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Asia-Pacific Energy Equipment Engineering Research Conference (AP3ER 2015)

Preliminary Discussion on the Management of

Construction Contracts
Yunhua Liu
Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing, China

Abstract-A contract for construction project is of great

significance to the whole project, it relates to the engineering 1. EXISTING PROBLEMS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF
quality, project duration ,project cost and all other content, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS
so do the construction contract management can not only
avoid unnecessary disputes in the process of engineering From the current status of the construction project
construction, but also can guarantee the legitimate rights contract management, the importance of contract
and interests of contract parties, more conducive to the management has attracted more attention, but the intensity
smooth completion of the project. At present, the problems is not enough, the technical content of contract
existing in the part of construction project contract management is relatively low. Although many units
management: The signing of the contract is not tight, issued a number of management document to standardize
Irregularity in the execution of contract, Failure to conduct the management of the contract, but the actual
contract variation when variation is required, Negligence of implementation is not satisfactory, at present, there are the
management of contract documents. This paper is divided by following problems in the construction project contract
body put forward the following measures: Establishment of management.
rules and regulations and management procedures, Taking
full advantage of contract template, Enhancement of Without the use of
awareness of contract, Establishment of sound contract contract model
management system, Strengthening of management of
contract claim, Inspecting contract performance on a Affixed the seal is
regular basis, Enhancing management of contract not the corporate
documents .The choice of contract management personnel Lack of seal of the
qualified by weight method, so as to ensure the contract precision company
management personnel management level and to ensure that
the overall level of project management. Failure to conduct
The contract Irregularity in contract variation
Keywords-construction;engineering quality; project
the execution when variation is
duration ;project cost;contract management. problems
of contract required
A construction contract specifies the rights and
obligations of the employer and the contractor. Once Failure to send
executed, the contract is legally binding, and any Weak contract
modification of the contract is hardly possible. It is a management
when required
common understanding that a well-managed contract is
the precondition of well-managed construction project. It Negligence of
is significant to perform in-depth analysis on the problems management of
existing in the management of contracts and find contract
corresponding countermeasures.
Project quality A. Lack of precision
A contract for construction project generally includes
Project time limit three parts: the agreement, general conditions and
particular conditions. Different particular conditions are
Contract applied to different construction projects. Currently, the
Project cost construction project management departments tend to
ignore the clarity of sensitive terms in the particular
Contracting parties to the conditions, which could give rise to future disputes and
rights and obligations economic losses. Upon the execution of a contract, when
the construction project management departments fail to
consider the contract as the basis for resolving disputes,
Contradiction solution such a contract would lack operability and adequacy.

© 2015. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 496

B. Irregularity in the execution of contract bill of quantity" in the clause of variation of works with
1) A contract for a project subject to public bidding is "items outside the price list". The contractor later
usually entered into by reference to a contract template, requested the adjustment of all the items outside its price
while a contract for projects that do not go through the list based on this provision, causing certain economic
public bidding process is often made based on self- losses to the employer.
developed, non-standard contract text. For some isolated
piecemeal projects, a simple agreement is usually arrived 2. COUNTERMEASURES TO BE TAKEN IN VIEW OF THE
at without specifying the rights and obligations of both SAID PROBLEMS
parties, out of which unnecessary disputes and trouble for
the late stage maintenance could arise. A. Establishment of rules and regulations and
2) Some contracts are affixed with the seal of internal management procedures
functional departments, instead of the corporate seal. As The project management department of employers is
the seal of internal functional departments is not legally required to take measures to implement regulated,
binding, such contracts are null and void. institutionalized and standardized contract management,
3) While the qualifications of a contractor that and to establish work system and regulations in
participates in public bidding are generally proven, a connection with the contract management. It should
contractor that participates in projects that do not require clearly define the organization and procedures of contract
public bidding would use the qualifications of others. management, and every work step from contract drafting,
4) Failure to conduct contract variation when variation negotiation, scrutiny, execution, performance to contract
is required review. The project contract management procedures
Contract variation includes content alteration and the should be developed to realize the whole process,
change of contractual subjects. The purpose of contract dynamic contract tracking management, and to strengthen
variation is to ensure better performance of the contract the management on the variation, adjustment and
and attainment of certain goals by altering the original supplementation of contract during contract performance
contract. Failure to carry out variation when variation is and to ensure the unity and continuity of the performance
required could cause disputes between the two parties o of the contract.
the contract in the future project management process.
5) Failure to send correspondence when required B. Enhancement of awareness of law
Timely delivery of necessary correspondence in the The contract management personnel of the project
course of contract performance is the need for dynamic management department of the employer are required to
management of the contract, a method for contract receive professional training so as to be well-versed in
performance as well as a measure of self protection for applicable laws and regulations. Prior to the signing of the
enterprises. However, most enterprises have not given contract, the legal counsel should be consulted on the
enough attention to the timely issuance of correspondence. drafting of the terms and conditions of the contract, to
6) Negligence of management of contract documents avoid risks arising out of unfamiliarity with relevant laws.
The contract and related documents formed in In addition, the project management department should
connection with contract performance and handling of invite the whole process auditing team to review the
related issues are valuable treasure of the enterprise as contract, to ensure the compliance of the contract with the
well as the basis for dispute settlement. Proper laws and regulations.
maintenance of relevant information and establishment of C. Emphasis on role of contract
the contract database are critical, as management of the
contract documents ensures the successful progress of the The project management department of an employer
project and is an optimal measure to accumulate should be fully aware that the contract, apart from its
information and experience in future project management connection with the general goal of the project, is an
process. Failure of most enterprises to pay attention to important basis for the settlement of any disputes between
contract documents management could cause the two parties in the future. When a contract is signed,
consequences such as delayed information and incomplete great importance should be attached to the qualifications
data for daily project management and could result in the and capabilities of the contracting party to protect the
lack of basic information needed for improving contract employer’s legitimate rights and interests. A contract will
management. play a greater role in the construction project management
C. Weak contract management when it addresses both the rights and obligations of the
parties and is concluded in line with the principle of
Currently, the construction project management fairness and impartiality.
departments of employers are mainly responsible for the
signing of the contract, which requires experienced legal D. Taking full advantage of contract template
and professional personnel. However, availability of such
personnel is limited in the project management The model text of the construction project contract
department of most employers. In many cases, the terms used in China is relatively accurate in expressions and
and conditions of the construction contracts are proposed complete in terms and conditions. The use of model texts
by contractors and then are agreed on and signed by can regulate the contract management and reduce
employers upon their review. This will leave room for discrepancies and errors in the contract, thereby being
contractors to avail themselves of loopholes. For example, conducive to the settlement of some disputes during the
a contractor has replaced the expression "items outside the performance of the contract.

E. Enhancement of awareness of contract S1 is the personnel evaluation score;
1) Particular conditions of the contract for construction R is the Personal responsibility;
project are established targeting a specific project. In the E is the Personal education;
process of contract signing, scrutiny must be performed on S2 is the personnel subject or field of study;
the particular conditions with regard to the characteristics W is the personnel Work experience;
of the specific project to ensure legal compliance of the 50%, 20%, 20%, 10% is the weights of four indexes.
provisions and to protect the rights and interests of the 2) Arrangement of on-the-job learning
employer. In the case of unbalanced quotation, if Enterprises should organize on-the-job learning for
unbalanced quotation appears in the tender documents contract management personnel based on the actual needs
submitted by the contractor, the settlement method, of enterprises and the market. The learning can be
particularly the settlement method for work variation, must conducted in a variety of forms so that the contract
be made clear to avoid losses caused by the unbalanced management personnel can master the theory and
quotation. exchange their rich work experience and adapt themselves
2) The employer should increase its awareness of the to market development and the needs of the enterprise.
contract with respect to the project tender process, to 3) Selection of relevant personnel for further study at
provide all the technical data and site environmental relevant universities
conditions required, so that the contractor could participate Each enterprise should keep excellent contract
in the bid competition in a full and fair environment with management personnel. One of the ways to improve the
minimal risk. The employer is recommended to develop qualifications of contract management personnel is to
the contract documents precisely, define the contract scope select and send relevant personnel for further study at
reasonably, and carry out ex ante analysis to determine universities.
potential uncertainties and risks and to take corresponding 4) Establishment of post responsibility system
protective measures. The post responsibility system should be applied to
contract management personnel to define their
F. Establishment of sound contract management system responsibilities, rights and interests, and to establish a
Contract management system mainly refers to the mechanism of competition, to reward the contract
organization network of enterprise contract management. management personnel who have made contributions and
The network of organization refers to the contract eliminate those unqualified personnel.
management mechanism established at all levels of the
enterprise (including full-time and part-time function) to
extend the contract management to each level of the
enterprise. The organization network, as the core of
enterprise contract management system, is ensured by
means of regular inspection. The contract management Selection of personnel
organization should adapt to the needs of contract
management and the market, and adjustment and Arrangement of on-
improvement are necessary whenever inadaptable areas of Measures to the-job learning
the organization are found. improve the
quality of Selection of relevant
G. Actively participating in the "honoring contracts and
contract personnel for further
being trustworthy" campaign to improve the contract management
management of enterprise study at relevant
personnel universities
The "honouring contracts and being trustworthy"
campaign has been conducted by relevant administrative Establishment of post
authorities in accordance with the principle of honesty and responsibility system
good faith stipulated in the Contract Law, for the purpose
of increasing the rate of contract performance and I. Strengthening of management of contract claim
maintaining the market order and economic order.
Enterprises should actively participate in the campaign to Strengthening contract claim management is an
create an atmosphere of "honouring contracts and being important content in the cultivation and development of
trustworthy". the sound construction market. Improving claim
awareness is an issue that needs to be addressed for
H. Different measures to improve the quality of contract contractors and employers. Contract claim management
management personnel requires enterprises to consider various unfavourable
1) Selection of personnel factors when executing a contract, to analyze the
Executives of an enterprise may appoint excellent probability of contract alteration and claim and to develop
personnel of the enterprise as contract management effective contract management and claim strategies.
personnel based on the qualifications required for such During the process of contract performance, relevant
personnel, or may select such personnel through public information should be collected timely and analysis
appraisal and competitive recruitment. should be conducted based on the actual situation of the
The choice of personnel can use the following formula: construction site and the laws, regulations and contracts to
S1=R×50%+E×20%+S2×20%+W×10% (1) raise a contract claim at a proper time.

Contract claim include time claims and cost claims, the potential disputes should be collected timely. The
cost of the claim is calculated according to the following documentation system, reporting and documentary
formula: processing system should be set up for contract
C=L+M1+M2+ M3+E+P+S+T (2) management.
C is the cost of the claim; 3. CONCLUSION
L is the cost of labour;
M1 is the cost of materials; Construction contract management is one of the core
M2 is the cost machinery; tasks in the project management of the employer. To
M3 is the Measure Expense; strengthen the contract management, importance should
E is the enterprise management fees; be attached to the enhancement of awareness,
P is the profit; establishment of regulations and rules, regulation of
S is the statutory fees; contract text, development of outstanding contract
T is the tax. management personnel, and establishment of dynamic
management system, in order to achieve the effective
J. Inspecting contract performance on a regular basis contract management, to avoid or reduce risks, to improve
Contract performance should be inspected regularly to efficiency in the use of construction funds, and to ensure
keep the contract performance under dynamic timely completion of construction projects with high
management. During the inspection, timely understanding quality.
of the performance of the contract should be made.
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