Gimanto - US Nov 2023

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Nama : Gimanto

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan : Ekonomi


1. The owners of a corporation are individuals whose shares of ownership are represented
by stock certificates, they are called stakeholders.
2. Whether it's a corporation or a partnership, can vary widely and is not determined solely
by its legal structure. Both corporations and partnerships can be small or large,
depending on factors such as the number of owners, the scale of operations, and the
market reach of the business. The information in the paragraph does not provide a basis
for comparing the size of corporations to partnerships.
3. Three advantages of the corporate form of ownership might be ability to attract financial
resources, making large investments, and offering high salaries to attract talented
4. Educational, religious, and charitable institutions, as well as governmental corporations,
usually do not issue stock.

True - False Answers:

1. False, the size comparison between a corporation and a partnership is not provided in the
2. True
3. False, corporations can offer high salaries to attract talented managers, as mentioned in
the paragraph.
4. True
5. False, charitable institutions generally do not issue stock, and profits are usually
reinvested in the institution rather than distributed to private stockholders.

It’s about the inherent interdependence of human beings from the moment of birth. It
highlights our reliance on others for various necessities such as clothing, shelter, and food. As
children, we depend on parents, peers, and teachers for emotional support, education, and
skills. Even in adulthood, we continue to rely on societal structures like laws and friendships
for comfort and security.

The paragraph underscores the fundamental truth that human existence is intricately
woven into a web of mutual dependence. It implies that our ability to thrive and find comfort
in life is deeply rooted in the relationships and connections we have with others. This
interdependence forms the foundation of social structures and emphasizes the importance of
cooperation and community in human life.
1. is
2. are
3. wins
4. were
5. is arriving
6. need
7. play
8. lives
9. takes
10. were
11. prepare
12. was
13. is
14. attend
15. encourages

1. doesn’t like
2. sleep
3. do
4. doesn't
5. comes, teaches
6. works
7. brushes
8. have
9. enjoy
10. scratch

1. climbed
2. passed
3. was
4. cried, prepared
5. go
6. was
7. had
8. were, slept
9. borrow
10. were
11. spent
12. didn't
13. blew
14. didn't
15. buy

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