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Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.

NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024
TEST NO 18 ĐỀ THI MÔN tiếng Anh (Chuyên)
(Đề thi này gồm có 08 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút Ngày thi: …. / …. / 2023
Họ và tên thí sinh: ......................................................................................... số báo danh: ....................
SECTION I. LISTENING (1.5 pts – 0.1/each)
There are three parts in the listening section. You will hear each part twice. After each part,
you will have a ten-second pause to do.
Part 1. Question 1 - 5. Listen to five conversations or talks. For each conversation or talk, choose the
correct answer from A, B or C to answer each question.
1. You will hear a man telling a friend about his new phone.
What does the man say about it?
A. He finds it difficult to type messages on it.
B. He can't take good photos with it.
C. He can't get all his favorite apps on it.
2. You will hear two people talking about a train.
What does the woman say about it?
A. It'll be here in another ten minutes.
B. It's been involved in an accident.
C. It won't be arriving at the station.
3. You will hear two people talking about cinema tickets.
The girl thinks that
A. they are going to be late to meet their friends.
B. their booking is later than she would have liked.
C. the film is not as good as she had hoped.
4. You will hear two young people talking about a biog.
The girl thinks the biog
A. doesn't recommend good places.
B. doesn't give accurate information.
C. is very old-fashioned.
5. You will hear a girl telling a friend about her weekend.
How does the girl feel about it?
A. It was a bit boring. B. It made her feel very tired. C. It was nice and relaxing.
Part 2. Question 6 - 10. You will hear a woman talking about a conference. Complete each blank with no
more than two words or a number or a date or a time.

Seminar on the Toy Industry

09.30-10.00: (6) ______________ to the seminar by Sally Connor
10.00-11.00: Our Company in Tokyo - a talk by Kenji Nakamura followed by a short film
11.00-11.30: Half an hour for (7) ______________.
Buffet lunch in Victoria Hall –next to the (8) ______________.
2.00-3.30: Toys in Britain: Success and Failure - a talk by Robert Price
(Owner of over (9) ______________toy shops)
3.30-5.00: What's Next for Toys? - a talk by Sarah Smith,
Sales (10) ______________.

Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.85
Tea and juice in the Green Room (1st floor)
Part 3. Question 11 - 15. Look at the five sentences for this part. You will hear a man, called Aaron, and a
woman called Sophia, talking about learning languages. Decide if each sentence is true or false.
11. Sophia thinks that Japanese is a difficult language to learn. ___________
12. Aaron and Sophia agree that it is important to learn languages. ___________
13. Aaron thinks he has a natural ability for remembering new words. ___________
14. Sophia feels worried when she can’t understand what someone says. ___________
15. Aaron thinks writing is the most difficult skill. ___________
Part 1: Questions 16-19. Phonetics (0.4 pts - 0.1/ each)
Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in
each of the following questions.
16. A. contribute B. studio C. calculation D. conclusion
17. A. solution B. resolution C. success D. prosperity
Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress pattern is different from that of the rest in each of the
following questions.
18. A. disappear B. arrangement C. opponent D. contractual
19. A. consent B. obstinacy C. condolence D. equality
Part 2: Questions 20-23. Language function (0.4 pts - 0.1/ each)
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following exchanges.
20. Mike an Joe are talking about transport in the future.
– Mike: “Do you think there will be pilotless planes?” – Joe: “_____”
A. Why not? There have been cars without drivers.
B. What for? There are quite a few around.
C. I’m afraid I can’t. D. I’m glad you like it.
21. ~ Durex: “I’m thinking of doing some shopping today. Can you recommend anywhere?”
~ Simon: “_________.”
A. To be honest, I’m not really a big fan of department stores.
B. That’s OK. In that case, how about going to the Roman ruins down by the lake?
C. Well, you could try the local museum. That’s quite close to here.
D. Well, you could try Oxford Street. There are lots of big department stores there.
22. Ben: "______" Jane: "Never mind."
A. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
B. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
C. Thank you for being honest with me.
D. Congratulations! How wonderful!
23. - "Our team has just won the last football match." - "______"
A. Good idea. Thanks for the news. B. Yes. I guess it's very good.
C. Well, that's very surprising! D. Yes, it's our pleasure.
Part 3: Questions 24-27. Synonym and antonym (0.4 pts - 0.1/ each)
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following sentences.
24. While play hide and seek, the children came across some old photos in the attic.
A. discovered by accident B. took by mistake
C. found on purpose D. looked for a reason
25. He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking

Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.85
A. frightens me B. moves me C. steers me D. irritates me
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following sentences.
26. Though I persuaded my boss to solve a very serious problem in the new management system, he just
made light of it.
A. completely ignored B. treated as important
C. disagreed with D. discovered by chance
27. The majority of people overwhelmingly support our agricultural policies.
A. insignificantly B. tremendously C. remarkably D. vastly
Part 4: Questions 28-45. Lexicon - Grammar (1.8 pts - 0.1/ each)
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences.
28. Peter regretted________ the proposal to work for a company in Hanoi.
A. to be accepted B. being accepted C. having accepted D. to have accepted
29. It was terrible. One passenger was killed, and the other was________ injured.
A. hardly B. severely C. completely D. fiercely
30. The Vietnamese Women’s Football team_________ defended the SEA Games title at the 22nd Southeast
Asian Games held in Viet Nam.
A. successfully B. successful C. succeed D. success
31. Governments have________ laws to protect wildlife from over-hunting.
A. enforced B. required C. observed D. enacted
32. Nowadays it is not easy to find a________ job.
A. good-paid B. good-pay C. well-paid D. well-pay
33. These old houses are going to be__________ soon.
A. run down B. knocked out C. pulled down D. laid out
34. He would certainly have attended the party __________ .
A. if he didn’t get a flat tyre B. if the flat tyre hadn’t happened
C. had he not had a flat tyre D. had the tyre not flattened itself
35. Never before ______ as accelerated as they are now during the technological age.
A. historical changes have been B. have been historical changes
C. have historical changes been D. historical have changes been
36. There were two small rooms in the beach house, ________.
A. the smaller of which served as a kitchen B. the smaller of them was served as a kitchen
C. the smallest of which served as a kitchen D. smallest of that was served as a kitchen
37. The house was _____ furnished and we almost had to buy everything new.
A. thinly B. mildly C. sparsely D. rarely
38. Jane likes watching films, but she is not _____ keen on any kind.
A. specially B. certainly C. largely D. particularly
39. During the days when the temperature dropped under ten-degree, electric heaters sold like ________
in the Northern cities of Vietnam.
A. hot cakes B. good – mapping C. funny toys D. string – tools
40. I have been back to the doctor three times and he still hasn’t _____ the reason for all the pain I
have been suffering from recently.
A. indicated B. highlighted C. pinpointed D. looked up
41. The accidental _____ of four listed buildings near the city centre caused a huge outcry and the
manager of the building company was jailed for three months.
A. disruption B. demolition C. abolition D. squashing

Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.85
42. Following the storm, the electricity company will be working all-out to repair the _____
A. damage caused B. caused damage C. damage provoked D. damages
43. The Principal usually has his pupils ______ waste paper for their mini – project.
A. having collected B. collect C. collected D. to collect
44. It’s a long walk tomorrow. We need to _____ as early as possible.
A. Set up B. set in C. set off D. set about
45. The captain decided to _____ the ship even though he thought there was low chances of it sinking.
A. abandon B. evacuate C. desert D. evict
Part 5: Questions 46-55. Word form (0.5 pts – 0.05/ each)
Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences.
46. I ___________met an old friend last week. (expect)
47. What are the entry ___________at this university? (require)
48. We are interested in strict ___________in this field. (special)
49. He claimed that the drugs had been planted to ___________him. (crime)
50. She ___________all the reasons why she wanted to leave him. (number)
51. Some groups of football fans have reputation for ___________. (destroy)
52. Be careful. You may be ___________to put all your eggs in one basket. (advice)
53. The police have been criticized for being ___________to complaints from the public. (sense)
54. Essentially, ___________is a measure whether products will appeal to buyers. (market)
55. It was very ___________of you to admit that your shot had gone out after the umpire said it was in.
Part 6: Questions 56-60. Error correction (0.5 pts – 0.1/ each)
There are 05 errors in the following passage. Identify the errors, write the line number and correct them.
Write your answers in the numbered spaces below. Number (00.) is done as an example.
Line 1 Things started to go wrongly as soon as we got to the hotel. We were all
Line 2 completely exhausting after our long journey and looking forward to a shower and a rest.
Line 3 However, we found that our room has not ready, which was very annoying, although the
Line 4 manager was extremely apologetic. While we were waiting, we asked about the
Line 5 excursions to places of interest which we had read about in the brochure. Imagine how
Line 6 we felt when we were told they had all been cancelled! Apparently, the person
Line 7 responsible for organize them had left suddenly and had not been replaced. Then Sally
Line 8 saw a notice pinned to the door of the restaurant, saying it was closed for decoration, and
Line 9 Peter discovered which the swimming pool was empty. When we eventually got to our
Line 10 room we were horrified to find that it was at the back of the hotel, and we had a view of
Line 11 a car park, which seemed to be used like a rubbish dump. We seriously began to wonder
Line 12 whether or not to stay.

Line Error Correction

1 00. wrongly → wrong
56. →
57. →
58. →
59. →
60. →
Part 7: Questions 61-70. Prepositions and phrasal verbs (0.5 pts – 0.05/ each)

Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.85
Supply each space with a suitable preposition or adverbial particle to complete each of the following
61. I don’t really go in _________ winter sports very much
62. Let's knock ___________early today and go to see a ball game.
63. Having looked the place ___________, the gang went away to make their plans.
64. You're such a good singer that you, should take it ___________professionally.
65. He always used to come ___________to my house after school when we were kids.
66. Katarina can talk her father ___________anything. She twists him round her little finger!
67. The job offer was too good for him to turn ___________.
68. Hello. Is that 956782? Please put me ___________the manager right now.
69. They had never come ___________such a beautiful little village before.
70. The child hurt himself badly when he fell ___________ of the bedroom window.
SECTION III. READING (2 pts - 0.1/ each)
Part 1. Questions 71-76. Guided cloze test
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank in the following passage.
Finding new species
A group of scientists recently conducted a biodiversity survey of a tropical forest in Suriname, Latin
America. One day, a local guide caught a large catfish, and was on the (71) ________ of cutting it up for
cooking when two of the scientists intervened. They had noticed that the creature had (72) ________ long
spines, probably to protect it from predators. It turned out to be an undiscovered species. (73) ________
any catfish in reference books, the as yet unnamed fish was one of 46 candidates for new species status
that the scientists found during their visit.
In the 1730s, Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (74) ________ rules for classifying species, the most basic
biological category: since then, scientists have catalogued more than 1.7 million species, but it is thought
that there may be as many as 8.7 million on earth. Figures for different groups of animals have been (75)
________ and most mammal, birds and reptiles are believed to have been discovered. Fish, shellfish and
spiders, however, are a different story, and literally millions of species of insects (76) ________ for future
generations to discover.

71. A. edge B. line C. verge D. border

72. A. intensely B. utterly C. highly D. exceptionally
73. A. Opposite B. Unlike C. Contrary D. Distinct
74. A. laid on B. set out C. fixed up D. put through
75. A. accounted B. composed C. compiled D. joined
76. A. stay B. endure C. persist D. remain
Part 2. Questions 77-82. Open cloze test
Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank space.
Why you forgot what you came into the room for
The brain may be the least understood organ in the human body. It guides everything we do, but every
(77) __________ often it lets us down. One annoying if not exactly life-threatening, example of this is when
you walk into a room, only to realize that you have forgotten what your reason (78) __________ going
there was. Why is (79) __________ an incredibly powerful organ as the brain unable to remind us of
something that simple?
Having spent many years investigating the brain, scientist Gabriel Radvansky thinks he has an answer.
He has conducted numerous experiments in (80) __________ participants' memories were tested after
crossing a room or exiting through a doorway. Invariably, passing through a doorway resulted in more

Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.85
memory errors. Radvansky refers to what happens as an 'event boundary' in the brain as (81) __________
as the brain is concerned, a doorway is a boundary between one event or experience, and another. The
brain files away all information about the first event and focuses on the second, the new room; this makes
(82) __________ hard to recall a decision made in a previous room.
Part 3. Questions 83-90. Reading comprehension
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question below.
Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to
our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For
example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods. These climatic changes, however, were
different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The
changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity.
Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this
warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years.
The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such
ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in
turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases,
such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial
processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a
greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject,
attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits,
the most important took place in Kyoto in Japan in 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized
countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this
reduction of emissions.
It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb
greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic
deforestation. Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate
changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering.
83. According to the passage, in what way did the climate changes in the ice ages differ from the modern
A. They occurred naturally over a long period of time
B. They were partly intended.
C. They were wholly the result of human activity.
D. They were fully monitored by humans.
84. The word “alarmingly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .
A. disapprovingly B. disappointingly C. surprisingly D. worryingly
85. According to the passage, agriculture could .
A. make the global warming more serious
B. be indirectly affected by the global temperature rises
C. give rise to many ecological disasters
D. be directly damaged by the rises in global temperature
86. Greenhouse gases cause the warming up of the Earth because they .
A. are emitted by car engines B. trap heat from the sun
C. do not add to atmosphere pollution D. are unusual gases

Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.85
87. According to the passage, 1997 witnessed .
A. the largest number of summits on the subject of climate change
B. the most important summit on climate change taking place in Kyoto, Japan
C. the highest attendance by representatives from 180 industrialized countries
D. widespread concern about climate change
88. It can be inferred from the passage that the countries which are mainly responsible for global
warming are .
A. countries with the warmest climate B. developing countries
C. developed countries D. the most industrialized countries
89. The word “There” in paragraph 5 refers to .
A. the world’s industrialized countries B. regular summits on climate change
C. the most industrialized countries D. the 1997 summit in Kyoto, Japan
90. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that may cause the so-called greenhouse effect.
B. The so-called sinks created by forests can absorb greenhouse gases.
C. The problem of rapid climate change has been caused mainly by deforestation
D. Politicians are among those who are concerned about climate change
Part 1. For questions 91–95, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same
meaning as the first sentence. (1 pt – 0.1/each)
91. It is necessary to do all of this photocopying before lunchtime.
 All of this photocopying ____________________________________________________
92. “Why don’t you have your room repainted?”, said Bob to Linda.
 Bob suggested ____________________________________________________________
93. I shall never lend John any money, no matter what happens.
 Under ___________________________________________________________________
94. Although Paul was experienced, he made a reckless decision and lost a fortune.
 Experienced ______________________________________________________________
95. We are going to hold a meeting on Sunday.
 A meeting ________________________________________________________________
96. They had hardly left home when it started to rain.
 No sooner ________________________________________________________________
95. She became interested in wildlife conservation, so she joined Greenpeace.
 But for __________________________________________________________________
98. She most certainly wasn't in London on the 26th.
 She couldn't possibly _______________________________________________________
99. I find his handwriting very hard to read.
 I have ___________________________________________________________________
100. It was your mistake for you to insult Mike. (should)
 You _____________________________________________________________________
Part 2. For questions 96–100, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given. (1 pt – 0.1/each)
101. My watch needs to be mended before I take the exam. (must)
 I ________________________________________ before I take the exam.
102. Thieves may have burgled our house last night. (into)

Group: chuyên anh Bình Phước Tel: 0933.15.80.85
 Our house ______________________________________ last night.
103. It’s up to you to decide the way you want to live your life. (depends)
 How _____________________________________ your decision.
104. If that passing woman hadn't arrived, we would have been completely lost. (for)
 Had it ____________________________________, we would have got completely lost.
105. Even if we drive very fast, we'll never get to the airport on time. (how)
 No ______________________________________, we'll never get to the airport on time.
106. Mrs. Mai is very proud of her son’s intelligence. (pride)
 Mrs. Mai __________________________________ her son’s intelligence.
107. He was annoyed because his son often came home late. (objected)
 He ________________________________________home late.
108. Trudy is such an optimist - even in the most difficult situations. (side)
 Trudy manages to ______________________________ even in the most difficult situations.
109. Harry is the spitting image of his mother! (resemblance)
 Harry ________________________________________his mother.
110. I once saw Madonna - just for a second - as she got into her limo. (glimpse)
 I once ________________________________________ as she got into her limo.
catch sight of - catch a glimpse of
Part 3. Writing a paragraph (1 pt)
Should students be allowed to use mobile phones at school?
Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your opinion.
---- THE END ----

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