Iraqi Investment Law

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Iraqi Investment Law

and Investment Opportunities

National Investment Commission (NIC)

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1. Indicators of the Government's economic plan

2. The role of the National Investment Commission in activating the private


3. Tasks and competencies of the National Investment Commission

4. Procedures for granting investment licenses

5. The relationship between the National Investment Commission and

investment authorities in the regions and provinces

6. Duties and responsibilities of the front desk

7. Objectives of Investment Law No. 13 of 2006

8. Advantages and guarantees of investment law in Iraq

9. Investment opportunities

10. Pictures of some investment projects

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The Government's Economic Plan

 Supporting investment in economic sectors and adapting the regulatory and

financial environment to provide sufficient incentives for investment activity.

 This includes expanding the establishment of industrial zones and economic

cities that have infrastructure and providing incentives and guarantees for


 The plan also includes developing the agricultural sector, providing necessary

supplies and equipment, and facilitating investment by simplifying procedures

and improving the investment environment.

 Promote investments by developing the financial and banking systems,

providing easy loans to the private sector through specialized banks and

private sector banks.

 Enhancing the role of the private sector, developing the business and

investment environment, and developing small and medium-sized enterprises.

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"The industrial sector has an important and fundamental role in building the
country's economy, contributing to economic and human development, providing
job opportunities, and supporting both the industrial and agricultural sectors. This
leads to economic stability, which can create a strong economic foundation for the
country, leading to a stable and independent sovereign state.

The importance of the industrial sector is emphasized through economic initiatives,

such as Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 and Law No. 50 of 2015. These laws
encourage investment and the adoption of modern technologies to enhance
agricultural development, expand production capacity, and improve
competitiveness. The laws also provide support for the establishment of investment
projects and enhance the competitiveness of projects covered by their provisions.

The implementation of investment laws is essential for building an investment-

friendly environment, and this includes facilitating investment procedures through
the establishment of investment authorities in all provinces to oversee non-oil
projects within the province."

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"The National Investment Commission has the following tasks and

First: The National Investment Commission is responsible for investment projects

that fall under the Investment Law (First of Clause 4) specifically those classified as
strategic and federal projects.
Second: The commission is responsible for the following investment projects that
are considered strategic and federal:
a) Projects related to infrastructure that have a capital of no less than 50,000,000
Iraqi dinars or the equivalent in US dollars.
b) Projects that are located in more than one region or province that are not under
the jurisdiction of a single region.
c) Projects related to the extraction of natural resources, in accordance with Article
29 of the Investment Law.
d) Projects arising from an agreement in which the Republic of Iraq is a party.
e) Projects related to various industries, including engineering, civil, petrochemicals,
pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and production, with a capital of no less than
50,000,000 Iraqi dinars or the equivalent in US dollars.

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The tasks and responsibilities of the National Investment Commission also

f) Projects for the development of archaeological and historical areas.

g) Infrastructure projects such as roads, ports, airports, and railways, with a capital
of no less than 30,000,000 Iraqi dinars or the equivalent in US dollars.
h) Electricity projects with a production capacity of no less than 30 megawatts.
i) Dam and irrigation projects that irrigate an area of no less than 20,000 dunams.
j) Telecommunications projects.
k) Projects with a capital of no less than 1,000,000,000 US dollars or the equivalent
in Iraqi dinars.
l) Any other projects deemed strategic and federal by the commission.

Investment projects whose value is above $ 250 million

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The procedures for granting an investment license
The investor must submit an application to the investment commission for the
project's establishment, including:

o The application form provided by the commission, which must be

completed electronically, along with creating an electronic account for
the investor to submit investment requests to the commission. The
application should include all necessary information, documents, and
requirements according to Article 19 of Investment Law No. 13 of
o The project's funding must be guaranteed by a recognized financial
o Details of previous projects undertaken or participated in by the
investor within Iraq or abroad.
o The project's details, including its economic and financial benefits,
must be provided in full.

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"The relationship between the National Investment Commission and the
investment commissions in the provinces and regions."
According to Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, investment commissions are
established at the federal and provincial levels, and their main tasks include:

1. Facilitating investment procedures.

2. Planning investment projects.
3. Establishing branches in designated areas in consultation with the National
Investment Commission to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
4. Developing investment strategies and policies.
5. Preparing lists of investment opportunities in designated areas.

These commissions are responsible for implementing national investment policies

and regulations, monitoring their enforcement, and providing investment
opportunities exclusively to the National Investment Commission for strategic
federal projects.
The coordination between federal and provincial investment commissions is as
o Consultation with the National Investment Commission and provincial
commissions regarding the establishment of branches in designated
areas to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
o Coordination of investment planning and policies.
o Provincial investment commissions represent local investment
opportunities and facilitate administrative procedures.

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Duties and responsibilities of the One-Stop-Shop:
o Providing a streamlined process for approving investment projects, with a
response required within 15 days. In the absence of a response, approval is
o The primary role of the commission is to develop a national investment policy
that ensures transparency, fairness, and guidelines for local and foreign
o Promoting investment opportunities in various economic sectors, particularly for
foreign investment.
o Ensuring a conducive environment in line with international standards.
o Facilitating investment procedures and project management, including
establishment, retention, and divestment.
o Providing investment guarantees and incentives.
o Simplifying procedures and coordinating with local authorities on investment
o Providing technical advice and information to investors.
o Disclosing information to ensure transparency.
o Coordination to improve the quality and timing of government procedures.

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Aims & Methods

This law aims to achieve the following:

First: Investment projects and modern technologies are utilized to contribute to the
development, expansion, and improvement of Iraq's productivity and
Second: Encouraging local and foreign investment in the industrial and service
sectors and promoting competitiveness by providing investment opportunities and
establishing projects in line with local and international regulations.
Third: Developing human resources by meeting the requirements of the labor
market and providing job opportunities for Iraqis.
Fourth: Protecting the rights and properties of investors.
Fifth: Boosting exports and managing revenues and Iraq's trade balance.

The following methods are used to achieve the objectives of this law:

First: Implementing projects covered by the provisions of this law, developing them,
and providing support to ensure their competitiveness in both local and international
Second: Encouraging investment in priority projects through incentives such as tax
exemptions and other privileges, as determined by the investment commission in
line with local laws and regulations.

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The Commissions Aims to Promote Investment by Doing the Following:
7- Facilitating procedures for obtaining approvals for establishing projects in rural
areas, as determined by the commission in coordination with relevant authorities.
8. Encouraging Iraqi investors and foreign investors to participate in projects by
providing them with financial support and loans in coordination with the financial
institutions. The commission provides guarantees for the establishment and
completion of the project, and easy loans for housing projects, with a maximum of
25% of the project cost, with repayment terms based on the borrower's income.
9. Any tasks or responsibilities assigned to the commission are funded by the

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Investors enjoy the following benefits:
First: Import of capital and returns in accordance with the provisions of the law,
Central Bank of Iraq regulations, and subject to transfer abroad after settling all
obligations and debts to the Iraqi government and other entities.
Second: Foreign investors have the right to:
A. Trade in Iraqi currency, using Iraqi banks and listed financial instruments,
including shares of joint-stock companies, whether local or foreign, and real
estate assets owned by companies.
B. Purchase investment portfolios consisting of shares and bonds.
C. Establish a branch of a foreign company in Iraq in accordance with the law.
D. Register a patent for his investment project as per the law.
Third: Insuring the investment project at any national or foreign insurer that he
deems appropriate.
Fourth: Opening bank accounts in Iraqi or foreign currency or both at one of the
banks in or outside Iraq for the project.

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First, projects that have obtained an investment license from the Commission are eligible for tax
exemptions and fee waivers for up to 10 years from the date of commencing operations, in
accordance with the development regions designated by the Cabinet, based on proposals from the
National Investment Authority.

Second, the Cabinet may propose draft laws to extend or grant additional exemptions, incentives,
guarantees, or other privileges for any project, sector, or region as deemed appropriate based on
the nature of the business, geographical location, and contribution to employment and economic
development for the national interest.

Third, the National Investment Commission may increase the percentage of tax exemption and
fee waiver in proportion to the increased participation of the Iraqi investor in the project, exceeding

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The investor is entitled to the following:
 Investors have the right to employ non-Iraqi staff if qualified Iraqi staff is not available.
 Transactions for foreign investors and staff in investment projects are facilitated.
 Non-Iraqis have the right to access, depart, and live in Iraq.
 The investment project cannot be nationalized or confiscated, except for those exposed to
a final court judgment. No disposition of the investment project is allowed unless it is for
public interest, and fair damages are paid.
 Technical and administrative non-Iraqi staff have the right to transfer their salaries and
benefits outside of Iraq with a transferable currency, after paying their liabilities and debts
to the Iraqi government and other entities.
 With the approval of the Commission, investors have the right to sell or assign their
exempted assets to another investor who benefits from the provisions of the law, provided
that the assets are used in the project.
 After paying the due fees and taxes, investors may sell their exempted assets to any person
or project not subject to the provisions of the law, subject to the approval of the
 With the approval of the Commission , foreign investors enjoy additional privileges as per
international agreements between their country and Iraq or multiparty international treaties
in which Iraq is a party.

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Investment Opportunities
Investment Regions
Their Importance:
o Encouraging the establishment of large and medium industries in designated areas and
achieving rapid growth for them.
o Expanding the scope of the industrial sector in the city to reduce unemployment, train human
resources, and enhance their efficiency.
o Increasing competitiveness and promoting it among factories in the city and between local and
imported products.
o Critically examining, utilizing, and localizing modern technology.
o Implementing investment projects in these areas according to the Investment Law and the
Secure Investment Zones system, with the commission overseeing the process according to
established procedures.
o Developing local human resources and attracting foreign ones.
o Achieving integration between different sectors.
o Reducing the costs of projects, their operation, maintenance, and development.

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Hateen Region
In Babel Governorate for Heavy and Medium Engineering Industries
The site lies in Babel Governorate in Alexandria city near the Public Company of Mechanical
Industries and the Public Vehicles Company.
The site is north of Al Hela City and it is around 40 km of Al Hala City Center, and it lies south
Baghdad Governorate, and it is around 50 Km of Baghdad Capital Center.
The site is close to Euphrates river 10 km eastward.
The site is north Al-Musaib Electricity Plant 12 km.
The total area of the site ( location) is 15,000.000 square meters, which is 6000 (Donam), in
additional to many subsidiary roads which extend like a network inside the location.
Many damaged infrastructures are available at the location including the sanitary network that
extends inside Hateen site. Further, there is water and electricity network with little damage
percentage. Moreover, the site includes many buildings.
There are warehouses for highly immunized products which are protected by dust fence.

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The Investment Region in Al-Basra Region

Al-Faw Al-Kabeer region with an area of 2400 Hektars. This area includes petrochemical
industries such as:
1- Refinery with 300.000 barrels/day capacity.
2- Petrochemical Complex to produce 1.5 tons/annually.
3- Warehouses region.
4- Electricity Plant with 500 Megawatts Capacity.
5- Fertilizers plant, Cement, Steel iron, Glass …
6- Services building and infrastructure.
7- 1400 Hektars to establish warehouses and housing buildings, training institutes and a
commercial center
Roads: establish railway road to reach to Al-Faw region:
- Improve the roads network leading to Al-Basra.
- Connect pipeline and link it to the existing pipeline network.
- The cost of the primary investments for the industrial region is approaching $ 2.5 billion.

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The Investment Region in the Capital ( Baghdad)
Al-Rapheel project near Baghdad International Airport
The area is 106 thousand Donam as part of the area surrounding the airport.
- The first phase of the project: Establish housing, educational, medical, commercial,
service and entertainment complexes on 106 thousand Donam to contribute to providing
75 thousand housing units to meet the needs of nearly 300 thousand population.
- The second phase of the project includes industrial, logistical and service projects
adjacent to the airport.
- The third phase : agricultural projects that are environment friendly.
- The fourth phase lies among the region north of the airport in Kadaa Abu Ghareeb and it
could be invested in many strategic projects.

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The precision engineering industries zone in Ninawa province."
"Either in the Canadian Company location or Jabir bin Hayyan Company location, a precision
engineering workshop will be established to produce parts and systems required by small and
medium-sized projects in the fields of industry and technology as per the vision of the Ministry
of Industry and Minerals.

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Free Zones in Iraq
First: The Expansion Free Zone in Khor Al-Zubair
- The area is 8145 Donam, which is equal to 20,364.200 square meters.
- Block and intersection : 13/8m44 Haila and 1/3 and 2/2 and 1/3 m20 Shawan.
Privileges and Characteristics:
It has electricity network and it is adjacent to Khor Al-Zubair Port. Further, it is away from Om
Al-Kasr Port (25 km and 55km from Safwan border Port with paved roads.
Second: The Free Zone in Al-Qaem
- Area is (173 Donam), which is equal to 430,000 m2.
- Block and Intersection: 133/7533 m21 Dayom Al-Manei

Privileges and Characteristics:

All plots are dedicated to the free zone, and it is adjacent to Al-Qaem border port on the borders
with Syria and very close to sources of electricity and water. Further, it is close to Al-Qaem
Court Center. There is a 25 km paved road between the Free Zone and Ukaz Gas Field.

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Third: Expansion Free Zone in Nainawa
- Area: 204.980 m2
- Block and Intersection: 17 Kolqai/ Kharab Karj / and 18 Kolqai/ Taz meri and 21 Kolqai/
Kherba Karj and 19 Hamidat/ Tal Kaoub.

Privileges and Characteristics:

The expansion free zone lies in Falfeel area in Nainawa Governorate. It lies northern of the
Governorate (20 km) away from the road linking Nainawa Governorate and Dahok Governorate.
It is 120 km from Rabea Port and 180 km from Ibrahim Al-Khaleel. It is characterized by its
strategic location between Iraq and the adjacent countries. The recent years have witnessed great
increase in the volume of trade exchange between Iraq and Turkey and this qualifies it to be a vital
port to the country.

Fourth: The Free Zone in Al-Qaem

Area: (2644 Donam), which is equal to 6,612.500 m2.
Block and Intersection: 133/4530 and 11/5 m21 Deem Al-Manei
Privileges and Characteristics:
It lies on the road linking Al-Qaem port and Al-Waleed and Tarebel ports. It is close to the sources
of water and electricity. It is 20 km away from Al-Qaem border port and there is a paved road
connecting them. Further, it has a strategic location close to Phosphate lab and mine in Ukashat
which is close to Ukaz gas field.

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The New Housing Cities in Some Iraqi Governorates
First: Zahrat Al-Madaen ( Ali Al-Wardi) New Housing City
Location: Al-Madaen Court adjacent to the South to Al-Nahrawan City
Project Description: The city relies on two main axes that intersect at the heart of the city, which
adds to its importance despite being situated away from the city center. These axes host various
public events, including commercial activities, and are surrounded by green areas that serve as a
buffer between them and the residential areas, while also providing vital spaces. The population
is distributed across different residential areas, each with varying densities and equipped with all
necessary service centers and facilities, such as educational, recreational, commercial, and public
buildings, based on a hierarchical system at the levels of the city, sector, neighborhood, and local
housing, in terms of service area and beneficiary numbers.

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Second: Al-Amal Smart City:
Location: Madaen District , near Nahrawan to the north.
Area: 2000 dunums.
Coordinates: 61 plots, 18/1 numbered.
Located in the Ma'in district, towards the bridge
Project description: The Complex includes tourism and recreational facilities such as a
university, hospital, health center, schools, sports clubs, and archaeological sites.
The project also includes construction of infrastructure and a fast road connecting the city to the
capital center.

Third: Al-Nasr & Al-Salam City ( Tareq Camp Previously)

Location: Baghdad - Fallujah road.
Area: 10,000 dunums.
Project description: Building 60 residential (horizontal and vertical) in addition to other service
facilities ( educational, health, commercial and recreational) and infrastructure services,
especially road networks and streets.

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Fourth: Al-Nakheel City (Palm City)
Location: 35km away south Al-Basra City, and it lies along Al-Basra coast, and in front of Khor
Al-Zubair Port.
Project Description: The city will be linked with Um Kasr via a new bridge, and with the
southern regions of the province via the other transportation lines.
Fifth: Al-Seyab City
Location: It lies as part of the new city in Al-Basra Province
Project Description: includes 40 thousand housing units (horizontal and vertical) in addition to
the city’s urban assets including universities, faculties, hospitals, schools, recreational areas,
service and commercial places.

Fifth: Al-Habaniya New City

Location: The New City Project is located 10 km from Al-Habaniya City and 15 km from Al-
Ramadi City. It is also located 80 km from Baghdad City, with Al-Khaldiya and Hasiba being
the nearest urban regions to the city, located 2.5 km north of the project site.
Area: 16,000 dunums.
Project Description:
 The project aims to establish an integrated city that can accommodate a population of
594,000, making it the second-largest city in the province after Ramadi City.
 The project will include all necessary activities and services.
 The project will be implemented in five phases, with a duration of 11 years.
 The project will be implemented on a leveled plot of land free of obstacles, with
supporting potential such as the Euphrates River, Al-Habaniya Lake, International Road
11, and the airport.

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Sixth: New Residential City of Ramadi
Location: Adjacent to the international highway near the city of Ramadi (separated by the
highway), by creating a main arterial road that intersects with the highway and links to another
highway that connects the two cities. The new city center is formed at their intersection.
Area: The project will occupy an area of 2580 hectares, equivalent to approximately 10,000
dunams, accommodating a new residential city for a population of approximately 175,000 people.
Project Description: The city is surrounded by a circular road to avoid transit traffic, with
entrances to the city located on this road. From these entrances, a main arterial road is formed,
around which residential sectors are distributed, equipped with all necessary service centers and

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Seventh: Al-Mutanby New Housing City

Location: City center of Wasit province.

Area: 5,400 hectares. The city will be designed and planned on an area of 3,600 hectares,
equivalent to approximately 14,400 dunums, as a new residential city for around 300,000 people,
with an average household size of six people.
Project Description: The city will be surrounded by a circular road to facilitate traffic flow, and
from this road, arterial streets will branch out and divide the city into sectors. The central area will
be surrounded by green areas, and the project will also include recreational areas, hospitals, and
schools. The project is located on the international highway.

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Eighth: Al-Zubaidya New City
Location: The project is located on the western or right bank of the Tigris River, and it forms a
circular bend in the river, which serves as the northern and eastern borders. To the west, it is
bordered by the Euphrates River and the Irrigation Canal. The northern border is marked by the
Baghdad-Kut-Basra railway, located 3 km south of the city of Al-Zubaidiya, and 100 km south
of Baghdad.
Area: Approximately 24,000 dunums, including 2,000 dunums of orchards.
The estimated population density is around 57 people per hectare, which equates to
approximately 300,000 people.
Project Description:
 The land where the city will be built has a natural slope, ranging from 23 meters above sea
level near the riverbank to 20 meters above sea level in the flat areas away from the city.
 The area between Kut and Baghdad has unique characteristics that meet the needs of the
city's population, including residential, commercial, and industrial areas, as well as natural
resources suitable for agriculture. The area also has good environmental conditions suitable
for living.

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Ninth: Al-Salam New City
Location: Located to the north of Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf City
Area: 7,526 hectares, of which 5,565.5 hectares are designated for residential use.
Project Description:
- The city consists of 90,000 residential units, including both vertical and horizontal
- The city accommodates around 540,000 people.
- The project includes various types of infrastructure, such as industrial, commercial,
telecommunications, recreational, and transportation facilities.

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Tenth: Difaf Karbala City
Area: 20 square kilometers.
Project Description:
 The city will consist of 40,000 residential units and will be implemented in four phases
over 8 years. The phases will be interconnected, and the project will include infrastructure,
public and recreational facilities, and will help alleviate the housing crisis and provide
various job opportunities during and after completion.
 The city will comprise villas, houses, hotel apartments, hotels of different categories,
commercial centers, open markets, offices, clinics, schools, mosques, public parks,
children's playgrounds, government, social and sports facilities, and event halls, in addition
to all necessary services required by cities such as the service, educational, health,
entertainment, industrial sectors, and other activities.

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Investment Opportunities in the Oil Sector

- Al-Emara refinery in Maysan province with a capacity of 1.5 million barrels per day.
- Al-Muthanna refinery with a capacity of 100,000 barrels per day.
- Kirkuk refinery with a capacity of 100,000 barrels per day.
- Al-Qayyarah refinery with a capacity of 70,000 barrels per day.
- An additional unit with a capacity of 70,000 barrels per day will be added to one of the
- In addition, the plan includes increasing the daily output of the current refineries by
30,000 barrels per day, and the establishment of a new refinery in Thi Qar province with
a capacity of 150,000 barrels per day.
- The project also includes the addition of production units to the refineries in the north,
center, and south of Iraq.
- An additional production unit will be added to the Dhi Qar refinery with a capacity of
70,000 barrels per day.

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In Energy Field:
 Building electrical power stations through investment and utilizing available lands.
 Providing and installing solar panels on both horizontal and vertical surfaces of buildings.
 Investing in alternative energy sources by recycling waste materials found in the area, and
generating electricity while also disposing of these materials safely.

In the Health Field:

 Construction of 200-bed hospitals, three hospitals in total, in the province of Kadum.
 Establishing modern medical cities.
In the Transportation Field
 Opportunity for investment in the circular highway project in Baghdad, as the designs have
been completed for some sections, and investment can proceed accordingly.
 A project that extends for several kilometers along a track of land located underneath a
railway line. The project consists of three phases:
- Phase one: Baghdad - Karbala.
- Phase two: Karbala - Babylon.
- Phase three: Karbala - Al-Nafar.

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Investment Opportunities in the Transportation Sector/ Railway
2. Basrah-Faw Line
- Detailed designs for the project have recently been completed by the German consulting
firm Dorsch Gruppe.
- Distance: 100 km.
- Number of lanes: Dual.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment : 300 million USD.
- Implementation: 1,410 million USD.
- Total cost: 1,710 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Three years.

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1. Baghdad Ring Road:
- Detailed designs for the project were made in 1982 by the Italian consulting firm Sotec. The
project consists of a dual circular highway (112 km) and main and subsidiary roads (284 km).
- Distance: 248 km.
- Number of lanes: Mix.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 430 million USD.
- Implementation: 2,000 million USD.
- Total cost: 2,430 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Five years.

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3- (Baghdad, Al-Kut – Al-Emara – Al-Basra) Railway, and the subsidiary line (Al-Kut –
Al-Nasiriya – Um Kasr)
Detailed designs:
- The designs were made in 1986 by the British consulting firm Hinderson Hughs .
- The main highway (Baghdad - Kut - Amarah - Basra) extends over a distance of 504 km and
has dual lanes, while the subsidiary road (Karbala - Nasiriyah - Shat Al-Arab - Um Qasr) extends
over a distance of 406 km. The detailed designs are currently being updated, and an economic
feasibility study for the project is required.
- Distance: 100 km.
- Number of lanes: Dual.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 2,730 million USD.
- Implementation: 11,000 million USD.
- Total cost: 13,730 million USD.

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4- Masyab Karbala – Najaf – Samawah Line
The original detailed designs were prepared by the Italian consulting firm Sutken in 1982, and
the detailed designs have recently been updated by the Italian consulting firm Italferr.
- Distance: 228 km.
- Number of lanes: Dual.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 750 million USD.
- Implementation: 2,400 million USD.
- Total cost: 3,150 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Three years.

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5- Musel – Dahwk, Zakho – Turkey Line
The original detailed designs were prepared by the British consulting firm Henderson Hyerouge
in 1982, and the detailed designs have recently been updated by the joint venture of the
companies AKP, CD Group, and Power Offs.
- Distance: 160 km.
- Number of lanes: Dual.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 450 million USD.
- Implementation: 2,157 million USD.
- Total cost: 2,607 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Three years.

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Railway line (Baghdad - Baiji - Kirkuk - Arbid - Mosul) and the subsidiary line (Baiji -
Wanqin - Mankereh - Iran).
The original detailed designs were prepared by the French consulting firm Sogreah in 1982, and
the detailed designs have recently been updated by the Iraqi consulting firm Sir Dar Group. The
main dual carriageways extend over a distance of 200 km, while the main and subsidiary roads
span a distance of 750 km.
- Distance: 700 km.
- Number of lanes: Six.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 1,650 million USD.
- Implementation: 7,000 million USD.
- Total cost: 8,650 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Seven years.

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7. Railway connection between Iraq and Jordan (from Al-Rutba to Trebil)
The detailed designs for the project were recently prepared by the German consulting firm Dorsh
- Distance: 400 km.
- Number of lanes: Single, with the possibility of expansion to dual lanes.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 50 million USD.
- Implementation: 4,000 million USD.
- Total cost: 4,050 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Five years.

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8. Railway line (Zubair- Al-Murad - Safwan - Kuwait).
The detailed designs for the project have recently been prepared by the Italian consulting firm
Italferr. This project will pave the way for future projects and the total distance may only be 14
km from Al-Murbid station to Safwan/Kuwait Iron.
- Distance: 52 km.
- Number of lanes: Dual.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 150 million USD.
- Implementation: 500 million USD.
- Total cost: 650 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Three years.

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9- Kirkuk – Sulimaniya Railroad
The detailed designs for the project have recently been prepared by the Hungarian consulting
firm (Mozr Automatca)
- Distance: 120 km.
- Number of lanes: Single, with the possibility of expansion to dual lanes.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 350 million USD.
- Implementation: 3,000 million USD.
- Total cost: 3,350 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Two and a half years.

10-Kut – Bakoba Line

Preparation of new detailed designs is required for:
- Distance: 250 km.
- Number of lanes: Dual.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 750 million USD.
- Implementation: 3,000 million USD.
- Total cost: 3,750 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Four years.

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10 – Al-Ramadi-Karblaa Railway Road

The detailed designs for the project were prepared in 1982 by the Italian consulting firm
Sotecnica, and the detailed designs were recently updated and the economic feasibility study was
conducted by the German consulting firm Dorsh Group.
- Distance: 133 km.
- Number of lanes: Dual.
- Estimated cost of project construction:
- Investment: 400 million USD.
- Implementation: 1,500 million USD.
- Total cost: 1,900 million USD.
- Expected duration of implementation: Three years.

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The Agricultural Sector
A Table indicating number and areas of agricultural investment opportunities in Iraqi
S Province No. of Opportunities Total Areas Presented for Investment
1 Ninawa 14 52700
2 Al-Anbar 15 452662
3 Dialy 53 259070
4 Wasit 43 408472
5 Holy Karbala 3 315000
6 Al-Najaf Al-Shraf 3 726435
7 Al-Diwaniya 43 14903.23
8 Dhi Qar 10 29908
9 Basra 11 52845
Total 195 2311995.23

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Investment Opportunities in Industry and Minerals Sector
The Public Petrochemical Industries Company/Basra
- Establishing a plant to produce chlorine and soda.
- Establishing line for paper production
- Establishing plant to produce.

The Public Electrical and Electronic Industries Company/Baghdad

- Produce and maintain various electrical and electronic devices.
- Irrigation systems production and maintenance.
- Production and maintenance of surveillance systems and electrical doors.
- Production and maintenance of elevators and electrical stairs.
- Production of fans of their types.

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Investment Opportunities in Industry and Minerals Sector
Fertilizers, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Sector
1. Rehabilitating the existing urea production plant in Baiji and implementing new lines
for export purposes:
- Production of 500 tons of urea fertilizer.
- Expected Capital: half a billion dollars.
- Investment return rate: 17%.
- The plant operates by liquefied gas prepared by Al-Shamal Company in Kirkuk Province
- The Ministry suspended work on 01/01/2014 due to security conditions in Salah Al-Din
- The damage to the plant was estimated at 60%.

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Rebuilding and developing the existing fertilizer production plant in Abu Al-Khaseeb for
export purposes.
- The Abi Al-Khaseeb fertilizer plant consists of two plants : Plant No. (1) the old one which
produces urea granules with a production capacity of 200 tons/day. It also produces sulfuric acid
and ammonium phosphate. The plant was destroyed during the war in the 1980s.
- The Abu Al-Khaseeb II plant was established in 1973 and expanded in 1976 with a production
capacity of 420,000 metric tons/year of urea granules.
- Location: The plant is located on the banks of the Tigris River near the Abu Flus River and
close to the city of Abu Al-Khaseeb, 25 km south of Basra.
- Infrastructure:
- The plant is close to the main road connecting Basra to other cities.
- The primary raw materials are locally available, such as natural gas.
- The plant is close to a large river as a water source.
- The main raw material is sulfur, with a required amount of 40 million cubic feet per day (at
the plant's design capacity).
- Design capacity:
- Ammonia plant capacity: 800 metric tons/day.
- Urea plant capacity: 1,300 metric tons/day (420,000 metric tons/year).
- The targeted capacity is the current design capacity, according to the investor's proposal.
- Availability of raw materials: The primary raw material, natural gas, is currently available.
- Estimated cost of rehabilitation: around 250 million USD.

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Investment Opportunities in Industry and Minerals Sector
Establish new production lines at the fertilizers’ labs in Khor Al-Zubair ( for export purposes)
- Production of 500 tons of urea fertilizer.
- Expected Capital: half a billion dollars.
- Investment return rate: (to be determined based on economic feasibility studies and
investment proposals submitted by the investor).
- Rehabilitating and developing the phosphate plant in Al-Qaim and nearby areas (to meet
local demand and for export purposes).

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Investment Opportunities in Industry and Minerals Sector

3. The Public Company for Pharmaceutical Industries and Medical Supplies/Samarra:

- Development and rehabilitation of medical supplies production lines.
4. The Public Company for Automobile and Machinery Manufacturing/Baghdad:
- Establishment of maintenance workshops for after-sales service.
- Truck assembly project in Alexandria.
- Production project for sedan cars in Alexandria.
5. The Public Company for Iron and Steel/Basra:
- Rehabilitation and development of various steel production plants.
6. The Public Company for Rubber and Tire Industries/Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf
- Rehabilitation and operation of several factories.

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Investment Opportunities in Industry and Minerals Sector
7. The Public Company for Fertilizer Industries in Basra/Ninawa.
8. The Public Company for Food Products:
- Production of Food oil in Salah Al-Din province.
- Production of milk/cream/dairy products /diwaniya
9. Industrial Cities Authority:
- Maysan Industrial City: 2,527 dunams.
- Wasit Industrial City: 5,000 dunams.
- Ninawa Industrial City: 1,200 dunams.
- Ninawa Industrial City: 2,543 dunams.
- Baghdad/Yousifiya Industrial City: 285 dunams.
10. The Public Company for Cement Industries/Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf
- Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Cement Plant
- Al-Kufa cement plant.
11. The Public Company for Phosphate/Anbar.

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Basmaya Al-Jadida City
Basmaya Al-Jadida City – National Housing Program
The Basmaya Al-Jadida City project is considered one of the largest development projects in the
modern history of Iraq. The city is located to the east of Baghdad, approximately 10 km from the
city's borders, on the main road linking Baghdad to Kut. Covering an area of 1,830 hectares, the
city is expected to accommodate around 600,000 people with a total of 100,000 residential units.
The necessary infrastructure, including electricity, water, and transportation, will also be
established, in addition to various recreational and entertainment facilities, as well as educational
and healthcare institutions. The Iraqi government will also be developing the surrounding areas,
including industrial and commercial zones, as well as agricultural and livestock stations. Basmaya
Al-Jadida City will provide homes to 600,000 Iraqis and will be one of the most distinguished
locations in Iraq and the Middle East, and is part of the National Housing Program.

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Photos of the Various Investment Projects

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