Group 5

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Group 5
What is
? by: Jac Sanchez

In order to know how well an organization is

performing, data on performance measures are
necessary. TQM requires that an organization
continually collect and analyze data in order to
improve decision making accuracy, achieve
consensus, and allow prediction based on past
Benefit/Advantage of
by: Krissha Primero

Fact-based decision-making is a way of making

decisions based on objective information. It
removes personal opinions, biases, or
emotions from our decisions. It is a critical skill
for creators, as it allows them to make better
decisions that are more likely to lead to
Importance of
by: Miko Saludes
Fact-based decision-making is the process of making decisions based on evidence and
data. It is important for creators because it can help them to:

•Make better decisions - Making decisions based on facts and data means they are more
likely to be accurate and effective. This can help creators to create content that is more
successful. It can help a creator avoid costly mistakes, and stay ahead of the curve.
• Reduce bias - Making decisions based on personal opinions or emotions brings a great
risk of bias. Fact-based decision-making can help to minimize this risk. It can ensure that
decisions develop on the basis of objective information.
• Improve communication and collaboration - Involving others in the decision-making
process brings support for a decision even if they do not agree with it. Fact-based
decision-making can help to improve communication and collaboration. When everyone
involved has access to the same information, it makes it easier to work together
Implementation on
by: Cyrine Salvador

• Analyze and check data to ensure that it is reliable

and accurate.
• Make relevant data available to stakeholders.
• Use valid methods to gather and analyze data.
• Make decisions based on the facts learned from the
data in addition to your experience and intuition.
What is ?
by: Jeyrick Rivarez

During times of organizational change, as well as

part of day-to-day operation, effective
communications plays a large part in maintaining
morale and in motivating employees at all levels.
Communications involve strategies, method, and
Benefits/Advantages of
by: Maureen Panganiban

Fact-based decision-making is a way of making decisions based

on objective information. It removes personal opinions, biases,
or emotions from our decisions. It is a critical skill for creators,
as it allows them to make better decisions that are more likely
to lead to success.
Importance of
by: Renzo Salinel

• Process’ Sucess - It establishing adequate processes

within the company’s management.
• Build understanding - Communication means a mutual
understanding of ideas between the sender and the
receiver. The success of TQM demands communication
with and among all the organization members, suppliers
and customers.
• Build connection - It helps us build relationships by
allowing us to share our experiences, and needs, and
helps us connect to others. 8
Implementation on
by: Dane Santiago

• Establish an official line of communication so that all

employees know about updates, policy changes, and
new processes.
• Where possible, involve employees in decision-
• Make sure everybody in every department
understands their roles and how they fit in with the
rest of the company. 9

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