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to the first edition

Following the worldwide spread of information on the Islamic Palestinian Hamas OCT-7 Savage attack
on Israel, a tsunami of online Anti-semitic hate posts were globally published, some open, some ulterior

The compilers of these online, republished record posts, for historical reference, copying without change
but required attribution, less expressed opinion on the online sources, make maximized efforts to retain
names, identities, and first line quotation of such posts to be clearly identified in future follow-ups via this
online, evolving HEBREW PHOBIANS BOOK.

To avoid deletions, changes, etc. The book is protected by PDF and published by at least two online
platforms and publishers.

Readers, in comments, may add similar, unchanged, names, identities, and first-line quotations, for
future references.

Compilers reserve the right to accept or delete such and similar comments.
Compilers, eye the possibility that this evolving effort will become a sponsored Foundation titled

Further addendums of this policy and methodology may be added by these compilers in future time.
Potential sponsors may be accepted or denied solely as the unequivocal right of the compilers.
Split to Volumes is right reserved to the compilers. Any of these present and future efforts are subject to
intellectual property laws in each country and globally.

The following is an example of added comments:

URL to find the source, time, exact published name, etc., and at least the first ten quotation words are
recommended. All such efforts are only accepted as volunteering without pay.

Each should be clearly signed by the contributing person including full identification, location, URL, and
other legally required location address, time, etc.

Acknowledgement page would be added to each new edition of this book.

Under policy and rules defined in the Preface
In an heartbreaking scene , Mia Shem just revealed in a testimony she gave to Israeli Tv N12 That she suffers from epilepsy
due to the emotional trauma and the lack of sleep she experienced in Captivity.
“ I was scared to be Raped “ she says in the interview. Mia Shem was kidnapped by Hamas from the nova party on Oct 7 .
This is her testimony translated to English :
The world needs to know . Her testimony is very difficult to hear “ you can never really come back from such kind of
captivity” she says .

David Hollyoake \

Anti-Semite Alert Darryl Martin, co-owner of restaurant Barzaari in Sydney, Australia wants every person in Israel to
be obliterated,

Mike Newman
Will the Govenor of NYS and the Mayor of NYC actually protect New Yorkers from the Masked Hamas Supporting
Thugs this New Years or are they giving up our State and City to Terrorists?

Mosab Hassan Yousef

Accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza is baseless and absurd. Any other country under such attack would have retaliated
without restrictions.
Accusing Israel of genocide while risking the lives of its foot soldiers to minimize the civilian casualties is unfair and

‫ידידיה אפשטיין‬
‫ אתמול לאחר שפרסמתי תיעוד של הפועלים בהר המנוחות קיבלתי עוד ועוד‬:‫הביזיון והזלזל בקברים בהר המנוחות לא מפסיק‬
.‫פניות על כך שהם מבזים את הקברים וכאן אפשר לראות את הפועלים הערביים יושבים על קברים כאילו זה ספסל‬
funds, supports and shields Hamas.
UNRWA is infested with Hamas operatives who effectively run the show.

Mike Newman
Donors and applicants are fleeing Jew Hating, Antisemitic Harvard amid Claudine Gay scandal


US citizen Karrem Nasr is arrested on terrorism charges after 'trying to join Somalia's al Shabaab and threatening to
bomb America in support of Hamas' | Daily Mail Online #Terrorism

Ron M.
I finally understand what people sending Jewish tweeters this emoji means -> They mean we should be 'extinguished'
like in WWII. I kept getting it, I could not understand why they were just sending me this random emoji?? 'Free
Palestine' is sick people.

‫ | ثنا ابراهیمی‬Sana Ebrahimi

This is me shortly after arriving in the United States. It was while my mind was still in the box that the Islamic Republic
had placed me in. This is me before I tried to learn beyond what I was fed before I saw the truth of the situation.

Yoav Glasner
‫ בבקשה בואו לשם עכשיו‬.‫אמיר השכל ויולנדה יבור נחקרים במשטרת חדרה‬
‫יואב איתיאל מדווח כי‬
‫ נעצרו לאחר שבמהלך הפגנה מצומצמת בשבת בבוקר מול מעונה של משפחת נתניהו‬,‫ פעילי מחאה‬,‫אמיר השכל ויולנדה יבור‬
‫ שוטרים העבירו אותם לתחנת‬.‫בקיסריה השמיעו קריאות כנגדו והקריאו את שמות החללים והנופלים במלחמת חרבות ברזל‬
…‫ משתתפים אחרים קיבלו זימונים‬.‫ מגפונים הוחרמו‬.‫ שם הם נחקרים כעת‬,‫חדרה‬
‫עדנה קדוש ‪reposted‬‬
‫🥂‬ ‫יויו וישראל אלדד‬
‫שופטי בג"ץ אנשים הזויים שמשחקים באמצע מלחמה משחקי פוליטיקה זולים!‬

‫באמצע המלחמה‪ ,‬בשעה שחיילינו מקריבים את גופם למען העם והארץ‪ ,‬שופטי בג"ץ מראים לכולנו פעם אחר‬ ‫️⛔‬
‫פעם ששום דבר לא מעניין אותם חוץ מפוליטיקה‪.‬‬

‫הם התחילו בדיונים במשפט נגד ראש הממשלה בו בזמן שנתניהו שקוע עד צוואר >>‬

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