Chapter 3 Final

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Advanced Fluid and Heat Transfer

Chapter – 3

Exact Solution of Navier-Stoke


Dr. Dawit G.
• Couette Flows
• Hagen Poiseuille Flows
• Flow through circular pipes
• Fully Developed Flows
• Creeping Flows
• Non-uniform flow
• Unsteady Flows
Navier-Stokes Equation

Euler’s Equation
•When the viscous stresses components in the general form of linear momentum
differential equation are neglected (τij = 0), then vector Eq. (2.6.12) reduce to the
following form;
Solving the N-S Equations
 How the fluid moves is determined by the initial and
boundary conditions; the equations remain the same

 Depending on the problem, some terms may be considered to

be negligible or zero, and they drop out

 In addition to the constraints, the continuity equation

(conservation of mass) is frequently required as well. If heat
transfer is occurring, the N-S equations may be coupled to
the First Law of Thermodynamics (conservation of energy)

 Solving the equations is very difficult except for simple

problems. Mathematicians have yet to prove general
solutions exist, and is considered the sixth most important
unsolved problem in all of math!
Example Problems: Couette Flow
 Set up the equations and boundary conditions to solve for
the following problem at steady state and fully developed:

 moving with velocity U

x  fixed
Example Problems: Couette Flow
Example Problems: Couette Flow
Example Problems: Couette Flow
Example Problems: Couette Flow
Example Problems: Couette Flow
Example Problems: Couette Flow

 Based on the simplified N-S equations, what physical

phenomenon is responsible for the velocity profile?
Example Problems: Poiseuille Flow

 Consider the last problem, but without the moving wall and
with a pump providing a pressure gradient dP/dx
Example Problems: Poiseuille Flow
Example Problems: Poiseuille Flow
Example Problems: Poiseuille Flow

 Now in addition to the viscosity forces, pressure is driving

the flow
Couette Flow between a Fixed and a Moving Plate
Consider two-dimensional incompressible plane (∂ω/∂z = 0) viscous flow
between parallel plates a distance 2h apart, as shown in Fig. 3.5. We assume
that the plates are very wide and very long, so that the flow is essentially axial,
u ≠ 0 but v = w = 0.The present case is Fig. 3.5a, where the upper plate moves
at velocity V but there is no pressure gradient. Neglect gravity effects.

Fig. 3.5 Incompressible viscous flow between parallel plates: (a) no pressure gradient, upper
plate moving; (b) pressure gradient ∂p/∂x with both plates fixed.
From the continuity equation

Thus there is a single nonzero axial velocity component that varies only
across the channel. The flow is said to be fully developed (far down stream
of the entrance).
This is Couette flow due to a moving wall: a linear velocity profile with no slip at
each wall, as anticipated and sketched in Fig. 3.5a. Note that the origin has been
placed in the center of the channel for convenience in case (b) which follows.

Flow Due to Pressure Gradient between Two Fixed Plates

Case (b) is sketched in Fig. 3.5b. Both plates are fixed (V = 0), but the pressure
varies in the x direction. If v = w = 0, the continuity equation leads to the same conclusion as
case (a)-namely, that u = u(y) only. The x-momentum equation
changes only because the pressure is variable:
Also, since v = w = 0 and gravity is neglected, the y- and z-momentum equations lead

Thus the pressure gradient in the above equation is the total and only gradient:

• Why did we add the fact that dp/dx is constant? Recall a useful conclusion
from the theory of separation of variables: If two quantities are equal and
one varies only with y and the other varies only with x, then they must both
equal the same constant. Otherwise they would not be independent of each
• Why did we state that the constant is negative? Physically, the pressure
must decrease in the flow direction in order to drive the flow against
resisting wall shear stress. Thus the velocity profile u(y) must have
negative curvature everywhere, as anticipated and sketched in Fig. 3.5b.
The solution is accomplished by double integration:
The constants are found from the no-slip condition at each wall:

Thus the solution to case (b), flow in a channel due to pressure gradient, is

The flow forms a Poiseuille parabola of constant negative curvature.

The maximum velocity occurs at the centerline y = 0:
•In this section we consider the
steady laminar flow of an
incompressible fluid with constant
properties in the fully developed
region of a straight circular pipe.

•In fully developed laminar flow,

each fluid particle moves at a
constant axial velocity along a
streamline and no motion in the
radial direction such that no
acceleration (since flow is steady
and fully-developed).
•Now consider a ring-shaped differential
volume element of radius r, thickness dr,
and length dx oriented coaxially with the
pipe. A force balance on the volume
element in the flow direction gives

•Dividing by 2πdrdx and rearranging,


•Taking the limit as dr, dx → 0 gives

•Substituting τ = -μ(du/dr) gives the desired equation,

•The left side of the equation is a function of r, and the right

side is a function of x. The equality must hold for any value
of r and x; therefore, f (r) = g(x) = constant.

•Thus we conclude that dP/dx = constant

and we can verify that

•Here τw is constant since the viscosity

and the velocity profile are constants in
the fully developed region. Then we
solve the u(r) eq. by rearranging and
integrating it twice to give



Since u/r = 0 at r = 0 (because of symmetry about the centerline)

and u = 0 at r = R, then we can get u(r)

Therefore, the velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a

pipe is parabolic. Since u is positive for any r, and thus the dP/dx must
be negative (i.e., pressure must decrease in the flow direction because
of viscous effects).
The average velocity is determined from

u(r) 2πrdr 25
Vavg *A = Vavg * πR2

The velocity profile is rewritten as

Thus we can get

Therefore, the average velocity in fully developed laminar pipe flow is

one half of the maximum velocity.
Fully Developed Laminar Pipe Flow
• Perhaps the most useful exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equation is for
incompressible flow in a straight circular pipe of radius R, first studied
experimentally by G. Hagen in 1839 and J. L. Poiseuille in 1840.

• By fully developed we mean that the region studied is far enough from the
entrance that the flow is purely axial, vz ≠ 0, while vr and vθ are zero. We
neglect gravity and also assume axial symmetry—that is, ∂/∂θ = 0.

The equation of continuity in cylindrical coordinates,

The momentum equation in cylindrical coordinates,

The flow proceeds straight down the pipe without radial motion. The r-momentum
equation in cylindrical coordinates,

• The convective acceleration term on the left vanishes because of the previously given
continuity equation. Thus the momentum equation may be rearranged as follows:
where C1 and C2 are constants. The boundary conditions are no slip at the wall an
finite velocity at the centerline:

The velocity profile is a parabolic with a maximum at the centerline. Using the
knowledge of the velocity distribution enables other parameters to be
Non-dimensionalization of the NSE
(Creeping flow)
• Purpose: Order-of-magnitude analysis of the terms in the
NSE, which is necessary for simplification and approximate
• We begin with the incompressible NSE

• Each term is dimensional, and each variable or property (

V, t, , etc.) is also dimensional.

• What are the primary dimensions of each term in the NSE

Non-dimensionalization of the NSE
(Creeping flow)
• To non-dimensionalize, we choose scaling parameters as follows
Non-dimensionalization of the NSE
(Creeping flow)
• Next, we define non-dimensional variables, using the
scaling parameters in Table 10-1

• To plug the non-dimensional variables into the NSE, we

need to first re-arrange the equations in terms of the
dimensional variables
Non-dimensionalization of the NSE
(Creeping flow)
• Now we substitute into the NSE to obtain

• Every additive term has primary dimensions {m1L-2t-2}.

• To non-dimensionalize, we multiply every term by L/(V2),
which has primary dimensions {m-1L2t2}, so that the
dimensions cancel. After rearrangement,
Non-dimensionalization of the NSE
(Creeping flow)
• Terms in [ ] are non-dimensional parameters

Strouhal number Euler number Inverse of Froude Inverse of Reynolds

number squared number

Navier-Stokes equation in nondimensional form

Non-dimensionalization of the NSE
(Creeping flow)
• Nondimensionalization vs. Normalization
– NSE are now nondimensional, but not necessarily normalized.
What is the difference?
– Non-dimensionalization concerns only the dimensions of the
equation - we can use any value of scaling parameters L, V, etc.
– Normalization is more restrictive than non-dimensionalization.
To normalize the equation, we must choose scaling parameters
L,V, etc. that are appropriate for the flow being analyzed, such
that all nondimensional variables are of order of magnitude
unity, i.e., their minimum and maximum values are close to 1.0.

If we have properly normalized the NSE, we can compare the relative

importance of the terms in the equation by comparing the relative magnitudes of
the nondimensional parameters St, Eu, Fr, and Re.
Creeping Flow
• Also known as “Stokes Flow” or “Low
Reynolds number flow”
• Occurs when Re << 1
 , V, or L are very small, e.g., micro-
organisms, nano-tech, particles, bubbles
  is very large, e.g., honey, lava
Creeping Flow
• To simplify NSE, assume St ~ 1, Fr ~ 1

Pressure Viscous
forces forces

• Since
Creeping Flow
• This is important

Applications of Creeping
1. Fully developed duct flow: inertia terms also vanish
2. Flow about immersed bodies: usually small particles
3. Flow through porous media: groundwater movement
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