Mob and Dmob

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Introduc on: Upon award of contract and no ce to period (NTP) mobiliza on

ac vi es will commence according to this site mobiliza on plan which is an
appendix to the remedial ac on work plan (RAWP). Mobiliza on consists the

a. Mobiliza on of necessary labour, materials, equipment, tools and supervision to

commence to work on the project.

b. Con nued processing of the required submi als which includes administra ve and
procedural requirements for submi ng project work plans, product data, samples and
any other submi als required in the project specifica ons.

c. Performance and Pre-construc on ac vi es.

d. The contractor personnel, taking part in the ac vi es, will receive the required medical
surveillance (ini al entrance physicals) prior to any hazardous or intrusive site work
being performed.

2. Scope of work
The scope of the work for this project will involve construc on and installa on
of nitrogen generator unit. The specific work tasks that will be performed to
successfully complete this project will include the following:
a. Contractor to submit method statement and risk assessment, li ing plan and site office
set up to the client review and get approval.

b. Set up the site office as per the approved drawing.

c. Contractor shall be the responsible to follow HDTL Safety procedure, Traffic rules and
Maintain TBT on daily basis.
d. Iden fy the work loca on prior to start to work.

e. Contractor shall mobilize and demobilize all consumables material, equipment’s,

manpower, apparatus and hand power tools on daily basis at site yard safely.

f. Contractor shall follow the hazardous waste disposal procedure.

g. HDTL Traffic management procedure shall be followed.

3. Mobiliza on and site prepara on ac vi es Introduc on

EASF will immediately align all assets to execute the mobiliza on and site prepara on as
outlined in (Mobiliza on and site prepara on ac vi es). Immediately EASF shall prepare and
submit for approval the pre ac vity sampling plan to HDTL in order to determine background
concentra on of each expected cons tuent in compliance with RECAP. A quick turnaround
this is important to allow us to begin site prepara on accordingly to support HDTL approved
plan. EASF will also submit the Health and Safety Plan for Review and Approval. Again, a quick
turnaround is important to allow us to know theme is team agreement on the plan and begin
prepara on of the EASF explosives safety site plan, EASF worker training, materials and
schedule, and prepara on of HDTL Standard Opera ng Procedures (SOPs) to be used for
conduc ng daily material removal, transporta on, staging, and material destruc on
opera ons. EASF will immediately begin mobiliza on from their respec ve bases to be on site
at the appointed date and me permi ed. The extensive site prepara on works necessary
for se ng up the en re Destruc on Site in Area will require several weeks to complete. The
assets (personnel and equipment) involved in the ini al mobiliza on, as well as the actual
conduct of the site prepara on ac vi es, are geared to support the overall project
produc vity and safety goals. Furthermore, this phase of the project will ensure adequate
support and setup to enable the mely, efficient and safe opera ons required for Nitrogen
generator unit project tasks of removing the material from the magazines, transpor ng these
to the destruc on site and the final destruc on of the materials. Provide li ing plan for
Offloading / Loading of heavy equipment's and container if where ever is applicable.

4. Site office and Land preparation: Used approved drawing on site for office setup:

a. Before start the Mobilization contractor follow the safety procedure and PTW
b. Identify the approved location for the office setup(existing site office)
c. Used office layout approved drawing for office setup
d. All material shall be approved by HDTL prior to mobilization.
e. Place project safety sign boards

5. Office setup Material:

S.No Descrip on Qty

1 container with AC & store container (20’ 8 nos

& 40')

2 Generator (60kva,40 kva 4nos

3 Table and chair 4nos

4 Electrical item 1 set

5 Temporary aboli on 1 nos

6. Equipment’s list: EASF will be the responsible to take all equipment’s approval and
permission from HDTL Project team
a. Generator
b. Navara pick up
c. Hilux Pick up
d. Blasting and painting equipment
e. Cutting Welding equipment
f. Air cooler and & Compressor

7. Construction material list for Mechanical, Civil and E & I: EASF will be the
responsible of all incoming and outgoing material list take approval from HDTL project team.
a. Construction Material is shift in the store room as per approved drawing.
b. Consumables Materials and power tool & Tackles
c. Blasting and painting material
d. Cutting and welding material

8. Transportation: EASF will be the responsible to follow the HSE & traffic rules and
regulation prior to work
a. Box loader for material Mobilization and Demobilization
b. Truck trailer for material shifting
c. Navara pickup
d. Hilux pickup
e. Toyota Fortuner

9. Site Team
a. Site team is responsible to coordinate with project tean, HSE team prior to work on
daily basis.
b. Site teams are responsible for the day-to- day on site running of a construc on project.
c. Site managers are required to keep within the me scale and budget of a project, and
manage any delays or problem encountered on-site during a construc on project. Also
involved in the role is managing the quality control, health and safety checks and the
inspec on of work carried out.
d. Site engineers will be involved before site ac vity takes place, and are responsible for
managing communica ons between all par es involved in the on-site development of
the project.
e. Site managers are o en required to deal with inquires and communica on with public.
f. Call for site inspec on upon comple on of mobiliza on to check the safety aspects
and get clearance prior to commence the work.
g. Provide both and cover the fire blanket for any hot work at laydown area.
h. Place the enough fire ex nguisher at lay down facility.
10. Site office and Lay down Area:

Dwg .Ref.No. EASF 180001-001

11. Site Restora on and Demobiliza on:

11.1. Environmental and Site Recovery and Restora on:

EASF will submit a post removal site control and implementa on plan specifying the
objec ves, implementa on, monitoring, inspec on, repor ng, remedia on and restora on.
This plan will be subject to the HDTL for approval. The plan will follow all key environmental
and compliance considera ons including those associated with the Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) & Risk Evalua on -Correc ve Ac on Program (RECAP)

12. Site Specific Training:

Prior to beginning destruc on ac vi es, EASF personnel will have task and site-specific
training consistent will all Standard Opera ng Parameters (SOPs). Site specific training will
cover all aspects of the required job tasks associated with the destruc on ac vity. EASF
personnel who will be par cipa ng in on-site opera ons will have the following training
cer fica ons:

a. Lock out/Tag-Out training for work on either the Contained burn Chamber and
Pollu on Control Equipment.
b. Personnel opera ng forkli s and heavy equipment will have the appropriate licenses
and cer fica ons to operate the specified equipment.
c. Emergency contact informa on is provided at site. EASF personnel will be
trained on emergency contact and response procedures.
d. EASF personnel should be trained on and comply with HDTL Team, Subject: Fire

13. Personnel:
In support of the work required for nitrogen generator unit along with HDTL Construc on
will mobilize personnel to operate the required heavy equipment needed in support of
this phase of the project. All of the needed heavy equipment to support the construc on
be delivered to the site and inspected a minimum of three days prior to actual site work
At the same me that EASF is Mobilizing material at the site, the following equipment
and supplies will have been ordered with enough lead me such that these will be on-
14. Final Report and Project Closeout:

• EASF will provide a document as a final report within fifteen (1 5) days after
the completion of all work required by the HDTL Department. This final
Report Submission to the HORIZON DIJIBOUTI TERMINAL LTD., for review
and approval, and will summarize the removal opera on and the ac ons
taken to comply with the implementa on of the contract. The final report
will confirm to HDTL Team.
• The plan will detail the actions taken by EASF to remove and destroy all the
material identified by the Horizon. The report will include quantities and types
of materials removed off-site as well as destroyed of on-site through
treatment, details of removal and destruction options considered for those
materials, a lis ng of the ul mate disposi on and des na on of those
materials, analy cal results of all sampling and analyses performed,
cer ficates of destruc on lis ng quan ty and type of material destroyed,
and appendices containing all relevant documenta on generated during the
removal ac on (manifests, invoices, Contracts, permits, QAQC repor ng,
inspec on repos, Heal & Safety reports, etc.).
• EASF is the responsible to after completion of Project, prepare the
demobilization list and take approval from HDTL.

15. Safety:

• Contractor prepares the Employee and Vehicle. Authoriza on based on

HDTL Rules and Regulation.

• Contractor follows the EHS Traffic Rules.

• Contractor follows the PTW Training on daily basis

• Used Proper PPEs Prior to work.


a. Site office layout

b. Equipment’s and tools list

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