Class Exercise - The Law Making Process

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Class Exercise - The Law Making Process

Question 1: Which branch of government in Zambia is responsible for making laws?

a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial
d) Administrative

Question 2: What is the primary legislative body in Zambia?

a) National Assembly
b) Senate
c) House of Representatives
d) People's Council

Question 3: How many members are there in the National Assembly of Zambia?
a) 50
b) 100
c) 150
d) 200

Question 4: Who presides over the National Assembly proceedings in Zambia?

a) President
b) Speaker
c) Prime Minister
d) Chief Justice

Question 5: What is the primary function of the National Assembly in Zambia?

a) Enforcing laws
b) Interpreting laws
c) Making laws
d) Adjudicating disputes

Question 6: Which step in the law-making process involves the introduction of a bill
in the National Assembly?
a) First Reading

b) Second Reading
c) Committee Stage
d) Third Reading

Question 7: What is the purpose of the Second Reading of a bill in the National
a) Detailed examination of the bill
b) Initial debate on the principles of the bill
c) Voting on the bill's content
d) Amending the bill

Question 8: After the Second Reading, where is the bill sent for detailed examination
and possible amendments?
a) President's Office
b) Committee Stage
c) Public Consultation
d) Senate

Question 9: How many readings does a bill go through before it can become a law in
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

Question 10: Who must approve a bill after it passes the National Assembly?
a) President
b) Chief Justice
c) Speaker
d) Prime Minister

Question 11: Which of the following is NOT a function of the President in the law-
making process in Zambia?
a) Assenting to bills

b) Vetoing bills
c) Initiating bills
d) Debating bills

Question 12: What is the term length of a Member of Parliament in Zambia?

a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) 7 years

Question 13: What is the purpose of the Committee Stage in the legislative process?
a) First debate on the bill
b) Detailed examination and possible amendments to the bill
c) Final debate on the bill
d) Presentation of the bill to the public

Question 14: Which legislative body in Zambia represents the interests of local
communities and traditional leaders?
a) National Assembly
b) Senate
c) Council of Chiefs
d) House of Representatives

Question 15: In Zambia, what is the quorum requirement for a sitting of the National
a) One-third of members
b) Half of the members
c) Two-thirds of members
d) All members

Question 16: Which step in the legislative process involves a final debate and vote on
the bill as a whole?
a) First Reading
b) Second Reading

c) Committee Stage
d) Third Reading

Question 17: What happens if the President refuses to assent to a bill in Zambia?
a) The bill becomes law
b) The bill is sent back to the National Assembly for reconsideration
c) The bill is automatically approved
d) The bill is sent to the Supreme Court for review

Question 18: Who can propose amendments to a bill during the Committee Stage?
a) President only
b) Speaker only
c) Members of the National Assembly
d) Senate members

Question 19: Which branch of government in Zambia is responsible for interpreting

laws and ensuring justice is administered?
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial
d) Administrative

Question 20: What is the maximum duration for which the National Assembly can
extend a state of emergency declared by the President?
a) 1 month
b) 3 months
c) 6 months
d) 1 year

Question 21: What is the purpose of public consultations during the law-making
a) To delay the passage of bills
b) To gather input from citizens and stakeholders
c) To debate the bill in public

d) To challenge the constitutionality of bills

Question 22: In Zambia, who can initiate a money bill related to taxation and public
a) President only
b) National Assembly members only
c) Senate members only
d) National Assembly or the President

Question 23: Which branch of government is responsible for ensuring that laws
passed by the National Assembly are faithfully executed?
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial
d) Administrative

Question 24: If the President does not sign or veto a bill within how many days, it
automatically becomes law?
a) 7 days
b) 14 days
c) 21 days
d) 30 days

Question 25: What role does the Senate play in the law-making process in Zambia?
a) Initiating bills
b) Reviewing and amending bills passed by the National Assembly
c) Voting on bills during the Second Reading
d) Approving the President's bills

Question 26: What is the primary role of the President in the legislative process?
a) Proposing bills
b) Debating bills
c) Approving or vetoing bills
d) Amending bills

Question 27: Which step in the legislative process involves a thorough review and
debate of each clause and section of the bill?
a) First Reading
b) Second Reading
c) Committee Stage
d) Third Reading

Question 28: Who can challenge the constitutionality of a bill in Zambia?

a) President
b) Speaker
c) Chief Justice
d) Any citizen

Question 29: Which body in Zambia is responsible for drafting and researching bills
for Members of Parliament?
a) Law Society of Zambia
b) Ministry of Justice
c) National Assembly Secretariat
d) Constitutional Court

Question 30: What is the purpose of the Third Reading in the legislative process?
a) Detailed examination and possible amendments to the bill
b) Final debate and vote on the bill as a whole
c) Introduction of the bill to the National Assembly
d) Reviewing the bill's compatibility with international law

Question 31: During the Committee Stage, what is the primary task of the committee
members in relation to a bill?
a) Presenting the bill to the public
b) Detailed examination and possible amendments to the bill
c) Final debate and vote on the bill
d) Enforcing the bill's provisions

Question 32: What happens during the Report Stage of the legislative process?
a) The bill is presented to the President for approval
b) The bill is sent to the Senate for review
c) Further amendments can be proposed and debated on the bill
d) The bill is formally adopted as law

Question 33: What is the main purpose of the Third Reading in the legislative
a) Detailed examination and possible amendments to the bill
b) Final debate and vote on the bill as a whole
c) Introduction of the bill to the National Assembly
d) Reviewing the bill's compatibility with international law

Question 34: If the President approves a bill, what action does the President take?
a) Veto the bill
b) Sign the bill into law
c) Return the bill for further amendments
d) Send the bill to the Supreme Court for review

Question 35: What happens if the President doesn't assent to a bill within the specified
time frame?
a) The bill becomes law without the President's signature
b) The bill is sent back to the National Assembly for reconsideration
c) The bill is automatically vetoed
d) The bill is presented to the Speaker for approval

Question 36: If the National Assembly decides to override the President's veto, what
majority is required?
a) Simple majority
b) Two-thirds majority
c) Unanimous vote
d) President's approval

Question 37: What role does the President play during the Third Reading of a bill?

a) Proposing amendments to the bill
b) Debating the bill's provisions
c) Approving the bill's content
d) Signing the bill into law

Question 38: What is the purpose of the Report Stage in the legislative process?
a) Introduction of the bill to the public
b) Detailed examination and possible amendments to the bill
c) Final debate and vote on the bill as a whole
d) Reviewing the bill's compatibility with international law

Question 39: If the President doesn't assent to a bill and the National Assembly passes
the bill again, what happens next?
a) The bill becomes law automatically
b) The bill is sent to the Senate for approval
c) The bill is sent to a public referendum
d) The bill is presented to the Speaker for approval

Question 40: What is the significance of Presidential Assent in the law-making

a) It ensures the bill's compatibility with international law
b) It signifies the President's approval and the bill becomes law
c) It grants the President the power to veto bills
d) It initiates the Committee Stage of the legislative process

Question 41: What is delegated legislation?

a) Legislation passed by the President
b) Legislation proposed by the public
c) Legislation delegated by the National Assembly to other bodies
d) Legislation related to foreign affairs

Question 42: Who has the authority to issue delegated legislation in Zambia?
a) National Assembly
b) President

c) Chief Justice
d) Committee members

Question 43: What is the primary purpose of delegated legislation?

a) To replace primary legislation
b) To bypass the National Assembly's authority
c) To provide detailed regulations under existing laws
d) To expedite the legislative process

Question 44: Which body has the power to scrutinize and annul delegated legislation
in Zambia?
a) President
b) National Assembly
c) Chief Justice
d) Ministry of Justice

Question 45: How does delegated legislation relate to the authority of the National
a) It replaces the need for primary legislation
b) It supplements primary legislation with detailed regulations
c) It supersedes the National Assembly's decisions
d) It doesn't require approval from the National Assembly

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