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Identifying Information

Name M Arif Mehmood

Age 27

Gender Male

Institute special Education School

No of session. 07

Date seen. 11/04/23

Source and Reason of Referral

the referral made by Maria kazmi for the assessment of the patient. The teacher, who has been closely
involved in the student’s education, has identified concerns regarding their behavior, learning and
reading skills, self-help skills, social skills, cognition, communication, and fine motor skills.

The referral from maria kazmi highlights the importance of a comprehensive assessment to gain a
deeper understanding of the student’s needs and to develop appropriate interventions. This
collaborative effort ensures that we provide the best support and guidance for the student’s overall

I express my gratitude to maria kazmi for their proactive approach and trust in my expertise. By working
together, we aim to create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and empowers the student to
reach their full potential.

Presenting complaints
Duration. Presenting complaints
Childhood No eye contact
No recognition of shapes and alphabets
Hyper activity
He is rude
He doesn’t ask questions by himself
Smiles more than a usual person
He feels sad alot
Behaviour Observation
During the observation session, the patient exhibited several
notable behaviors. They were frequently seen smiling, which
indicated a positive mood. Additionally, they were well-dressed,
showing attention to their appearance.

However, it was observed that the patient struggled with

maintaining eye contact. They appeared to have difficulty
focusing on tasks or conversations, exhibiting a lack of sustained
attention. Their speech patterns varied, with moments of slow
speech and other times speaking loudly.

Although the patient showed interest in their surroundings,

active participation seemed to be a challenge for them. This
could indicate difficulties with engagement or communication.

Overall, these observations suggest potential areas of concern

related to attention, focus, and social interaction. Further
assessment and evaluation may be necessary to gain a deeper
understanding of the patient’s needs and to develop
appropriate interventions.
Developmental history of problem
Muhammad Arif Mehmood is a late growth child, with a
physical appearance where his head is bigger compared to his
body. He achieved different milestones at different ages:
- Crawling: Started at the age of 8 years
- Sitting: Started at the age of 5 years
- Neck holding: Started at the age of 5 years
- Walking: Started at the age of 8 years
- Babbling: Started at 5 months
- One-word speech: Started at the age of 10 years
- Two-word speech: Started at the age of 15 years
- Talking: Still has difficulty completing a sentence

Muhammad Arif Mehmood can eat, dress up, and take baths
without help. However, his bladder is bowl control. It’s also
worth noting that Muhammad Arif Mehmood believes he has a
sister, but in reality, he doesn’t have any sister. When I asked his
mother about his sister, she confirmed that he doesn’t have
one. It seems that he only thinks he has a sister.
Background information
Family background
Muhammad Arif Mehmood, a 27-year-old individual, follows
the Islamic faith. He comes from a loving family, with his father,
Karamat Ali, who is 70 years old, and his mother, Musarrat, who
is 63 years old. His mother is a dedicated housewife, while his
father has been dealing with heart-related health issues.

Muhammad Arif Mehmood is fortunate to have five siblings,

and his father’s loving attitude extends not only towards him
but also towards his other children. It’s heartwarming to see
such a supportive and caring family dynamic.

In terms of relationships karamat Ali’s bond with his spouse is

described as satisfactory, indicating a healthy and positive
connection. Similarly, Arif’s mother’s love and affection are
directed towards him and her other children. The relationship
between his mother and her spouse is also reported as

Karamat Ali is known to be a cooperative individual, displaying a

willingness to work together and collaborate with others. This
characteristic can contribute to positive interactions and
effective communication.
It’s important to note that there is no history of drug use or
abusive behavior associated with Muhammad Arif Mehmood or
his family members. This indicates a healthy and supportive
environment, fostering personal well-being and positive.

Educational history .
Muhammad Arif Mahmood, a student with an intellectual
disability, has been attending the MCC class at the Special
Education School in Toba Tek Singh. He has been an active and
dedicated member of his class, showing a positive attitude
towards learning.

Despite the challenges he faces, Muhammad Arif Mahmood has

made remarkable progress in his education. His teachers have
provided him with personalized learning strategies and
accommodations to support his specific needs. The MCC class
has been a nurturing environment where he has been able to
thrive academically and socially.

Muhammad Arif Mahmood’s teachers and school staff have

worked closely with him, using visual aids, hands-on activities,
and repetition of key concepts to enhance his learning
experience. They have also collaborated with his healthcare
professionals to ensure that his medical needs are met and that
he receives the necessary support.
His active participation and determination in the MCC class
have been commendable. Muhammad Arif Mahmood’s
education journey is a testament to his resilience and the
support of his teachers, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

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