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COMPARATIVES Complels these stxigar senilences io score your knowledge of COMPARA TIVE yrarnrrar. 4. Australia Is big, but Canada ls _ 3. Patrick thinks that chocolate cake Australia. -.. banana cake. A) is more delicious than b) delicious than c) more dalicious 2. David is 185 cm tall. He is 10. Asian elephants are heavy, but Andrew Alrican elephants are even... a) tallerthan a) heavy b) tall b) heavier ) taller ¢) hoavinr man 3. | think that summer is ... than 41. My uncle is taller than my father. winter. but my father .... a) good a) older b) Deller b) is obder ian ¢) the best ¢) is older 4, My brether thinks this restaurant is 12. Reading a book with a nice, hot cup .. than that restaurant. of tea... than doing exercise. a) more worse: is the most relaxing b) Badder more relaxing 6) worse ©) nore relaning 5. Do you think math and science 13. Comedy movies are okay, but | think .. history and English? that action movies are a} 1s more dificult than a) better 0) are morc cifficult than b) gooder ©) difficulicr ¢) good than 6. In my opinion, this pink dress is 414. Taking a taxi to work ... than taking a that green dress. bus to work. rettyer than a) expensive b) prettier than b) more expensive ¢) more pretty ¢) is more: expensive 7. This summer was much ... last 15. Saturdays ... Mondays because | summer. don't have to go to scheel. a) hotter than a) are nicer than b) dhe hottest b) i nicer [han ©) holes than 9) aie the nicest &. Did you knew thetcressingabusy 16. Question number 15 was... Question street is... flying in an airplane? number 14. Right? a) most dangerous than a) the easyer b) the morc dangerous b) casicr than c) more dangerous than ¢) easyer than 45-16 = Excellent 13- 14= Good 12 or Less = Study Morel SUPERLATIVES © Complete these sixtean sentences to score your knowledge of SUPERLATIVE grammar. 4. Russia is ... country in the 9. Elaphants are ... land animals in world. the worte. a) big aa) fneavieet b} the biggest b) the heavyest ¢) the bigest ©) the heaviest 2. David ... persen in our English 40. We never watch that TV program. It’s class. -» program on TV! a) is the tallest a) more boring, b) the mest tall b) the most boring cc} Ube tales ¢) the boringest 3. think that shopping m: 41. Yuck! That was ... cake | ever ate in our city. in may life! a) best a) the worst bp the best by worse C) is the best c} bad 4. That restaurant _. restaurant In 42. Law... paintings Inthe world at our town. that museum. a) is the worst a) the most beautiful b) is bad by the Leaustul c} worst ¢} more beautiful than 5. Noel and David ... people that | 13. My home is located ... our know. school. a) is the most interesting aa) the fuilivesl fro U) is inlerested by few c) are the most interesting cc) further 6. Inmy opinion, that... comedyshow 14. His grandfather is on television. famity. a) iss Ure funniest a) older thar b) the funny by the most ald c) the funnier cc} the oldest 7. Yesterday was the ... day this 15. [had ... time of my life when we summer, went to Disneyland last year! a) hotest al the goodest b} hatte st b) best c) hot day c} the best 8. That ... road in the entire 16. Question number 16 was the ... country! question on the test. a} mast danger a) casyest b} ts the most dangerous by easiest ) mash dangerous c} most ey 45- 16= Excellent 13-14= Good 12 or Less = Study More! Conrs RATIVES and SUPERLATIVES Complete the sentences befow. 4. Mount Everest is .. mountain inthe 9. Antarctica is the coldest place on world. Earth, but which place is ...? a) Laller a) belles! b) taller than b) hotest ¢) the tallest ft) hatter than 2. Are cats ..dags? What do you 10. Blue whales ... animals that have think? ever lived a) move intelligent than a) is largerthan b) intelligent than b) is the largest ¢) the most intcligent ¢) are the largest 3. Who was ... person thateverlived? = 11. Whichis... from our planet? Is it How can we find out? the moon or the eun? a) the oldest a) the most farthest b) older than b) far ©) older c) farther 4. [think that Alicia... studentin our 12. Monday is usually ... day of the class, week for me. a) lhe smartest a) lhe busyes! b) rs the smartest b) the busiest ¢) issmarter ¢) buserthan 5. Carla says that she had ... time of 13. Froda said the gold ring was _.. than her life at the party. the silver a) better than a) the most expensive bh) better b) expensiver ©) the best ¢) more expensive 6. Of course, comedies are... than 14, Lreally had the ... day of my entire action mavies. Iife yesterday! a) funryer a) worst b) funnier b) baddest ©) Funny c) badest 7. This restaurant is bad, but the 15. Thomas ... person in our family. restaurant we ate at last week was .... He's only seven years old. a) bad a) Ure must youriyest b) worse b) ts the youngest ¢) worse than c} isthe most young 8. Whatis _. country in South America? 16. I think vanilla ice-cream is good, but Is it Argentina or Brazil? chocolate ice-cream is .... a) the biggest a) better than b) biggest b) better ©) bigest ¢) geoder 15-16 = Excellent 13-14= Good 12 or Less = Study Morel QUIZ: ANIMALS & BIRDS ® Choose the best answers. 1. Cats live in people's homes. 8. An animal's ‘habitat’ means Where do most ‘alligators’ live? the... ai in people's homes a) place where if ives bi in bees bo) Kind of food il eis ¢} on mountains ct) color itis dj in rivers, ¢) kind of body it has 2. Most ‘camels’ live in places that 9. Mast ‘kangaroos’ live In which of the ere... following countries? aj very cold a) Canada b} cold b) Brazil ¢} warm ct) Australia dh very fal 8) lapran 3. Many kinds of animals are ‘extinct’. 10. Which of the following animals is This means they ._ a ‘carnivore? a) are not alive a) alion Bb} are hungry b) ahamster ) live in euus 6) aluile d) are dangerous d) a horse 4 Which of the follawing are 411. Which of the following is a ‘domesticated’ animals? ‘mammat? aj bears a} asnake by frogs. bh) atmg c) dogs ¢) an eagle di gorillas d) amonkey 5. Which of the following things might 12. Which of the following things might you find ina ‘nest’? an‘ornnivore’ eat? a} cows a} other animals By cheese b) full ©} dogs ¢) fish di) ogas d) all af the ahowe. 6. Which of the following Is a 13. ‘Penguins’ are .... ‘crow’? ay acat a) black and white: by abrd b) very dangerous €} agoat ¢} green d} a ican d) oflen found in bees 7. Which of the following things does = 14. Which of the following are known as an ‘elephant’ have? ‘wild!’ animais? ab along Lal a) cals b} along nose b) horses. ©) along neck ce) sobre d} long toes dj all of the above 1a-14= Excellent 411-12= Good 9-10 = Study More!

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