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Managing successful Computing Project




Student ID 2021HNDIT09 Reg No.

Family Name Dhital Given Name Ajay

Enrolment Year 2020 Section A

Semester Second Email


Unit Title Managing a Successful Computing Unit Code T/615/1625


Assessor Name Saroj Tamrakar Issued Date 02 Feb 2022

Assignment Title Managing a Successful Computing Project - Remote Working

Assignment No 1/1 Submission Date 01 April 2022

Qualification Btech HND Campus ISMT

Managing successful Computing Project


When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming
that the work is their own.
Student Name Ajay Dhital Assessor Name Saroj Tamrakar

Issue Date 02 Feb 2022 Submission Date 01 April 2022

Programme Btech HND

Unit Name Managing a Successful Computing Project

Assignment Title Managing a Successful Computing Project - Remote Working

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I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand
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Student signature: ajay Date:01/03/2022

Pearson Education 2018

Higher Education Qualifications

Managing successful Computing Project

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1: Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes
based on the chosen theme

P1 Devise project aims and M1 Produce a comprehensive

objectives for a chosen project management plan,
scenario. milestone schedule and
P2 Produce a project project schedule for
LO1 and LO2
management plan that covers monitoring and completing
aspects of cost, scope, time, the aims and objectives of the D1 Critically evaluate
quality, communication, risk project. the project management
and resources. process and appropriate
P3 Produce a work research methodologies
breakdown structure and a applied.
Gantt Chart to provide
timeframes and stages for
LO2: Conduct small-scale research, information gathering
and data collection to generate knowledge to support the

P4 Carry out small-scale M2 Evaluate the accuracy and

research by applying reliability of different
qualitative and quantitative research methods applied.
research methods appropriate
for meeting project aims and

LO3: Present the project and communicate appropriate 7

recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn
from the evidence findings and/or analysis

P5 Analyze research and data LO3

using appropriate tools and M3 Evaluate the selection of D2 Critically evaluate
techniques. appropriate tools and the design and
techniques for accuracy and development process

Managing successful Computing Project

P6 Communicate appropriate authenticity to support and against your design

recommendations as a result justify recommendations. document and analyze
of research and data analysis any technical
to draw valid and meaningful challenges.

LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the

project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organisational performance

P7 Reflect on the value of M4 Evaluate the value of the LO4

undertaking the research to project management process D3 Critically evaluate
meet stated objectives and and use of quality research to how the project supports
own learning and meet stated objectives and sustainable
performance support own learning and organisational
performance. performance

Managing successful Computing Project

Table of Contents
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................. 9

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 11

LO1: Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme. ..... 11

Project Aims and Objectives ................................................................................... 11

Some difference of aims and objectives are given below:....................................... 11

Aim ........................................................................................................................... 12

Objectives ................................................................................................................. 12

Project Management................................................................................................ 12

Important to manage Projects ............................................................................. 13

Phases of Project Management ............................................................................... 14

Planning................................................................................................................. 14

Execution ............................................................................................................... 15

Monitoring and Control ......................................................................................... 15

Closure or Completion ........................................................................................... 15

Project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality,
communication, risk and resources ..................................................................... 16

Project cost management........................................................................................ 17

Project scope management ..................................................................................... 17

Project time management ....................................................................................... 17

Project quality management ................................................................................... 18

Project communications management .................................................................... 18

Project resource management ................................................................................. 18

Project risk management ........................................................................................ 19

Managing successful Computing Project

Determining Aspects ............................................................................................ 19

Work Breakdown structure .................................................................................... 21

Making of work breakdown structure:.................................................................... 21

Gantt chart ................................................................................................................... 23

Benefits of a Gantt chart ......................................................................................... 23

Comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule and project

schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project
.............................................................................................................................. 24

Project management method ...................................................................................... 24

Change management plan ...................................................................................... 24

Executive summary .............................................................................................. 25

Strategic/organizational alignment ..................................................................... 25

Project scope definition........................................................................................ 25

Feasibility assessment and contingency plans .................................................... 25

Constraints ........................................................................................................... 26

Material/equipment requirements ...................................................................... 26

Project schedule and milestones .......................................................................... 26

Budget/cost estimate ............................................................................................ 26

Risk Management ................................................................................................ 26

Project issues ........................................................................................................ 26

Change management ........................................................................................... 26

Communication management.............................................................................. 27

Related products and deliverables ...................................................................... 27

Approvals ............................................................................................................. 27

Managing successful Computing Project

Attachments ......................................................................................................... 27

Milestone schedule and project schedule for the aims and objectives of the project 27

Project Schedule................................................................................................... 27

Comprehensive Project Management Plan ............................................................ 28

LO2............................................................................................................................... 29

Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate

knowledge to support the project................................................................................ 29

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 29

Quantitative research .............................................................................................. 29

Qualitative research................................................................................................. 30

Difference between Quantitative and Qualitative Research .............................. 30

Quantitative data collection methods...................................................................... 30

Qualitative data collection methods ....................................................................... 31

Reliability and Accuracy of different research method ............................................. 31

Research Reliability ............................................................................................. 31

Test-retest reliability .............................................................................................. 31

Parallel forms reliability ......................................................................................... 32

Inter-rater reliability ............................................................................................... 33

Internal consistency reliability ............................................................................... 34

Research Accuracy .............................................................................................. 34

Steps to Improve Research Accuracy ..................................................................... 35

LO3 ............................................................................................................................... 35

Analyze research and data using appropriate tools and techniques ......................... 35

Analytical procedures ............................................................................................ 35

Managing successful Computing Project

Data Analysis Methods ............................................................................................ 36

Quantitative Analysis ............................................................................................. 36

Text analysis .......................................................................................................... 36

Statistical analysis .................................................................................................. 36

Diagnostic analysis ................................................................................................ 37

Predictive analysis ................................................................................................. 37

Prescriptive Analysis ............................................................................................. 37

Data Analysis Process .................................................................................................. 38

Data Requirement Specification - define your scope: ............................................. 38

Data Collection ...................................................................................................... 38

Data Processing ..................................................................................................... 38

Data Analysis ......................................................................................................... 38

Infer and Interpret Results ...................................................................................... 39

Data Analysis Techniques ........................................................................................... 39

Techniques based on Graphs ...................................................................................... 40

Data Analysis Tools ..................................................................................................... 43

Excel...................................................................................................................... 43

Tableau .................................................................................................................. 43

Fine Report ............................................................................................................ 44

R & Python ............................................................................................................ 44

Challenges in Implementing Data Analytics .............................................................. 45

Collecting meaningful data...................................................................................... 45

Selecting the right tool ............................................................................................. 46

Consolidate data from multiple sources ..................................................................... 47

Managing successful Computing Project

Quality of data collected .......................................................................................... 48

Data security ............................................................................................................ 49

LO4............................................................................................................................... 50

The value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support
sustainable organisational performance ..................................................................... 50

Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own
learning and performance........................................................................................... 51

Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality
research to meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance.
.............................................................................................................................. 51

The project management methodology assessment process .................................. 52

Importance of project Management ....................................................................... 53

Project outcomes ...................................................................................................... 53

Decision making Process ......................................................................................... 53

Own learning and Performance .......................................................................... 55

Cost control: .......................................................................................................... 55

Negotiation skills: .................................................................................................. 55

Communication skills ............................................................................................ 55

Risk management skills: ........................................................................................ 55

References ..................................................................................................................... 56

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Project management life cycle ......................................................................... 13
Figure 2 Phases of project Management......................................................................... 14
Figure 3 Project Management Plan ................................................................................ 16

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 4 Work Breakdown structure .............................................................................. 22

Figure 5 Gantt Chart of Remote working Project ........................................................... 23
Figure 6 Types of research design .................................................................................. 29
Figure 7 test- retest reliability ........................................................................................ 32
Figure 8 Example of Parallel-forms Reliability Research Method .................................. 33
Figure 9 example of Inter-rater Reliability research method .......................................... 33
Figure 10 Example of Internal Consistency Reliability .................................................. 34
Figure 11 example of bar chart ...................................................................................... 40
Figure 12 Example Line Chart ....................................................................................... 41
Figure 13 Example of pie chart ...................................................................................... 41
Figure 14 Example of Gantt chart .................................................................................. 42
Figure 15 Frame Diagram Example ............................................................................... 42
Figure 16 Example of Excel .......................................................................................... 43
Figure 17 Example of Tableau ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 18 Example of python......................................................................................... 45
Figure 19 collecting data................................................................................................ 46
Figure 20 Analytics tools ............................................................................................... 47
Figure 21 consolidate data from multiple source ............................................................ 48
Figure 22 Data Quality .................................................................................................. 49
Figure 23 Data security .................................................................................................. 50

Managing successful Computing Project

The project report is the analysis of the data research and most appropriate strategy for the
data research. The report signifies various steps of the project planning like analysis of
data, research of the data and also signifies the importance of choosing the most appropriate
method of data collection of the project. The project report also describes the various aspect
of future studies, the timeframe of the project and future scope of the project and also
emphasizes the various data collection process and the relevant recommendations are also
described for future studies of the project. The project report also describes the workforce
structure and various department from project planning to project completion.

LO1: Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.
Project Aims and Objectives
The project aims and objectives are the main part of the project. As an IT Consultant for
an organization my project leader has asked me to conduct a small-scale research on
Remote Working.
Project aims and objectives are similar in that they are both the reason for why the project
needs to take place. While in casual conversation the terms may be used interchangeably,
in a proposal the two terms have a strict definition that should not be confused.
The aims gives direction to the project. The objectives are the specific targets the project
aims to achieve to meet the goal. In short, the aims can be seen as the high level vision
while the objectives are the grounded, well thought out plan to reach that vision (Anon.,
Some difference of aims and objectives are given below:
A project will have one aims but multiple objectives
Aims are set for the long term while objectives are time bound in the short term
Aims are general while objectives are very specific
Aims goes for perfection while objectives are realistic
Aims are difficult to measure while objectives are specifically designed to be
measured and evaluated

Managing successful Computing Project

Aims are impossible to solve in just one project while objectives are designed to be
solved in the project.

Aim is the goal organization wants to complete. The main aim of the organization is making
The main Aim of this project where I am assigned as IT consultant is to conduct a research
on; is it beneficial to work remotely and make profit to organization and how would that
be possible and what work should be done.

Organizational objectives area unit short-run and medium-term goals that a company seeks
to accomplish. An organization's objectives can play an oversized half in developing
structure policies and determinative the allocation of organizational resources.
Accomplishment of objectives helps a company reach its overall strategic goals.
The objectives of this project is to:
Identify unknown issues that may arrive.
Conduct check on infrastructure devices, networks, operational systems, security
Conduct thorough check security policies and procedures of the corporate.
Give appropriate recommendations for standardization of future goals
Create some programs to teach and increase awareness on working remotely
Create an action decide to keep their organization secure.
Make everyone clear about project and consequences.

Project Management
Project management is defined as the process of steering a project from the start through
its lifecycle. The main objective of project management is to complete a project within the

Managing successful Computing Project

established goals of time, budget, and quality. Projects have life cycles since they aren’t
intended to last forever.
A project management life cycle starts when the project is initiated and ends when the
project is either completed or terminated in one way or another (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 1 Project management life cycle

Important to manage Projects
Stimulating productivity, improving project transparency, and providing a clear vision to
the team, project management can bring the following advantages to the project (Anon.,
Effective communication
Efficient resource management
Improved customer satisfaction

Managing successful Computing Project

Flexibility and higher risk tolerance

Improved team morale
Better quality of the output
Retrospective learning
Phases of Project Management
Project management phases are different tasks, behaviors, and skill sets that are essential
to creating successful projects.

Figure 2 Phases of project Management

Below are the major phases of the project management process:

The project initiation phase marks the beginning of a project by determining high-level
expectations like why a project is required, if it is feasible or not, and what is needed to
complete the project.
Outputs of this phase include required stakeholder approvals to proceed to the next phase,
documentation pertaining to project needs (business case), and rough estimates of time and
resources required to complete the project (project charter), and an initial list of
stakeholders (Anon., n.d.).
In the planning phase, project managers detail the project scope, time frame, and risks.
Completeness and continuity are the major components of a successful project plan.

Managing successful Computing Project

Outputs of this phase include a detailed project plan, a project communication plan (if there
is no project plan), budget baseline, project scheduling, individual project goals, scope
document, and updated stakeholder registry (Anon., n.d.).
In the project execution phase, the project team members are coordinated and guided
through proper project communication to get the work done as explained in the approved
project management plan.
This phase also covers the proper allocation and management of other project resources
like materials and budgets. Project deliverables are the output of the execution phase
(Anon., n.d.).
Monitoring and Control
During the project monitoring and controlling phase, the time, cost, and performance of
the project are compared at every stage and necessary adjustments are made to the project
activities, resources, and plan to keep things on the right track.
Outputs from this phase include project progress reports and other communications that
ensure adherence to project plans and prevent larger milestones and deadline disruptions
(Anon., n.d.).
Closure or Completion
The process of finalizing the project, reviewing the project deliverables, and transitioning
them to the business leaders is called the project closure phase in a project management
life cycle.
This stage offers time for both celebration and reflection. Outputs from this project
management phase include approved project results and learnings that can be applied to
similar projects in the future (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality,
communication, risk and resources
It's time to make a plan that covers every part of the project after the successful creation of
project priorities and objectives. In this project, I must design and produce a project
management plan which includes all aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication,
risk and resources.
A Project Management Plan is a structured, accepted document that specifies the
implementation, tracking, and control of the project. It can be a summary or a
comprehensive document and may include baselines, strategic plans for the division and
other planning materials. The documents is used to describe the project team methodology
needed for achieving the project's intended scope of project management (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 3 Project Management Plan

The project management plan should include the following aspects:

Managing successful Computing Project

Risk and resources

Project cost management

With or without a budget, your project will cost money. Keeping costs low, or at least at
an expected or reasonable level, is a fundamental part of showing ROI on a project. After
all, if you can’t definitively lay out how much a project will cost, how will you be able to
quantify if you’ve made any money?
Your role in cost management isn’t just a one-and-done task of creating a budget. You’ll
need to continuously evaluate your costs to avoid any surprises at the end of a project
(Anon., n.d.).
Project scope management
How many times have you started a project just to have extraneous tasks slipped in, making
your completion times creep? This is why project scope must be well-defined and defended
throughout the process.
As you complete your scope process groups, you’ll create a management plan that defines,
validates, and controls scope. These processes will ensure you stay on task and that
everyone, including the project requester, understands what tasks will be included in the
project to prevent frustrating changes and unmet expectations (Anon., n.d.).

Project time management

Nearly all projects rely on several different timelines and the schedules of multiple people.
Some team members may overestimate how much time it will take to complete a project
in order to leave a cushion and not feel hurried. Others may underestimate their time. And,
of course, unexpected problems will throw off your timeline as well. But, these variables
are exactly why effective time management is so critical.

Managing successful Computing Project

Your plans will determine which tasks can be adjusted and how the team’s resources will
be allocated and managed throughout the project. When those tricky problems surface,
you’ll be glad to have a plan to refer back to and quell the panic (Anon., n.d.).

Project quality management

In project management, quality isn’t the same as perfection. It’s not practical to spend the
time and resources to take a project to perfection; and in many cases, that’s not even
attainable. The goal of project quality management is to achieve consistency across your
If you know and understand the expectations of your stakeholders and have created
reasonable agreements with them and your team, quality control will ensure you’re
delivering great work every time. If you notice projects aren’t meeting results, you can
adjust course and implement changes to the process or product to get back on track (Anon.,

Project communications management

How many times have you heard the phrase, keep me in the loop? And yet, when changes
happen, maybe important stakeholders were left out? There is a fine line between under
and over communication and your communications management plan is crucial to
identifying who needs to know what and when before your project starts (Anon., n.d.).

Project resource management

One of the most rewarding parts of this process is creating teams that click and helping
individual team members grow and learn new tasks. That’s why this project management
knowledge area is more than just setting schedules and assigning tasks.
Effective resource management requires you to know and work with the bandwidth of your
team, identify their individual strengths and weaknesses, and their synergy with other team
members. And, back to that part about helping team members grow. You should also

Managing successful Computing Project

identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for continued training for individual team
members and the entire team based on current and upcoming projects. You’ll set your team
up for success and increase commitment as you invest in their skills and growth (Anon.,

Project risk management

The truth is that no project goes off without a hitch, and it’s unrealistic to look at a project
and assume that everything will go smoothly.
If you can manage your firefighting by identifying major project risks and the mitigation
plans associated with them, your team and project requesters will be prepared and more
forgiving when issues in a project come up. As an added bonus, you’ll have the benefits of
time and energy upfront rather than trying to troubleshoot at the eleventh hour when your
team is stressed and up against a deadline (Anon., n.d.).

In addition, all the principles of project management preparation for the chosen scenario
are taken into consideration in this text.
Determining Aspects
S.N Aspects Explanation
1 Scope of the project The scope of the scenario project is to perform a
research in a way that identifies and explores a
range of potential benefits as well as problems that
occur when remotely working is implemented into
an organization
2 Cost of the project For successful completion of the project Nrs.
200000 is estimated.
3 Time of the project Time of around 3 months is assumed to complete
the project.

Managing successful Computing Project

4 Planning Strong strategies are made to achieve all the

5 Resource gathering Heavy research is done using different tools and
techniques. For this, from the estimated cost of the
project, Nrs. 25,000 is allocated.
6 Analysis Evaluation is carried out on the various aspects,
such as cost, time, planning and resources.
7 Design With the support of various software design tools
and techniques, professional level design of
wireframes and interfaces is made. From the
estimated cost of the project, Nrs. 60,000 has been
8 Implementation All the tools evaluated and the programming
codes are used to complete a project. From project
budget estimates, Nrs. 50,000 has been separated.
9 Quality of the project To meet the project's specified specifications,
evaluation and testing are carried out routinely to
ensure the project quality. Nrs. 15,000 is separated
to this section from the estimated budget of the
10 Communication risk Effective use of communication with organization
and different members.

Managing successful Computing Project

Work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages for
Work Breakdown structure
Breaking work into smaller tasks is a common productivity technique used to make the
work more manageable and approachable. For projects, the Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) is the tool that utilizes this technique and is one of the most important project
management documents. It single handedly integrates scope, cost and schedule baselines
ensuring that project plans are in alignment (Anon., n.d.).
Making of work breakdown structure:


Gather critical project documents.
Identify content containing project deliverables, such as the Project Charter, Scope
Statement and Project Management Plan (PMP) subsidiary plans (Anon., n.d.).
Identify the appropriate project team members.
Analyze the documents and identify the deliverables.
Define the Level 1 Elements. Level 1 Elements are summary deliverable
descriptions that must capture 100% of the project scope.
Verify 100% of scope is captured. This requirement is commonly referred to as the
100% Rule (Anon., n.d.).
Begin the process of breaking the Level 1 deliverables into unique lower Level
deliverables. This “breaking down” technique is called Decomposition.
Continue breaking down the work until the work covered in each Element is
managed by a single individual or organization. Ensure that all Elements are
mutually exclusive (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Ask the question, would any additional decomposition make the project more
manageable? If the answer is “no”, the WBS is done.


Define the content of the WBS Dictionary. The WBS Dictionary is a narrative
description of the work covered in each Element in the WBS. The lowest Level
Elements in the WBS are called Work Packages (Anon., n.d.).
Create the WBS Dictionary descriptions at the Work Package Level with detail
enough to ensure that 100% of the project scope is covered. The descriptions should
include information such as, boundaries, milestones, risks, owner, costs, etc. (Anon.,

Figure 4 Work Breakdown structure

As an IT consultant, I will breakdown the total task of the project according to the above
mentioned the following I show the Gantt chart of the task’s start time and duration.

Managing successful Computing Project

Gantt chart

Figure 5 Gantt Chart of Remote working Project

This is the Gantt chart of the activities that I will be doing to complete the project
successfully in a professional manner in a specific time. It may take me around 30 days to
complete all of this activity to make a better project. Most importantly, I will try to
accomplish this whole of the above-mentioned task within the given timeframe following
this Gantt chart.
I have divided my research task into eight different phases, like gathering requirements and
analysis, research on benefits of project, planning, aware, Execution, testing, making report
and closure, so that I can accomplish the task effectively within scheduled time.
Benefits of a Gantt chart
The tool’s ability to boil down.
Multiple tasks and timelines into a single document.

Managing successful Computing Project

Stakeholders throughout an organization can easily understand.

Teams are in a process while grasping the ways in which independent.

Comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule and project schedule

for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project

Project management method

The project manager, has full authority and responsibility to manage and execute this
project according to the Project Plan. The project team will include staff from the coding
team, the quality control / assurance team, the technical writing team and the testing team.
The project manager will work with all resources to implement the project plan. All project
management plans will be reviewed and approved by the project sponsor and project
manager. All funding decisions will also be made by the project sponsor. Any approval
authorization for a project manager will be done in writing and signed by both the project
sponsor and the project manager.
The project team will be a matrix in which team members from each organization continue
to report to their organizational management throughout the life of the project. The project
manager is responsible for liaising with organizational managers on the progress and
performance of each project resource.
Change management plan
The following steps comprise organization change control process for all projects and will
be utilized on the project:
Step 1: Identify the need for a change (Any Stakeholder). Requestor will submit a
completed change request form to the project manager
Step 2: Log change in the change request register (Project Manager). The project manager
will maintain a log of all change requests for the duration of the project
Step 3: Conduct an evaluation of the change (Project Manager, Project Team, and
Requestor). The project manager will conduct an evaluation of the impact of the change to
cost, risk, schedule, and scope

Managing successful Computing Project

Step 4: Submit change request to Change Control Board (CCB) (Project Manager). The
project manager will submit the change request and analysis to the CCB for review.
Step 5: Change Control Board decision (CCB). The CCB will discuss the proposed change
and decide whether or not it will be approved based on all submitted information.
Step 6: Implement change (Project Manager). If a change is approved by the CCB, the
project manager will update and re-baseline project documentation as necessary as well as
ensure any changes are communicated to the team and stakeholders.


Executive summary
This section include a few paragraphs describing, at a high level, the key elements of the
project that are detailed throughout the project plan.
Strategic/organizational alignment
It must be determined which organisational objectives will be supported by undertaking
the project. This section should also include the results of the project’s stakeholder analysis.
Project scope definition
The purpose and objectives of the project should be stated in this section. There should be
definition as to the scope of the project as well as the major deliverables. The product
breakdown structure (PBS) and the work breakdown structure (WBS) will be determined
here. Quality specifications will also be included in this section, describing the product or
service performance criteria from a customer perspective. Project assumptions should also
be included, clarifying grey areas in the project scope.
Feasibility assessment and contingency plans
This section should evaluate the economic, technical, operational and organisational
feasibility of the project; identify and assess project risks; and provide contingency plans
to address high impact risk factors.

Managing successful Computing Project

A list of any known constraints imposed by the environment or by management e.g. fixed
budget, limited resources etc.
Human resource requirements
Define the project team organization, roles and responsibility requirements. Training
requirements will need to be identified here and the development of a project training plan
should begin.
Material/equipment requirements
This section should define space, hardware/software, and other resources needed to
complete the project successfully.
Project schedule and milestones
The contents of this section will define the milestones and activity schedule of the project,
integrating three key elements: deliverables, due date or duration and critical dependencies.
Budget/cost estimate
Estimates are required for the project duration. See here for our 12 Basic
Rules for Estimating your Project. Costs are typically divided into three types: capital
items, expense items and labor.
Risk Management
This section will detail the process to be employed on the project in order to manage risk.
More information may be found on risk management here.
Project issues
Issues are the things that have happened which are outside the authority of the project
manager and need to be escalated in order to achieve a resolution. This section should
define the process to be used to manage issues identified on the project.
Change management
The change management process to be utilized on the project should be described in this

Managing successful Computing Project

Communication management
In this part of the PMP there should be a description of the system of communications and
the project performance documentation that will be provided to the various stakeholders.
Related products and deliverables
This section should document known project dependencies, with other groups within or
outside of the organization to ensure the project is not exposed by other business processes.
This section will capture approval signatures from project stakeholders.
Included in this section will be pointers to pertinent documents such as the business case,
notes and related documents.

Milestone schedule and project schedule for the aims and objectives of the project
A project management plan has eight stages of the manager of a project has to
divide the total task into five different phases. So as an IT consultant of this project; I have
taken an initiative to breakdown the whole work. According to the project plan, the eight
stages of work will be accomplished within the time specified. If the assigned tasks can be
accomplished within the time then the project will be a successful one for the company.
Project Schedule
Task No Phases of Tasks Time Needed Staff
1 Gathering Requirements and analysis 3 day 3
2 Small scale research on the potential benefits 4 day 3
of working remotely
3 Planning 4 day 2
4 Aware other members and staff 3 day 1
5 Execution 6 day 2
6 Testing faults and cons 5 day 3

Managing successful Computing Project

7 Making Report 5 day 4

8 Closure 5 day 1

Comprehensive Project Management Plan

The comprehensive project management plan differs considerably from the simple project
plan. This basically includes details that are based on the nature of the project, the scope of
the project processes, and the quality standards that are essential for the project team to
meet in order to achieve what the clients are doing (Anon., n.d.). Some of the information
that should be included in a comprehensive project management plan is:
Discuss project priorities and objectives they want to accomplish. A list of the major
events or milestones that the project team needs to encounter especially the period
of the project's creation should be given.
Present each of the stages of the project
Define the action plan, plans, and methods of the project that we think can help the
entire team accomplish the objectives.
List the project requirements that take into account workforce, raw materials,
equipment and financial needs.
Specifically define the deliverable that are expected from the project.

Comprehensive management plan is very critical for project completion. A detailed project
plan will guide the entire project team and show ways to accomplish the project at the right
time. It can highlight whole things that need to be taken into consideration while doing a
project. A comprehensive project plan may also give an idea about the project's scope,
limitations, and terms (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project


Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate

knowledge to support the project
Research is defined as a careful consideration of the study of a particular subject or problem
in the application of scientific method.
One of the most important aspects of the research is the statistics, conclusion or outcome.
It is about the thought behind the research. Research is conducted to understand:
What do organizations really need to find?
What are the steps to follow to pursue the idea?
What are the arguments that should be built around a concept?
What evidence do people need to believe in an idea or concept?
When collecting and analyzing data, quantitative research deals with numbers and
statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Both are important for
gaining different kinds of knowledge (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 6 Types of research design

Quantitative research
Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to test or confirm
theories and assumptions. This type of research can be used to establish generalizable facts
about a topic.

Managing successful Computing Project

Common quantitative methods include experiments, observations recorded as numbers,

and surveys with closed-ended questions (Anon., n.d.).
Qualitative research
Qualitative research is expressed in words. It is used to understand concepts, thoughts or
experiences. This type of research enables you to gather in-depth insights on topics that are
not well understood.
Common qualitative methods include interviews with open-ended questions, observations
described in words, and literature reviews that explore concepts and theories (Anon., n.d.).

Difference between Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative Qualitative
Focuses on testing theories and hypotheses Focuses on exploring ideas and
formulating a theory or hypothesis
Analyzed through math and statistical Analyzed by summarizing, categorizing
analysis and interpreting
Mainly expressed in numbers, graphs and Mainly expressed in words
Requires many respondents Requires few respondents
Closed (multiple choice) questions Open-ended questions
Key terms: testing, measurement, Key terms: understanding, context,
objectivity, replicability complexity, subjectivity

Quantitative data collection methods

Surveys: List of closed or multiple choice questions that is distributed to a sample
(online, in person, or over the phone).
Experiments: Situation in which variables are controlled and manipulated to
establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Managing successful Computing Project

Observations: Observing subjects in a natural environment where variables can’t be

controlled (Anon., n.d.).
Qualitative data collection methods
Interviews: Asking open-ended questions verbally to respondents.
Focus groups: Discussion among a group of people about a topic to gather opinions
that can be used for further research.
Ethnography: Participating in a community or organization for an extended period
of time to closely observe culture and behavior.
Literature review: Survey of published works by other authors (Anon., n.d.).

Some of the Interview Question that I will going to ask the other about this project are:
What do you prefer working in office or working remotely?
Are you comfortable with working remotely?
What do you think will be more profitable for Company, to work in office or
Can you manage your time properly?

Reliability and Accuracy of different research method

Research Reliability
Reliability refers to whether or not you get the same answer by using an instrument to
measure something more than once. In simple terms, research reliability is the degree to
which research method produces stable and consistent results.
A specific measure is considered to be reliable if its application on the same object of
measurement number of times produces the same results (Anon., n.d.).
Test-retest reliability
It relates to the measure of reliability that has been obtained by conducting the same test
more than one time over period of time with the participation of the same sample group
(Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Example: Employees of ABC Company may be asked to complete the same questionnaire
about employee job satisfaction two times with an interval of one week, so that test results
can be compared to assess stability of scores (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 7 test- retest reliability

Parallel forms reliability

It relates to a measure that is obtained by conducting assessment of the same phenomena
with the participation of the same sample group via more than one assessment method.
Example: The levels of employee satisfaction of ABC Company may be assessed with
questionnaires, in-depth interviews and focus groups and results can be compared (Anon.,

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 8 Example of Parallel-forms Reliability Research Method

Inter-rater reliability
As the name indicates relates to the measure of sets of results obtained by different
assessors using same methods. Benefits and importance of assessing inter-rater reliability
can be explained by referring to subjectivity of assessments (Anon., n.d.).
Example: Levels of employee motivation at ABC Company can be assessed using
observation method by two different assessors, and inter-rater reliability relates to the
extent of difference between the two assessments (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 9 example of Inter-rater Reliability research method

Managing successful Computing Project

Internal consistency reliability

It is applied to assess the extent of differences within the test items that explore the same
construct produce similar results. It can be represented in two main formats (Anon., n.d.).
Average inter-item correlation is a specific form of internal consistency that is
obtained by applying the same construct on each item of the test
Split-half reliability as another type of internal consistency reliability involves all
items of a test to be spitted in half (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 10 Example of Internal Consistency Reliability

Research Accuracy
Research accuracy refers to the match between the sample population and target
Accuracy of the data can change in different variables such as dates, numbers, persons
present, etc. In some cases, data sources may deliberately corrupt the data to sue the
plagiarizers. In this situation, evaluating the originality of the data is very important.
Data validity, reliability, and accuracy are the three important characteristics of qualitative
research. In this, accuracy is a necessary criterion to validate the source information.

Managing successful Computing Project

Accuracy in research ensures the collected data is correct or wrong. Therefore, checking
the accuracy is essential for any survey (Anon., n.d.).
Steps to Improve Research Accuracy
To improve the accuracy of the survey data you can follow the five-step strategies given
Define Accuracy Standards
Set Data Accuracy Goals
Avoid Overloading
Review the Data
Automate Error Reports


Analyze research and data using appropriate tools and techniques

Analytical procedures
The systematic application of statistical and logical techniques to describe the data scope,
modularize the data structure, condense the data representation, illustrate via images,
tables, and graphs, and evaluate statistical inclinations, probability data, and derive
meaningful conclusions known as Data Analysis.
Analytical procedures enable us to induce the underlying inference from data by
eliminating the unnecessary chaos created by its rest. Data generation is a continual
process; this makes data analysis a continuous, iterative process where the collection and
performing data analysis simultaneously. Ensuring data integrity is one of the essential
components of data analysis.
The following pre-requisites for proper Data Analysis:
Ensure availability of the necessary analytical skills
Ensure appropriate implementation of data collection methods and analysis.
Determine the statistical significance

Managing successful Computing Project

Check for inappropriate analysis

Ensure the presence of legitimate and unbiased inference
Ensure the reliability and validity of data, data sources, data analysis methods, and
inferences derived.
Account for the extent of analysis

Data Analysis Methods

Qualitative Analysis
This approach mainly answers questions such as ‘why,’ ‘what’ or ‘how.’ Each of these
questions is addressed via quantitative techniques such as questionnaires, attitude scaling,
standard outcomes, and more. Such analysis is usually in the form of texts and narratives,
which might also include audio and video representations (Anon., n.d.).
Quantitative Analysis
Generally, this analysis is measured in terms of numbers. The data here present themselves
in terms of measurement scales and extend themselves for more statistical manipulation.
Text analysis
Text analysis is a technique to analyze texts to extract machine-readable facts. It aims to
create structured data out of free and unstructured content. The process consists of slicing
and dicing heaps of unstructured, heterogeneous files into easy-to-read, manage and
interpret data pieces. It is also known as text mining, text analytics, and information
Statistical analysis
Statistics involves data collection, interpretation, and validation. Statistical analysis is the
technique of performing several statistical operations to quantify the data and apply
statistical analysis. Quantitative data involves descriptive data like surveys and
observational data. It is also called a descriptive analysis. It includes various tools to
perform statistical data analysis such as SAS (Statistical Analysis System), SPSS
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), Stat soft, and more (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Diagnostic analysis
The diagnostic analysis is a step further to statistical analysis to provide a more in-depth
analysis to answer the questions. It is also referred to as root cause analysis as it includes
processes like data discovery, mining, and drill down and drill through (Anon., n.d.).
The functions of diagnostic analytics fall into three categories:
Identify anomalies: After performing statistical analysis, analysts are required to
identify areas requiring further study as such data raise questions that cannot be
answered by looking at the data.
Drill into the Analytics (discovery): Identification of the data sources helps analysts
explain the anomalies. This step often requires analysts to look for patterns outside
the existing data sets. It requires pulling in data from external sources, thus
identifying correlations and determining if they are causal in nature.
Determine Causal Relationships: Hidden relationships are uncovered by looking at
events that might have resulted in the identified anomalies. Probability theory,
regression analysis, filtering, and time-series data analytics can all be useful for
uncovering hidden stories in the data.

Predictive analysis
Predictive analysis uses historical data and feds it into the machine learning model to find
critical patterns and trends. The model is applied to the current data to predict what would
happen next. Many organizations prefer it because of its various advantages like volume
and type of data, faster and cheaper computers, easy-to-use software, tighter economic
conditions, and a need for competitive differentiation (Anon., n.d.).
Prescriptive Analysis
Prescriptive analytics suggests various courses of action and outlines the potential
implications that could be reached after predictive analysis. Prescriptive analysis
generating automated decisions or recommendations requires specific and unique
algorithmic and clear direction from those utilizing the analytical techniques (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Data Analysis Process

Once you set out to collect data for analysis, you are overwhelmed by the amount of
information you find to make a clear, concise decision. With so much data to handle, you
need to identify relevant data for your analysis to derive an accurate conclusion and make
informed decisions. The following simple steps help you identify and sort out your data for
analysis (Anon., n.d.).
Data Requirement Specification - define your scope:
Define short and straightforward questions, the answers to which you finally need
to make a decision.
Define measurement parameters
Define which parameter you take into account and which one you are willing to
Define your unit of measurement. Ex – Time, Currency, Salary, and more.
Data Collection
Gather your data based on your measurement parameters.
Collect data from databases, websites, and many other sources. This data may not
be structured or uniform, which takes us to the next step.
Data Processing
Organize your data and make sure to add side notes, if any.
Cross-check data with reliable sources.
Convert the data as per the scale of measurement you have defined earlier.
Exclude irrelevant data.
Data Analysis
Once you have collected your data, perform sorting, plotting, and identifying
As you manipulate and organize your data, you may need to traverse your steps
again from the beginning. You may need to modify your question, redefine
parameters, and reorganize your data (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Make use of the different tools available for data analysis.

Infer and Interpret Results
Review if the result answers your initial questions
Review if you have considered all parameters for making the decision
Review if there is any hindering factor for implementing the decision.
Choose data visualization techniques to communicate the message better. These
visualization techniques may be charts, graphs, color coding, and more.

Data Analysis Techniques

Descriptive Analysis: Descriptive Analysis considers the historical data, Key
Performance Indicators and describes the performance based on a chosen
benchmark. It takes into account past trends and how they might influence future
Dispersion Analysis: Dispersion in the area onto which a data set is spread. This
technique allows data analysts to determine the variability of the factors under study.
Regression Analysis: This technique works by modeling the relationship between
a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. A regression model
can be linear, multiple, logistic, ridge, non-linear, life data, and more.
Factor Analysis: This technique helps to determine if there exists any relationship
between a set of variables. This process reveals other factors or variables that
describe the patterns in the relationship among the original variables. Factor
Analysis leaps forward into useful clustering and classification procedures (Anon.,
Discriminant Analysis: It is a classification technique in data mining. It identifies
the different points on different groups based on variable measurements. In simple
terms, it identifies what makes two groups different from one another; this helps to
identify new items.

Managing successful Computing Project

Time Series Analysis: In this kind of analysis, measurements are spanned across
time, which gives us a collection of organized data known as time series (Anon.,

Techniques based on Graphs

Bar Chart: These charts are used to present numerical differences between
categories. The chart takes to the height of the columns to reflect the differences.

Figure 11 example of bar chart

Line Chart: This chart represents the change of data over a continuous interval of

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 12 Example Line Chart

Pie Chart: It is used to represent the proportion of different classifications. It is only
suitable for only one series of data. However, it can be made multi-layered to
represent the proportion of data in different categories (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 13 Example of pie chart

Gantt chart: It shows the actual timing and the progress of the activity compared to
the requirements.

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 14 Example of Gantt chart

Frame Diagram: It is a visual representation of a hierarchy in an inverted tree

Figure 15 Frame Diagram Example

Managing successful Computing Project

Data Analysis Tools

There are several data analysis tools available in the market, each with its own set of
functions. The selection of tools should always be based on the type of analysis performed
and the type of data worked. Below is a list of a few compelling tools for Data Analysis:
It has various compelling features, and with additional plugins installed, it can handle a
massive amount of data. So, if you have data that does not come near the significant data
margin, Excel can be a versatile tool for data analysis (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 16 Example of Excel

It falls under the BI Tool category, made for the sole purpose of data analysis. The essence
of Tableau is the Pivot Table and Pivot Chart and works towards representing data in the
most user-friendly way. It additionally has a data cleaning feature along with brilliant
analytical functions (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 17 Example of Tableau

Fine Report
Fine Report comes with a straightforward drag and drops operation, which helps design
various reports and build a data decision analysis system. It can directly connect to all kinds
of databases, and its format is similar to that of Excel. Additionally, it also provides a
variety of dashboard templates and several self-developed visual plug-in libraries (Anon.,
R & Python
These are programming languages that are very powerful and flexible. R is best at statistical
analysis, such as normal distribution, cluster classification algorithms, and regression
analysis. It also performs individual predictive analyses like customer behavior, spending,
items preferred by him based on his browsing history, and more. It also involves concepts
of machine learning and artificial intelligence (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 18 Example of python

Data Analysis is the key to any project, whether starting up a new venture, making
marketing decisions, continuing with a particular course of action, or going for a complete

Challenges in Implementing Data Analytics

Collecting meaningful data
There’s data for every aspect of business, which more than often overwhelms employees.
The plethora of data from different channels makes it difficult for employees to drill down
and determine the critical insights. And they end up analyzing the data that’s readily
available and not the one that truly adds value to the business (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 19 collecting data

Data literacy can easily mitigate most of the data analytics challenges, starting from
collecting meaningful data. Once the employees start understanding data, they will know
which data is vital for your business.
You can begin arranging basic training programs for your employees and encouraging
them to participate in webinars and workshops. You can also hire an experienced data
analyst who has both certification and knowledge of your industry. And would precisely
know the data that can add value to your project (Anon., n.d.).

Selecting the right tool

The second most common challenge in data analytics arises with the vast number of tools
available in the market.
If tools are not choose wisely, the chances are that you will end up investing your time,
money, and effort in inappropriate tools (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 20 Analytics tools

The best option is to seek professional help. Experts who have experience working on
different tools can help you to select the right one. You can also start using the trial versions
of the tools to check out the features yourself (Anon., n.d.).

Consolidate data from multiple sources

Data comes from scattered and disjointed sources. For instance, you will need to pull data
from your website, social media pages, CRM portals, financial reports, e-mails,
competitors’ websites, etc. The data formats of most of these reports will obviously vary.
Combining and analyzing them in one place is one of the common challenges in data
analytics. It can turn out to be more complicated if done manually. And it also increases
the chances of error, making the data unreliable (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Figure 21 consolidate data from multiple source

Organizations should focus on creating a centralized data hub. It will become easier for
employees to access information from that location. Thus, freeing up time spent on data
collection and helping you compare data from across channels (Anon., n.d.).

Quality of data collected

Nothing can be more dangerous in data analytics than incorrect data. If the input quality of
data is flawed and erroneous, the output can never be reliable. One of the primary reasons
behind inaccurate data is errors made during data entry, i.e., manual errors (Anon., n.d.).

Managing successful Computing Project

Another reason for poor quality data is the disparity in data. Suppose your data operator
makes changes in one system and forgets to make the exact change in others; it will create
asymmetric data (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 22 Data Quality

The first check that you should put is at the data collection stage. If you have the budget,
automate this process. Or you can use forms with drop-down fields and data validations.
Thus, not leaving much room for human errors (Anon., n.d.).
Data security
Once businesses realize the importance of Big Data, they start focusing on storing,
understanding and analyzing it. They tend to overlook the potential risks that come with
the privacy and security of the enormous data sets collected.

Managing successful Computing Project

Security of your company’s data is a necessity and one of the scariest challenges in data
analytics. Unprotected data sources can become an easy entry point for hackers (Anon.,

Figure 23 Data security

The moment you decide to use data analytics in your business, make sure to take care of
the security issues (Anon., n.d.). Some steps that you can implement are:
Hire cybersecurity professionals to guard your data.
Conduct corporate training programs on big data for your managers and business
Use big data analytics tools.
Control access rights.
Encrypt data with secured login credentials.


The value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support
sustainable organisational performance
In this part, I am going to reflect the value of pursuing different research methodologies
through order to achieve specific goals and learning and success of my own. After that, I

Managing successful Computing Project

am going to assess the importance of the project management process and the use of quality
research that is implemented to meet stated goals and to promote one's own learning and
results. Finally, I am going to critically assess and comment on the project performance,
the decision-making process and the changes or improvements of the original project
management plan to support recommendations and rationale for learning during the
Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning
and performance
The research method taken by me and my group is the best method of research Remote
working for any company. Both the qualitative and quantitative research method are done
efficiently to meet the objectives of the project. The company wants to know the feasibility
to do something new that is working remotely, I have taken the above mention research to
meet the requirement of the project. The quantitative research has revealed that most of the
company want to go with working remotely thing and they think it will grow their business
at high level. And the quantitative research also suggest that the company needs invest in
such projects. There is a chance of qualitative research’s data more biased but quantitative
data are always authentic and applicable. Both the qualitative and quantitative research are
essential in order to meet the stated objectives.
The work breakdown helped me to set specific task for the employees and to set the skilled
people in their section. The breakdown of the project task has lessened the work pressure.
According to the structure, I have able to accomplish the project tasks within then time
limitation. On the other hand, the Gantt chart of the project has specified the time required
for every task and how many employees needed for that task. The Gantt chart has also
specified the duration of the task, so it will be able to accomplish the task within the project
time limitation.
Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality research to
meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance.
Project management process is a management mechanism for operation planning and
control or project execution. This process begins after client acceptance, is contract based,

Managing successful Computing Project

and is aimed at the initial process principles and overall project management. There are
many steps that need to be taken during the project management process so that the project's
final outcome is more effective and productive. Project management process includes
project management plan work structure breakdown (WBS) and Gantt chart. All aspects
like cost, time, scope, quality, communication, and risk and resource management are
included according to this project management plan.
Implementation of the project management process is very important for completing a
project and attaining its objectives. This helps in faster and cheaper completion of the
project. And it makes the project more reliable which means that it can forecast the time
and cost needed for the project. Project management includes processes for identifying and
managing risks, in order to identify and manage potential problems before the problems
actually occur.
A Gantt chart is a valuable graphical tool that shows activities performed against time that
lead to a project being completed. It is also called a visual presentation of a project where
the tasks are broken down and presented on a map that makes understanding and
interpretation simple. There are a variety of steps that need to be completed sequentially to
complete a project in a single time. This Gantt diagram helps to estimate the time required
for each step to be taken.
Project Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the hierarchical tree structure representing the tasks
and separating a large project into smaller, more manageable sections. This helps break
large projects into subprojects so that we can get stuff done more quickly and more
effectively. WBS offers an entire scope of graphics. It can be used to define points of
contact, and to indicate control points and milestones. WBS lets project managers organize
their work more effectively, in a simple word.
The project management methodology assessment process
Determine project drivers by identifying and weighing primary goals and priorities of the
After determining project drivers, requirements and goals, identify all the criteria
that a methodology will impact and vice versa.

Managing successful Computing Project

Identify all available methodologies that are most relevant for the project.
Spend time comparing and contrasting each PMM in relation to the project.
Consider which methodology will yield the best results and offer the least risk.
Gain feedback and buy-in.
Document the methodology and rationale.
Implement the methodology.
Monitor and modify as required.
Importance of project Management
Proper time management, planning beforehand and creating a schedule that works
for the team
Clearly defines the plan of the project before it begins.
Establishes an agreed schedule and plan.
Creates a base for teamwork.
Resources are maximized.
Helps to manage integration.
Helps to keep control of costs.
Quality is continuously managed.
Strategic structuring of the project
Project outcomes
This project was initiated to discover the situation to any company to work remotely and
to examine threats and risks of working remotely. By doing this project you can analyze
the whole process and find out the risk aspects of the project.
Decision making Process
In general, the decision-making process helps managers and other business professionals
solve problems by examining options and determining the best course to take. Using a step-
by-step approach is an effective way to make thoughtful, informed decisions that will
positively impact your organization's short-term and long-term goals.

Managing successful Computing Project

The business decision-making process is generally divided into seven steps. Managers can
use many of these steps without understanding them, but having a clear understanding of
best practices can improve the effectiveness of your decisions.
Identify the decision- The first step in making the right decision is identifying the
problem or situation and deciding to solve it. Decide why this decision will make a
difference to your employees.
Gather information- Next, it's time to gather information so you can make a decision
based on facts and data. This will require you to make a valuable judgment,
determine what information is relevant to your decision and how you can obtain it.
Ask yourself what you need to know to make the right decision, and then actively
seek out anyone who wants to connect.
Identify the options. - Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, it is time
to identify the various solutions you have. You seem to have many options in your
decision making, so it’s important to come up with different options. This will help
you determine, what is the best course of action to achieve your objective.
Choose between options. - When it comes time to make your decision, make sure
you understand the risks to your chosen route. You can now choose from a
collection of alternative options that you fully understand all relevant information
and potential risks.

Take action- Next, you need to create a plan for implementation. This includes
identifying needed resources and obtaining support from employees and
stakeholders. Involving others in your decision is a key component of implementing
your plan effectively, so be prepared to address any questions or concerns that may
Review your decision- An often overlooked but important step in the decision-
making process is evaluating your decision for effectiveness. Ask yourself what you
did well and what could be improved next time.

Managing successful Computing Project

In the process of decision making above, you can make the right decision without much
effort. Evaluating each one of them can help you make the right decision using alternatives.
Therefore, using the decision making process can reduce the risk. Therefore, this process
can be used whenever the decision is needed to make a project decision with less risk of
choosing the wrong process. This process was helpful in making the initial project
decisions for idea of working remotely.
Own learning and Performance
Cost control:
As an IT consultant of this project, I have learnt the processes to control the cost of the
project. Control is the most important fact of a project and I have got huge idea and
techniques about cost control process of a project.
Negotiation skills:
When running the project, I had to communicate with so many people and delegates about
the project. So I have got the idea of how to manage the stakeholders and make good deals
with the clients. So this is a good lesson for me.
Communication skills
The most important factor or quality for handling project is the communication skill. When
I started the project I had limitation to communicate with the staffs but after the project I
have got so many techniques and processes to easily communicate with the staff.
Risk management skills:
Any project has some risks, so the project managed must have some quality of managing
risk in the project. So as a project manager of this project I have got some lesson over
controlling the project risks and this quality has helped me to successfully accomplish the
project and to meet the objective of the project.

Project management is a process of accomplishing a task within a specified time. Project
management helps a company to accomplish any task successfully within the limited

Managing successful Computing Project

budget of time, money and other resources. I have accomplished the project of working
remotely for a company. So the company given the responsibility on I and I have taken all
the responsibilities to complete the task to research on it. So I have used some policies and
techniques to complete the project within the time in this paper I have discuss the project
management processes and techniques taken by the organization.

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Managing successful Computing Project

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