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Chyta 2 Sqbuboos us a [db ete | a Cee aah L Bclaiet pevhion y vides, ect Athen _ exchs + bw yp beta, Sciesee eb anceven eats. — Doscaipliie Che funbus.’, (at) Ua y26st ou un pneragpultecar feud ele Consdiie” comm — Une pce Che pba lee Galen Cork A Cours elainced pe dis jr, Cot edad) = Un robot ou un manipulateur peut @tre considéré come une série de menbres reliés entre eux, 4 leurs extrénités, par des joints. Grace aux AL nous sera possible de décrire les ‘enbres du nanipulateur. a fue dn daypsee Yr bm Ge fos dat oe fe Chest.” Bull pres bal. 4 by Pressue 4s => Jlrs f Scanned with CamScanner Pass vn dave Lina’, ) prude a tun pew pie vot Cotenpead ba ciel ——— Wa, aramipborecer Gin Meableee use Cae ‘The links are numbered of the am, which might be cal KD The fist. roving body i KD, tnd so on, out to the free end of the arm, which is(HER. In order to position an end-effector generally in ‘2 minimum of six joints is required.* Typical manipulators Some robots — may actually not be as simple as & single kinemat they may hhave parallelogram linkages or other closed kinematic structures. We will consider one such manipulator later in this chapter. ee ‘there exists a well-defined measure of etween them, This distance is measured along a line which is to both axes. This mutual perpendicular always exists spt when both axes are parallel, in which case there are many mutual perpendiculars of equal length. Figure 3.2 shows link i— 1 and the mutually perpendicular line slong which t is measured. Another way to visualize the link parameter 4,4 is to imagine an expanding cylinder whose axis is the joint ¢—1 = axis — when it just touches joint axis i the radius of the cylinder is <= equal to aj. ee For ‘The second parameter needed to define the relative location of the ‘wo axes is called the If we imagine @ plane whose normel is the mutually perp ¢ just constructed, we can project both axes i—1 and i onto this plane and measure the angle between them. ‘This angle is measured Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ee : ie ule EE plation vulie dink mentee pceosife ae “ _ eer Cece! eo of 8. er one a / Kay Coos: Oo porpedterteie poeta Onee te clon Os day mune Cay Oe Natal pesarce 7 Bar Lhe da | Os foiah | os aly Cups fe. WM pat od ah Caps Pre Ox. 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Gi _— Sea ze Xe pun alles porpuele ent (eu Sa cesal) es Me dan yan se ale Loin bo Cawedion _ 4) Y uh dived © Za x Gna aes Y. dot letrPon Crh cb ha SS hetero Eval a oie , Scanned with CamScanner Ce; SO Cdi-g sm, S67 Coe Qj-4 ' ( | CG Cdi-g | — Hing anal SO; Sling | CO} SHi-A | CoB | Cina Oo | o 1|1a:” Scanned with CamScanner : AG If the link frames have been attached to the links according to our convention, the following definitions of the link parameters are valid: 4, = the distance from 2, to 2,4, measured along Xj a, = the angle between 2, and 2,,1 measured about X45 d, = the distance from X,_, to X, measured along Z,; and 0, = the angle between X,., and X, measured about 2,. ‘We usually it corresponds to a distance; however, A final warranted. The convention outlined above to links. First of all, ; axis with joint axis i, there are two ee which to point 2, Furthermore, in the case fue., a, = 0), there are to the choice of signs for the normal to the plane contalning 2, and Z,4,. When parallel, the choice location for {i} is generally chosen in order to ). Also wl are present there is quite a bit ee also Example 3.5.) De. me he Hele, ble £. ve An. ley Scanned with CamScanner Da fia um t4(Wnw ol. Gomdent 6 YL base hn — robot, Nt tia fo inn C24 Qo Guys ab Nera_Conadirje’ “Comme wy brnes pw Lor les monvennds, a pous fesal, Gb wletrn Pur Ga rine Onmyrleey , Zeek cle halt: “une fed echt mae chicane dh dus BZ deeva Cute Bo vii ch G mein Aesite.,op/hyp aus puns de roletcan gp anre ce hiya P2ve.8.—. So Qoand 0m pir Pre Qh bomb ban cha ite paints hypo Ar aus, ttre Kerde’ d_focse ark! in vad Z Corrcgponclamt clerra Cependloulk — Clee cbicige’ claws OME . Ah cha nitr thaw, cs. coovelennee cll fale sy ya b dened al held, Le didetan ch ok Sinner atte — eG de Xo, fp Gus2 db de fu} ob Vehare de 6G feet Fhe a es ) Be renee pout enh presmebyor Be chincboy Pe et ole dade tal Bina ty at Lily dS) el cheater a i luseton de Rup ol Lam als Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner pw I} [Map utf _ i | |e a v | {82 a 3 bs n lo |} a 7 _ Scanned with CamScanner Joint? doint 3 = oF Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ath "0 eink e220 = -9F a=" a:=0 ah) =O den Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner f auepia we inunipuuiyr wunenswins Manipulator (top view) Manipulator Base (plan view) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Figure 2.2 Modélisation de AdeptTwo ( | JOINT | VARIABLE | gj ai Ci Os , 1 a, - | hy 0 Qi 0 2 C2 0 ay Qe 0 a dg dg ao 0 180 ‘ Oa | 9 9 | Ga} ° hy = 251,5mm ay = ag = 279mm Tableau 2.1 Paramétres de AdeptTwo Scanned with CamScanner Rs! Figure 2.2 Mod8isation de AdeptTwo voINT | VARABLE | o<;, | aia | a, 0: i O1 oj 0 hy On 2 2 2 84 0 Oe 3 dg 180 82 | dg 0 ‘ Oa 9 8 0 OQ. hy = 251,5mm ay = ap = 279mm Tableau2.1 — Paramétres de AdeptTwo Scanned with CamScanner . [JOINT VARIABLE |": 1 a, hi ° a oO 2 Cz ° ar Oz O 5 ida ds i OF i680 % Oe ° O° eo, oO a he wee wroleute Mone Jonnie ~ o% Ws ASNT men ,= 4,5 274 mm 4c Aez 41M oe aly cc iB ay a Scanned with CamScanner

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