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RECORD OF Fast Friends

Session: 2023 – 2024
Class : IV-A Subject: English

S.No Section Name of Student Area of Concern Measures Taken Remarks Signature

Reading, writing, lack of

concentration, does not M.Mahdi relies heavily on
Miss Afia participate. He has always been motivated teacher and other students to
1 M. Mahdi to participate in class by getting complete set work. He needs to
4A him involved in discussion. show willingness to do work

Miss Afia He has always been motivated Although Zaid participates well
2 Needs to be more focused to participate in class by getting in the class but he needs to
4A M.Zaid on writing and retaining. him involved in discussion. concentrate more on his writing.

Miss Afia He has always been motivated

Reading, writing, lack of Needs to be serious and
3 M.Ammar Ghani to participate in class
concentration, does not attentive to his studies in class.
4A discussion.

Reading, writing, lack of

Miss Afia concentration, does not He has always been motivated Although Sufyan participates
4. Sufyan Faisal participate. to participate in class by getting well in the class but he needs to
4A him involved in discussion. concentrate more on his writing

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