig.

20. Determine the value of resistor R for maximum power transfer and find the maximum power that can be delivered R in the
circuit of Fig.

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