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Advance Python

❖ Python Basic Topics

o Variables
o Data Types
o If-else
o Loops (for and while)
o Modules and Packages
o Functions
o Object Oriented Programming
❖ Basics Of Networking
o What is Ip addresses?
o Ports?
o TCP and UDP protocol
o Private and Public Network
o Client – Server Architecture
o Sockets
❖ Socket Programming using Python
o Creating a Socket
o Binding The socket and Listening for Connections
o Accepting Connections
o Sending acknowledgement to client
o Server and client connection
o Testing the connection
o Project
▪ Creating Chat Application
❖ Advance Socket Programming
o Exchange of files between systems
o Adding Multiple Client Support
o Creating Threads
o Multithreading
❖ Mail Server
o Basis of SMTP protocol
o Sending Simple Mail through python.
❖ MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension)
o Send different type of content type
▪ Plain Text
o Send attachments
o Sending bulk messages at once
❖ Getting Started With Database
o What is database?
o Difference between files and database?
o Why to use database?
o TOP 10 industries are using which database?
o Type of Database (SQL and NoSQL)
o Different type of Languages in SQL like DDL, DML etc
o Relational and Non-Relational Databases
❖ ERD concept
o Entity Relationship Diagram
o Why ERD?
o Meaning of Different Symbols used in Diagram
o Relationship Between Entities
▪ One-to-One
▪ One-to-Many
▪ Many-to-One
▪ Many-to-Many
❖ MySQL Installation
o Xampp Application
o MySQL server
❖ MySQL Data Types
o Char
o Varchar
o Double
o Bit
o Int
o Decimal
o Date
❖ Creating Database and Tables
o Creating database
o Drop database
o Use Database
o Create Tables
o Drop Tables
o Changing Schema of Table
o Alter Table
❖ SQL Keys
o Primary
o Foreign
o Unique
o Candidate
o Composite
o Alternate
❖ Inserting and Selecting Data
o Inserting single row
o Delete single row
o Where clause
o Select data
o Inserting Multiple rows at single time
❖ CRUD Operations
o Create
o Read
o Update
o Delete
❖ Aggregate Functions
o Sum
o Avg
o Min
o Max
o Count
❖ Other SQL Queries
o Order by
o Group by
o Having clause
o Between
o Like
❖ Views
o Use of creating view
o Create view
o Drop view
o Challenges in view
o Why Joins?
o Inner
o Outer
o Left
o Right
❖ Working With Loads of Real Time Data
o Creating Multiple Tables
o Relating Tables using Foreign Key
o Nested Queries
o Solving Real Time Challenges
❖ Sqlite3 database
o Introduction
o Advantages of Sqlite3
o Sqlite3 Module
o Building Connectivity With Sqlite3 using python
❖ Connecting MySQL server using Python
o Pymysql module
o Defining parameters to connect
▪ User
▪ Host
▪ Port
▪ Database
▪ Password
o Building Script in python to run all SQL commands
o MySQLdb module
o Sqlalchemy module to run MySQL commands in Jupyter-Notebook
o What is Http
o How http protocol works
o Request-Response Cycle
o Different Type of Http headers
o Different Type of Http Response Code
o Url
o Query String
o User agents and how to change user agents.
❖ Design and Development
o What is design?
o Importance of Design
o Introduction to Development
o Different layers to work on Design
o What is Markup Language?
o Different Types of Markup Language
o Make New File with extension .html and add tags
o Header Tags (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 tags)
o Paragraphs (p tags)
o Hyperlinks (a tags)
o Images and media in html (img , video tags)
o Table of content (table, td, tr, th tags)
o Lists in Html Content (ol, ul, li tags)
o Containers in Html (section, article, nav, header, footer)
o Html blocks (div, span)
o Html forms and buttons
o Spam tag
o Iframe tag
o Html tag attributes
o How to use different attributes with different Tag
o CSS introduction
o Different types to apply CSS
o CSS selectors
o CSS Colors
o CSS Properties for Background, Borders, margins, padding, height, width, float,
outline, fonts, text, icons, lists, tables etc
o CSS classes and ids
❖ Creating Web Pages using HTML and CSS
o Create navbar using html and css
o Create image gallery and with filter and transform properties.
o Create transparent form
o Your profile web pages
❖ Bootstrap
o Meaning of Responsive
o Bootstrap CDN
o Bootstrap Layout using grids
o Use different components in Bootstrap
▪ Form
▪ Modal
▪ Navbar
▪ Buttons
▪ Carousel
▪ Dropdowns
▪ Jumbotron
▪ Popovers
❖ JavaScript
o Syntax
o Comments, variables, operators
o Array, JS objects, json
o If-else, Loops
o Functions
o JS forms
o How to make dynamic page using JavaScript
o What is API
o Which applications are using API
o How API works
o Different Between REST and SOUP API
o Different HTTP method which are used with API
o Access Token
❖ How to use APIs
o Using Different Google APIs
o YouTube API
o Using Movie API
o Get Corona Data of different Countries Using API
o Twitter API
o Health Measure API
❖ Python Templating Engine
o Jinja Syntax
o Using Python functions in Jinja
o If-else
o Loops
❖ Framework
o Introduction to Framework
o Why to use Framework?
o WSGI role
❖ Flask Basics
o Download and Configuration of Flask
o Basic routes
o Hello world basic program using flask
o Flask Dynamic Routing
❖ Static Files and Templates
o Templates basic
o Template Control Flow
o What are static files?
o Template Forms
o Using Jinja in Templates
o Integrate front end webpages and backend
❖ SQL databases with Flask
o Connect database with flask
o Database in Views
o Performing CRUD operations
❖ Other Functionality to Project
o Forgot Password
o Mail Verification by sending url on mail
o User Login
o User Signup
o Profile Page
o Build a project on flask with integration of API
❖ Cookies and Sessions
o What is Cookies?
o What is Sessions?
o Difference between cookies and sessions
❖ Developing REST API using Flask
o Creating Url for api
o Jsonify Module
o Define Data part for get request
o Flaskrestframework Module
❖ Introduction to Django Web Framework
o Installation using PIP
o Understanding Django Architecture(MVC)
o Creating a Virtual Environment
o Django Admin Command to create Django project
o Understanding the structure for project
❖ Routing in Django
o Understanding file
o Creating our own url for project
o Building Dynamic Url
o Linking urls with view functions in
❖ APPs in Django
o Creating App using file
o Configuring project by linking it will app using include
o Mapping app urls with app view functions
❖ Django Templates
o What is Template?
o How Django Store Templates?
o Using Template Engine jinja in Django templates
o Django Convention of storing static files.
o Rendering data from view function to templates.
o Building layouts and inheriting from it using ‘block’, ‘extends’ and ‘includes’.

❖ Django Forms
o What is ORM?
o How to use ORM?
o Building forms using class
o Forms fields , attributes and widgets
o Rendering Django forms as html
o Validating forms
❖ Django Models
o Building Django models using Class
o Model fields
o Keys in Models
o Migrations
o Meta Class
o Defining Range of the data types
o Performing CRUD operations on models
❖ Django Shell
o Accessing Forms and models
o Managing Data though shell
o Using different model objects methods
❖ Django Admin
o Creating Super users for backend
o Managing Model data through admin panel
o Customizing how Django admin templates look like
❖ Session Management
o Concept of Django session and cookies
o Storing attributes in session
o Session out functionality
o Checking whether session is alive or not
o How Django internally use session id
❖ Security Management in Django
o Rback to control access of users using admin panel
o Cross Site Request Forgery
❖ Django Channels
o Work on real time data
o Create own sockets in Django for real time data
o Difference between ASGI and WSGI
❖ REST web Services
o Django Rest Framework
o Django rest framework templates
o Create REST APIs using Django with different http methods
o Facebook
o Google
o Github
❖ Deploy
o Introduction
o Why to deploy?
o Deploy project on
▪ Heroku
▪ Pythonanywhere
❖ Web Scraping
o Extract Data using Scraping
o Requests module
o Beautiful Soup module to scrap data
o Serialization in Html or Xml format
o Automate Scrapping Using Selenium
o How to Store Scrap data in files and Database
o How to Show Scrap data in html web pages using jinja
o Scrap data using tags
o Looking up into headers and content of a page
o Parsing html data using Beautiful Soup Module
o Scrap data using Id or class
❖ Text Processing
o Regular Expressions
o Compiling re patterns
o Grouping re patterns
o Finding all patterns in a text file
o Parsing data using regular expressions
o Re flags

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