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Tungsten is the choice material for x-ray anodes because of its:
Ans: High atomic number.
Oil is used in the high-voltage section of an xray imaging system for which of the following
Ans: Electric insulation
Concerning the transformers used in the x-ray circuit:
Ans: The high-voltage transformer is a step-up device
A rectifier:
Ans: Can be a semiconductor.
In most x-ray tubes, there are two filaments to:
Ans: Provide two focal spots.
The addition of thorium to the filament:
Ans: Increases filament life.
Which of the following is directly connected to the autotransformer?
Ans: kVp meter
440 V are supplied to 1000 primary turns of an autotransformer. If the desired output voltage
is 100 V, how many secondary turns must be tapped?
Ans: 227
The shortest exposure possible with singlephase equipment is 1/120 s. How many
milliseconds is that?
Ans: 8 ms
Which of the following is higher for a single-phase high-voltage generator than for a three
phase high-voltage generator?
Ans: Voltage ripple
Which of the following is contained in a typical high-voltage generator?
Ans: Diode rectifiers
One coulomb per second (C/s) is equivalent to 1 A, and 1 C is equal to 6.3 X 10^18 electrons.
Therefore, operation at 100 mA would result in a current of:
Ans: 6.3 X 10^17 electrons/s.
A filament transformer has 800 primary windings and is supplied with 200 mA. If the
secondary coil has 100 windings, what will be the secondary current?
Ans: 1600 mA
The output voltage from the autotransformer is:
Ans: Proportional to the turns ratio
A PA chest requires a technique of 125 kVp at 4 mAs. The total number of electrons used to
make the exposure is:
Ans: 2.5 X 10^16
A filament current of 5 A is necessary for thermionic emission. What electron flow is this?
Ans: 3.2 X 10^19 electrons/s
220 V are supplied to 800 primary turns of an autotransformer. What will be the output
voltage across 200 secondary turns?
Ans: 55 V
mAs is a unit of:
Ans: Electric charge.
X-ray tube current is usually measured in which of the following?
Ans: Milliamperes (mA)
If a filament transformer has turns ratio of 0.05 and 200 mA is supplied to the primary side of
the transformer, what will be the secondary current?
Ans: 4 A
In a modern fluoroscope, the fluoroscopic x-ray tube:
Ans: Can be either under or over the table.
Compared with a radiographic examination, the primary purpose of a fluoroscopic
examination is to visualize:
Ans: Dynamic images.
Which of the following structures is most sensitive to colors?
Ans: Cones
The fluoroscope was invented by:
Ans: Thomas Edison.
The fovea centralis is:
Ans: Part of the retina.
Which of the following is the input phosphor of image intensifiers?
Ans: Cesium iodide
The photocathode converts:
Ans: Visible light into electrons.
Which of the following is the output phosphor of image intensifiers?
Ans: Zinc cadmium sulfide
What is the function of the iris?
Ans: Control the light level.
The cones are:
Ans: Used for photopic vision
Automatic brightness stabilization (ABS) is designed to compensate for changes in which of
the following?
Ans: Patient composition
Compared with radiography, the x-ray technique required for fluoroscopy calls for which of
the following?
Ans: Lower mA
Visual acuity is the ability to do which of the following?
Ans: Perceive fine detail
Which of the following units of measurement is used to express fluoroscopic image
Ans: cd/m2
Which of the following ocular structures immediately precedes the vitreous humor along the
path of incident light?
Ans: Lens

It is the greatest impact on diagnostic equipment in radiology during the last 2 decades:
Ans: d. Digital subtraction angiography
What is the major problem usually encountered in DSA?
Ans: a. Misregistration
Picture elements are also known as:
Ans: c. Pixels
Hardcopies of a study can be obtained with use of:
Ans: c. Image receptor
Diagnostic purpose in digital subtraction angiography:
Ans: d. All of the above
Which of the following is/are risks and precaution during digital subtraction angiography
Ans: d. All of the above
Which of the following is not included in the pathologic conditions that can be seen in digital
subtraction angiography?
Ans: a. Myelogenesis
Which of the following is not included in the patient preparation?
Ans: d. Full meal
Digital subtraction angiography is the procedure done to demonstrate:
Ans: a. Opacified blood vessels
DSA is the procedure that can visualize the following except:
Ans: d. fracture
Which is not a major component of an X-ray Imaging facility?
Ans: a. Rectifier
It is a technical factor that is responsible for penetrating body parts and brings beam to the
image receptor:
Ans: c. Kilovoltage peak
It is the relationship between actual and effective focal spot:
Ans: a. Line focus principle
Which of the following is a unit used for electric potential:
Ans: c. Ohms
It is a measure of multiplying milliamperage, kilovoltage peak and the generator constant:
Ans: b. Heat units
These systems are useful when examining objects in rapid motion or when studying transient
events such as the tripping of an electrical breaker:
Ans: a. Flash X-ray generator
It is a transformer that has one winding and one coil:
Ans: c. Autotransformer
Transformers operate in what specific principle?
Ans: b. Electromagnetic induction
It is a special type of transformer used in x-ray machine that increases the output voltage:
Ans: b. Step up transformer
It is a special type of transformer used in x-ray machine that decreases the output voltage:
Ans: c. Step down transformer
It is the negatively part and electrode of an x-ray tube:
Ans: b. Cathode
It is referred to as the boiling off of electrons ready to be ejected to the anode target to
complete X-ray production:
Ans: d. Thermionic Emission
It is the relationship between actual and effective focal spot:
Ans: a. Line focus principle
X-ray beam is heterogeneous in:
Ans: b. Nature
When certain materials are struck with x-rays, they give off visible light; this property is called:
Ans: d. Fluorescence
X-rays will cause skin to redden and may destroy tissues:
Ans: c. Physiologically
It is a device that generates x-rays and specially designed vacuum tube with two electrodes:
Ans: d. X-ray tube
Which of the following is not one of the properties of x-rays?
Ans: a. X-ray will ionize any gas it pass through
Milliampere per second (mAs) primarily controls which of the following?
Ans: c. Density
The glass envelope contains two electrodes. These are:
Ans: a. Anode and cathode
It is a vacuum that operates by converting photons of light into electrons, amplifying the
electrons, and then converting the amplified electrons back into photons for viewing:
Ans: b. Image Intensifier
It is a device that converts low levels of light from various wavelengths into visible quantities
of light at a single wavelength:
Ans: c. Image intensifier tube
It is made up of thousands of tiny conductive channels, tilted at an angle away from normal
to encourage more electron collisions:
Ans: d. Microchannel plate (MCP)
It was an image intensifier was used by the military during World War II which allowed vision
at night with infrared lighting for both shooting and personal night vision:
Ans: a. Generation 0
It is a second generation image intensifier that uses the same multialkali photocathode:
Ans: b. Micro-channel plate
Thin film image intensifiers was developed under what generation?
Ans: c. Generation 3
It was when the US company Litton developed filmless image tube:
Ans: b. 1998
It functions like a camera shutter allowing images to pass through when an electronic gate is
Ans: b. Gating
It is a feature found in many image intensifier tubes that occurs at high frequency and by
varying the duty cycle to maintain a constant current draw from the microchannel plate:
Ans: d. Autogating
It defines how many electrons are produced per quantity of light that falls on the
Ans: c. Sensitivity
Which of the following gradually decrease during the lifetime of an image intensifier?
Ans: c. All of the above
It is caused by the unequal collection of light at the center of the image intensifier compared
with the light at its periphery:
Ans: b. Vignetting
It is the scattering of light and the defocusing of photoelectrons within the image intensifier:
Ans: c. Veiling Glare
It is a geometric, nonlinear magnification across the image:
Ans: c. Pincushion Distortion
It is a phenomenon wherein electrons within the image intensifier move in paths along
designated lines of flux:
Ans: a. S Distortion
It degrades the temporal resolution of the dynamic image:
Ans: c. Lag
It is defined as the brightness ratio of the periphery to the center of the output window:
Ans: b. Contrast ratio
Transformers operate in what specific principle?
Ans: d. Flux gain
It is defined as the ratio of input area to the output area of the image intensifier:
Ans: a. Minification gain
Which of the following is not a major component of an image intensifier?
Ans: c. Image receptor
It is a device that employs light-sensitive image sensors to convert an optical image into a
sequence of electrical signals:
Ans: b. Television camera
It was considered as the first sensors based on a prototype in 1884:
Ans: d. Spinning disks
These are solid-state image sensors, which are small in size, rugged, and reliable and offer
excellent light sensitivity and high resolution:
Ans: a. Charged-coupled devices
It is the oldest television screen utilized as display:
Ans: d. Cathode ray tube
It is a display most commonly used for desktop computers:
Ans: b. Liquid crystal display
It is composed of three sets of individual phosphor dots, which glow respectively in the three
primary colours:
Ans: a. Colour picture tube
It is designed to preserve the focus of the scanning spot no matter where it falls on the screen:
Ans: d. Deflection coils
This display produce a bright, sharply focused image with rich colors:
Ans: b. Plasma display panels
It is a special type of transformer used in x-ray machine that increases the output voltage:
Ans: b. Step up transformer
It is a special type of transformer used in x-ray machine that decreases the output voltage:
Ans: c. Step down transformer
It was a major technological accomplishment first implemented during the 1950`s:
Ans: c. Recording of video signals on a magnetic tape
It is a technique in which two recording heads are embedded on opposite sides of a cylinder
that is rapidly rotated as the tape is drawn past at an angle:
Ans: b. Helical-scan recording
The first home VCRs were first introduced in the mid-1970s by:
Ans: d. Sony
It is a 300-mm plastic disc on which signals were recorded as a sequence of variable-length
Ans: b. LaserDisc
Digital video disc (DVD) is also known as what?
Ans: d. Digital versatile disc
It is a method in which magnetic recording is made simultaneously with the live-action pickup:
Ans: d. Instant replay
This technique removes the image from one camera while inserting the image from another,
with a sharp, moving boundary between them:
Ans: a. Wipe
These are used to create graphics and text broadcast over television, particularly in news and
weather programs:
Ans: b. Interactive computer graphics
It is a form of television pickup device used to record images from film transparencies, either
still or motion-picture:
Ans: b. Flying spot scanner
It is a technique wherein the film is projected onto an image sensor for conversion into a video
Ans: c. Telecine

Possible Questions:
Fluoroscopy normally requires a tube current of:
Ans: 1-5 mA
When an image intensifier receives x-rays at the input phosphor, what is emitted at the output
Ans: Visible light
The Bucky slot cover of a fluoroscope is a:
Ans: Protective device
The cones are:
Ans: Used for photopic vision
Visual acuity is the ability to do which of the following?
Ans: Perceive fine detail
The rods are principally used for which of the following?
Ans: dim vision
Which of the following describes the fluoroscopic system designed to maintain constant
image intensity?
Ans: Automatic brightness stabilization (ABS)
At what stage of image-intensified fluoroscopy is the number of image-forming photons
Ans: entering the input phosphor
Image-intensifier brightness gain increases with increasing:
Ans: Flux gain
Which of the following is the output phosphor of image intensifiers?
Ans: Zinc cadmium sulfide
The photocathode converts:
Ans: visible light into electrons
The ability of an image intensifier to increase image illumination is called:
Ans: Brightness gain
Which of the following is the component of the image intensifier responsible for focusing the
electron beam?
Ans: Electrostatic lens
The minification gain of image intensifier increases with increasing:
Ans: Input phosphor size
An image that displays vignetting:
Ans: is dim around the periphery
With a multifocus image intensifier in the magnification mode:
Ans: Spatial resolution is improved
Which of the following applies to the output phosphors?
Ans: Light emitted
What is the principal disadvantage to coupling the television camera to the image intensifier
by fiber optics?
Ans: Photospot camera cannot be used
What is normally the weakest imaging link in television fluoroscopy?
Ans: Television monitor
What device did Thomas A. Edison invent to visualize the motion of internal organs? and
Ans: Fluoroscope, 1896
A change in the voltage waveform from the primary side to the secondary side of the high
voltage transformer produces a change in
Ans: amplitude
In half wave rectification each inverse half cycle in the primary circuit corresponds to how
many voltage pulses across the xray tube
Ans: none
Which of the following is a disadvantage of three phase power compared with single phase
Ans: higher capital cost
The disadvantage of a self rectified circuit is
Ans: its limited exposure time
Concerning the transformer used in the xray circuit
Ans: the high voltage transformer is a step up device
Which of the following is an advantage of three phase power over single phase power
Ans: increased xray intensity per mas
a rectifier converts
Ans: ac to dc
Oil is used in the high voltage section of an xray imaging system for which of the following
Ans: electrical insulation
Which of the following principles of rectification produces the maximum efficiency of xray
Ans: high frequency rectification
To generate three phase six pulse power at least how many rectifiers are necessary
Ans: 6
A semiconductor rectifier
Ans: is a solid state device
The highvoltage ripple associated with various xray generators is
Ans: 100% for self rectification
A semiconductor diode
Ans: allows current to flow only from p type of material to n type
In a circuit that contains a single rectifier
Ans: electrons flow in one direction but not the other
If 60hz ac power is full wave retified output
Ans: 120 pulses per second
Thermionic emission refers to
Ans: electron emission from a heated source
The main advantage of full wave rectification over half wave rectification is
Ans: a greater number of xrays per cycle
How many overlapping pulses are generated in 1s for three phase six pulse power
Ans: 360
Full wave length rectified
Ans: 100%
High frequency
Ans: 1%
Three phase, six pulse
Ans: 13%
Three phase, twelve pulse
Ans: 4%
Power to the primary side of the high-voltage transformer comes from the
Ans: Secondary side of the autotransformer
The output voltage from the autotransformer
Ans: proportional to the turns ratio
The autotransformer converts
Ans: Electric energy to electric energy
The principle purpose of the high voltage transformer is to do which of the following?
Ans: Increase voltage
Which of the following is directly connected to the autotransformer?
Ans: kVp meter
Taps on the windings of an autotransformer are used to select which of the following?
Ans: line compensation
The autotransformer can be used to do which of the following?
Ans: Increase kVp
Line compensation
Ans: is required to stabilize voltage
Which of the following is used to determine the voltage before exposure?
Ans: An autotransformer
The filament transformer
Ans: Increases current
The filament transformer is usually
Ans: A step-down transformer
The filament circuit
Ans: Begins at the autotransformer and ends at the filament
The unit mAs
Ans: could be expressed in coulombs
A radiographic technique calls for a 400 mA, 1/20 s exposure. What is the mAs?
Ans: 20 mAs
A radiographic technique calls for a 50ms exposure, but the exposure control has only
fractional notation. Which of the following should be selected?
Ans: 1/20 s
The filament transformer is designed
Ans: with a turn ratio less than 1
Which of the following is contained in a typical high voltage generator?
Ans: diode rectifier
A change in the voltage waveform from the primary side to the secodary side of the high
voltage transformer produces
Ans: Amplitude
The human eye cannot visualize faster than approximately five veiws each second. what is the
integration time of the human eye?
Ans: 200ms
The shortest exposure possible with a three phase equipment is 1ms. What fraction of a
second is that?
Ans: 1/1000
Which of the following is a disadvantage of three phase power compared with single-phase
Ans: High capital cost
The disadvantage of a self-rectified circuit is
Ans: its limited exposure time
Power to the primary side of the high-voltage transformer comes from the:
Ans: secondary side of the autotransformer
Selection of kVp:
Ans: requires that constant voltage be supplied to the autotransformer
In the design of an autotransformer:
Ans: a single coil serves as both the primary and the secondary coils
Which of the following is a component of a tube-type rectifier?
Ans: filament
The charge carriers are considered to be a negative in a
Ans: n-type semiconductor
How many alterations in the direction of the current flow occur per second in a 60 Hz AC
Ans: 120`
At what point in the x-ray circuit is the rectification circuit located?
Ans: between the step-up transformer and the x-ray tube
The exposure switch on an x-ray machine is intended to
Ans: initiate the exposure
The exposure switch is found between the
Ans: autotransformer and the timer circuit
The electrical device used to adjust the mA selection is the
Ans: variable resistor
The time control is found between the
Ans: incoming line and the step-down transformer
The mA control is found between the
Ans: incoming line and the step-down transformer
The kVp control is found between the
Ans: incoming line and the exposure switch
Medical x-ray units can be classified as
Ans: both a and b
Radiographic rooms equipped with a tilting table are primarily designed for performing
______________ procedures.
Ans: both a and c
Radiographic table tops may be
Ans: all of the above
The height of the average radiographic table top to the floor is ___________ inches
Ans: 40
Tube suspension systems include
Ans: all of the above
Which tube suspension offers the greatest multidirectional movement?
Ans: overhead tube suspension system
The incoming line current is supplied
Ans: in the form of a 3-phase power cycle
Nearly all x-ray equipment operates from an incoming line of _____.
Ans: 210 V
When full-wave rectification is applied to 3-phase current, a ____________ripple is produced.
Ans: voltage
A three-phase, rectified current produces a voltage ripple of __________ pulses per
Ans: 6
A star or delta connection is used to
Ans: combine three-phase current
List the 4 Types of Exposure TImers
Ans: 1. synchronous timers
2. electronic timers
3. mA timers
4. AEC
What is the the three divisions of the circuit board?
Ans: 1. Primary (Control panel)
2. secondary (high voltage)
3. filament (low Current)
During three-phase power, the overall potential difference drops to zero.
Ans: F
What is the three main components of an x-ray imaging system?
Ans: 1. control console
2. high voltage
3. x-ray tube
The root mean square voltage of a single-phase sinusoidal wave is usually given as 70.7% of
the peak voltage.
Ans: T
In the United States, the incoming line voltage to an x-ray unit is approximately 120 Volts
Ans: F
A head unit consists of a bucky tray and an x-ray tube.
Ans: T
The telescoping column of the overheard suspension system controls horizontal movement.
Ans: F
Floating tops can be moved when an electromagnetic brake is engage.
Ans: F
Therapy equipment operates at high voltages and low amperages.
Ans: T
Therapeutic equipment operates at much lower energies than diagnostic equipment.
Ans: F
Is a term to describe the situation in which a grainy or mottled (spotty) image is created,
usually due to the lack of photons.
Ans: Quantum mottle
Any movement during an exposure, it can be categorized has voluntary or involuntary, during
radiography will cause blurring of the image.
Ans: Motion
Is the actual anatomic area, body part, or structure shown in the radiographic image.
Ans: Umbra
Projects the object so it appears longer than it really is.
Ans: Elongation
Describes the unsharp edges of the umbra or body part. Also referred to as blur or geometric
Ans: Penumbra
Is the result of unequal magnification of the actual shape of the structure.
Ans: Shape distortion
Projects the part so it appears shorter than it really is.
Ans: Foreshortening
Its always in the form of magnification enlargement.
Ans: Size distortion
Is a geometric property and refers to differences between the actual subject and its
radiographic image.
Ans: Distortion
when open too far, scattered radiation will reach the IR and produce fog.
Ans: Collimator
A general, unwanted exposure to the radiographic image, produces an overall increase in
density that makes all parts seem as if they were seen thru a gray veil.
Ans: Fog
Contrast influence by the tissue density within the pt.
Ans: Subject contrast
Is the same as low contrast due to the range of densities being long.
Ans: Long scale contrast
Is the same as high contrast due to the range of densities being short.
Ans: Short scale contrast
This is the difference in radiographic density between adjacent portions of the image.
Adequate contrast is also a key factor in the visibility of detail. In a digital monitor is controlled
by the window width.
Ans: Contrast
When the image too light.
Ans: Underexposed
In the digital environment "brightness" is used in place of density and its controlled of
adjusted on the viewing panel by the "window level".
Ans: Brightness
When the image is too dark.
Ans: Overexposed
Is a photographic property that refers to the overall blackness or darkness of the radiographic
image, density affects the visibility of detail.
Ans: Density
Primary factors that affect how x-ray image looks
Ans: Density, Contrast, Distortion, Spatial resolution
Place the following in proper sequence for image intensified fluoroscopy:
1. Electric signal to light
2. Electrons to light
3. Light to electric signal
4. light to electrons
5. x-ray to light
Ans: 5,4,2,3,1
The minification gain of an image intensifier increases with increasing
Ans: Input phosphor size
which of the following is a representative brightness gain for an image intensifier?
Ans: 20,000
if an image intensifier is described as a 25/12 tube the 25/12 refers to which of the following?
Ans: diameter of the input phosphor in inches
when a multi focus image intensifier is operated in the magnification mode
Ans: The electron focal point is closer to the input phosphor
with a multi-focus image intensifier in the magnification mode:
Ans: Spatial resolution is improved
which of the following applies to the output phosphor?
Ans: X-rays emitted
Vertical television resolution is limited principally be which of the following
Ans: lines per frame
what is the cinefluorogaphy component of image intensifier fluoroscopy?
Ans: synchronized
what is the photemissive component of image intensified fluoroscopy?
Ans: Electrons from light
which of the following is photo-conductive?
Ans: Target
What is the principal disadvantage to coupling the television camera to the image intensifier
by fiber optics?
Ans: photo-spot camera cannot be used
Which is a critical component in optically coupling an image intensifier to a photo-spot
Ans: objective lens
In an optical coupling arrangement , which is nearest the television camera?
Ans: Camera lens
What is the component of the television monitor where the video signal is transformed in to
an image?
Ans: Phosphor screen
What is the electron beam of the television camera tube?
Ans: Modulated
One television frame is equivalent to which of the following?
Ans: Two television field
Fluoroscopic television operates at a frame rate of;
Ans: 30 f/s
Horizontal television resolution is principally limited by which of the following:
Ans: Band pass
What is normally the weakest imaging link in television fluoroscopy?
Ans: Television monitor
The common frame rates during cinefluorography are 15,30 and 60 f/s because:
Ans: Of the frequency of the power supply
When the electron beam of the CRT is blanked it is:
Ans: In a vertical retrace
Which of the following is true about cineradiography?
Ans: The X-ray beam is off when the shutter is closed as a patient protection measure
What is the television camera tube component of image intensified fluoroscopy?
Ans: vidicon

_________ is a _________ radiographic

examination which makes possible the Fluoroscopy,dynamic, in motion
visualization of internal organs ___ ______.

What device did Thomas A. Edison invent to

visualize the motion of internal organs? and Fluoroscope, 1896

What does a first generation fluoroscope consist

x-ray tube, table and fluoroscopic screen

What is first generation fluoroscopy referred to

Conventional fluoroscopy

What did radiologists have to do when performing

Dark Adapt their eyes for 20-30 minutes.
conventional fluoroscopy?

wearing red goggles or sitting in the darkened room 20-30 minutes

How would radiologists dark adapt their eyes?
prior to exam start

The red filters out the blue and green wavelengths which make the
How do the red goggles work?
rods more sensitive of low levels of illumination.

What protective equipment covered the

fluorescent screen so that the radiologist could Lead glass
look at it directly?

What are the two types of receptors located in the

Cones and Rods
retina of the eyes?
What portion of the retina is densely covered with
Fovea Centralis

Where is the fovea centralis located within the

Posterior portion of the retina

Cones function most efficiently in _____________

Bright light

Phototopic vision is __________ __________ Daylight vision

Outside the Fovea Centralis, cones are sparsely

scattered and used for ________ _______ Daylight Peripheral Vision

Although they are located around the periphery of

the retinal there are no _______ in the fovea Rods

Rods funtion best with _____ _______ of

Low Levels

Rods are used primarily for ______ _____ or

Night vision, peripheral
_______ vision.

Night vision is called ________ _________. scotopic vision

Which light wavelengths are rods most sensitive

blue and green.

poor visual acuity, poor abilito detect contrast (shades of gray) and
What led to the development of the image
need to produce bright light image for cone vision viewing w/out
excessive radiation exposure.

An electronic vaccuum tube that converts the pattern of xray beam

What is an image intensifier?
to a bright light image

What are the basic components of the image Input Phosphor, Photocathode, Electrostatic focusing lens,
intensifier? Accelerating Anode, output phosphor.

What are modern input phosphors made of? Cesium Iodide (CsI)

List the advantages of modern input phosphors to Increases image quality, decreases phosphor thickness and
older input phosphors. increases resolution

Older input phosphor screens were made of what

Zinc Cadmium Sulfide

What results from the Input Phosphor being struck

Bright Light
with xrays?

What is the Photocathode? A photoemissive material that is on top of the Input Phosphor.
What is the response of the Photocathode to the
light from the Input Phosphor? And what is this it emits electrons. Photoemission.
effect called?

What is the relationship between the number of

The more light hits the photocathode, the more electrons are
electrons produced by the Photocathode and the
intensity of light hitting the Photocathode?

What prevents a chemical reaction between the

Thin transparent layer.
PC and IP?

Why are the PC and IP both curved? How does it to prevent focusing distortion. All electrons from pc to op travel
affect the distance the electrons travel? same distance.

Series of electrically charged electrodes on the inside surface of the

What are electrostatic focusing lenses?

What component of the Image Intensifier focuses

Electrostatic focusing lens.
the electron beam as it flows toward the OP?

What is the nature of the image when it arrives at

inverted and reversed. focal point.
the OP? At what point does this happen?

Where is the accelerating anode located? The neck of the tube.

What is the function of the accelerating anode? Accelerates the Electrons toward the OP

What is the difference in voltage between the

AA is 25-35 KV higher in positive direction
Accelerating Anode and the PC.

What material is the Output Phosphor made of? Zinc Cadmium Sulfide

What is the diameter of the Output Phosphor? 1/2-1 inch.

Describe the size of the image that arrives at the

OP from the IP.

Why does the OP produce ~50x's more light than

The electron beam is arriving at the op with high kinetic energy.
the IP?

T or F. The image from the OP, in the form of light

photons, is the same image that was carried to the True
ip via the remnant x-ray beam.

Why is video viewing of the fluoroscopic image is

The image is brighter

What is the purpose of angiography? Visualize vessels

Fluoroscopy normally requires a tube current of

1, 5
___ to ___ mA
In general, during fluoroscopy as compared with
radiography what technical factor will be lower?

With what type of vision are radiographs viewed? Photopic vision

During a fluoroscopic examination, what are static

Spot Film
images obtained on?

In a modern fluoroscope, where can the x ray tube

Either over or under the table

Automatic brightness stabilization (ABS) is

designed to compensate for what change during a patient composition.

Visual acuity is the ability to do what? Perceive fine detail

What is the fluoroscopic system designed to Automatic brightness stabilization (ABS) or Automatic brightness
maintain a constant image intensity called? control(ABC)

What does the photocathode do? Converts visible light into electrons

At what stage of image intensified fluoroscopy is

Entering the input phosphor
the number of image forming photons lowest?

If an image intensifier is described as a 25/12

The diameter of the input phosphor in centimeters
tube, 25/12 refers to which of the following?

In a 10/7/5 image intensifier, in what mode is the

10 mode
field of view the largest?

When a multifocus image intensifier is operated in

the magnification mode where is the focal point The focal point is closer to the ip in mag mode.
relative to when the intensifer is in a normal mode.

What is the range of brightness gain for most

image intensifiers.

What is Photoelectric emission? the emission of electrons from an illuminated surface.

Image intensifier brightness gain increases with

Minification Gain and Flux Gain
increasing what two major factors?

What is emitted from the output phosphor? Bright Light

The ability of an image intensifier to enhance

Brightness Gain
image illumination is called _________ _______.

What is the component of the image intensifier

The electrostatic lens
responsible for focusing the electron beam?
What main factor causes the minification gain of
Increasing the input phosphor size
an image intensifier to increase?

What changes in image quality result from

Better spatial and contrast resolution
magnification made?

Reduction in brightness at the perphery of the

image is termed ________.

Place the following in order: 1. Electric signal to

light 2. Electrons-to-light 3. Light-to-electric signal 5,4,2,3,1
4. Light-to-electrons 5. X-rays to light

The same number of light photons coming off of the ip are

Why does minification gain happen?
compressed to the small area of the op.

What is the size range for input Phosphors 4"-20" in diameter

If an output diameter is not given, what is the

1" Diameter
assumed size?

T or F. Flux gain is the ratio of the number of light

photons @ OP and the xrays @ the IP

The further away the Focal Point is from the OP,

the more ________ the image is.

Early image monitoring systems were ____ _____

Mirror optical systems; mirrors and lenses
_____. Which consisted of _____ and _____.

What are the disadvantages of Mirror Optical

One viewer system. Significant amount of light loss from OP.

What are the two most commonly used TV

vidicon and plumbicon

Brightness and contrast adjusted electronically. Several observers

What are some advantages of tv monitoring
at one time. Monitors can be placed outside the area for others to

TV monitoring allows for storing the ______ on

image, disks, tapes
_____ or _______ for future playback.

What are the two methods of TV cameral tube

Fiber Optics and Lens system

What's the advantage and disadvatange of fiber small, compact and easy to manipulate tower; cannot accomidate
optic coupling? auxiliary imaging equipment.

Lens monitoring system splits the beam to divert

auxiliary system (spot film camera) and tv camera.
image to ______ ______ and __ _______.
What is the film size for the spot film camera? 105mm

What was the standard cassette size for the spot

9 1/2" x 9 1/2"
film recorder?

In the park position the cassette is shielding by


1. time required to move cassette into position and make it

List the 3 reasons why there is a time delay when stationary. 2. Increase mA from the usual low value (.5-5) for fluoro
using the spot film recorder? to 200-300 for spot films(increases filament heating). 3. Rotor needs
to speed up.

What controls the length of the exposure when

phototimer in II
taking images with a spot film recorder?

Where does the spot film camera receive its

OP via mirrors
images from?

T or F the spot film camera can take one to

several frames/sec.

less exposure to patient. shorter exposure time. Shorter delay in

List the advantages of using a spot film camera.
taking exposure b/c no cassette has to be moved into place.

What is the process of recording fluoscopic

images onto a movie camera called?

What is the film size used in cinefluorography? 16mm or 35mm

Name 2 applications for cinefluorography. Angiography and Cardiac Cath lab

Shutter: opens & closes aperture for light to come in. Apertue:
Name and briefly describe the 5 parts of the cine opening for light. Lens: direct narrow light beam to film. Pulldown
camera. arm: move film from one frame to the next. Pressure plate: holds
film steady.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of using

Increases image quality. Increases patient dose.
the cine camera?

is the emission of electrons from an

Photoelectric emission:
illuminated surface

at what stage of image intensified fluoroscopy is the number of image-forming

entering the input phosphor
photons lowest?

image intensifier brightness gain increases with increasing: flux gain

when an image intensifier receives x-rays at the input phosphor what is emitted
visible light
at the output phosphor?
which of the following is the input phosphor of image intensifiers? cesium iodide

which of the following is the output phosphor of image intensifiers? zinc cadmium sulfide

which of the following is the component of the image intensifier responsible for
electrostatic lens
focusing the electron beam?`

The ability of an image intensifier to enhance image illumination is called: brightness gain

the magnification gain of an image intensifier increases with increasing: input phosphor size

which of the following is a representative brightness gain for an image intensifier? 20,000

if an image intensifier is described as a 25/12 tube, 25/12 refers to which of the diameter of the input phosphor in
following? centimeters

the electron focal point is closer to

when a multi focus image intensifier is operated in the magnification mode:
the input phosphor

an image that displays vignetting: is dim around the periphery

with a multi focus image intensifier in the magnification mode: spatial resolution is improved

What is the photoemissive component of image intensified fluoroscopy? electrons from light

which of the following is photoconductive? target

what is the principal disadvantage of coupling the television camera to the image
photospot camera cannot be used
intensifier with the use of fiber optics?

which of the following refers to the image intensifier input phosphor? cesium iodide

which is a critical component in optically coupling an image intensifier with a

objective lens
photospot camera?

what is the most important component of a television monitor? cathode ray tube

vertical television resolution is limited principally by which of the following? lines per frame

the electron beam in a television camera tube is produced by which of the

thermionic emission
following means?

what is the camera tube most used in television fluoroscopy? vidicon

place the following in proper sequence for image intensified fluoroscopy: 1.

electric signal to light 2. electrons to light 3. light to electric signal 4. light to 5,4,2,3,1
electrons 5. xray to light

which of the following applies to the output phosphor? light emitted

the bucky slot covers of a fluoroscopic unit is a: a. cassette holder b. film changer
d. protective device
c. film support device d. protective device

the ratio of the number of light photons at the output phosphor to the number of
X-rays at the input phosphor is the: a. brightness gain b. illumination gain c. flux c.

_________ refers to the time delay of moving the II and seeing the new image on
the monitor. a. film delay b. image lag c. phosphorescence

warping and distortion at outer region of II due to a repulsion of electrons and the
curvature of the II is called a : a. brightness gain b. minification c.electrostatic d. pincushion artifact
charge d. pincushion artifact

The II input phosphor is made of: a. NaI b. ZnCdS c. TLD d. CsI d.

the II output phosphor is made of: a. NaI b. ZnCdS c. TLD d. CsI B

the brightness gain of an II tube does NOT depend on the: a. patient dose b.
efficiency of the photocathode c. voltage across the tube

Typical values for modern IIs do not include: a. minification gains of 100 b. flux
gains of 50 c. contrast ratios of 2:1 d. brightness gains of 5000

If the entrance skin exposure rate of an II operated in the 30-cm mode is 1 R/min,
the ESE rate in the 15-cm mode would be: A. 1/4 R/min B. 1/2 R/min C. E
unchanged D. 2 R/min E. 4 R/min

if a 25-cm diameter II has a brightness gain of 5,000 then the flux gain is
approximately: a. 500 b. 50 c. 5

changing the magnification mode of an image intensifier from 30cm to 15cm in

fluoroscopy will normally increase: a. entrance skin exposure b. distortion c. a
vignetting d. image brightness

the reason for interlacing two fields to form one frame in a conventional TV
system is to reduce the: a. patient dose b. motion artifacts c. quantum mottle d. d

Vertical resolution of a standard north american TV is: a. >horizontal resolution b.

.7x60 fields per second c. .7x262.5 line pairs

the horizontal resolution of a TV system is primarily determined by the: a. image

brightness b. bandwidth c. number of TV lines

the vertical resolution of a TV system is primarily determined by the: a. image

brightness b. bandwidth c. number of TV lines

in 35-mm cardiac cine, for a constant film density, patient entrance skin exposure
b. kV
is reduced by increasing the: a. acquisition frame rate b. kV c. mA d. grid ratio
The limiting spatial resolution in fluoroscopy can be improved by increasing the:
a. grid ratio b. II input size c. radiation dose level d. kV e. none of the above

T or F? fluoroscopic xray tubes are designed to operate for longer periods of time
at much lower mA, as compared to a typical diagnostic tube

T or F? fluoroscopy doesn't require the use of a grid false

T or F? angiographic xray tubes are different from general diagnostic imaging

tubes in that the tubes must be able to withstand increased heat units while true
providing excellent detail

T or F? states are permitted to have a more strict regulatory requirement on X-

ray equipment than the federal government requires

T or F? exceeding 10R/min is permitted by federal and state law in certain


t or f? for an image intensifier, the composition of the output phosphor is typically

the same as the composition of the input phosphor

t or f? the typical kV range in a fluoroscopic tube as compared to a diagnostic

tube, is similar

t or f? the fluoroscopic tube is typically below the patient's table true

t or f? quantum mottle is a blotchy or grainy appearance caused by excessive false, caused by not enough
radiation to create a uniform image radiation

t or f? the patient's table is the greatest source of scatter in a fluoroscopic

false, the patient is

The input screen absorbs ____ and emits ________. xray photons, light photons

electrostatic lenses are used to accelerate and focus: a. light photons b. xray
photons c. electrons

the II output phosphor is made of : a. NaI b. TLD c. ZnCdS c

standard fluoroscopic mA range is commonly: a. .5-5.0 b. 5-10 c. 10-100 a

the photocathode absorbs ______ and emits ________. light photons; electrons

the edge distortion problem in image intensification tubes is called: A.

magnification b. minification c. vignetting

for a stationary fluoro xray unit, the focal spot of the X-ray tube must be at least
12" (30cm)
____ away from the entrance point of the patient

for a c-arm fluoro X-ray unit, the focal spot of the X-ray tube must be at least
12" (30cm)
____ away from the entrance point of the patient
for lead aprons, the minimum allowed lead equivalency thickness required by law
0.25 mm
is _____mm

moving the focal point of the

in fluoroscopy, when the image intensifier button is selected for magnification, the
electrons accelerated in the II away
method by which magnification is accomplished is by:
from the output phosphor

the purpose and function of an image intensifier as used in fluoro is to: a. convert
X-rays to electrons b. act as a phosphor to expose film c. convert one X-ray at c
the input into thousands of light photons at the output

this type of camera operated by recording a series of static images at high

speed: a. cine camera b. cinema-type c. photomulitplier d. image intensifier

the input phosphor of an image intensifier is composed of _____ and the output
phosphor is composed of ______. a. CsI; CsI b. CsI; ZnCdS c. ZnCdS; Csl

________ refers to the time delay of moving the II and seeing the new image on
the monitor. a. flicker b. cine c. lapse d. lag

fluoroscopy is a _______ radiographic examination. a. dynamic b. screening c.

static d. more than one of the above

fluoroscopy is mainly operated by the: a. radiographer b. radiologist c. physicist a

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