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2evn201s Mexinga Water Purification | How to clean water with soods Powder Moringa Tea Moringa Ol! Moringe Moringa Water Purication ‘Moringa Water Purification | Moringa seed powder can be used as ‘a quick and simple method for cleaning lity ver waler. Sudias showed that ‘his simple mathod of iting not only diminishes water pollution, bul also Fig Fig2 ccd, harmful bacteria, The moringa powder Dirty water Dircsinkto bottom Cesned water joins with the solids inthe water and afer hour ‘sinks lathe botlom, This veatmert also removes 90-99% of bacteria contained in water. Crushed Moringa seeds clarify and purify water to suit domestic use fand lower the bacteral concentration inthe water making i sae for ‘drinking. Top its Dehdaipindn apo ester Neato frente be Pate es at eat, cl pea tong can ate wie merevrtapacee msec na a exw abaya 15 nb wate ab ed rt. MY MORINGA WATER TREATMENT INTRODUCTION AboutUs contact [Eanguage—¥] ae ‘By using Moringa seeds people v longer be depending on expensiv ‘means originating fom the ‘West. Using Moringa to punty wa replaces chemicals euch as alum ‘sulphate, which are dangerous to people and the environment. and expensive Water from varying sources wil n different amounts of Moringa see ‘powder because of the Impurites present wil not be the same. Experiments wit ajar wi help In \working out the correct amount heeded BS In adation to food, shelter and clothing, water is one of our basic human needs and lack of potable waters a major cause of death and isease in ou hepsimiractetrees ocgimoringa_water_ purification hm! 1 2evn201s Mexinga Water Purification | How to clean water with soods \Wotld. The purpose ofthis document i to provde information on household water treatment using seeds ofthe Moringa olefera tee, Using natural materials to cary water is a technique that has been practiced for centuros and of al the matorials that have been used, seeds ofthe Moringa have been found t be one ofthe most effective, Studios have been conducted sine the early 1970's fo test the effectiveness of Moringa se {or treating water. These studies have confirmed thal the seeds are highly effective in cemoving suspended particles from waler with medium to high levels of turbidity (Moringa seeds are less effective at treating water with low levels of turbiy), THEORY Moringa oeitera seeds treat water on two levels, acting both as a coagulant and an antimicrobial agent. Itis generally accepted thal Moringa works a ‘coagulant due to positively charged, water-soluble proteins, which bind with negatively charged particles (st. clay, bacteria, toxins, etc) allowing the resulting oes to settle tothe bottom or be removed by firation. The antimicrobial aspects of Moringa contnue tobe researched. Findings support fecombinant protein both removing microorganisms by coagulation as wall as acting dreclly as growth inhibtors ofthe microorganisms, While there ‘ongoing research being conducted on the nature and characterises ofthese components, it's accepted that treatments with Moringa solutions wll fomovo 90-99,9% of te impurites in water. WATER TREATMENT WITH MORINGA SEEDS Solutions of Moringa seeds fr water treatment may be prepared from seed kemels or from the solid residue let over aftr ol extraction (presscake). Moringa seeds, seed kernels or died presscake can be stored fr long periods but Moringa solutions for treating water should be prepared fresh eact time. In genera, 1 seed kernel wll feat 1 Iter (1.056 qt) of water. Dosage Rates: Low turbidity NTU<60 1 seed per 4 ters (4.226 at) water Medium turbelty NTU 50-750 1 seed per 2 ters (2.112 ql) water High turbidity NTU 180-250 1 seed por 1 Iter (1.056 q}) water Extreme turity NTU >250 2 seeds per 1 iter (1.058 ct) wate INSTRUCTIONS TO CLEAN WATER WITH MORINGA SEEDS 1 Collect mature Moringa olifera seed pods and remove seeds from pods, 2 Shall seods (remove seed coal to oblain clean seed kernels; discard discolored soeds. 3 Determine quantity of kemels needed based on amount and turbidity af water, in general 1 seed Kemel wil reat 1 iter (1.056 qt) of water. 4 Crush appropriate numberof seed kemels (using grinder, mortar & pestle, ec) to obtain a fine powder and sift the powder through a screen or sma mesh 5 Mix seed powder with a small amount of clean water to form a paste 6 Mix the paste and 250 mit cup) of clean waterinto a bottle and shake for 1 minute to activate the coagulant properties and form a solution. 7 ie this solution though a musin lth or fine mesh sereen(o remove insoluble materials) and into the water tobe teated 8 Stir reated water rapidly for at least 1 minute then slowly (15:20 rotations per minute) fr 10 minutes 8 Letthe roted water si without stung for at least 1-2 hous 410 When the particles and contaminates have sated tothe bottom, the clean water can be carefuly poured oft 111 This clean water can then be fitered or sterilized to make it complately safe for drinking, DANGERS. \Waler off he op ang not alow the sediment to re-conlaminate the cleared war ‘Adtonal contaminants: Moringa treatment does not cemove 100% of water pathogens. Iti acceptable for dinking only where people are currertly drinking untreated, contaminated water By Beth Door, ECHO Staff htp:tmoringarees.ora Back to Moringa Oleifera Tree TOP bepsimiractetrees-ocgimoringa_waler_ purification him! 22

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