Pre-Intermediate Revision Assignment

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NC 2 - T A B L E OF

REVISION ASSIGNMENT 1 ......................................................01


REVISION ASSIGNMENT 2 ................................................ 04


REVISION ASSIGNMENT 3 ............................................... 09


REVISION ASSIGNMENT 4 ...............................................16


cover design by Çiğdem Kayıhan Aslan


EXERCISE 1. Read the texts and circle a, b, c, or d.

I love mountain climbing. I have climbed many mountains in Europe such as Chamonix, Mont
Blanc, Matterhorn, etc., but I have never been to the Himalayas, and that’s why I (1) to
see movies about the Himalayan mountains. Maybe watching movies about a place is one of
the ways to know a place before you go. All my friends know about this and they help me find
good movies and documentaries about the Himalayas. One of my friends whose name is John
is definitely a movie lover. He (2) movies about mountains a lot. His most favorite
movies about mountain climbing are “Touching the Void”, “Scream of Stone” and “127 Hours.”
He has many movies, and I guess he (3) about 300 movies until now. Probably, he
(4) a movie now! I love watching movies about mountains with him.

(1) a. has always wanted b. have always wanted

c. have just wanted d. have already wanted
(2) a. likes b. like c. doesn’t like d. don’t like
(3) a. hasn’t seen b. saw c. has seen d. didn’t see
(4) a. watches b. watched c. is watching d. has watched

Last week, John and I (5) to the movies. It was an action movie about rock climbing. I
liked it but John didn’t. Something interesting happened, too. When we (6) it, somebody
(7): “It’s stupid” in reaction to one of the scenes of the movie. The scene was actually
unbelievable, but such things happen in Hollywood movies. After the movie, we (8)
some friends and talked about it. Some of my friends agreed that the movie was good, but some
did not. Well, movies about mountains are not always great and people can have different ideas
about them.

(5) a. go b. have gone c. went d. gone

(6) a. was watching b. were watching c. did watch d. watch
(7) a. shouted b. was shouting c. has shouted d. shout
(8) a. meet b. will meet c. met d. have met

EXERCISE 2. Read the text and choose the best word or phrase for each gap from the
box. There are two extra words.

in disaster hardworking argue personality makes noise

for extrovert helpful at

I think it is sometimes difficult to be a teenager because everybody wants you to be

(1). For example, my parents always ask me to study hard and help them
do the housework. I don’t really enjoy doing the dishes or tidying up my room. I think my
(2) is also different from other teenagers. Many teenagers seem very happy
most of the time. They hang out with their friends and go shopping or go camping together.
They enjoy doing these things. I think I am not a(n) (3) person like them, but
I think I have a good sense of humor because my jokes are often funny. Sometimes my friends
think that I am very talkative because I can talk for hours, but I don’t agree with them.

I have a younger brother who always wants to play computer games in my room. We never get
on well with each other. He enters my room and never leaves! He usually
(4) and wakes me up when I am sleeping. It is really annoying and makes me really angry. For
many people (5) means bad events like earthquake, flood and other
things, but for me it is my brother!

I like travelling a lot. Last summer my family and I went to Hawaii. It was great! My father’s
boss paid (6) the trip, so my father was very happy. I was planning the days in
my mind and started to like the idea of travelling with my family. Everything was good until
we arrived (7) the airport. We lost my brother there, and my parents started to
worry about him. My mother thought it was my fault but my father thought it was not and they
started to (8) with each other. It was an awful moment. Everything got back to
normal when I finally saw him standing in front of a gift shop. I think I will not travel with him

EXERCISE 3. Correct the errors in these sentences and questions.

example: Nothing knows where he goes.

Nobody know where he goes.

1. Someone are singing a song.

2. Don’t tell somebody! It’s a secret.

3. Where your parents were born?

4. We argue about it last night.

5. Mary was born in 4th July.

6. A doctor is a person which works in a hospital.

7. I have seen two movies last night.

8. Tom is really boring with his job.

EXERCISE 4. Complete the crossword using the clues.


EXERCISE 1. Read the text and circle a, b, c, or d.

People have different ideas about travelling. Some people would like to visit an old city full of
historic buildings and museums. They like history a lot and want to know many things about it.
There is another group of people who want to relax on a quiet beach. These people enjoy
(1) on the beach for hours. This group hates too much noise and always looks for quiet places.
They don’t want to think about (2) while they are on vacation. For another group of
people, travelling means only shopping! These people are not interested in museums or relaxing
beaches. They only want to shop, and sometimes, they spend (3) money. They often try
to find the best shopping centers in different cities or even different countries.

(1) a. to lie b. lie c. lying d. lied

(2) a. nothing b. something c. anything d. everything
(3) a. too much b. too many c. a few d. few

For me, travelling is a little different. I don’t usually go to the museums or go shopping when
I’m travelling. But, I like mountain climbing, rafting, and camping. I think it is (4) to
walk in the nature than to see a very old painting or to spend a lot of my time and money in a
shopping mall. I often plan (5) my weekend in the mountains near my hometown and
try to forget about the stressful daily life. In my opinion, this is very relaxing.

(4) a. well b. the best c. good d. better

(5) a. to spend b. spend c. spending d. spent

I have a good plan for this spring. I am going to go to Arizona and do some rafting in The
Colorado River. My girlfriend thinks it is (6) dangerous, but I don’t agree with her. I
think it is safer than driving in some big cities like New York! However, there are some
important rules. For example, you (7) know swimming and you (8) wear a
helmet and a life vest while rafting. Well, it is for your safety.

(6) a. enough b. too c. too many d. more

(7) a. must b. can c. will d. mustn’t
(8) a. don’t have to b. have to c. can d. may


Life Vest

EXERCISE 2. Read the text and choose the best word or preposition for each gap from
the box. There are THREE extra words.

survived for exciting to pessimistic at

immediately continent palace probably lent

Have you ever done anything special that you will never forget? Well, I have. Last year, my
husband and I decided to go somewhere different for the summer holiday. We always wanted
to travel to a different (1) and see different countries and cities. When we
finally saved enough money last year, we were ready to do it. We visited India! Most of our
friends, especially our (2) friends didn’t like the idea. For example, in their
opinion, India was very far from the U.S., and it was very expensive to travel there. Some of
them also said that Indians were not nice (3) the tourists, and many other
negative opinions. But we didn’t agree with them and started our long trip. The trip was really

When we arrived in India, we were very happy. We saw many interesting things, places and
people, and I wanted to take their pictures, but there was a little problem. I
(4) remembered that I didn’t have my camera with me. I got unhappy about it and I was very
angry with myself because I didn’t want to use my husband’s camera. He is very
good (5) taking photographs and he has many good pictures, but he usually
doesn’t like to share his camera with me! Anyway, we visited many (6)
places in India like Amer Fort, The Red Fort, Qutab Minar, etc., but if you ask me, the most
beautiful place we visited was the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is a very beautiful and a
famous (7) in Agra. Agra is about 250 km away from Delhi, one of the biggest
cities in India. I didn’t really like Delhi because it was very crowded and the air quality was
terrible, but we (8) it anyway.

In short, it was a great trip and we enjoyed it a lot. We tasted some great food and saw very
interesting things and places. We also made some good friends. I think you should definitely
visit India, too.

EXERCISE 3. Correct the errors in these sentences, questions and dialogues.

1. What is the most longest novel you have ever read?

2. I think this picture is more better than the other.

3. I don’t need something.

4. Mike has a little friends.

5. I hate this apartment. It is not enough big for me and my dog!

6. Mary: John, the phone is ringing!

John: OK, I am going to answer it.

7. Tom, you don’t have to smoke here! It is the rule!

8. James mustn’t work on the weekend. He is usually free on Saturdays and Sundays.

EXERCISE 4. Re-write: Complete the second sentence in a way that it has the same
meaning with the first. DO NOT WRITE MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

Look at these words and try to find similar words

Example: - John is taller than Peter.

- Peter isn’t as tall as John.

1. The white car is better than the black one.

The black car isn’t the white one.

2. Turkey is not as big as Russia.

Turkey is Russia.

3. I have never seen any movie better than this.

This is I have ever seen.

4. This shirt is too small for her.

This shirt is not for her.

5. He does not have many friends.

He has friends.

6. It is not necessary to wear a tie in his work place.

He doesn’t wear a tie to his work.

EXERCISE 5. Complete the crossword using the clues.


EXERCISE 1. Choose the correct option for each blank.

Richard and Victoria Hammond got married last year. They spent over
$20,000 (1) the wedding and spent a year and a half to organize it,
so you will be surprised (2) that Richard and Victoria Hammond now don’t even look
at (3) photos or watch the wedding video. They think it is a waste of time.

1) a) at b) of c) in d) on
2) a) to hear b) hearing c) hear d) heard
3) a) them b) their c) theirs d) they

"It was a wonderful wedding, an unbelievable day," says Victoria. "But we want (4)
a lot of things together now, we are both looking forward to the future." Her husband, banker
and amateur race driver Richard, agrees. "Both our minds are now fixed firmly on the future.
I'll never forget our wedding ceremony or the party (5) we had at a cliff-side hotel
afterwards, but there's so much we want, so many hopes. Our marriage is (6) for us
than the wedding."

4) a) doing b) do c) to do d) done
5) a) where b) which c) who d) when
6) a) more important b) the most important c) as importantd) important

"At the moment, we (7) with my parents," explains Victoria, "so our first wish is to
find our own place. We are going to (8) a new house soon. However, we don’t have
much money. So, we can’t buy a house in the city centre. Maybe we can get a cheap house in
the (9)." Both Victoria and husband Richard have a lot of siblings. They also want a
big family. "We plan (10) two or three children," Richard tells me. "Victoria is
wonderful with children and I can get 3 years leave from my work."

7) a) live b) are living c) have lived d) are going to live

8) a) look for b) look after c) look out d) look like
9) a) cyclone b) suburbs c) temple d) paradise
10) a) have b) to have c) having d) had

The young couple has (11) returned from a two-week honeymoon spent in an authentic
Scottish castle. Both the newly-weds are big travel lovers and Richard hopes this will continue.
"I would like to go travelling as much as possible together. (12) with someone else is
an amazing experience. I think it's sad to experience all the wonderful places in the world and
not to have (13) with you." Unfortunately, Victoria has to go on a trip alone. "I
(14) fascinated by safari all my life and my real wish is to go on a safari. Richard isn’t
(15) in wildlife though."

11) a) just b) yet c) ever d) since

12) a) to travel b) travelling c) travel d) travelled
13) a) anybody b) nobody c) nothing d) anything
14) a) was b) have been c) am d) am going to be
15) a) interesting b) interested c) excited d) exciting

And what about the marriage itself? In a world with such a high divorce rate, how do Richard
and Victoria hope (16) all the problems that many other couples have? Richard
promises thoughtfully: "I (17) to my wife when we have a problem. If you
(18) communicating, you a chance. Your marriage will end." His wife agrees with that
completely. "I hope that we can speak about things, but you (19) expect everything to
be easy. You can’t always (20). You can sometimes have arguments, but it is
important to listen to each other and (21) the problems."

16) a) avoid b) avoiding c) to avoid d) avoided

17) a) am going to talk b) talk c) am talking d) will talk
18) a) will stop…don’t have b) stop…won’t have
c) stop…wouldn’t have d) would stop…had
19) a) don’t have to b) shouldn’t c) have to d) should
20) a) get on well b) get in touch c) keep in touch d) get better
21) a) overcome b) repair c) receive d) impress

EXERCISE 2. Choose the correct option for each blank.

Saving Languages

Five hundred years ago, Europeans arrived on a new continent. They brought new cultures and
languages to this place which they called America. However, there were already people living there
who had their own cultures and languages. And, so a terrible part of history (1).

1) a) used to begin b) began c) didn’t use to begin d) didn’t begin

As more Europeans arrived, there was a fight with the native
American Indians for the land. By the end of the nineteenth
century, the Indian tribes started living in the reservations. A lot of
their children had to go to boarding schools and these children
(2) to speak English. By the end of the twentieth century,
more than half of the Native Americans in the US were living in
cities. They (3) speaking their old tribal language and
only used English. As a result, many Native American languages
and cultures disappeared.

2) a) were taught b) taught c) are taught d) teach

3) a) found out b) gave up c) picked up d) threw away

Some American Indian languages are still there but they (4) by the older members of the
tribes who still live on the reservations. In North America, there are 150–170 languages that have at
least one speaker and many of these languages have under a hundred speakers.

4) a) spoke b) were spoken c) are spoken d) speak

But the good news is that some of these people are keeping their culture and language alive. They
are also receiving help from the National Geographic Society’s Enduring Voices Project. The aim
of the project is to help languages around the world which are dying out. Linguists and experts
(5) these ‘last speakers’. The team interviews them and they are recorded with a video,
pictures and audio.

5) a) are met b) met c) were met d) meet

Recording the language and culture is only a part of the project. The next stage is to pass on the
language to the next generation. Some children learn some of the language from their parents or as
another option, they (6) take a language course. The Salish tribe is an excellent example of
how schools can help. The tribe lives in the Flathead Reservation in Montana. Their language is
currently spoken (7) about 50 people who are all old and mostly aged over 75 years.
(8) under 50 speaks the language. So now, the local people have set up a school. It has 30
students ranging from the ages two to twelve during the day and there are also courses for adults in
the evening. It is schools and projects like these which can save languages for the future.
6) a) might b) should c) must d) have to

7) a) of b) in c) by d) for
8) a) anything b) nobody c) anybody d) nothing

EXERCISE 3. Complete the text using the words given. There are TWO EXTRA words.

throw away hyperactive poisonous choice avoid

curious educate material find out invention


Nowadays, every household produces electronic rubbish (or e-rubbish) – an old TV or computer
printer, or an out-of-date mobile phone we no longer need. But when we
(1) these everyday items, not many of us know where these objects
go. The journalist and photographer, Peter Essick was (2), so he
decided to follow this e-rubbish in several different countries around the world.

In particular, Essick was surprised to (3) that a lot of e-rubbish goes to Ghana. There,
he saw mountains of old computers in the local markets. The sellers resell some of them but not
much equipment works. Instead, they recycle the broken computers by melting* the parts inside.
These parts contain a/an (4) such as copper or even gold sometimes. However, this
process of recycling is dangerous for the workers because it produces a lot of (5)

As a result of his journey, Peter Essick thinks it’s important to (6) e-rubbish because
it’s bad for the environment and it’s bad for people’s health. Instead, he believes manufacturers need
to produce more eco-friendly electronics in the future; in other words, electronic products which you
can recycle cheaply and safely. It is also necessary to (7) people about e-rubbish. We
should tell everyone that it is their (8) to live in a clean world. All they have to do is

* melt (v) to heat an object until it turns to liquid

EXERCISE 4. Fill in the blanks using ONE word.

The Circus is in Town

The Rodriguez Brothers Circus is in town! Every year, the circus arrives and stays for a week.
Then they go (1) the next town. There are not many animals in the circus. People
told the circus administration that they didn't like seeing animals performing. There is an
elephant called Jacob and two old lions, Hattie and Meg. Most of the performers are human!
There is Leopold, the strongest man in the world. His father also worked in the circus, but
Leopold is stronger (2) him, he has bigger arms and bigger legs too! Leopold
performs his act every night for the town's people who come to watch.

Another performer is Clara. She says she has the (3) hair in the world. It's about4
metres long! She also has a daughter who works in the circus. Her name is Sue-Ellen. Her
hair is short, but she wants to grow it as long (4) her mother's. Sue-Ellen helps
her mother. Together, they (5) after the animals; they feed and wash the animals

The highlight of the circus are the three clowns, Pit, Pot and Pat. They all wear big red shoes,
but Pat's shoes are the biggest and sometimes, he falls over because they're so big! They perform
for about twenty minutes and they always have the most popular performance with the
audience, especially the children. Many people think Pit, Pot and Pat (6) three
brothers, but Pat is much older than the other two - he's their father! He's the oldest clown in
the country, but he (7) a lot of energy. Tomorrow will be the longest, the most
tiring day because the circus is leaving town and everything must be packed away into big

EXERCISE 5. Re-write the sentences below. (Write 2-5 words in the blanks)

1. He is our teacher. He teaches us English.

He is the teacher .
2. The entrance of the museum is free.
You to enter the museum.
3. The red pen isn’t as good as the blue one.
The blue pen the red pen.

4. She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
There is nobody who is in the class.
5. It is necessary to switch off mobile phones here.
You mobile phones here.
6. It is a good idea to do listening exercises.
We listening exercises.
7. It isn’t necessary to go abroad to learn English.
You go abroad to learn English.
8. How long has it been since Jack came to Paris?
When ______________________________ to Paris?
9. He started to live here last year.
He _____________________________ here since last year.
10. Our company organized a conference.
A conference _____________________________ by our company.
11. It is a good idea to eat vegetables and fruits.
We ______________________________ vegetables and fruits.
12. My friend made a presentation yesterday.
A _____________________________ by my friend yesterday.

EXERCISE 6. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

1. My mother is looking my sister after at home today.

2. I feel like to cook tonight, so I am making a wonderful dinner.

3. I missed the train, so I reached here on time.

4. A. I didn’t go to the concert last night. B. So, did I.

5. When I came in the living room, I saw that the TV was on.

6. Did you used to have long hair in the past?

7. I left the company two years ago. I have worked there for 5 years.

8. If I was you, I wouldn’t go out the night before the exam.

9. This is my book. I don’t know where your is.

10. You ought eat more vegetables and fruits.

EXERCISE 7. Complete the crossword using the clues given


1. I when I exercise at the gym.

3. Sometimes dogs at night.
5. We saw a scary in a lake when we were in Australia.
6. Going to the primary school is .
8. I would and run away if I saw a lion.
9. It hurts when a stings you.


2. J. R. Tolkien is the of Harry Potter.

3. Mosquitoes people when they sleep.
4. Mothers buy nappies for their babies.
7. Men at the age of 60 in Turkey.


EXERCISE 1. Choose the correct option for each blank.

Can Fish ‘n’ Chips Survive?

Long before the Americans invented the Big Mac, Britain had its
own national form of fast food. "When I was a young man, it was
the sort of thing you'd have once or twice (1) week,"
remembers 82-year old Arthur Mowbrey. "Sixty years ago, you'd
get a full size portion of fish and chips for six pence. It was cheap,
and good." Fish 'n' chips was nourishing, too. It was a proper meal that you could eat in the
street on your way home from work, or during the lunch-break. Wrapped in newspaper, it could
keep warm to the last chip, even on (2) days of the year.

1. a) a b) the c) - d) an
2. a) the coldest b) as hot as c) the hottest d) as cold as

In the last quarter of a century, things have changed. "It (3) so popular with young
people these days," says Lizzie, a teenager. "Most of the time, if young people want to eat out,
they'll go to a Burger King or something like that, or a Chinese take-away. Fish 'n' chips is a bit
old-fashioned really, I suppose. But there are still cheap chip shops around. I (4)
fish 'n' chips about three weeks ago. We sometimes have it at home, and we go and get it from
the chip shop. It saves cooking!"

3. a) has not been b) is not c) is d) has been

4. a) am having b) have had c) have d) had

Thousands of chip shops, however, (5) in the last twenty-five years. Some turned
into Chinese or Indian take-aways, others closed. They survived best in seaside towns, where
the fish is really fresh, and people visit them more as a tradition than for any other reason.

5. a) will close b) closed c) have closed d) is going to close

Yet, in spite of these changes, the classic fish 'n' chip shop could disappear from British streets
in a few years' time, for a completely different reason; lack of fish. For over twenty years,
European agriculture ministers (6) to solve the fish problem, but with little
success. Experts predict that as a result of modern industrial fishing, soon some types of fish
(7) from the North Sea and Atlantic. "Overfishing in the North Sea has reached
crisis levels," say Greenpeace. Quotas have been introduced, but each time there are new
restrictions, fishermen in Britain, France, Spain and other countries protest, because they lose
their jobs. Sadly, in the future more fishermen are likely to lose their job because there
(8) few fish left to catch even now. One way or the other, sea fish will become
rarer, and therefore (9).

6. a) have been trying b) are trying c) tried d) try

7. a) are going to disappear b) are disappearing c) disappear d) disappeared
8. a) is going to be b) is c) is being d) will be
9. a) as expensive b) the most expensive c) more expensive d) less expensive

Therefore, the gradual disappearance of the traditional British fish 'n' chips shop is going to
continue. However, I (10) fish and chips will survive as a speciality in pubs and
restaurants, and in new up-market fish restaurants. Comfortable, expensive fish restaurants,
with chairs and tables, have existed for a long time of course, alongside stand-up carry-out fish
'n' chip shops. In the future, they may be the only type of fish 'n' chip restaurant to survive.

10. a) will suppose b) suppose c) am going to suppose d) have supposed

EXERCISE 2. Fill in the blanks using ONE word.

Fast Lane to the Future

Golden Quadrilateral is a superhighway—a network of

highways connecting India’s four top metropolitan cities,
namely Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, thereby,
forming a quadrilateral. The largest highway project in India, the Golden Quadrilateral project
started in 2001 as part of National Highways Development Project (NHDP). The project has
(1) going on since then. Some sections of it were opened. However, in some sections
construction is still continuing. Indian people are very happy about this project and they say that it
has a great impact on the economy and their lives. They are also hopeful that this super highway will
have benefits in the future.

In Bangalore, Meena Shekaran, a 23-year-old accountant for a company that imports exercise
equipment, (2) just bought a scooter. She’s about to go for her first drive on a newly
finished section of the superhighway. ‘Do you (3) a driving licence?’ I ask her. ‘No, sir,
no,’ she says and laughs. ‘Do you (4) how to drive?’ ‘No, sir, not really,’ she shouts
back cheerfully. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be fine!’

Near Chennai, Tamil Selvan’s family are coconut farmers. Farming is hard work and badly paid. As
a child, Tamil rode to school several miles away on his father’s bicycle. Now the 29-year-old
(5) as a senior technician at the giant Hyundai car factory. Today most of the cars are
exported, but with luck, Selvan might soon own one of the cars he makes. Auto industry experts
predict that India (6) be the world’s third largest car market in the next quarter of a

In West Bengal, there are rumours in the press that some farmers may have to give up their land for
the construction of the superhighway. Their future could be very difficult. ‘I am sick with worry.
(7) will we eat? How will we live? What is the future of our children?’ asks Kashinath
Manna, who currently grows food for his entire extended family on his land.

In Mumbai, Swede Morten Andersen is a manager at a Nokia factory which employs 9,000 people.
He says ‘In India, people (8) creative, full of energy and new ideas. The new
superhighway is (9) example of this. The road is (10) to bring lots of jobs
and help many people. That’s the nature of progress.’

EXERCISE 3. Complete the text using the words given. There are TWO EXTRA words.

mortgage avoid shopping spree get stuck order in

from run out save spend store to

Shopping is a necessary part of life, so very few people can (1) it. It is a daily
routine for some people. Some people are interested (2) shopping as they get
pleasure from it while other people go shopping just to buy the necessary items such as
vegetables and fruits. The weekend is usually a good time to go on a (3) because
people have free time from work. At this time the shops are usually very busy because people
try to get the best items for the lowest price before the items (4) of stock.

Some people go shopping more regularly than other people to browse products in shops even
when they do not have much money. This is known as window shopping and allows people to
plan ahead and (5) for the things they want to buy in the future or wait for the
items to drop in price. Some people spend a lot of time looking for bargains while others do not
think of the price and are happy to (6) a lot. Some people believe that expensive
items are better, but this is not always true. It is sensible to buy items which are affordable, but
some people use a credit card or borrow money (7) the bank so that they can buy
the items they really want rather than wait for it.

Sometimes shopping can be stressful when choosing a gift to buy other people for a special
occasion. It is common to buy a gift voucher so that a friend or loved one can go shopping
themselves at their own convenience. Shopping online is often popular with people who have
a busy lifestyle. When they shop from home, they won’t (8) in traffic or drive for
hours to reach a shopping centre. They can (9) their necessary and luxury items
and enjoy the comfort of their own home. Delivery is usually free and items are often cheaper
than in a (10) on the high street. The only real problem is that the item description
and quality may be different than what they hoped for. This could mean the customer may
become disappointed with the item they receive and will need to return it at their own cost.

EXERCISE 4. Choose the correct option for each blank.

Global Poverty

In 1990, a World Bank report showed that

there were over a billion people in the
world with a (1) of under $30.
At the start of this century, the United
Nations promised to halve this figure by 2015. What can you buy in different countries with
this tiny amount? In a market in Nepal, for example, they could only buy four bananas and a
loaf of bread. It was impossible to buy meat or any protein. In the US, to show the conditions
of poor people, two school teachers decided to do an experiment. They tried spending only $1
each day (2) food for a month. They say they were often (3), and
they couldn’t afford to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

1. a) charity b) interest c) salary d) debt

2. a) for b) in c) from d) on
3. a) filthy b) starving c) boiling d) hilarious

The World Bank has recently published another report on the situation. There have clearly been
some amazing changes (4) 1990. In the developing countries countries, between
1990 and 2008, the number of people who earned below the poverty line went down from 43%
to 22%, so the UN has (5) made a big difference. But there is still a huge amount
to do.

4. a) for b) ever c) since d) yet

5. a) already b) just c) never d) always

EXERCISE 5. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

1. Who do you think is the more intelligent?

2. This book is less interesting than the last one you borrowed me.

3. We’re getting married since August.

4. I didn’t go to the hospital since last year.

5. Ferrari is more expensive as Mercedes.

6. That’s the funnier book I’ve ever read.

7. We’ve known each other since years.

8. I am needing to eat something right now.

9. I know students in this class.

10. Earth is getting warmer day by day.

EXERCISE 6. Complete the crossword using the clues given.

1. Someone you can trust. 7. The opposite of talkative.

2. Someone who always wants to win. 8. The opposite of patient.
3. The opposite of mean. 9. A badly behaved child.
4. Someone who gives orders. 10. Someone who likes doing things alone.
5. Someone who likes being with people.
6. The opposite of honest.

EXERCISE 7. Re-write: Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the
first. Don’t use more than three words.


• When you re-write a sentence, you should try to

construct a sentence with another structure while
having the same meaning with the original
sentence. The meaning should not change.
• Changing only one word with another word is
usually not considered as re-writing the sentence.
If you can only change one word in the sentence,
it means you are going to use a structure (more
than one word) which gives the same meaning. Do
not just change a verb with another verb or do not
just change a noun with another noun.

1. None of my friends is as kind as Jack.

Jack is all my friends.

2. How long has it been since Sally moved to London?

When to London?

3. I have never watched such a funny movie before.

It’s movie I have ever watched.

4. He started to draw pictures last year.

He pictures since last year.

5. Mandy did better than me in the Progress Test.

I didn’t do Mandy in the Progress Test.


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