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LESSON 3: Functions of Libraries

There are different types of libraries as you have learnt earlier. These libraries
perform different functions. Knowing the various functions of the different
libraries will help you to know where to get the needed information for your
course of study in the university and for life-long education.

The functions of the various types of libraries are discussed in this unit so that
you can understand the benefits of using each of them.

Libraries all over the world have basic functions of acquiring, processing,
organising, preserving and disseminating information. Therefore, they stock
different types of information in various formats to meet the information
needs of their users.

By the end of this unit you should be able to:

1. Explain the functions of various libraries;

2. Identify each type of library and its functions; and

3. Mention the benefits you can get from libraries.

STEP 1: Functions of Academic Libraries

Academic libraries are found in universities, polytechnics and colleges of

education. Therefore, they basically provide information for their staff and

(i) In order to meet the need of the students and faculty members in the
area of teaching-learning activities, academic libraries must provide books,
journals and reference materials that cut across the various disciplines or
courses of study being offered by the university.
In addition to these, these libraries are expected to stock other information
materials that are related to the courses being offered in the university,
polytechnic and college of education.

(ii) They provide conducive study area for learners and faculty members.

(iii) Academic libraries educate new students and other library users on how
to use the library in order to get all the necessary benefits from it.

(iv) Lending service is another function of academic libraries. This service

makes it possible for library users to borrow and return books within a
specified period of time.

Libraries all over the world have basic functions of acquiring, processing,
organising, preserving and disseminating information.

STEP 2: Functions of School Libraries

School libraries are situated in nursery, primary, secondary and technical

schools. Therefore, they stock information on materials that are related to the
educational and recreational needs of pupils and students in nursery, primary
and secondary schools. These include the provision of:

(i) various textbooks, story books and audio-visual materials that expose
children to information media;

(ii) materials which help the pupils or students to acquire and develop
reading and study habits that help the library users in life-long education;

(iii) an area for training pupils and students for individual study; and

(iv) recreational materials like story books, newspapers and magazines that
aid reading habit expose learners/library users to information about various
virtues and issues about life.

STEP 3: Functions of Public Libraries

Being a library that is opened to every member of a community, public libraries
stock information materials on all areas of life for the benefit of everybody.
They also

(i) engage in information services so that even those that cannot read very
well may be able to get the necessary information;

(ii) provide mobile library services so that the information needs of the
members of the community in rural areas can be catered for;

(iii) provide an environment where any member of the library community

can have access to information for life-long learning. In this regard, the
building, its environment, the resources, infrastructure, the library personnel
and opening hours are designed to suit every member of the society,
professionals, students, traders, artisans, or physically handicapped,
irrespective of their religion, tribe, economic or socio-political standing.

STEP 4: Functions of National Libraries

National libraries are owned by the Federal Government of various nations.

The national libraries perform different functions which include:

(i) acting as the legal depository and bibliographic center of a nation. This
means the national library gets some copies of every information document
published in a country according to the law that established it. This makes it
possible for the national libraries to publish bibliographies.

(ii) provision of access to all the published documents in a country. It

compiles the list of all information materials giving vital information like
author’s name, title of book, year of publication, place of publication and the
publisher. This also makes it possible for information users to know the various
documents that contain the information they need.

(iii) establishment of branches of the national library in every state and

maintaining such.

(iv) giving advice on development of libraries at every level of governance.

STEP 5: Functions of Special Libraries

They basically provide information materials to help the specific group it is

meant to serve. In many cases, the library collections are suitable for research
and development.

STEP 6: Functions of the Private Libraries

Private libraries simply stock information materials based on the needs of their
owners. The content focus on just one subject area which appeals to the
owner or it can contain various subject areas dealing with various issues of life.

STEP 7: Functions of Virtual, Digital and Electronic Libraries

The computer age and its information society have made it possible for
information to be available in electronic form. Its benefits include accessibility
of information at any place, time and by everybody who has the necessary
materials and equipment.

Public libraries stock information materials on all areas of life so that

everybody can benefit


(1) Differentiate between a virtual library and a digital library.

Knowing the functions of the various types of library makes it possible for you
to know where you can get the needed information at any point in time during
your course of study and throughout your life time.


Adigun, J. A. (2013). Introduction to Librarianship. Lagos: Babs-Olatunji


Olajide, A. and Yusuf, F. K. (2010). Librarianship in Perspective: A Handbook on

Library User’s Education, 3rd edition. Lagos: Rayola Nigeria Limited.

Unegbu, V. E. and Otuza, C. E. (Ed.) (2015). Use of Library and Information

Resources: Library Use Education. Lagos: Emaphine Reprographics Limited.

Wusu, H.O. (2015). The Use of Library. Lagos: Afolabi Press Limited.


‘Library’. Encyclopedia Britannica. https//

Hammed, A. B. (2010). Use of Library: Essential Manual for Beginners, new

edition. Ibadan: Akacom Publications Limited.

Fayose, O. (2000).“Historical Development of Libraries and its Definition.” In

Adejuwon (Ed.) Library Resources and their Roles in Education. Ibadan: Centre
for External Studies, University of Ibadan, pp. 1 - 5.

Makinde. O. O. (2006). “The Library and Education.” In Asaju, D. F. (Ed.)

General Studies Book of Readings, vol.1. Lagos: Lagos State University Press,
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Okusaga, T. O. and Akalumhe, K. O. (2006).“Historical Development and Types

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