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Periodical 2 ( marks 20)

(To be submitted by 6pm on 1/08/2021)

1) Calculate the charge carried by

12.8 x10^8 electrons

2)How many electrons would have to be removed from a copper penny to leave it with a positive
charge of 10^-7 C

3)The electrostatic force of repulsion between two positively charged ions carrying equal
charges is 3.7 x 10^-9 N when they are separated by a distance of 5 x10 ^ -10m . How many
electrons are missing from each ion ?

4)Calculate coulomb force between two alpha particles separated by a distance of 3.2x 10^-15
m in air

5) Two charges one +5 microcoulomb and another -5 microcoulomb are placed 1 mm apart.
Calculate the dipole moment.

6) An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges of magnitude

⅓ x10 ^ -7 C is separated by 2 cm. The dipole is placed in an external field
3 x 10 ^7 N /C . What maximum torque does the electric field exert on the dipole?

7) Calculate the electric field due to an electric dipole of length 10 cm having charge of 1
microcoulomb at an equatorial point 12 cm from the centre of the dipole

8) Two point charges each of

5 microcoulomb but opposite in sign, are placed 4 cm apart . Calculate the electric field at a
point distance 4 cm from the
midpoint on the axial line of the dipole.

9) An infinite line charge produces a field of 9 x 10 ^ 4 N/C at a distance of 4cm. Calculate the
linear charge density

10) An infinitely long wire is stretched horizontally 4 metre above the surface of the earth. It
carries a charge
1 microcoulomb per cm of its length. Calculate its electric field at a point on the earth surface
vertically below the wire.

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