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Petroleum Engineers Association pre sents

Foundation Course on,


Course Outline

 Understanding of Petroleum System,

 E&P Life Cycle,
 Concept of Reserve, Lease and Reservoir,
 Understanding the domain and expertise of Drilling Operations,
 Ice breaking session on Drilling Rig Components,
 Well Planning Activities,
 Drilling Fluids – Formulation, Circulation andMaintenance,
 Drill String - Components, Functions andDesign,
 Casing Setting Practices – Configuration, operation, properties, types and design,
 Cementing Operations – Formulation, Setting, Investigation,

 Drilling Problems and Remedies,

 Drilling Incidents andMitigation,
 High Pressure and High Temperature Drilling Operations.
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es in the E&P Sector ofOil 2
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Drilling Rigs are Fascinating Structures

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When it all started!

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What not can we get from Crude O il?

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What not can we get from Crude O il?

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Back to the Past

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Petroleum System

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Lead, Play and Prospe ct

 A significant amount ofgeological, structural andseismic investigation must first be completed

to redefine the potential hydrocarbon drill location from a lead to a prospect.

 Lead is an indication ofpresence of play.

 Play is the elemental part of a petroleum system, and recognized as having one or more
hydrocarbon accumulations identified by common geological character of reservoir, trap, and
seal; timing andmigration; preservation.

 A prospect is a potential trap which geologists believe may contain hydrocarbons.

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Why do you need this concept?

 To identify where and to what objective future exploration activity should be directed. i.e.
which areas or trends are likely to become core future productive areas,

 Management of the risks associated with drilling mapped prospects by grouping them into
families and comparing them with successful analogue fields,

 Prediction of future possible volumes using successful analogue fields or statistical


 Helping estimate the potential value of exploring in areas or for particular prospect types

 Identification of the technologies needed to explore for particular types of prospect as welas
those needed to maximize the commerciality of discoveries through fielddevelopment,

 Deciding when a type of prospect is no longer worth pursuing or when an exploration venture
should be terminated.
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Prospect Evaluation

 A prospect is identified and mapped on the basis of geophysical and geological data..

 Quantitative data for the prospect is derived from the most likely geological model and is
given with a range ofuncertainty.

 Risk is assigned to the probability of discovery of a minimum volume derived from

volumetric estimate, and is evaluated with respect to the geological risk.

 Reliability of the prospect definition will depend on the adequacy of the database and no
the choice of reliable models for the relevant geological factors.

 Risk assessment is an analysis of the reliability of occurrence of the geological models

relevant to the prospect under evaluation.

 For each prospect a value of probability of discovery is estimated.

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Probability of Succe ss

Probability of Success of a prospect =

P source x P reservoir x P trap x P cap x P migration

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Risk Model

Play risk factors Prospect risk factors

Presence of reservoir facies Presence of effective porosity

Presence of mature source rock Presence of structure

Timing ofstructuring Presence of effective seal

Migration into the structure

Retention afteraccumulation

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Let’s put our mind into some imagination

You have a wall in between, through which you are required to pass on a cable!

What shall be done?

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Drilling Establishes a LINK!

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The link between the surface and subsurface

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Accumulation of O il and Gas in the subsurface

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How to recover these O il & Gas accumulations?

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Role of a Petroleum Engineer

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Activities involved in O &G fie ld

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Activities involved in O &G fie ld

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The E&P Cycle

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Activities involved in O &G fie ld

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Activities involved in O &G fie ld

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Activities involved in O &G field

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Revenue Life Cycle

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Domains of the O &G Industry

Upstream Midstream Downstream

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Natural Gas: Production and De live ry

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Few Companies Involved in the Indian O&G Context

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Few Companies Involved in the International Market

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Shareholders in the O&G Industry

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Shareholders in the O&G Industry

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Understanding the Roles in Drilling Operations

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Schematic of a O il/Gas Well

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Personnel involved in drilling a we ll

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O utline of drilling ope rations

Drilling Operations

Manpowe r Hardware

Drilling Rig
Engineering O pe rations Rig
Group Group Equipment
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Drilling Engineering Group

 The Drilling Engineering group provides engineering support for optimum

drilling operations. This involves:

1. rig selection and design of the mud program,

2. casing and cementing programs,

3. the hydraulic program,

4. the drill bit program,

5. the drill string program, and

6. the well control program

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Drilling Engineering Group: Planning a Well Profile

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Rig O perations Group

 Daily operations are handled by the Rig operations group.

 Consists of :

1. Tool Pusher (Drilling Foreman) 6. Tong Operators

2. Driller 7. Floor Hand

3. Assistant Driller 8. Roughneck

4. Derrickman 9. Rustabout

5. Motorman

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Rig O perations Group

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Rig Life at O ffshore

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Rig Establishment & Re porting Lines

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Drilling Programme
 The Drilling and Completion Programmes are
prepared by the Operations Engineer and
must be signed by the following personnel
before they are considered approved for

1.Operations Engineer for thewell

2.Senior Operations Engineer

3.Drilling Superintendent

4.Drilling Manager

5.Reservoir and InstallationManager

 Drilling Programme must be available for

signature at least two weeks before the spud
date, depending on the availability of the
datasheet from the PlanningDepartment.
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Drilling Programme

A typical Drilling Programme will have the followinginformation:

 Geology : It provides a detailed and brief report on the –

a. Overall geology of the structure.

b. Geographical extent of the structure.

c. Faults present in the structure.

d. Expected pay-zones, i.e., primary and secondary hydrocarbon targets.

e. Neighboring well status, which has the production status of the wells in -
and-around the new well, i.e., whether a particular well is producing or
not. And if the well is producing then with what flow-rate and Flowing
Tube Head Pressure (FTHP).
f. Design of the proposed well, i.e., whether it will be a vertical or a deviated
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Schematic of a O il/Gas Well

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Drilling Programme

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Drilling Programme

 Surface position :

Contains the latitudinal, longitudinal extent and the X-, Y-coordinates of the well’s location.

 Sub-surface position :

Has the same information as the Surface position, but of the target.

 Elevation :

Determines the Ground Level Elevation (GLE) and the Derrick Floor Elevation(DFE).

 Objective Depth :

It tells about the Measured Depth (MD) and the True Vertical Depth (TVD) of the
hydrocarbon target.

 Estimated Formation Tops :

It provides information regarding the stratigraphic and the lithological column of the

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Drilling Programme

 Casing Policy : It provides guidelines regarding –

a. Casing setting depth and casing design,

b. The formation pressure,

c. The tectonic forces which will impact the casing,

d. The formation temperature,

e. Pore pressure prediction.

 Mud Policy : It provides detailed information on the –

a. Mud Weight,

b. Mud viscosity,

c. Mud composition,

d. Well depth.

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Drilling Programme

 Deviation Plan:

All the well deviation

activities arising from –
human settlements, operating
costs, geological
complexities, to attain
maximum exposure of the
surface and to acquire special
geological occurrence; are
provided in this section.

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Drilling Programme

 Sample Collections:

Rock cutting samples are collected which are obtained at surface, which are being analyzed in
the laboratory for detection and determination of possible hydrocarbons or any other minerals.

 Anti-collision Measures:

If previously there are wells present in the newly identified well, then precautionary
measures are provided so as to prevent collision of wells during the drilling operations, which
might cause caving and other formation damages. This will cause loss of the well and in turn
loss of high investment costs.

 Flush Sample :

A flush sample is a log record maintained by the Geologist which contains –

a. Lithology of the formation

b. Rate of Penetration

c. Associated Gas depth

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Drilling Programme

d. Mud parameter (Mud Weight, Mud viscosity, Mud composition).

e. Drilling parameters (Weight on Bit, Rotations per Minute, Stand Pipe
Pressure, Strokes per Minute).

f. Fluorescence.

g. Formation tops (Expected and Actual)

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Wellbore Collision

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Role of Drilling in Field Development

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Role of Drilling in Field De velopment

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Conclusion: E&P Proce ss Timeline

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