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The Beauty of Object-

Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that utilizes
objects to structure code. A well-designed OOP program can be easy to read,
understand, and modify. In this presentation, we'll explore the benefits and
drawbacks of OOP, and take a look at some examples that showcase its power.
The Four Major Concepts of
1 Abstraction 2 Encapsulation
Abstraction refers to the Encapsulation is the practice
process of taking away of keeping an object's internal
unnecessary details while details hidden from the
keeping only the essential outside world, allowing
ones. This provides clear and objects to change their
concise interfaces to easily internal state without
work with objects. affecting the rest of the

3 Inheritance 4 Polymorphism
Inheritance refers to the Polymorphism is the ability for
ability to create new classes an object to take on many
from existing ones. This can forms. This makes code more
reduce code duplication and flexible, reusable, and easier to
make programs more maintain.
organized and scalable.
Encapsulation in Depth
Definition Example Benefits
Encapsulation is the practice of Imagine an ATM machine. When Encapsulation provides a clean
hiding an object's state and you withdraw money, you can separation of concerns and
behavior from the outside world only withdraw what you have in reduces code complexity. It also
while still allowing access to its your account. You can't just helps prevent bugs and makes
methods. reach in and take whatever you code easier to maintain and
want. The ATM machine debug.
protects your account balance by
encapsulating it, allowing only
certain actions to be performed.
Inheritance in Action
1 Base Class
A base class contains the common

Derived Classes 2 functionality that can be shared with

derived classes.
Derived classes inherit functionality from

the base class while also having their own
unique functionality. Example
Consider a game in which there are
different types of enemies. Each enemy
has some common functionality (e.g.
taking damage), as well as unique
functionality (e.g. flying or attacking). By
using inheritance, we can define a base
enemy class with common functionality,
then create different derived classes for
each type of enemy.
Benefits and Drawbacks of OOP
Benefits Drawbacks
● Code Reusability ● Steep Learning Curve
● Easier Maintenance ● Overuse can lead to Bloated Code
● Improved Flexibility ● Slower Execution Time
● Increased Productivity ● Difficulty in Debugging
Real-World Examples of OOP

Design Patterns Video Games Movie Booking

Many design patterns in software Video games are often developed
engineering are based on OOP using OOP principles. The use of Applications for booking movie
concepts and principles. These objects to represent game entities, tickets often use OOP to organize

patterns provide solutions to such as characters, items, and data and provide an easy-to-use
common programming problems weapons, enables game developers interface. By using objects to
and are widely used in software to create complex game worlds and represent movies, theaters, and

development. engaging gameplay. customers, these applications can

provide personalized
recommendations and a smooth
checkout experience.
The Future of OOP
"Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only
have originated in California."

Edsger W. Dijkstra

Despite the criticisms, OOP remains one of the most widely used programming
paradigms today. As programming languages continue to evolve and new
technologies emerge, OOP principles will likely continue to play a key role in
shaping the way we write software.

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