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Effect of Temperature on the Heart Rate,

Electrocardiogram and Certain Myocardial Oxidations

of the Rat

Deep hypothermia in the rat was studied with respect to the sequential changes in body
temperature, heart rate, and electrocardiogram. In vitro assays of myocardial metabolic
activity were made at temperatures ranging from 5 to 35 C. These assays strongly
suggested that the in vivo cardiac dysfunctions observed at low temperatures were
attributable to shifts in temperature kinetics of enzyme systems at 20 to 21 C.

X A recent investigation1 of the in vitro

I metabolism of ventricular tissue from
hypothermic rats, no irreversibly damaging
mine whether there were any relationship be-
tween in vitro metabolic activity and in vivo
myocardial response to hypothermia.
effects were observed. Instead, lowering the
body temperature to 15 C. led to an increased METHODS

endogenous metabolism when subsequently Male rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain weigh-
measured at 38 C. It was concluded that the ing between 300 and 375 grams were used in all
only metabolic effect of hypothermia on the experiments. They were maintained on a diet of
'•Friskies" dog food and water, fed ad libitum,
rat heart was a possible mild hypoxia and an for at least a month prior to experimentation.
increased permeability to substrates. It was In experiments where hypothermia of the intact
conceived that the hypoxia led to an accumu- animals was studied the rats were first anesthetized
lation of endogenous substrate and subse- by intraperitoneal injection of sodium thiopental
quently to an increased endogenous respira- (40 to 60 mg./Kg. body weight). Following ad-
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ministration of the anesthesia, the rats were tied

tory rate. in a prone position with legs extended to a small
During a review of the literature for the board placed at an angle of about 30 degrees from
study just mentioned, 2 observations were the horizontal. This board was then placed in an
made. The first was that little use has been ice and water bath of 1 to 3 C. The level of
made of the laboratory rat for deep hypother- immersion was adjusted to extend from just under
the forelegs and lower chest to over the lumbar
mic heart studies, and the second was that region of the back. Temperature was recorded
little effort has been made to study the metab- by a "thermistor" rectal probe carefully inserted
olism of the mammalian heart tissue while it to a depth approximating that of the caudal parts
is under the influence of hypothermia. of the liver. Care also was taken to place this
probe as near as possible to the core of the animal,
As a result of these observations the experi- as preliminary experiments utilizing intraventricu-
ments to be described here were undertaken lar thermocouples had shown that this position
with 2 purposes in mind. The first was to gave a close approximation of heart temperatures
outline generally the response of the rat to in deep hypothermia.
standardized hypothermia. In this regard, Electrocardiograms were recorded on a Sanborn
heart rates, cooling times, and eleetrocardio- Visocardiette, using the number I lead position
and a tape speed of 25 mm./sec. The leads were
graphic measurements were made. The s.v-
adapted to take no. 20 syringe needles. These
ond purpose of these experiments was to assay were inserted under the skin on either side
the response of certain aerobic-enzyme sys- of the chest. In addition, when a continuous
tems to various temperatures and to deter- record of heart rate throughout the whole hypo-
thermic episode was desired, electrocardiograms
Froin the Biochemistry Branch, Arctic Aeromcrli- were made on a Sanbnrn model no. 150 recorder
r:il Laboratory, APO 731, Seattle, Wasli. set at tape speeds ranging from 10 nun.'sec. to 1
Kceeivpfl for publication Mny 23, 195S. mm./sec.
Circulation Rrtrnrrh. Volttmr VI, Novrmbrr

periments, oxygen eonsuinption was measured at

temperatures of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 C.
The arithmetical average of 3 animals was used
to establish each point.
Metabolic rate was calculated over five-minute
intervals during the course of incubation and is
expressed as /u.1 oxygen consumed per mg. of
tissue. In addition, the respiratory rates over 30
min. of incubation were used for Arrhenius-van't
Hoff plots and the calculation of temperature-
velocity constants.
so » to These constants were calculated according to
BODY TEMPERATURE (*C) the following formula :
Fio. 1. Body-cooling patterns of rats during hypo-
thermia. A. Time in minutes to reach various hypo- hi h. = JL ( J_ _ J_ >
thermic body temperatures. B. Differential cooling fcs R \ T2 T, )
rate as time in minutes/degree decline in body tem- where jx represents the temperature-velocity con-
perature at various levels of hypothermia. stant, fe, andfc2the reaction rates at absolute
temperatures T, and T2 respectively, and B the
In experiments where ventricular metabolic rates gas constant in calories.
were determined, normothermic animals were first
killed by a blow on the head and the heart quickly RESULTS
excised and chilled in chopped ice. The atria and Hypothermia in the Intact Rat
A-V septurns were trimmed away from the ven- The first series of experiments was designed
tricles and the excess blood was pressed out.
Following this, the ventricles were weighed on a to characterize some of the effects of hypo-
microtorsion balance and placed in a Potter- thermia in the rat. Of particular interest
Blvehjem type of homogenizer.2 An ice-cold, 10 were the body cooling rates under a stand-
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per cent homogenate was prepared in a medium ardized immersion, the changes in heart rate
consisting of 0.25 M sucrose, 0.0001 M ethylene during the course of hypothermia and some of
diamine tetra-acetie acid (pH 7.4) and 0.01 M
Ti-is (hydroxymethyl) amino methane buffer (pH the electrocardiographic anomalies exhibited
7.4). After filtering through 4 layers of cheese by the animals.
cloth to remove any large tissue fragments the Figure 1 gives a summary of the data on
homogenates were diluted to 3 1/3 per cent with average body-cooling rates gained from 9
cold homogenizing medium. One-milliliter aliquots
were taken from the final dilution and placed in animals under the conditions described (see
the reaction vessels for the metabolic rate measure- "Methods"). In this figure, curve A shows
ments. the average time to cool from a body tempera-
The incubation medium for measuring metabolic ture of 35 C. (cooling occurred a few minutes
rates had the following constituents: 0.002 M K-ade- after immersion in the 1 to 3 C. bath) to vari-
nosine-triphosphate (pH 7.4), 0.006 M MgCl2, 1.5 ous body temperatures as low as to 15 C.
X10"5 M cytochrome c, 5 X KH M diphophopyri- Standard deviations of the mean are shown
dine nucleotide, 0.01 M K-phosphate buffer and
0.01 M snccinate, or a mixture of 0.01 M pyruvate at 5 degree intervals during the course of cool-
nnd 0.01 M malate. Substrates, where used, were ing. Curve B in figure 1 indicates the differ-
in the form of the potassium salts. The final ential cooling rate of these rats in rnin./degree
volume of the medium and homogenate in each fall in body temperature from 35 to 15. Here
reaction vessel was adjusted to 3.0 ml. with 0.25 it can be observed that very early in the cool-
M sucrose. Isotonie conditions were thus approxi-
mated. ing process, i.e., while the body temperature
Following a five-minute thermoequilibration per- is between 35 and 34, there is a relatively
iod, incubations were conducted for 30 min., slow rate of cooling. This is followed by a
according to standard manometrie procedures.2 sharp increase as the body temperature
The gas phase in each reaction flask was air. reaches about 30 C. Thereafter the differen-
Carbon dioxide was absorbed by 0.2 ml. of 5N tial cooling rate becomes progressively slower
XaOH placed in the center well along with a folded
as body temperatures approach 15 C. Curves
piece of filter paper. In a series of separate ex-


•0 Ik

18* 17- !»•


Fia. 3. Two typical examples of the fluctuations in

heart rate of rats during deep hypothermia.

35 30 25 20
quite erratic, showing considerable variability
BOOY TEMPERATURE CO from animal to animal. Since there were un-
FIG. 2. Chaiiges in heart rate of lightly anesthetized predictable degrees of A-V blockade and ar-
rats, A, and deeply anesthetized rats, B, during hypo- rhythmia, rates beyond this point were calcu-
thermia. lated from only the ventricular portions of
the electrocardiograms. Some impression of
A and B taken together, therefore, character- the variability in the ventricular rate from
ize the nature of the cooling process in the the breaking point onward can be gained from
adult Sprague-Dawley rat. figure 3. Here, the rates of 2 typical animals
The second characteristic studied in the are plotted at 0.2 C. intervals from body tem-
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hypothermia rat was heart rate. The results peratures of 22 down to 13. These plots, al-
of this study are presented in figures 2 and 3. though giving a fairly accurate indication of
In figure 2, curve A gives the changes in heart the break in the rate curve, still do not give
rate in the lightly anesthetized, violentljr shiv- a completely true picture of the abnormalities
ering animal. These data were taken from 3 at lower temperatures. This is because the
individuals with the range of the 3 values at plotting interval of 0.2 degree used here is
various body temperatures indicated by ver- too coarse to reveal the finer details of the
tical lines. Curve B gives the average heart rate fluctuations. In addition, at times it is
rates of 8 deeply anesthetized animals during virtually impossible to tell from an electro-
the course of hypothermia. Here the vertical cardiographic tracing whether all of the fluc-
lines represent the standard deviations of the tuations actually represent contractions.
means. The obviously more scattered data in Some indications of the difficulty encoun-
the latter curve are felt to be a reflection of tered in making rate measurements at lower
the absolute depth of anesthesia in these ani- temperatures can be seen in figure 4, showing
mals. In agreement with this was the obser- electrocardiographs changes typical of those
vation of occasional mild shivering in some of found in the rat. They were recorded at the
the animals used in obtained data for curve B. various body temperatures indicated. Besides
In both curves of figure 2, it is important the variability of the ventricular rate at tem-
to note the sharp decrease in heart rate at peratures below 20 to 21 C., shown by these
body temperature of 20 to 21 C. The implica- tracings, other abnormalities include: shiver-
tions of this change will be noted later in re- ing patterns at temperatures down to 21, A-ar-
lation to the alterations in myocardial meta- iable degrees of A-V blockage, abnormal and
bolic rates at low temperatures. quite often bizarre ventricular complexes, and
Following the break at 20 to 21 C. the heart occasional ventricular tachycardia. Ventricu-
rate, aside from being much lower, became lar fibrillation was not observed.
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Fia. 4. Typical examples of tlic electrotiirdiogrupliie changes in Hie rat during liypotliermin.

Myocavdial Metabolism In these data, a sharp break in the rate of

The second serie.s of experiments in the oxidation occurs at a temperature of 20 to 21
present study was concerned with the in vitro C. Above this, the temperature-velocity con-
activity of certain myocardial enzyme sys- stant indicated by A has a value of 8,490 cal-
tems at different temperatures. The results ories whereas below this point, indicated by B,
of the first of these experiments is shown in the constant has more than doubled to a value
figure 5, where suecinate oxidation was meas- of 19,960 calories. In other words, what is
ured at 5 degree intervals between 5 and 35 sometimes called the "activation energy" of
C. In the left-hand portion of this figure the the system required for suecinate oxidation
series of curves shows the oxygen consump- shows a sharp increase at temperatures lower
tion of the tissue at the various incubation than 20 to 21 C.
temperatures. As would be expected, the rate Another, and perhaps more familiar, way
of succiuate oxidation increases with temper- of viewing these data is from the standpoint
ature. In the right-hand portion of the fig- of the Qio values. AVhen these are calculated,
ure an Arrhenius-van't Hoff plot of the data portion A of the Arrhenius plot has a value
has been made. That is, the logarithm of the of 1.59 and portion B has a value of 3.33. Thus
rate of oxidation has been plotted against the the change in rate of suecinate oxidation per
reciprocal of the absolute temperature. In 10 degree change in temperature is at least
viewing this plot it should be remembered twice as great below tiie 20 to 21 transition
that temperature decreases from left to right, point as above it.
each point being 5 degrees from its neighbor, Similar experiments utilizing other sub-

strates also revealed sharp breaks in the tem-

perature-velocity constant curves in the
neighborhood of 20 C. However, in these
cases the Arrhenius-van't Hoff plots were
curvilinear below the critical point, with a
trend toward gradually increasing tempera-
ture-velocity constants as the incubation tem-
perature became lower. This will be observed
in figure 6, where the rate of endogenous res-
piration is depicted. For convenience, since,
the curve below the break does not yield a
single value, the lower portion was divided
into 2 sections: one, from 20 to 10 is signified
by the B -. the other, from 10 to 5 by the letter
C. From this, temperature-velocity constants
were calculated to be 13,520 calories for A,
27,580 calories for B, and 34,920 calories for
C. Expressed as Q,,,, .4. would be 2.08; B.
5.24; and C, 9.17.
Figure 7 shows data gained from another
of these experiments. Here the respiratory
rate is seen measured as it might occur under
conditions of carbohydrate metabolism, that FIG. 5 Top. Effect of temperature on suceinnte oxi-
is, in the presence of pyruvate, an end prod- dation by rut heart houiogenutes. Left. Pattern of
oxygen uptake at various incubation temperatures.
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uct of glycolysis, and malate, a component of

Right. Arrliciiiiis-vnn't Hoff plot of oxygen uptake.
the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Under normal Fio. 6 Bottom. Effect of temperature on ondo-
conditions pyruvate is converted to acetyl co- gcnoiix motaboligm of rat heart homogenates. Left.
enzyme A and this in turn is condensed with Pattern of oxygen uptake at various incubation tem-
oxalacetate to form citrate. In the present peratures. Riglii. Arrhenius-van't Hoff plot of oxy-
experiment, malate was chosen in preference gen uptake.
to oxalacetate because of the chemical insta- DISCUSSION
bility of the latter. Tn living systems the The experiments reported here have shown
more stable malate is rapidly converted to that the response of the rat to hypothermia is
oxalacetate thus assuring an adequate sub- quite similar in many respects to that ob-
strate level for the condensation reaction with served in larger mammals, and in many re-
acetyl coenzyme A. spects similar to the responses in rats pre-
In the Arrhenius-van't Hoff plot of the viously observed by Crismon.:t Accordingly,
right of figure 7 it can be seen that the tem- the fall in body temperature during a stand-
perature response of the tissue in the pres- ardized immersion procedure, although some-
ence of these 2 substrates resembles that ob- what more accelerated than that observed in
served previously, when only endogenous res- animals such as the dog, follows the same
piration was measured. In fact, the temper- general pattern; i.e., a relatively slow initial
ature-velocity constants were quite similar: decline which appears to correspoud with the
10170 calories for .4, 26,300 for B, and ''summit metabolism" discussed by Kayser.'1
36,570 for C. This corresponds to Q10 values This is immediately followed by a more rapid
of 1.74, 5.02 and 10.02 respectively. And fall until body temperature reaches 30 to 31
again, there is a marked shift in the tempera- C. whereupon the rate of decline gradually
ture-velocity constant at the breaking point decelerates as hypothermia progresses. A sec-
near 20 C. ond similarity between the larger mammals

the source of this energy, viz., at the exer-

gonic reactions within the tissue where energy
is released. In this regard, the reactions of
the tricarboxylic acid cycle are of primary
importance since they are the major sites of
metabolic energy release.
The metabolic studies reported here are the
result of this reasoning, and, although some-
what general in scope, they appear to have
D O ID » given a key to the cause of the functional
abnormalities observed at low temperature.
FIG. 7. Effect of temperature on tlie oxidation of This key is the similarity in temperature level
pyruvate and malate by rat heart homogenates. Left. for the onset of in vivo cardiac malfunction
Pattern of oxygen uptake at various incubation tem-
peratures. Arrhenius-vHii't Hoff plot of oxygen up-
and the in vitro break in myoeardial oxidative
rnko. metabolism when the latter is plotted accord-
ing to the Arrhenius-van't Hoff formula.
and the hypothermia rat is the behavior of the In view of the simultaneous breaks at about
heart rate. The rate, although not following 20 to 21 C. in the Arrhenius van't Hoff plot
exactly the van't Hoff-Arrhenius rule as re- of several different tricarboxylic acid cycle
ported by Kayser5 and Meda,9 nevertheless oxidations, it is legitimate to ask what such
was shown to exhibit a sharp break in the breaks mean from a physiological standpoint.
neighborhood of 20 to 21 C. This appears to It is obvious from the data given here that the
be in approximate agreement, from the stand- decline in oxidative rate with a given decrease
point of temperatures, with the onset of se- in temperature is at least twice as great below
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vere bradycardia and fibrillation observed in 20 to 21 C. as above it. Therefore it can be

the dog,7-8 but a little lower than reported concluded that there is a much sharper reduc-
for the guinea pig.6 tion per the degree the temperature is low-
Finally, the electrocardiogram of the rat in ered, in the amount of energy made available
deep hypothermia exhibits many characteris- for physiological processes of the tissue at
tics similar to those of other animals. Among temperatures below this point than above it.
these are partial and complete A-V blocks, When viewed from the standpoint of the
arrhythmias and bizarre patterns. The only temperature-velocity constant, /t, the doubling
real difference is the absence of ventricular of the value below the breaking point, is some-
fibrillation in the rat. This difference appears what difficult to interpret. If the p. value
to be secondary to the basic biochemical were representative of a simple chemical reac-
changes within the tissue that lead to the tion it would correspond to the activation
abrupt fall in rate at around 20 to 21 C. The energy of the reaction. In such cases, a doub-
abnormalities in cardiac function after this ling of the constant would indicate a doubling
point, whether they be arrhythmia, A-V of the kinetic energy of the reacting mole-
blocks or fibrillation, probably can all be cules before the reaction could proceed. More
traced ultimately to the same initial source specifically, in the case of a simple, enzyme-
as that leading to the rate discontinuity. catalyzed reaction, the /* value is approxi-
Most, if not all, of the cardiac functions mately equal to the change in heat content,
adversely affected by deep hypothermia are AH, when the activated complex is formed
dependent upon endergonic chemical activity. from reactaut molecules.9
That is, they require an input of energy. It Biological oxidations such as those reported
seems only reasonable, therefore, that one of here are not as simple as this, however, since
the first places to look for the cause of cardiac a whole chain of enzyme-catalyzed reactions
dysfunction at low temperature would be at is usually involved. In these multienzyme

systems the fx value may represent the process and Kavanau,14 or by a reversible heat inac-
as a whole. Accordingly, it could result from tivation above the critical temperature, as
dominance shared by a number of reactions, suggested by Morales.15
each with different temperature characteris- SUMMARY
tics, as suggested by Burton.10 On the other
With rats as experimental animals, studies
hand, one step within the system may be rate-
were conducted to establish the nature of the
limiting and the constant could reflect the
in vivo response of the heart to hypothermia
kinetics of this reaction alone.
and the in vitro metabolic response of certain
Carrying this latter reasoning a step fur-
enzyme systems to various temperatures. It
ther, Crozier11 has postulated that the slowest
was found that in vivo responses as assayed
reaction in a sequential series of reactions is by changes in body temperature, heart rate,
the pacemaker or master reaction and hence and electrocardiographic measurements was
determines the /x value for the over-all rate. quite similar to those of larger animals. The
A shift in the ^ value is then interpreted as only exception insofar as the heart was con-
indicating that a different step in the sequence cerned was the very low incidence of ventric-
of reactions has become the pacemaker. It is ular fibrillation. In the in vitro metabolic
noteworthy, with respect to shifts observed in studies it was observed in Arrhenius-van't
the present studies, that Hadidian and Hoag- Hoff plots that ventricular hypothermia was
land,12 working with beef heart succinoxidase associated with a higher temperature-velocity
preparations found a JX value of 11,200 cal- constant below a temperature of 20 to 21 C.
ories for the suceinic dehydrogenase portion than above it. This was characteristic of tri-
of the oxidation and a value of 16,000 calories carboxylic-acid cycle substrate oxidations as
for the cytoehrome-cytochrome oxidase por- well as of endogenous respiration. The rela-
tion. In addition, they were able to shift the tionship of cardiac function to myocardial
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ix value of the system as a whole from 11,200 metabolism in hypothermia and the signifi-
calories to 16,000 calories through the addi- cance of shifts in the temperature-velocity
tion of cyanide to inhibit the oxidase portion. constant are discussed.
A similar shift, although obviously not caused
by cyanide, could be responsible for the SUMMARIO IN INTERLINGUA
change in /x values of myocardial metabolism. Esseva effectuate, in rattos, studios experi-
However, in the present studies it must be mental pro establir le natura del responsa car-
remembered that a number of enzymes are diac in vivo a hypothermia e del responsa me-
active in each of the experiments and the ques- tabolic in vitro de certe systemas de enzymas
tion of which of these, if any, are the pace set- a varie temperaturas non-natural. Esseva no-
ters at the different levels of hypothermia will tate que le responses cardiac in vivo, mani-
have to await additional studies. The proba- feste in alterations del temperatura corporee,
bility of one master reaction establishing the del frequentia del corde, e de mesurationes
rate above, and another the rate below, the electrocardiographic, es satis simile in rattos
critical temperature of 20 to 21 C. could be e in plus grande animales. Le sol exception
considered a debatable point on the basis of esseva le bassissime incidentia de fibrillation
the magnitude of shifts in /x value observed ventricular in le rattos. In le studios meta-
here.10 bolic in vitro, il esseva notate in diagrammas
Finally, it is possible that the same enzyme de Arrhenius-van't Hoff que hypothermia es-
is controlling the rate of the oxidations at all seva associate con un plus alte constant* de
temperature levels. If this were true, the temperatura-velocitate a temperaturas infra
change in fx value could be a reflection of 20 a 21 C que a temperaturas plus alte. Isto
some physical or chemical alteration of the esseva characteristic de oxydationes a sub-
protein configuration of this particular en- strate de cyclo de acido tricarboxylic e etiam
zyme, as has been suggested by Belehradek,1" de respiration endogene. Es discutite le re-

lation inter le function cardiac e le rnetabo- of qunrternary nitrogen compounds on the

lismo myocardial in hypothermia e le signif- S. A. node in profound hypothermia. Am.
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peratura-velocitate. D'AMATO, H. E.: Ventricular fibrillation in
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