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Guidelines for Internship and Internship Report writing

For students of GIFT Computer Science School

GIFT University Gujranwala

Importance of Internship: .................................................................................................... 3 Eligibility of Internship: ...................................................................................................... 3 General Guidelines.............................................................................................................. 4 Punctuality: ..................................................................................................................... 4 Dress Code: ..................................................................................................................... 4 Attitude: .......................................................................................................................... 4 Enter to learn: .................................................................................................................. 4 Internal Preparation:........................................................................................................ 5 FORMAT OF THE INTERNSHIP REPORT .................................................................... 6 Weekly Reports ................................................................................................................... 8

Importance of Internship:
Education is the knowledge of putting ones potentials to maximum use and GIFT University provides a house of education to equip the students to enter the practical world to achieve their life setting goals and make the institution eminent as well. A learner is enabled to receive information from the external world to acquaint him with the history and receive all necessary information regarding the present and can become a good decision maker in the future. An Internship is an opportunity for the Students to observe a small practical field i.e an organization. Though its a little time activity but it always provides the ladder to your success in future endeavors. After obtaining the final Transcript / Degree, the very first interviewer you will see, asks the questions from this practical experience you will have which is your Internship and if you get through from this first obstacle means that the way of success is started. While keeping in view the importance of this activity certain guidelines are prescribed to adhere strictly as you are carrying the repute of your institution as well as your bright future.

Eligibility of Internship:
GIFT Computer Science School will offer the internship opportunity. To be eligible for internship student must have passed his Software Engineering course. Internship is a one (1) credit hour course. To be eligible for degree student must complete this program.

General Guidelines
Students have to strictly observe the office timing of the organization in which they get the Internship. For this purpose, you should develop an attendance sheet on the computer which has to be dully signed by the designated officer of the Organization. The signed copy of this print out would be the integral part of the internship report.

Dress Code:
While you are at a professional place, being the representative of a good school, you must adhere to the following instructions: Avoid too casual look and dress. Dress up decently. Shirts should be properly buttoned. Neckties should not be loosened. Male students should be shaved. {if bearded, the beard must be trimmed} Sleeves must not be rolled up. GIFT Student Cards should be displayed at all times (If Allowed). Internal Communication should be courteous and professional (Try to use English Language for the purpose).

The first attribute to learn is the attitude. Enter the organization with the certain motive and be courteous, positive, obedient and professional while interacting with people working around you.

Enter to learn:
As all businesses face escalating pressures to identify, attract, train and retain qualified talent, internship programs have become a viable option for organizations to tap a sustainable pool of talent. Organizations / Firms have found that internships offer opportunities are always helpful to see potential job candidates in real business scenarios. The interface between colleges and universities is also invaluable as a feedback mechanism for curriculums, faculty awareness, and recruiting activities through partnership arrangements. Employers find the energy and enthusiasm of the students invigorating. Students should get the internship program as an opportunity in structure to meet the needs of the employers and experience the working world. They should try their hands at tasks and projects relevant to their academic programs and professional interests. Students should try to get work on intellectual projects or make an effort to earn special assignments for the dual benefits. Students can get benefit from internships where they develop an awareness of business' expectations,

structure and pressures while assuming actual responsibilities to further develop their business knowledge, interpersonal skills and decision-making abilities.

Internal Preparation:

Determine Your Internal Needs Outline Your Intern Program (Utilize Assistance of the Supervisor). Obtain Management Support for your Internship Program. Identify work assignments Remember, professional assignments are essential! Write job descriptionsInclude Deliverable Assignments Create information specific to intern program on companys website. Incorporate specific training and company culture issues into the program. Structure the supervisor and staff involvement with assignments. Plan for orientation, training of mentors. Anticipate your needs incorporate social activities.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Title Page Acknowledgements List of Contents List of tables & illustrations, if any Introduction Overview of the organization 6.1 Brief history 6.2 Nature of the organization 6.3 Business volume 6.4 Number of employees 6.5 Product lines Organizational structure 7.1 Main offices 7.2 Organizational structure Critical analysis of the theoretical concepts relating to practical experiences i.e. relate the theoretical concepts with your practical experience during your Internship 8.1 Programming Concepts (Programming, Object Oriented, Data Structures) 8.2 Database Systems (Analysis, Design, Implementation of Databases) 8.3 The Most important Software Engineering Concepts (Software Development Life Cycle i.e. Requirement Engineering, Functional Specification, Design, Implementation, Testing, and Deployment etc.) 8.4 Development Environment (Tools stack used) 8.5 Success and failure of different products of the organization in the market along with reasons 8.6 Major HR Policies and practices 8.7 Future prospects of the organization Overview of the Department(s)/Project Where You Served Internship 9.1 Number of employees working in the Department/Project 9.2 Functions and operations




9.3 9.4 10.

Short-falls/weaknesses Critical analysis of the management patterns, weak areas that need to be improved.

Responsibilities as a student Intern 10.1 Duties 10.2 Accomplishments A detail description of what have you accomplished. 10.3 New Knowledge Acquired Tools, Technologies. (Include features learned) 10.4 Problems encountered 10.5 How internship experience impacts your career. Conclusions & recommendations for improvement References & Sources used Annexes

11. 12. 13.

Weekly Reports
Weekly reports need to be sent to your Internship supervisor and CDO. (See a separate template for weekly report.)

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