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Sample Paper 8

Time allowed: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

General Instructions: Same as CBSE Sample Question Paper–2023 (Solved).

(Reading Skills) (20 Marks)
I. Read the passage given below: (10 marks)
(1) “Where there is love there is God.” This sums up the significance of this emotion in our
lives. Man, perhaps, is the only creature bestowed with so many kinds of emotion like
anger, jealousy, hatred, etc. The emotion of love is perhaps the best, the most rewarding
of all these emotions, for it makes him as well as those around him happy. Love is a
conscious as well as a deliberate choice that sometimes leaves man in a mess. Love, in the
romantic sense, has been there since times immemorial. So magnificent and exhilarating
is this feeling, that it is difficult to describe in words, for it is the language of the heart.
(2) It is this sentiment that makes man live in the society, bound by relationship, friendship,
religious, business and professional ties. Love calls for tremendous compassion,
sacrifice, understanding, humility and commitment. These are all noble virtues that
are exceedingly deficient in the contemporary society. Though the path is onerous and
long, its effect on even our acknowledged opponents is profound and everlasting. Thus,
while we may bodily overpower our adversary, though temporarily, but with love, we
can befriend him for life. The fabric of love binds us to the society making life a pleasant
experience. In the world full of hatred, jealousy, animosity, competition and violence,
this stands out as the noblest of all human emotion, which is easy to preach but difficult
to practise.
(3) No religion preaches or advocates negativity or ill-feeling for others, but what is quite
contradictory is that we receive so much of negative passions that we sometimes prove
that we have not understood its significance or it is difficult to practise the percept.
(4) However, there are some deviant forms of this emotion, that are harmful and at best
avoided. The narcissist love for one self, contradicts the basic philosophy of love. The
love for material gain, power and position makes one greedy and corrupt and hence,
incapable of giving and getting love from the society. What a matter of point to ponder is
that we can make the world a better place to live, provided all of us bestow this emotion
in ample measure on one another and interchange this emotion with the belief that it
increases with giving, and is never wasted.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.
(1×10=10 marks)
(i) The most powerful emotion discussed in the passage is:
(a) Emotion of choice (b) Greed for material gain
(c) Emotion of love (d) Emotion of universal brotherhood
(ii) What is the author’s opinion about love?
(iii) How, according to the passage, can we befriend our adversary for life?
(iv) ‘Humility’ as discussed in paragraph 2 means _____________.
(a) lack of vanity (b) lack of respect
(c) lack of mutual trust (d) feelingless
(v) ‘Love calls for tremendous compassion, sacrifice, understanding, humility and
commitment.’ Pick the option in which the meaning of ‘call(s/ed) for’ is NOT the
same as it is in the passage.
(a) The present crisis calls for a mature judgement on the part of our leaders.
(b) Skill and initiative are called for in this job.
(c) He has called you up for an important discussion.
(d) I know the reason why the supervisor has called for me.
(vi) List some fact according to the passage expressing what is difficult to practice but
easy to preach.
(vii) How is narcissist love different from the other?
(viii) Through which line can you infer that God favours those who are very passionate
(ix) What is the passionate advice that the narrator wants to make in paragraph 3?
(a) We should advocate negativity.
(b) We should eliminate ill feelings and negativity for others.
(c) We should be spiteful about religion.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(x) Choose the most suitable title for the passage.
(a) Virtues of Human Life
(b) Love Vs God
(c) Emotion of Human Life
(d) Love – The Strongest Emotion
II. Read the passage given below: (10 marks)
(1) Things have never been this bad in recorded history. India has never experienced an
economic contraction in at least four decades.
(2) The GDP at constant (2011-12) prices in Q1 of 2020-21 is estimated at ™ 26.9 lakh crore
as against ™ 35.35 lakh crore in Q1 of 2019-20, showing a contraction of 23.9 percent
as compared to 5.2 percent growth in Q1 2019-20,” said the Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation in a statement.
(3) The June quarter GDP data is the worst contraction in the history of the Indian economy
mainly because the central government on March 25 had ordered a complete lockdown
of most of the manufacturing and service sectors owing to the spread of COVID-19.
Only essential services such as food items and medicines were allowed during this period
as the country tried to curb the spread of the virus across the country.


GDP growth for April-June quarter year-on-year (%)
India -23.9
Spain -22.1
United Kingdom -21.7
France -18.9
Italy -17.7
Canada -13
Japan -9.9
Turkey -9.9
United States -9.1
Russia -8.5
China 3.2

(4) Since 1996, when the country started publishing quarterly GDP data, this is the first
instance of negative growth. The GDP had expanded by 5.2 percent in the corresponding
quarter of 2019-20.
(5) But these are extraordinary “once in a one-and-a-half century” times, the government
has insisted. While the pandemic has slowed down every other country in the world, the
scale of economic year – in the United States was 9.1 %, significantly less than India’s
23.9%. “It is much worse than every other large economy in the world,” said Vivek
Kaul, an economics and finance writer. In these circumstances, a sharp recovery is also
unlikely. The only way a revival could happen is through government spending.
(6) The government and Reserve Bank of India have been prompt to take measures for
mitigating the impact of pandemic on the economy by rolling out stimulus packages,
reforms and interest rate cuts.
(7) The contraction is also the worst among G20 nations. Before this, the UK had reported
the biggest slump in GDP among the world’s top 20 economies with a 21.7% plunge in
the June quarter, its deepest contraction on record.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.
(1×10=10 marks)
(i) What has India never experienced in at least four decades?
(ii) The GDP showed _________________ in Q1 2019-20.
(iii) Why did India’s GDP decline?
(a) Because of the complete lockdown of most of the manufacturing and service
(b) Because the government ordered complete lockdown, and only essential services
as manufacturing and service sectors were open
(c) Because of the complete lockdown of all the manufacturing sector, service sector
and essential services
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(iv) What was India’s GDP in Q1 of 2020-21?
(v) The only way to revive India’s economy is through:
(a) opening of manufacturing sector
(b) government spending
(c) opening of service sector
(d) both (a) and (b)
(vi) When did India start publishing quarterly GDP data?
(a) Since 2020
(b) Since 1996
(c) Since 2019
(d) None of these
(vii) Name the country which was reported the biggest slump after India in the June
(viii) Which country’s economy was highly affected by the COVID-19?
(a) India (b) United Kingdom
(c) China (d) Spain
(ix) Why have been the government and Reserve Bank of India rolling out stimulus
packages, reforms and interest rate cuts?
(a) Because they want to show some increase in GDP by next month
(b) Because they want to recover government spending due to the pandemic
(c) Because they are taking measures for mitigating the impact of a pandemic on
the economy
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(x) China recorded 8.5% growth in the GDP for Q1 of 2020-21. (True/False)

(Creative Writing Skills) (20 Marks)
III. 1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below.
(A) You are Simar/Smriti of Lotus International School, Jodhpur. Your school has
decided to contribute in controlling traffic near your school and require the names
of volunteers from IX to XII. Write a notice, in not more than 50 words, to be
displayed on the notice board. (5 marks)
(B) Imagine you are Subhash Arya of Sarvodaya Public School, Ranchi. Draft a notice
informing students about Historical Trip to Delhi & Agra. Invent the necessary
2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5 marks)
(A) AFS Senior Secondary School, Pune is going to celebrate ‘Diwali Mela’. Being
the Coordinator of Cultural Fest, write an invitation to invite Mohit Bhatia, a
distinguished social activist from Gandhi Smarak Road, Pune to grace the occasion.
Draft a formal invitation for him, in not more than 50 words. You are Ritwij Jha.
(B) The Sports Captain of Maurya Public School, Agra invited Mr. Ahmed Faraz, Minister
of Youth Affairs and Sports to be the Chief Guest on the occasion of the Founder’s
Day of the school. On behalf of the Minister, draft a reply to the invitation, in not
more than 50 words, expressing your inability to attend the function.
3. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below.
(A) You are Shivanshu/Niti Parag, a resident of Oak Tree Heights, Jhansi. You reached
late to your office as you had to drop your daughter to her school. You were shocked
to see the pathetic arrangement of drinking water at the school. Write a letter to the
editor of a national daily expressing your concern towards the most essential daily
need. (5 marks)
(B) Shweta Jain, a resident of 36 A, Jamshedpur, has given an advertisement in the
newspaper drawing application for a full-time manager for her firm. Having seen
the advertisement, you find yourself to be the best suit for the job and decide to apply
for the same. Assign yourself as Anil Wasan of 201 Yamuna Nagar, Jamshedpur.
4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below.
(A) Most of the children in today’s world are not fortunate enough to have a close
companionship of grandparents for several reasons. Write an article highlighting
the children’s upbringing in the absence of grandparents emphasising how they are
vital for the existence of broader range of knowledge, emotions and experiences for
kids. (5 marks)
(B) You are Shubham/Shivani Bakshi, Chief Editor of your School Magazine, Gaatha.
Your school recently staged a beautiful play ‘Kanya’ emphasising the value of girl
child and how parents feel reluctant to welcome them. Write a report for your school
magazine in 120-150 words.

(Literature) (40 Marks)
IV. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions with reference to context.
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. (1×6=6 marks)
(A) Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake
(i) Identify the poem and the poet.
(a) A Roadside Stand, Robert Frost
(b) A Thing of Beauty, John Keats
(c) Keeping Quiet, Pablo Neruda
(d) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, Adrienne Rich
(ii) Which of the following rhyme schemes has been employed in the given stanza?
(a) abab (b) baca
(c) aabb (d) Blank Verse
(iii) What does the poet mean by ‘green world’?
(a) Green forests (b) Daffodils’ green surroundings
(c) Greenhouse (d) Green walls
(iv) List the things of beauty mentioned in the stanza given above.
(v) Complete the analogy.
cooling covert : alliteration :: shady boon : ______________
(vi) Reference of simple sheep is associated with Jesus Christ. (True/False)
(B) Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still
for once on the face of the earth,
let’s not speak in any language;
let’s stop for a second,
and not move our arms so much.
(i) What appeal does the poet make in the above stanza?
(a) To observe the time when everyone is silent
(b) To stop talking in a different languages
(c) To observe moments of silence and forget about selfish goals for a moment for
(d) To stop everything
(ii) ‘The face of the earth’ here means _______________.
(iii) Which of the following is an apt title for the stanza?
(a) Quietude (b) Silence for universal growth
(c) Language as barrier (d) Universal peace
(iv) What is this inactivity going to obtain eventually?
(a) Peace (b) Satisfaction
(c) Feeling of prejudice (d) Insanity
(v) The poetic device used in ‘our arms’ is ____________ .
(vi) The poet appeals to the readers to keep quite for twelve hours. (True/False)
2. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. (1×4=4 marks)
(A) But I’ve never again found the corridor that leads to the third level at Grand Central
Station, although I’ve tried often enough. Louisa was pretty worried when I told
her all this, and didn’t want me to look for the third level anymore, and after a while,
I stopped; I went back to my stamps. But now we’re both looking, every weekend
because now we have proof that the third level is still there.
(i) Charley was not able to get to Galesburg because:
(a) he had less old money
(b) the third level had vanished
(c) the clerk did not sell him the tickets
(d) he dropped his plan
(ii) Why didn’t Louisa want Charley to look for the third level anymore?
(iii) “But now, we’re both looking.” Why are they both looking for the corridor that leads
to the third level.
(iv) “I went back to my stamps.” What does it mean?
(a) That Charley returned to his hobby of collecting stamps
(b) That Charley returned old money in the bank
(c) That Charley did not continue with his hobby
(d) None of these
(B) The rapid increase of human populations has left us baffling with other species for
limited resources, and the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels has now created a
blanket of carbon dioxide around the world, which is slowly but surely increasing
the average global temperature.
Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our
time. Will the West Antarctic icesheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean
current be disrupted? Will it be the end of the world as we know it?
(i) Identify the factor that increases the average global temperature, according to the
(ii) How are other species being affected due to the rapid increase of human populations?
(a) Icesheets are melting quickly.
(b) Natural resources are limited and rapid growth in population leaves other
species battling for survival.
(c) It is creating a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world.
(d) Aquatic lives are getting disrupted.
(iii) The ‘unmitigated burning’ of fossil fuels has now created a blanket of carbon dioxide
around the world. Here, ‘unmitigated burning’ means:
(a) sumptuous burning (b) restricted burning
(c) unconditional burning (d) none of these
(iv) What are the consequences against climate change being deduced in the given
3. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. (1×6=6 marks)
(A) “Now I am going to tell you, Mr Ironmaster, how things are,” he said. “This whole
world is nothing but a big rattrap. All the good things that are offered to you are
nothing but cheese rinds and bits of pork, set out to drag a poor fellow into trouble.”
(i) Who is speaking to whom?
(ii) To what is the world compared?
(iii) Which word from the following means the same as ‘crust’?
(a) Pork (b) Trouble
(c) Rind (d) Bits
(iv) What is a rattrap?
(a) Rattrap is a device for catching rats.
(b) Rattrap is a metaphor for how humanity is beguiled by the traps of life.
(c) Rattrap is a Christmas present from the ironmaster.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(v) Which of the following does not signify the word ‘trouble’?
(a) Temptation (b) Hatred
(c) Desire to possess more (d) Covetousness
(vi) What is a cheese rind?
(B) “I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten-rupee note,” Saheb says, his eyes lighting up.
When you can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don’t stop scrounging,
for there is hope of finding more. It seems that for children, garbage has a meaning
different from what it means to their parents. For the children it is wrapped in
wonder, for the elders it is a means of survival.
(i) Why does Saheb’s eyes light up?
(a) Because it shows how happy he feels when he finds a rupee or a ten-rupee note
(b) Because he has found a silver coin
(c) Because it shows that no one is concerned about his misery
(d) Because he is without his spectacles
(ii) Who is referred as ‘you’ in the above lines?
(iii) What does ‘garbage’ mean to the rag-pickers?
(a) It means gold to them. (b) It means silvers coins to them.
(c) It means survival to them. (d) All of these
(iv) Pick out the word from the extract which means the same as ‘seek to obtain
(a) scrounging (b) wrapped
(c) survival (d) wonder
(v) Elders are more practical and serious towards garbage picking. (True/False)
(vi) Pick out a phrase from the extract the means as same as ‘a mysterious gift.’
V. Answer ANY FIVE of the following in about 40-50 words each. (5×2=10 marks)
(i) Why do you think the author was not happy to see Saheb going to the tea stall?
(ii) How would you evaluate Mukund Padmanabhan as an interviewer? Mention at least
two qualities he displays in his interview, supported by textual evidence.
(iii) ‘All we have to fear is fear itself ’. When did Douglas learn this lesson?
(iv) What does the poet mean when he refers total inactivity and complete involvement
of people on the surface of the earth?
(v) What were the reasons for which the cars from the city halted at the roadside stand?
(vi) How does the cooing of pigeons affect Franz?
VI. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. (2×2=4 marks)
(i) Why does Derry say that was fourteen and still his mother thinks he is a small child?
(ii) What was the daily routine of Charley?
(iii) When did the Maharaja decide to double the land tax for the village?
VII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. (1×5=5 marks)
(i) The barefoot rag-pickers of Seemapuri live on the periphery of Delhi, yet
metaphorically speaking, miles away from it. Comment.
(ii) What were the reasons of the farmers’ discontentment and disillusionment in the
chapter ‘Indigo’?
VIII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. (1×5=5 marks)
(i) In India, the so-called lower castes have been treated cruelly for a long time. Who
advised Bama to fight against this prejudice, when and how?
(ii) Tom, on reaching his country, writes a letter to Dr. Sadao expressing his gratitude
and obligation for whatever he did for him. Write the letter on behalf of Tom, the

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