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Q1: What is a Child Theme??

a The child theme is an extension of the super parent theme

b The child theme is an extension of the sub-child theme

c The child theme is an extension of the parent theme

d None

e None

f None

Q2: What will the following command do - $ chmod 888 file?

a None

b None of the above.

c None

d It enables r,w,x premissions for all users

e It enables r,w,x permissions only for owner of the file

f It disables r,w,x premissions for all users

Q3: When looking for all the processes running on a Linux system, what command should
you use??

a oterm

b None

c service

d None

e xrun

f ps

Q4: PHP is a ________________________?

a Tightly typed language

b Client typed language

c None

d None

e Loosely typed language

f Server typed language

Q5: Which of these commands let you view current jobs being handled by Shell??

a execute

b view

c show

d jobs

e None

f None

Q6: What is Wordpress??

a Wordpress is a HTML page builder you can use to create your static HTML pages.

b None

c Wordpress is a paid software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or

d Wordpress is a social network just like Facebook and Twitter.

e None

f WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog,
or app.

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