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1. all-round (adj): toàn diện
2. assume (v): đảm nhận, giành lấy, giả sử, cho rằng
3. be exposed to + N/Ving: tiếp xúc với
4. concentrate on (collocation): tập trung
5. dilemma (n): tình thế khó xử, tiến thoái lưỡng nan
6. distinct (adj): khác biệt, rõ ràng, dễ nhận thấy
7. evidently (adv): hiển nhiên, rõ ràng
8. financial management (np): quản lý tài chính
9. foster (v): bồi dưỡng, khuyến khích
10. home management (np): quản lý gia đình
11. multi-culture (n) - multi-cultural (adj): đa dạng văn hóa
12. over-reliant (adj): dựa dẫm
13. problem-solving (n-Ving): giải quyết vấn đề
14. residence (n) - resident (n): nơi cư trú - người cư trú
15. responsibility (n) - responsible (adj): trách nhiệm
16. self-reliant (adj) - self-reliance (n): tự lực
Task 1: Write sentences from given cues. Make changes to the cues when needed.
1. sales chart / show / distinct / decline / past / few month.
sales chart show distinct decline in the past few months.

2. audience / evidently / not / enjoy / show / and / some / begin / leave.

Audience didn't evidentl enjoy the show and some people begin to leave

3. president / clearly / in a dilemma / how / tackle / crisis.

president is clearly in dilemma and doesn't know how to takle crisis

4. financial management / define / as / deal / and / analyse / money / investment / for / person / or
/ business / help / make / business decision.
financial management is defined as a job that deals and analyses money investment for a person or business to
help them
make business decision
5. problem-solving / often / carry on / by / process / visualisation.
Problem-solving is often carried on by the process of visualisation

Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English

Compiled by Chang Duyen/Fb: Tiếng Anh Cô Chang Duyên/0982468881/ 1

1. Cô ấy đang phải đối mặt với một tình huống nan giải giữa việc cãi lại cha mình hoặc đánh mất
chàng trai mà mình yêu.
She has to face up with a dilemma between arguing with her father or breaking
up with the guy she loves

2. Những kẻ khủng bố giành được quyền kiểm soát máy bay và bắt buộc hạ cánh tại sa mạc.
The terrorists is having the authority to control the plane and ought to land at the desert

3. Đây là một bộ phim hay, nhưng cốt truyện rất phức tạp nên người xem cẩn phải thực sự tập
This is a nice movie, but the plot is so complicated that the viewers have to full concentrate on it

4. Ngài thủ tướng nhận toàn bộ trách nhiệm về vụ thảm họa và từ chức.
The primeminister have to take responsibility for the disaster and resign

5. Những ai được tiếp xúc với ngôn ngữ nước ngoài từ nhỏ có thể phát âm giống người bản xứ của
ngôn ngữ đó.
Anyone who is able to make approach to foreign language in the childhood can pronunciate exactly like the natives
of that language

Task 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases

all-round (adj) foster (v)
assume (v) home management (np)
be exposed to + n/Ving multi-culture (n) - multi-cultural (adj)
concentrate on (collocation) over-reliant (adj)
dilemma (n) problem-solving (n/Ving)
distinct (adj) residence (n) - resident (n)
evidently (adv) responsibility (n) - responsible (adj)
financial management (np) self-reliant (adj) - self-reliance (n)

It is better for college students to live in schools than live at home with their parents. Do you
agree or disagree?
Many students are faced with the 1 dilemma of whether to live in a university dormitory or at
home with their parents. From my perspective, a dormitory is 2assumed
the better option for most
students. Firstly, there is a common belief that living with their parents is better for
development. Many people argue that students living at home may fully 3 concentrate theirinacademic
studies because their parents are likely to support them in various ways, such as by doing
household tasks. However, I believe some students may become 4 over-reliant

Compiled by Chang Duyen/Fb: Tiếng Anh Cô Chang Duyên/0982468881/ 2

on their parents as a result, and thus do not develop the ability to live independently
in the future. By contrast, students who live in dormitories must 5 foster in
all aspects of life. Therefore, they may acquire the skills necessary for 6 self-feliance ,
ranging from 7 home management and 8 financial management
to meal planning and 9problem-solving
, all
of which are essential to 10 the 11 personal development of this group of
In addition, there are several 12 distinct advantages of choosing on-campus 13 residnece.
The most evident advantage is that students who choose this type of accommodation would have
easy access to libraries and various learning resources that are readily available at university.
h Another clear benefit is that those living in student accommodation 14 are exposed to a
m diverse environment with people from various social and cultural backgrounds. As a result,
m students are better prepared to live in today's 15___________________world.
a From the issues outlined above, one can conclude that living on a university campus is a better
a choice for students than living at home with their parents. I predict that the number of students
e choosing to live in university accommodation will remain high in the future.
m 285 words,

Compiled by Chang Duyen/Fb: Tiếng Anh Cô Chang Duyên/0982468881/ 3

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