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Six Internal Rules to Make the

Workshop an Effective Tool

Preparation for the Workshop

The atmosphere at the beginning of the workshop should be one of appreciation of the
chance we have been given to literally discover the Creator. Therefore, first we should
work on raising the importance of the workshop to the maximum and on our excitement
from simply being present at the workshop. We should also remind ourselves of the true
work that each participant must do during the workshop. In this way we all begin the
workshop knowing and feeling that the solution will not come through the intellect of any
one participant, but from the common mind and heart, and that the real effort lies in
fostering a joint sensation of warmth, connection, accord, and love that only intensify
during the workshop.

1) Seeing the Love

My effort to see in the rest of the participants the desire to discover the Creator, and my
own contribution to enhance it in the circle, evoke among us the feeling of a “connection
sphere.” This is a special feeling of warmth, confidence, pleasantness, softness, and
love which illuminates between us. The relations among the participants become closer
and more intimate, and a feeling that no problem is unsolvable in the circle is formed.

2) Losing Myself and Finding the One Desire

Losing myself doesn’t mean I have to lose my mind and heart. Rather, it means I must
direct my full attention to feeling the common mind and heart of the circle. I am like a
cogwheel that joins a circle with sprockets. My efforts to move in sync with the rest of
the wheels allow me to maintain myself on the one hand, yet feel my friends circling
along with me and their role in the system, on the other hand. This gradually creates in
me a space where I can feel my friends’ hearts. This state is called, “as one man with
one heart.”

3) Everyone Else Is Perfect

During the workshop I must regard myself as the last participant who needs to add
one’s own part to what is already perfect. Once I have heard all the views in the circle I
must exert to agree with them, even when they sound unreasonable or even stupid.
Why? Because I have decided once and for all that these are my friends. If I can belittle
myself compared to the friends, despite my reason’s claim that I am much smarter than
they are and far more experienced and correct than them, if I do all that, then I
contribute to the building of the center of the circle. This is why we never disparage or
argue, but only try to complement one another in order to discover among us that
sphere of connection. The greater the difficulty in doing so, the greater the chance to
discover the Creator. The sign of true work in a circle is the feeling that only my point of
annulment is missing in the puzzle.

4) They Are the Brain; I Am Their Hands and Legs

To develop the proper attitude during the discussion you can imagine that only you can
help solve their problems. You can see it from the perspective of parents whose
children want something from them so they listen to their words with love and full
attention. Another way to relate to the situation is to tell yourself that since you cannot
appreciate the importance of their words, you will help them however you can. In a way,
they are your brain, and you are their hands and legs.

5) Seeking Solution in the Next Degree

Have you ever felt that you are in dense fog, unable to see or perceive anything, until a
light suddenly appears and matters become clearer as answers rise from within? This is
how the search for the solution takes place in a circle. It works this way because the
question is asked from the current level of connection, but the answer is found on the
next higher level. There is nothing more futile than to seek the solution on the same
level as the problem, yet it is a mistake humanity has been making consistently for
millennia in every field of life. The solution to any problem comes from the next degree
of connection and accord among us. When we rise to the next level, the Creator will
give us the “eureka,” namely the new mind and heart by which we will be able to cope
with the challenge.

6) Aiming for the Center of the Circle

Only after a circle has formed a sense of “common space”--where we do not feel
ourselves, but only the connection with the others (the center of the circle)--can we
bring to the circle our own knowledge and experience in order to properly express what
we feel. In this way, the bonding with the others begins to feel alive, something from
which concepts such as “annulment,” “listening,” “bonding,” and “Creator” suddenly
become clear.

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