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Connect 5 _ Final Revision iw a MR . Mostafa Awad a Ul CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) in and circle the cot in: 1 - John and sara have equipment . { metal - plastic - cotton - sports ) 2 - Sara wears her swimming ... ( rackets — suit —- goggles — boots } 3 - They play on the court. ( football — tennis — basketball — handball ) 4 — John wears his karate .... .. to do karate . ( boots — suit — shorts — shoes ) 2) . to. go swimming . id circle the correct an: 1-In a storm, you have to keep yourself .. ( strong - weak - giant - safe ) 2 - Make sure you have candles and ... { radio - mobile - torches - TV ) 3-There might be a..... { blood - power - clothes - 4- Don't go anywhere by..... ( train - bus - plane - car ) . This could be unsafe. Listen and circle the correct answer : 1 - Dalia is years old. ( ten - eleven - nine - thirteen ) 2 - Dalia is good at playing . ( basketball - handball - football - tennis ) 3 - Dalia is bad at playing.. ({ video games - tennis - handball - football ) 4 - Dalia always helps her mom in the... ( bedroom - kitchen - bathroom - homework ) e600 yg maa ta degra at eS El.Motamyez.School lsie gsi colo Sees sees CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Listen and circle th 1- The girls wear dark blue. (trousers - dresses - skirts - vests). 2 When it’s cold, they wear jackets or .. (vests - coats - shirts - scarfs). 3 The boys wear dark blue... (trousers - vests - jacket - shorts). 4 The shirt is made of ase (cotton - silk - leather - wool) ° n_and circl re ina is a student (three - four - five - six). 2-Her father is a/ an in a big hospital. {teacher - doctor - farmer - engineer) 3 -There are.. . people in Dina’s family. [five - four - six - three) 4 - Dina’s mother is a.. (doctor - teacher - vet - student). choose the correct answer ) ®@ Ecosystem is the .. between living land and non- living things . @® connection time Game road @ Being in a swimming .. is exciting. @® court ® pool © pitch @ book @) Youssef plays the piano . heis a. ® Journalist Pianist Scientist biologist @ Anr is bad at .. ..French. @® speak ® speaking © speaks @ spoke ® Let's go to the... . pitch . ® sailing ® swimming © football @ karate We need ® look ® looks © tolook @ looking ae 600 urethane en drat e BS El.Motamyez.School lsie gsi colo Sees sees CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) © I like my blue sweater. That's my .. @ favorite ® cool © favor @ nice I was traveling by.......... to the island. ® boat ® foot © metro @ boots ® Seif played tennis. p @® next week @® tomorrow © yesterday @ next Monday Our school uniform is really........ .we like it. @® smart @® bad © ugly @ awtul @ The .. .tell the tourists where they can dive. ® doctors © teachers © tour guides @ doctors (2) The gir....... watching a movie at 7 pm last night. @® was ® were © are @ is ® The Red Sea lies on Egypt's east ... < © «ainforest @® desert © coast © cost ® Mary listened to the teacher carefully... the lesson @ understood ® ue © understand © haters the beach yesterday. @® went © goes @® going Reem is wearing ... @® glasses © gloves @ crowns @ I didn't racket last week. @® buy @® bought © buys @ buying helps people learn about new cultures. ® wildlife ® Diving © Tourism @ Farming Egypt is a beautiful . @ city ® village © country @ town @0) Eco- tourism helps to protect thi @® journey ® wildlife © poltution © planes @) Ican't.... .to go to Alexandria and swim in the sea. @® want ® wait © feel © win He G00 naire ray Bs El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) The Elephantine ... is in Aswan. @® Desert ® island © mountain @ The Opposite OF ...emeeeenniS dark. @® baa © sada © light @® In the evening, | like to see the @® sunset ® sunrise © sunburn (0) I don't like dark clothes, 1 Ike... @® happy @® sad © light @® One of the... ® cons ® pros © coins @® is an adjective that describes the shoemaker. @® Leather ® Honest © Delicious @ Tourists like to see .. places. @® unhealthy ® boring © historical I walk around a lot . | need comfortable... ® coat @® sneakers © scarf in the sea. @ @ @® swimming @ _ swam © swim @ @ @® 0} Mom likes to wear a gold... .around her neck. ® scarf @® necklace © pajamas Eco- tourists pay to stay in people ‘s ® zoos ® villages © ieee is in Taba. ® village ® city © town a .Marwa and Mohsen playing chess at 6pm yesterday? @® was © is © were @® Elephantine Island is full of @® art ® science © history @® The .. .of Philae is in Aswan. @® Temple © city © Postcard @® Nawaniis .. ©®OHO®O OOOPOD@OAOHOOODO® He G00 naire ray Bs village happy sunshine black ..of tourism is that it damages the environment. corners Money awful necklace swims gloves parks country Are music Pyramid El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Tourism gives...........for local people. @® homes © farms © jobs houses What............ She doing at 9 am yesterday ? @® was © is © were are I went outside ............ my neighbour. @® helped © tohelp © help to helps I bought new swim in the pool. ® coat ® shorts © scarf pool We go to schoo! 5 ® learn ® learning © tolearn learns Ahmed studied hard..........good grades. ® gets ® get © toget I' see my uncle and cousins. @ @® 0} @ @ @ ® excite ® exciting © excited @ interesting @ @ © @® © @® getting I want to buy these shoes. Can 1.... ...them on? @ wy © ary © ty We need to............0ur suitcases. @® build @® back © pack They .. one - were ® swimming ® swims © Suicnae fry play ®®BOOOOSOOO®® In the sea. Was swimming ..watching a film yesterday. I. @® was ® were © are @ am Tourists come to the Red Sea to.......... @® pay ® dive © drive sleep The ... @ effect © blanket © weather bag 69) We should look ............the historical places and monuments. @® up © after © a @ to @ She is wearing a crown on her @® head ® hana © neck @ arm ae 600 reyes @® & El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) G2) ought a ennnjacket. @® whitenew @ newgreen © greennew @) blacknew ® .. meet your friends yesterday ? ® Do @® bia © Are @® wil 64) When I play football , | wear a .. ” ® scarf @® sweater © T-shirt @ hat 63) She came home early.. .cook lunch. ® py ® to @ with When it gets hot ,we don't wear .. @ trousers ® jackets @ socks Ill wear a.. . It’s very cold here. @® Tshirt ® sneaker © coat @ shirt Eco-tourists can stay in camps and €CO-..ssese- ® valleys @® lodges © mountains © streets Tourism helps people learn .......... mew Cultures. @® by © at © about @ in 9 Tourists like to go to the Red Sea to see the .. rae ©@® animals ® coralreefs © tree: @ grass We traveled by ........through the Nile. ® train ® bus © felucca @ taxi My sister and brother..........playing tennis at 12 am. @® was ® were © are @ is When I travel , I pack my clothes in My essen @® pocket ® suitcase © schoolbag @ pencil case Mom... my room yesterday. @® tidy @® tidea © tidies @ totidy My sweater has red. ® lights © trips © stripes @ shoes Haedaya Malak carried the Egyptian. ee @® bag © flag © handbag @ suitcase I love chocolate, : ® too ® to © two @ toe #900 ‘ngeeapan te ty El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Tuse my .. .. to play squash ® suit ® racket © goggles @ glasses My a white T-shirt and blue trousers. @® class © uniform © homework @ bag GO) Would you tke «coffee ? ® some ® any © many @a (@) tn football players wear football... i @® boots ® goggles © tennis @ glasses @) There is . Water on the floor . @yeaine Onn © an @a @3)_ We play football on a football... = ® court © pitch © pool @ home 14) eennncthere any rice ? @® is ® Does © Do @ Are 78) The farmer uses his cut the wood. @® clothes ® hen © axe @ pen (6) rmbaa . Karate. ® in ® on © at @ by @) The camel is good at....... across the desert. ® walk ® walks © walking @ To walk @) I'm god at ........00+. Chess. ® playing ® played © play @ plays My children are great at.......... their mom in the kitchen . @® help © helps © helping @ helped @O_ 1am great at squash because |. alot. @® throw © kick © practice @ sleep Eating a lot of fruit is . _ @® healthy @® Unhealthy © bad @ boring My favorite ..... @® drink © color @ sport ae 600 urethane en drat oe BS El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) We don't have -nmnnnnONiONs . ® any ® some ©a @ an Avena a place in which we keep animals. @® cage © castle © giant @ school Allis very good at............ poems. ® write ® writing © writes @ wrote Hedaya Malak won the bronze... as @® pedal ® meaal © prize @ book Dirty water can make children and old people. ® iu ® good © @ happy We can't breathe because the air is black and h ® clean ® fresh © toxic @ good Hove ... ... because | am good at doing high kicks. © tennis ® karate © squash ©@ football @9 Please, save me from thi: giant. ©@ terrible @® small © iittle @ nice . the mixture into a baking dish. ® Poor @® Pour © Hit @ Eat @ My uncle eggs and sell them at the market . @® eats @® collects © breaks @ feeds How abot... .. an apple , Mum ? @® buy ® tobuy © buying @ buys «nnn the basbousa in the oven for 30 minutes. @® Pour @® Bake © cut @ Eat @) I would like .... ... orange , please . @®a ® an © some @ any Turn ....... the oven to get it hot @® off @® down © on @ left To.. . is to pick up something quickly. @® chop ® grab © buy @ run El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge ae 600 urethane en drat oe & CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) To cut something means to.. . ® boil ® mix © chop @ do What are YOu Bad serene? @® in ® on © at @ to We buy and sell things at the @® market © hospi © club @ school A/An.. .... Is a glass building used for growing plants. ® school © suit © greenhouse @ farm In karate players wear ® suits ® googles © shorts @ glasses People swim in a swimming .... @® sea @® take ~ © pool @ river . the syrup over the basbousa. @® Make @® Bake © Pour @ cut Never throw... .... in or near a lake or beach. @® water ® plants © garbage @ clothes Monkeys are good ... climbing trees. ® in ® on © at @ to useful information with others . @ sell @® share © Melt @ Look We buy and sell things at the ..... - ® school ® market © z00 @ park Iwent to the zoo yesterday and I saw......... elephant . @® an ® some © any @a What are you bad .. =F @® in © at © on @ to Bove .is a very large, strong building. @® aastle ® coin © cage @ bag Id like .. apple please . @®a ® an © some @ any ae 600 ye BS O®O@OD@OADOA®ODOOHO®DOOOD ® El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) (3) When the air is dirty, we have problems with .. @® breathing ® listening © reading @ writing 4) Use a.. cut the watermelon . @® knife © spoon © fork © plate @) To cut something means to .. It. ® boil ® mix © chop @ see How about .. ... Mangoes ? @® eating ® eat © eats © ate @) I'm good at reading, but I'm.. a i ® great ® bad © good @ excellent Cot del Tek} ead and complete the text with the words in the box] { store - shade - heard - past — floor } It was a very hot day. Dareen and Rogaia were at home. Dareen's mom asked them to go to the. .. to buy some fruits. They walked in the .. . to be away from the sunshine. They were on the street and . .. a cry from Mrs Abeer's house. Mrs Abeer was on the ... in the kitchen. Mr Maged and the girls helped Mrs Abeer get better. e { bad - game - court - playing - squash ) My favorite sports is.. ... Lalways play a With my friends on the weekends. I also like sailing , but I'm. at it . My brother is good at . . tennis , but he’s very bad at swimming. ( chocolate - tree - onions - mango - healthy ) Sara’s favorite .. Her uncle has a mango... also grows some vegetables , tomatoes , potatoes and eat but she knows that eating a lot of it isn’t healthy. In his garden . He .. She also likes to ome cay capsaa, I pSisag 600 rca ete te El Motomyer Schoo! a ee tenes CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) ( stripes - wearing - wear - celebrations — colorful } In Mexico, the girls are . .... traditional Mexican dresses. They're very There are 2 lots of colorful .. .. on the dresses. Girls in Mexico wear dresses like these during feasts and ° (_ rich - special - cow- free - buy } Jack went to sell his .. The man had in the market . On his way , he met an old man. beans .He wanted Jack to. them . He said the .. Jack bought the beans at last. ( sailing - squash - watching - great } lara : what are you ... 2 » Match . lara : Do you like squash ? lina : An old... lina : yes its : what other sports do you like ? : my favorites are swimming and {grapes - would - how about - some. seller : Hello .. .... you like some bananas ? Lina : No, thank you . I would like some .. seller: ... buying some carrots ? Lina : Yes , please seller : How about buying some oranges ? Lina : No, thank you , I would like .. apples { mix - weigh - ingredients - favorite — melt ) We cook lots of things, such as lentil soup, ful medames and molokhia. My .. thing to bake is basbousa. First, you need to turn your oven on, then we .. out the ingredients. Then you . the semolina, sugar and butter. You should mix these . by hand. g uaa aia 600 ‘ageelmar net rey BB! EL tide ges eben CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) ° ( cake - delicious - grow - drinks - cocktail ) Mangoes grow in Egypt. We can make a lot of. . and dishes with it . We can make... . mango juice or... .. juice . We can also make a fruit salad and a mango. (club - sports - football - eating - playing ) We are watching a squash match. | love squash and I'm good at playing... too . My brother is good at playing ... - favorites are sailing and handball. My brother and I play many sports in the... .. In Egypt , we have many kinds of... (some - wants - any - buying - apples } Nada and momare buying. and mangoes at the market . Nada would some grapes and pineapples. Mom asks some fish , too . Nada is very excited and says that’s great ! © ( goggles - court - pool - kung fu) Igo to a swimming I play tennis on a tennis .... If | want to swim , | do high kicks in .. . | wear . to go swimming . { metal — practicing — medal — age — awards ) Hedaya Malak was born on April 21, 1993 . she began practicing taekwondo at the;... .. Of seven . She won many important ... .. at the Rio Olympics in 2016 . She i: win a gold medal . (little - grow - chicken - un healthy - chocolate ) She won the bronze . hard because she wants to I love chocolate , but it’ healthy food . He likes. love mango. We can .... a 600 urethane en drat eo a El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge We should eat a. . My brother likes . and fish . Fruits and vegetables are very healthy . I . a mango tree in our garden. CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) © { camps -animals - buildings - holiday - hiking } If you like history ,there is lots in Taba . There’s Nawamis , a village of round wery old . They are fascinating ! Eco-tourists in Taba can enjoy diving ... and camping . They can stay in ..... .. in Taba for a great .. or © ( much - market - beans - go } Mother: where did you . Seif: | went to the Mother: what did you buy ? Seif: | bought some - Mother: how . Did you pay ? Seif: | paid 10 pounds . oO (purple - take - suitcase - T-s! - back } I'm Noha . I'll pack my .. .. for our holiday tomorrow . I'm excited. | need to pack my green .I won't need a coat ,but I should .. my sunglasses . | ‘ll pack my ..sweater . It’s cool at night . (historical - learn - pros - cons - jobs ) Tourism is very important to Egypt . It can give .. for young people . It can help people ..... ... about new cultures . But tourism also has some Tourists can damage the Places and the monuments . { leather - workshop - elves - buy - shoes } My grandfather was a shomaker . He had a . In the city . He made beatiful ..........-.. A lot of people went to . their shoes from him . He was honest and he made shoes from the best (pockets - spotted - gloves - crown - pen ) Aya and lara are in a party . Lara is wearing a... . dress with two sestttasteueee Aya is wearing a .. on her head . She looks like a princess ! She is wearing white .. on her hands . She is wearing a costume . a 600 urethane en drat oe & ~pillaie sginall ale gs Slee way ® El.Motamyez.School CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Read the text and answer the questions ) One day, my family and | were driving through the desert to visit my cousins. After twenty minutes, I looked out of the window and saw a sandstorm. We closed all the windows, but it was now very dark. My father moved the car off the road and we stopped. We didn't see any more cars on the road, but the sandstorm moved very slowly. Then, suddenly, it moved away. We saw the sun again and drove on through the desert. A) Che th in: r 1 - They were going in a/an... eS ( train - car - ferry - underground ) 2-The pronoun ‘it’ refers to the { desert - sandstorm - window - road } B) Answer the following questions. 3- What extreme weather condition are they talking about? 4- What did they do to keep safe in that extreme weather condition? e People in Ancient Egypt worked very hard. Everyone had a job. They could work as fishermen, bakers, doctors, and traders. But most people worked as farmers. Farmers were very important for Ancient Egypt's economy. They worked in fields which were near their homes. They planted crops, usually grains like wheat, corn, and flax. They grew vegetables and fruits, too. A} Choose the correct answer. 1- People in Ancient Egypt worked very (lazily - easily - hard). 2- Farmers worked in (fields - schools - hospitals). B) Answer the following questions. 3-What crops did farmers grow? 4 Did everyone have a job in Ancient Egypt? e600 yg maa ta degra at e El.Motamyez.School dist Setanta eben CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Everything in the natural world is connected. An ecosystem is a place where animals, plants, and other living things live together. Animals and plants need each other to live. They also need suitable conditions. Animals eat plants, insects, and other animals to survive. They need food, water, and shelter. And they need the weather to be at the right temperature. A) Che th rT in: rr. 1 - Animals eat plants and insects to (die - leave - survive). 2 - Animals need the weather to be at the (right - wrong - false) temperature. B) Answer the following questions. 3 - What is an ecosystem? 4 - Why do animals and plants need each other? It's spring. The sun is shining and the fields and gardens are full of flowers for the animals and insects to eat. It's a lovely day. The bees are buzzing and the butterflies are flying in the sun. The ants, however, are working hard. The lazy grasshopper spends most of his time relaxing. A) Choose the correct answer. 1- The (gardens - clubs - schools) are full of flowers. 2 - The grasshopper is (fast - kind - lazy). 3-The bees are (buzzing - walking - running). 4-What are the ants doing? 5 - How does the grasshopper spend most of his time? Hello, I'm Sherif. When I was young, I knew | didn't want to work with animals. They scare me! I'm not keen on being outside, so | wanted an office job. When I was young, I loved playing computer games. | also really enjoy solving problems. So, in my job, I do both! I also enjoy working with other people. Sherif wanted an (office - outside - outdoor] job. Sherif enjoys working with (animals - birds - people). B) Answer the following questions. 3 What did Sherif love playing? Is Sherif keen on being outside? ae 600 urethane en drat ts} El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Ll} put the words in the correct order to make sentences this - from - Save - terrible - me - giant . 2 =| o Hy watching - karate - | - love - kung fu - and taekwondo - Malak - Egyptian — player — Hedaya — is — a famous. made - delicious - My wife - a- meal worked - The - hard - shoemaker leather - He - black, - shoes - made buy - Did - T-shirt - new -a- you? sunglasses - to - protect - my eyes -| -need enjoy - you - Did - story - the ? - shoes - a pair - of - yesterday I- else - What - need - do? park - | - yesterday - walked - to - the are - My favorite -clothes - shirts - cotton color - favorite - is- My - green ®B®O@OO@OPOPOOOHH OHO 600 urethane en drat e El.Motamyez.School alsiegsinall cata gods tebe eas CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) usually - do - What - you- wear ? new - house - This - a small - is need -1- Will- necklace - the ? was - The - honest - shoemaker . boat - We - traveling - were -by a- pack - You - sweater - should chopped -Jack - beanstalk - the — down. at - writing - I'm - good - poems. kung fu - My brother - is -at- good play - football- Let's - later ! like - you - What - would 7? garden - mangoes - we- in - our - grow ®B®OHOOOPOOOOO®HOHO® ® ea pein etal” am ge eget #900 ancy QD El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) made - Galabeyas - cotton- are - of yesterday - was- TV-|- at 8pm - watcing go -!- wait - to - can't - to- AL Fayoum wearing - Marwa - dress - a spotted - is is - from - The sunset - a felucca - fantastic to - the bedroom - sleep - He - to -went full of - history - is - land - Elephantine a coral reef - near- ive - Eco- tourists leather - Shoes - of - made - are poor - his - were - wife - The shoemaker - and wearing - These girls - Maxican - dresses - are me - you - help - Can -? a- beautiful - There’re - sculptures - Desert - amazing - in Noha - her - sweater - Dose - take ? is - school -Our- uniform - smart HSOOSOO®OOOOOHOOOO © a 600 urethane en drat eo & El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) the shose - every - Who - night - made ? make - What - elves - the - did ? some - buying - lemons - ,too - How about ? you - some - like - Would - bananas ? mix - basbousa -You - by hand - should - ingredients . want - buy - beans - Do - to - you - these ? there - tomatoes - Are - any ? have - we - What -do - sports - in Egypt is- her- visit - She - going to - uncle . about - sneakers - What - my ? in - He - lives - town-a got - dress - striped - a - I've capital - Cairo - the - is- Egypt- of are - we - swimming - Pools - where - go . ®©OHOGOAODOAOOOOGHOHO® © a asl yal 7 ae 600 saga det E|.Motamyez.School “ui aie ginal ale Gods alele way ® CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Sport - you- are -at- What-good? at - bad- What - you - are - sports? bad- playing - I'm - at - tennis wanted - Jack- sell - cow - to - the . eggs - They - sold - to buy - the - food - golden the basbousa - the oven - for - Bake - in - minutes - 30 . have - please - Do - carrots - any - you? time - football - want to - What - do - play - you -? you - are - What - at - good -? good - at - sport - you - What - are -? Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets .. (much) do you go to the club? SB@O@D@O®OOSOHOO®O® © .. (wash) his hands before eating. (was trying) to understand the Name of the island. ( mustn't) go to the doctor. Brechin pera et] e El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) They were (try) to understand the Elephantine’ name. Esraa Nada don't [went] to school by bus. I'm very bad... My Sister is very good at .... We must (obeys) our parents. .». (any) rice? (write)poems. Would you like Huda is good at .. .. [plays] tennis. He.. (goes never) to the Park in the rain. (must) talk in the library. .. [do] she visit her grandpa ? .. forgot) to take a hat today (driving) to Work at 10 am. Nahla mustn't Hex How .(much) does Noha play video games? - Twice a week. (some) grapes . (always am) in bed at11 pm. we haven't got GF I would like {any) apples, please. How (many) do you play tennis? I never play tennis. He's very bad at... . (make) cakes. My uncle... .. [are] good at sailing. I'm very good Is Manali They don't . (in) playing. Igo often) to the cinema. . (don't ) like pizza. ... [traveling] by train. They don't love it . . (mustn't) do my English homework. She sometimes .» [go] to the club. % |go always) to the chub on Saturdays. Khaled went to a clothes store to .. bought) a new shirt. We were ... (look) at alll the old things from the island when 12. (were walking] in one of the Nubian villages this morning. I'm very good at .. (draw). (a) orange, please. ©®© © POOOOOOOHOODOOOHGOOOOOOHOOHOOGQOO©@ I would like ... ome cay capsaa, I pSisag 600 rca ete te BBE c1Motomyerschoo! ees CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) {some) tomatoes? (to fly) a plane. . (buys) some oranges. {play usually) tennis on weekends? [have] a shower in the morning. (in } football. ... [visit] his grandpa every week. [mustn't] tidy up our house. [doing] to pass our exams? puntcuate the following ) @ thank you for helping me, ahmed ®OOOOOOO® @ how about buying some sweets, mona @ hedaya malak is a famous sportsperson ® can I have some grapes @ i don't go to school on fridays ® what dishes can you make with apples ® jack went to the market to sell the cow yes, of course @ what s ahmed's favourite food @ thay sold a cow ® how much are they 600 urethane en drat e El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) he is a famous egyptian footballer what would you like to have for dinner ahmed where is grandpa s village hedaya malak was born in 1993 samy is my friend what's your name cairo is the capital of egypt eaypt is very beautiful country we won t need to take sweaters I can t wait to see you soon what did women in Ancient Egypt do do you like school uniform , ahmed what's your favorite room are all ecosystems the same is a source of fresh water egypt's coast includes two seas What do we need to survive what does salma buy every week ahmed s father is a scientist OOOO OOGHOHHGOOGDOHOGO® af e00 crt ee ee ea EiMotemyer Schoo eee ree CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) write a pargraph about 30 words using the Liha following guide elements ) My Town not very big — many nice places the sport you're good at “popular - pitch " 98 Sports and equipment “ boots — karate suit ” Mangoes " dishes-juice " My favorite recipe "mix- oven" Famous Egyptian athlete " sportsperson — prizes El.Motamyez.School lsie gsi colo Sees sees a8? O00 megs CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Sports “swimming - taekwondo" “The importance of tourism" /es jobs — cultures” “Our school uniform” “white shirt - blue sweater “ © "Healthy and unhealthy food" “ chicken — chocolate “ “Jobs in Ancient Egypt” “farmers — craftsmen ” Gagillg aLUL GLiol! Lubi go aliwiJI Cuniil El.Motamyez.School lsie gsi colo Sees sees a8? O00 megs CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Listening text oO John and Sara have sports equipment . John wears his football boots to play football. Sara wears her swimming goggles to go swimming. They use their squash rackets to play squash. They play tennis on the court. John wears his suit to do karate. Ina storm, you have to keep yourself safe. Make sure you have candles and torches. There might be a power cut. Don't stand near wires. They could fall and give you electric shock. Don't go anywhere by train. This could be unsafe. I'm Dalia. I'm eleven years old. I'm good at playing tennis. I'm bad at Playing football. | always help my mom in the kitchen. Hello! I'm Hana. Our uniform is a dark blue skirt for the girls and dark blue trousers for the boys, a pale blue cotton shirt, white socks, and black shoes. When it’s cold, we wear dark blue vests or jackets. My name is Dina. | live in Cairo with my father, mother and two brothers. I am a student in primary five. My father is a doctor in a big hospital. My mother works in a school. My brother Ali is a vet. My brother Ahmed is a student. When | grow up, I want to be a doctor like my father. | want to help sick people . El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge ae 600 urethane en drat e & _ Connect 5 Final Revision = MR . Mostafa Awad (@) CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) in and circle the cot in: 1 - John and sara have equipment . { metal - plastic - cotton - sports ) 2 - Sara wears her swimming ... ( rackets — suit —- goggles — boots } 3 - They play on the court. { football - tennis — basketball — handball ) 4 — John wears his karate .... .. to do karate . ( boots — suit — shorts — shoes ) 2) . to. go swimming . id circle the correct an: 1-In a storm, you have to keep yourself .. ( strong - weak - giant - safe ) 2 - Make sure you have candles and ... { radio - mobile - torches - TV) 3-There might be a..... { blood - power - clothes - 4- Don't go anywhere by..... ( train - bus - plane - car ) . This could be unsafe. Listen and circle the correct answer : 1 - Dalia is years old. ( ten - eleven - nine - thirteen ) 2 - Dalia is good at playing . ( basketball - handball - football - tennis ) 3 - Dalia is bad at playing.. { video games - tennis - handball - football } 4 - Dalia always helps her mom in the... ( bedroom - kitchen - bathroom - homework ) e600 yg maa ta degra at eG El.Motamyez.School lsie gsi colo Sees sees CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Listen and circle th 1- The girls wear dark blue. (trousers - dresses - skirts - vests). 2 When it’s cold, they wear jackets or .. (vests - coats - shirts - scarfs). 3 The boys wear dark blue... (trousers - vests - jacket - shorts). 4 The shirt is made of ase (cotton - silk - leather - wool) ° n_and circl re ina is a student (three - four - five - six). 2-Her father is a/ an in a big hospital. (teacher - doctor - farmer - engineer) 3 -There are.. . people in Dina’s family. {five - four- six - three) 4 - Dina’s mother is a... {doctor - teacher - vet - student). choose the correct answer ) ®@ Ecosystem is the .. between living land and non- living things . ® connection time Game road @ Being in a swimming .. is exciting. @® court ® pool © pitch @ book @) Youssef plays the piano. he is a 4 @® Journalist Pianist Scientist biologist @ Anr is bad at .. ..French. @® speak ® speaking © speaks @ spoke ® Let's go to the... . pitch . ® sailing ® swimming © football @ karate We need ® look ® looks © tolook @ looking ae 600 urethane en drat eG BS El.Motamyez.School lsie gsi colo Sees sees CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) © I like my blue sweater. That's my .. @ favorite ® cool © favor @ nice I was traveling by.......... to the island. ® boat ® foot © metro @ boots ® Seif played tennis. p @® next week @® tomorrow © yesterday @ next Monday Our school uniform is really........ .we like it. © smart ® baa © uagy @ awtul @ The .. .tell the tourists where they can dive. ® doctors © teachers © tourguides @ doctors (2) The gir....... watching a movie at 7 pm last night. ® was ® were @ is ® The Red Sea lies on Egypt's east ... © «ainforest @® desert © coast © cost ® Mary listened to the teacher carefully... ..the lesson ® understood @® i © understand @ si state the beach yesterday. ® went © goes ® going Reem is wearing ... @® glasses © gloves @ crowns @ I didn't racket last week. @® buy @® bought © buys @ buying helps people learn about new cultures. ® wildlife ® Diving © Tourism @ Farming Egypt is a beautiful . @ city ® village © country @ town @0) Eco- tourism helps to protect thi @® journey ® wildlife © poltution © planes @) Ican't.... .to go to Alexandria and swim in the sea. @® want ® wait © feel © win He G00 naire ray Bs El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) The Elephantine ... is in Aswan. @® Desert ® Island © mountain @ The Opposite OF ...emeeeenniS dark. @® baa © sada © light @® In the evening, | like to see the @® sunset ® sunrise © sunbun @ I don't like dark clothes, I like ..........ones. @ happy ® saa © light @ One of the ... @©pes © pros (Om © is an adjective that describes the shoemaker. @® Leather ® Honest © Delicious @ Tourists like to see .. places. @® unhealthy ® boring © historical I walk around a lot . | need comfortable... ® coat ® sneakers © scarf in the sea. @ @ @® swimming © swam © swim @ @ @® 0} Mom likes to wear a gold... .around her neck. ® scarf @® necklace © pajamas Eco- tourists pay to stay in ® zoos © villages © is in Taba. houses Nawaniis .. © village © «iy © town a .Marwa and Mohsen playing chess at 6pm yesterday? @® was © is © were @® Elephantine Island is full of @® art ® science © history @® The .. .of Philae is in Aswan. @® Temple © city © Postcard @® ©®OHO®O OOOPOD@OAOHOOODO® He G00 naire ray Bs village happy sunshine black ..of tourism is that it damages the environment. corners Money awful necklace swims gloves parks country Are music Pyramid El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Tourism gives...........for local people. @® homes © farms © jobs houses What............ She doing at 9 am yesterday ? @® was © is © were are I went outside ............ my neighbour. @® helped ® tohelp © help to helps I bought new swim in the pool. ® coat ® shorts © scarf pool We go to schoo! 5 ® tear ® learning © tolearn learns Ahmed studied hard...........good grades. ® gets ® get © toget I' see my uncle and cousins. @ @® 0} @ @ @ ® excite © exciting © excited @ interesting @ @ © @® © @® getting I want to buy these shoes. Can I... @® ay © ary © try We need to... fry ..our suitcases. build back ck pack They .. a . were ® swimming © _ swims Oe -eirming play ®®BOOOOSOOO®® In the sea. Was swimming ..watching a film yesterday. I. ® was ® were © are @ am Tourists come to the Red Sea to.......... @® pay ® dive © drive sleep The ... @ effect © blanket © weather bag 69) We should look ............the historical places and monuments. @® up © after © a @ to @ She is wearing a crown on her @® head ® hana © neck @ arm ae 600 urethane en drat eG BS El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) G2) ought a ennnjacket. @® whitenew @ newgreen © greennew @) blacknew ® .. meet your friends yesterday ? ® Do ® bid © Are @® wil 64) When | play football , | wear a .. = © scarf © sweater © tshirt @ hat 63) She came home early. .cook lunch. @ by ® to @ with When it gets hot ,we don't wear .. @ trousers ® jackets @ socks @) tweara. It's very cold here. ® Tshirt © sneaker © coat @ shirt Eco-tourists can stay in camps and eco- y ® valleys @® lodges © mountains © streets Tourism helps people learn cultures. @ by © at © about @ in (Z) Tourists like to go to the Red Sea to see the... ©® animats ® coralreefs © trees @ grass We traveled by............through the Nile. ©@ train @® bus © felucca @ taxi My sister and brother .........playing tennis at 12 am. @® was ® were © are @ is When I travel , | pack my clothes in my ..... & @® pocket © suitcase © schoolbag @ pencil case Mom... my room yesterday. @® tidy @® tidea © tidies ©@ totidy My sweater has red ® lights ® trips © stripes @ shoes @) Haedaya Malak carried the Egyptian.. : @® bag ® flag © handbag © suitcase I love chocolate, 600 ‘npaeiganpnmacanencetaetty El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) O syewaqor04 @ too © to © two @ toe luse my ..... +. to play squash @® suit ® racket © goggles @ glasses My school .. a white T-shirt and blue trousers. @® class © uniform © homework @ bag @ Would you like .... »COffee ? @® some ® any © many @a @ In football players wear football ..... aie ®@ boots ® goggles © tennis @ glasses @ .. Water on the floor. ® any © an @a @ We play football on a football @® court ® pitch © pool @ home @ P .there any rice ? @s ® Does © Do @ Are 78) The farmer uses his... @ @® clothes ® hen © axe @ pen © a @ by @ The camel is good at ......... across the desert. © walk ® walks © walking @ To walk @) I'm good at Chess. ® playing ® played © play @ plays @9)_ My children are great at ....... their mom in the kitchen . @® help © helps © helping @ helped GO 1am great at squash because I... @® throw © kick @ sleep Eating a lot of fruit is .. " @® healthy ® Unhealthy © bad ® boring My favorite .. “ ® drink ® food © color @ sport El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge ae 600 urethane en drat eG BS CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) We don't have .. 2 @® any ® some © a @ an Avssnusuis a place in which we keep animals. @® cage © castle © giant @ school Ali is very good at.............poems. ® write ® writing © writes @ wrote Hedaya Malak won the bronze... as @® pedal ® medal © prize @ book Dirty water can make children and old people.. ® iu ® good © @ happy We can't breathe because the air is black and h ® clean ® fresh © to @ good Hove .... ... because | am good at doing high kicks. © tennis ® karate © squash ©@ football @9 Please, save me from thi giant. © terrible @® small © iittle @ nice . the mixture into a baking dish. ® Poor ® Pour © Hit @ Eat @ My uncle eggs and sell them at the market . @® eats ® collects © breaks @ feeds How abot... .. an apple , Mum ? @ buy ® tobuy © buying @ buys .nnnmunmm the basbousa in the oven for 30 minutes. @® Pour ® Bake © cut @ Eat @) I would like .... ... orange , please . @®a ® an © some @ any Turn ....... the oven to get it hot @® off @® down © on @ left To. .. is to pick up something quickly. @® chop ® grab © buy @ run ae 600 urethane en drat eo & El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) To cut something MEANS to-veeeese- ® boil ® mix © chop @ do What are you bad ... woe @® in ® on © at @ to We buy and sell things at the .. 2). @® market ® hospital © cub @ school A/An . Is a glass building used for growing plants. ® school © suit © greenhouse @ farm In karate players wear .. = ® suits ® googles © shorts @ glasses People swim in a swimming .... . @® sea @® take © pool ... the syrup over the basbousa. © Make @® Bake © Pour Never throw.. @® water ® plants © garbage Monkeys are good . climbing trees. ® on © a useful information with others . @® share © Melt We buy and sell things at the . aan river Cut in or near a lake or beach. clothes to Look @©@s@©@'O@/|® © © © © ® school ® market park I went to the zoo yesterday and I saw ... @® an ® some a What are you bad .. =F © at © on to tunis a very large, strong building. @ aastle ® coin © cage @ bag Id like ... O®O@OD@OADOA®ODOOHO®DOOOD ® @®a © some @ any ae 600 meyers BS El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) (3) When the air is dirty, we have problems with .. @® breathing ® listening © reading @ writing Usea to cut the watermelon . ® knife © spoon © fork © plate @) To cut something means to wag = ® boil ® mix © chop @ see How about... ... Mangoes ? @® eating ® eat © eats © ate @) I'm good at reading, but I'm... .at drawing ® great ® bad © good @ excellent Cot del Tek} ead and complete the text with the words in the box] { store - shade - heard - past — floor ) It was a very hot day. Dareen and Rogaia were at home. Dareen's mom asked them to go to the store to buy some fruits. They walked in the shade to be away from the sunshine. They were on the street and heard a cry from Mrs Abeer's house. Mrs Abeer was on the floor in the kitchen. Mr Maged and the girls helped Mrs Abeer get better. e ( bad - game - court - playing - squash ) My favorite sports is... squash....... . | always play a ..... With my friends on the weekends. | also like sailing , but I'm ....bad ... at it . My brother is good at.... playing... tennis , but he’s very bad at swimming. ( chocolate - tree - onions - mango - healthy ) Sara’s favorite is... mango..... Her uncle has a mango.... tree .... In his garden . He also grows some vegetables , tomatoes , potatoes and ..... onions..... . She also likes to eat .... chocolate ....., but she knows that eating a lot of it isn’t healthy. a 600 urethane en drat oe & El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) 30 ( stripes - wearing - wear - celebrations — colorful } In Mexico, the girls are wearing traditional Mexican dresses. They're very colorful. There are lots of colorful stripes on the dresses. Girls in Mexico wear dresses like these during feasts and celebrations {rich - special - cow - free - buy ) Jack went to sell his The man had .... special the beans will make Jack... cow..., in the market . On his way , he met an old man. beans .He wanted Jack to..... buy..... them . He said ‘h... . Jack bought the beans at last. ( sailing - squash - watching - great } lara : what are you .... Watching ..... ? lina : An old ...... Squash ...... Match . lara : Do you like squash ? tyes its ......... great ... : what other sports do you like 7 my favorites are swimming and {_grapes - would - how about - some seller : Hello ....would... you like some bananas ? seller: How about .... buying some carrots 7? Lina: Yes , please seller : How about buying some oranges ? Lina : No, thank you , | would like ...some apples ( mix - weigh - ingredients - favorite — melt ) We cook lots of things, such as lentil soup, ful medames and molokhia. My favorite thing to bake is basbousa. First, you need to turn your oven on, then we weigh out the ingredients. Then you mix the semolina, sugar and butter. You should mix these ingredients by hand. a 600 urethane en drat eG Bs El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) ° ( cake - delicious - grow - drinks - cocktail ) Mangoes grow in Egypt. We can make a lot of...drinks.... and dishes with it . We can make.....delicious.... mango juice or.... cocktail...... juice . We can also make a fruit salad and a mango... cake. © (club - sports - football - eating - playing ) We are watching a squash match . I love squash and I'm good at playing ald ., too . My brother is good at playing.... football... My mom's favorites are sailing and handball. My brother and | play many sports in Egypt , we have many kinds of...sports. oO (some - wants - any - buying - apples } Nada and mom are buying... apples.... and mangoes at the market . Nada would like...some...carrots. Mom.....wants....some grapes and pineapples. Mom asks about...buying....some fish , too . Nada is very excited and says that ‘s great ! o ( goggles - court - pool - kung fu ) 1. go to a swimming ...pool...... ., [play tennis ona tennis..... ( metal — practicing — medal — age - awards ) Hedaya Malak was born on April 21, 1993 . she began practicing taekwondo at the....... age ..... Of seven . She won many important ... awards ..... She won the bronze .... medal ..... at the Rio Olympics in 2016 . She is ..... practicing .... hard because she wants to win a gold medal . { little - grow - chicken - un healthy - chocolate ) I love chocolate , but it’s... unhealthy...... We should eat a ... . My brother likes healthy food . He likes....chichen. and fish . Fruits and vegetables are very healthy . | love mango. We can .grow ...a mango tree in our garden, g sets pisos 600 aerimucen ratetty g El.Motamyez.School tun ad Spal lndeds Sebocte CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) © { camps -animals - buildings - holiday - hiking } If you like history ,there is lots in Taba . There’s Nawamis , a village of round wvery old ....buildings .... They are fascinating ! Eco-tourists in Taba can enjoy diving ,...hiking ....and camping . They can stay great ! © { much - market - beans - go } Mother: where did you ........g0.. Seif: | went to the -market. Mother: what did you buy ? Seif: | bought some Mother: how ..camps ... in Taba for a much. Seif: | paid 10 pounds. (purple - take - suitcase - T-shirt - back } I'm Noha. I'll pack my .. itcase... for our holiday tomorrow . I'm excited. | need to pack my green ...T-shirt .... | won't need a coat ,but I should .....take ... my sunglasses . | 'll pack my .....purple ...sweater . It’s cool at night . {historical - learn - pros - cons - jobs } Tourism is very important to Egypt . It can give ....for young people . It can help people ..Jearn ... about new cultures . But tourism also has some ..cons .. Tourists can damage the .... historical ..... Places and the monuments . ( leather - workshop - elves - buy - shoes } My grandfather was a shomaker . He had a....workshop .... In the city . He made beatiful ... A lot of people went to ....their shoes from him . He was honest and he made shoes from the best ..leather... (pockets - spotted - gloves - crown - pen } Aya and lara are in a party . Lara is wearing a ....spotted ....dress with two «pockets .... . Aya is wearing a .. on her head . She looks like a princess ! She is wearing white ...gloves.. on her hands . She is wearing a costume . ae 800 ‘ageeapanmcito a an ose El.Motamyez.School isn pgna snags ceca CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Read the text and answer the questions ) One day, my family and | were driving through the desert to visit my cousins. After twenty minutes, I looked out of the window and saw a sandstorm. We closed all the windows, but it was now very dark. My father moved the car off the road and we stopped. We didn't see any more cars on the road, but the sandstorm moved very slowly. Then, suddenly, it moved away. We saw the sun again and drove on through the desert. A) Che th in: r 1 - They were going in a/an... eS (train - car- ferry - underground } 2-The pronoun ‘it’ refers to the { desert - sandstorm - window - road } B) Answer the following questions. 3- What extreme weather condition are they talking about? sandstorm 4- What did they do to keep safe in that extreme weather condition? Their father moved the car off the road and they stopped. People in Ancient Egypt worked very hard. Everyone had a job. They could work as fishermen, bakers, doctors, and traders. But most people worked as farmers. Farmers were very important for Ancient Egypt's economy. They worked in fields which were near their homes. They planted crops, usually grains like wheat, corn, and flax. They grew vegetables and fruits, too. A} Choose the correct answer. 1- People in Ancient Egypt worked very (lazily - easily - hard). 2- Farmers worked in (fields - schools - hospitals). B) Answer the following questions. What crops did farmers grow? They planted crops, usually grains like wheat, corn, and flax. They grew vegetables and fruits, too. Did everyone have a job in Ancient Egypt? Yes, everyone had a job. e600 yg maa ta degra at oe El.Motamyez.School icine aaa ebocane CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Everything in the natural world is connected. An ecosystem is a place where animals, plants, and other living things live together. Animals and plants need each other to live. They also need suitable conditions. Animals eat plants, insects, and other animals to survive. They need food, water, and shelter. And they need the weather to be at the right temperature. A) Che th in: r. Animals eat plants and insects to (die - leave - survive). Animals need the weather to be at the (right - wrong - false) temperature. B) Answer the following questions. What is an ecosystem? An ecosystem is a place where animals, plants, and other living things live together. Why do animals and plants need each other? Animals and plants need each other to live. It's spring. The sun is shining and the fields and gardens are full of flowers for the animals and insects to eat. It's a lovely day. The bees are buzzing and the butterflies are flying in the sun. The ants, however, are working hard. The lazy grasshopper spends most of his time relaxing. Aj Choose the correct answer. 1 The (gardens - clubs - schools) are full of flowers. The grasshopper is (fast - kind - lazy). The bees are (buzzing - walking - running). B) Answer the following questions. What are the ants doing? The ants are working hard. How does the grasshopper spend most of his time? The lazy grasshopper spends most of his time relaxing. 8 Hello, I'm Sherif. When I was young, I knew | didn't want to work with animals. They scare me! I'm not keen on being outside, so I wanted an office job. When I was young, I loved playing computer games. | also really enjoy solving problems. So, in my job, I do both! I also enjoy working with other people. A} Choose the correct answer. Sherif wanted an (office - outside - outdoor) job. Sherif enjoys working with (animals - birds - people). B) Answer the following questions. 3 What did Sherif love playing? He loved playing computer games. Is Sherif keen on being outside? No, he isn't. ae 600 urethane en drat oe El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Ll} put the words in the correct order to make sentences this - from - Save - terrible - me - giant . 2 =| o Hy Save me from this terrible giant. watching - karate - | - love - kung fu - and I love watching karate and kung fu. taekwondo — Malak - Egyptian - player - Hedaya - is - a famous. Hedaya Malak is a famous Egyptian taekwondo player. made - delicious - My wife - a- meal My wife made a delicious meal worked - The - hard - shoemaker The shoemaker worked hard leather - He - black, - shoes - made He made black ,leather shoes buy - Did - T-shirt - new -a- you? Did you buy a new T-shirt ? sunglasses - to - protect - my eyes -| -need I need sunglasses to protect my eyes enjoy - you - Did - story - the ? Did you enjoy the story? bought - | - shoes - a pair - of - yesterday I bought a pair of shoes yesterday 1- else - What - need - do? What else do I need ? park - | - yesterday - walked - to - the | walked to the park yesterday are - My favorite -clothes - shirts - cotton My favorite clothes are cotton shirts color - favorite - is- My - green My favorite color is green a OOO mehyees @® El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge ®B®O@OO@OPOPOOOHH OHO ®B®OHOOOPOOOOO®HOHO® ® a cay capsaa, I pSisag 600 rca ete te El Motomyer Schoo! a ee tenes CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) usually - do - What - you- wear? What do you usually wear ? new - house - This - a small - is This is a small new house need -I- Will- necklace - the ? Will need the necklace ? was - The - honest - shoemaker . The shoemaker was honest He - with - in - lived - wife - town - his He lived with his wit boat - We - traveling - were -by in town We were traveling by boat a- pack - You - sweater - should You should pack a sweater chopped -Jack - beanstalk - the —- down. Jack chopped down the beanstalk. at - writing - I'm - good - poems. I'm good at writing poems. kung fu - My brother - is - at - good My brother is good at Kung fu. Play - football- Let's - later ! Let's play football later ! like - you - \W/hat - would ? What would you like? garden - mangoes - we- in - our - grow We grow mangoes in our garden. are - tennis - we - play - where - Courts Courts are where we play tennis. basbousa - My - is - to - thing - bake - favorite . My favorite thing to bake is basbousa . CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) made - Galabeyas - cotton- are - of Galabeyas are made of cotton yesterday - was- TV-| - at 8pm - watcing I was watching TV at 8pm yesterday go -|- wait - to - can't - to- AL Fayoum I can't wait to go to AL Fayoum wearing - Marwa - dress - a spotted - is Marwa is wearing a spotted dress is - from - The sunset - a felucca - fantastic The sunset is fantastic from a felucca to - the bedroom - sleep - He - to -went He went to the bedroom to sleep full of - history - is - island - Elephantine Elephantine island is full of history a coral reef - near- like to - dive - Eco- tourists Eco- tourists like to dive near a coral reef. leather - Shoes - of - made - are Shoes are made of leather Poor - his - were - wife - The shoemaker - and The shoemaker and his wife were poor wearing - These girls - Maxican - dresses - are These girls are wearing Maxican dresses me-you- help - Can -? Can you help me? a- beautiful - There’re - sculptures - Desert - amazing - in There’re amazing sculptures in the white Desert Noha - her - sweater - Dose - take ? Dose Noha take her sweater? is - school -Our- uniform - smart HSOOSOO®OOOOOHOOOO © Our school uniform is smart. a 600 urethane en drat Go & El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) the shose - every - Who - night - made ? Who made the shose every night ? make - What - elves - the - did ? What did the elves make ? some - buying - lemons - ,too - How about ? How about buying some lemon ,too ? you - some - like - Would - bananas ? Would you like some bananas ? mix - basbousa -You - by hand - should - ingredients . You should mix basbousa ingredients by hand. want - buy - beans - Do - to - you -- these ? Do you want to buy these beans ? there - tomatoes - Are - any ? Are there any tomatoes? have - we - What -do - sports - in Egypt What sports do we have in Egypt ? is- her- visit - She - going to - uncle . She is going to visit her uncle about - sneakers - What - my ? What about my sneakers ? in- He - lives -town-a He lives in a town got - dress - striped - a - I've I've got a striped dress capital - Cairo - the - is- Egypt - of Cairo is the capital of Egypt is - the most - What - in Egypt - sport - popular 7 What is the most popular sport in Egypt? are - we - swimming - Pools - where - go . ®©OHOGOAODOAOOOOGHOHO® © Pools are where we go swimming. a 600 urethane en drat eo & El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Sport - you- are -at- What-good? What sport are you good at ? to try -1- like - sports -new. I like to try new sports. at - bad- What - you - are - sports? What sports are you bad at ? bad- playing - I'm - at - tennis I'm bad at playing tennis. wanted - Jack- sell - cow - to - the . Jack wanted to sell the cow. eggs - They - sold - to buy - the - food - golden They sold golden eggs to buy food. the basbousa - the oven - for - Bake - in - minutes - 30 . Bake the basbbousa in the oven for 30 minutes. like- and -1- fish - chicken . Ilike fish and chicken. have - please - Do - carrots - any - you? Do you have any carrots, please ? time - football - want to - What - do - play - you -? What time do you want to play football ? you - are - What - at - good -? What are you good at ? good - at - sport - you - What - are -? What sport are you good at 7 Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets How often (much) do you go to the club? SB@O@D@O®OOSOHOO®O® © we were trying (was trying) to understand the Name of the island. @_ He always washes (wash) his hands before eating. © sheis ill. she must | mustn't] go to the doctor. oe ro i cals, i 600 saga det El Motomyer Schoo! See CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) They were trying (try) to understand the Elephantine’ name. Esraa Nada don't go [went] to school by bus . I'm very bad at (in) sailing. My Sister is very good at writing (write]poems. We must obey (obeys) our parents. Would you like some (any) rice? Huda is good at playing [plays] tennis. He never goes (goes never) to the Park in the rain. ‘We mustn't (must) talk in the library. How often does [do] she visit her grandpa ? Nahla mustn't forget (forgot) to take a hat today He drives (dri How often (much) does Noha play video games? - Twice a week. we haven't got any (some) grapes 1am always (always am) in bed at11 pm. | would like some (any) apples, please. How often (many) do you play tennis? | never play tennis. He's very bad at making (make) cakes. My uncle is [are] good at sailing. ing) to Work at 10 am. I'm very good at (in) playing. l often go (go often) to the cinema. Manal doesn't (don't ) like pizza. They don't travel [traveling] by train. They don't love it . I must (mustn't) do my English homework. She sometimes goes [go] to the club. I always go (go always) to the chub on Saturdays. Khaled went to a clothes store to buy (bought) a new shirt. We were looking (look) at all the old things from the island when I was walking (were walking) in one of the Nubian villages this morning. I'm very good at drawing (draw). I would like an (a) orange, please. ©®© © POOOOOOOHOODOOOHGOOOOOOHOOHOOGQOO©@ ome cay capsaa, I pSisag 600 rca ete te BBE c1Motomyerschoo! ees CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Are there any (some) tomatoes? The pilot flies (to fly) a plane. I must buy (buys) some oranges. Do you usually play (play usually) tennis on weekends? She usually has [have] a shower in the morning. I'm bad at tennis, but I'm good at ( in ) football . Seif visits [visit] his grandpa every week. We must [mustn't] tidy up our house. What must we do [doing] to pass our exams? puntcuate the following ) thank you for helping me, ahmed Thank you for helping me, Ahmed. how about buying some sweets, mona How about buying some sweets, Mona . what s ahmed's favorit food What's Ahmed’s favorite food ? hedaya malak is a famous sportsperson Hedaya Malak is a famous sportsperson. can | have some grapes Can I have some grapes ? @ i don't go to school on fridays | don't go to school on Fridays. ® what dishes can you make with apples What dishes can you make with apples ? ® jack went to the market to sell the cow Jack went to the market to sell the cow. yes, of course Yes, of course. @ what s ahmed's favourite food What's Ahmed favourite food ? @ thay sold a cow They sold a cow. how much are they How much are they ? @ @ © @ @ @ @ ome cay capsaa, I pSisag 600 rca ete te El Motomyer Schoo! a ee tenes CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) he is a famous egyptian footballer He is a famous Egyptian footballer. what would you like to have for dinner ahmed ‘What would you like to have for dinner, Ahmed ? where is grandpa s village Where is grandpa’s village ? hedaya malak was born in 1993 Hedaya Malak was born in 1993. samy is my friend Samy is my friend. what's your name What's your name ? cairo is the capital of egypt Cairo is the capital of Egypt . egypt is very beautiful country Egypt is a very beautiful country. we won t need to take sweaters ‘We won't need to take sweaters. what is your favorite sport ali What is your favorite sport, Ali ? I cant wait to see you soon I can’t wait to see you soon. what did women in Ancient Egypt do ‘What did women in Ancient Egypt do ? do you like school uniform , ahmed Do you like school uniform, Ahmed ? what's your favorite room What's your favorite room ? are all ecosystems the same Are all ecosystems the same? the nile is a source of fresh water The Nile is a source of fresh water. egypt's coast includes two seas Egypt's coast includes two seas. What do we need to survive ‘What do we need to survive ? what does salma buy every week What does Salma buy every week ? ahmed s father is a scientist Ahmed's father is a scienti: ®DOQOQOODOOHOODOOOOGOOOO® a 600 urethane en drat e & El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) Pe sft] write a pargraph about 30 words using the following guide elements My Town not very big — many nice places My town is not very big, but it has many places. There are many nice restaurants. 1 go there every weekend. There is a sea. We go to the beach in the summer to enjoy the cool weather. There is a nice park in my town. I like my town very much. ° the sport you're good at “popular - pitch * I'm good at playing football. It's a popular football pitches. A football team has 11 players; sport all over the world. Most people play it on one of them is a goalkeeper. The winning team scores the most goals. | like football very much. 98 Sports and equipment “ boots — karate suit “ Most people like sports. Each sport has its equipment. To play football, you must have football boots. You need a football pitch to play on. To play tennis with a friend you must have tennis rackets and a tennis ball. To go swimming you must have goggles. To do karate, you must have a karate si Mangoes “ dishes - juice Mangoes grow in Egypt. We can make a lot of drinks and dishes with it. We can make delicious mango juice. We can also make a fruit salad and a mango cake. oe ro i cals, i 600 saga det & E|.Motamyez.School “pill aie 5 ginal ale eas alele way ® CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) My favorite recipe " mix- oven" My favorite thing to bake is basbousa. We mix the semolina, coconut, sugar and melted butter. Then we add the yogurt. We put almonds on top of it. We bake the basbousa in the oven for 30 minutes. Famous Egyptian athlete " sportsperson — prizes " Hedaya Malak is a very famous Egyptian sportsperson . She carried the Egyptian flag at the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 . She was born on April 21, 1993 . She began practicing taekwondo at the of seven . She won many prizes. Sports "swimming - taekwondo " I'm very good at swimming I'm in the school team ! But I'm very bad at tennis. My brother is bad at football . He is great at taekwondo . playing sports is important. Sports make me healthy. I play sports every day. “The importance of tourism" “gives jobs — cultures” Tourism is very important to a lot of countries. Tourism gives jobs to local people. It helps tourists learn about new cultures. But tourism creates too much carbon dioxide from plane journeys. Also tourism damages the historical places or monuments. Tourists should try eco-tourism because it looks after wildlife, monuments and local people eo “Our school uniform” “white shirt - blue sweater “ Our school uniform is smart. W/e wear a white shirt and blue trousers. W/e have to wear a blue striped tie. In winter, we wear dark blue sweaters. In summer, we can wear blue shorts . a 600 urethane en drat eo a El.Motamyez.School illsie ginal cata Gods fee ge CONNECT 5 aaa Sua) © “Healthy and unhealthy food” “ chicken — chocolate ” My favorite healthy food is chicken. | like it fried with some rice and salad.My favorite unhealthy food is chocolate. It isn't healthy because it has a lot of sugar in it. My mother buys chocolate for us, but we don't eat it a lot. “Jobs in Ancient Egypt" “farmers — craftsmen “ People in Ancient Egypt worked very hard. Everyone had a job. Farmer planted crops like wheat, corn and flax. Craftsmen used to weave clothes and make cooking pots. Traders traveled up and down the Nile buying and selling goods. Scribes knew how to read Women could weave baskets, make sandals and sell them at the market Giagillg ATL Ghiol! Lubl go alimij! Cumiil oe ro i cals, i 600 saga det El Motomyer Schoo! See

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