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CLASS 12 PHY BEST NOTES <3) Pr VSIES eC PHYSICS GYAAN MUKESH NAYAK Med Phusics Gyaan Mokesh Nayak " } A ry VISIT CHANNEL FOR MORE MATERIAL Electromagnetic Indye f i aday’5 [ead of elechrornagnelic induction 5j5 of expecimental resus} S| Feeaday 2 fellewing qo. Wheneved Jheae 19 4 Change jn the — fee 141! Flux 9sgociated Dith a Coif, an Lem {6 fnduced in the Coif. _ : ii), Second Jaw %* The magnitude of the indyced emf | is dimect| proper Horal to the rate of change af roa gnetic Plux. {i [let dé = [change in_maqnetic \ i C¥lux in the fime dt J ag = [the wate oF changes \ [dt oF magnetic flux Then, ex do | dt ee = ( constant’) 4% i qt 1 e = k db dt theee kK 15 Condfunt Tr ect volt ,dd=d Wh ang dt= 4 Second Then kez 4 , Pet in equafion iD) de yet 7 e€ =4b dt Scanned with CamScanner q.2_ Stale_and Caplan Lenz's jaw of clecteemaqnelic : ~induclien in the light of the pecinci pal of conseeva= = efion of eneeqy | Shape. Lene’s law «fF electromamefic Induction . oe Explafn hew jf 15 4 consequence-oF dhe law of Conseevedyon of eneégqy. Ans S| Lena's Jaw) i - The divedjon oF the fnduced cuseent: { (5 Such 45 fo oppose the change +hat [emoduces it. ie i [ The change that induces 4 cuséent may be (1) “the motion ofa conductor {n_a maqnetic Field o% Ci) the change oP fhe _magnefic Flug theough 4 | datyonaey circu . oe 7 F [Expenatitn ‘= Oonalqee Fasaday’s magnet -and - colt EI 2xpeeiment, IF the~bae magnet {5 meved. Tfowaads the! col] oth 13 (ks N-fele facing the coil, Tas in the numbee «fF magqnefic Hines of Induction [through the Coil increases. The induced curren in [the cof] sels uP _a magnetic Field of 119 on poin- hing te the wight fo appose the growing Flux due Tho whe _maqnek, Hence ,te move the~ rnagviet fowaeds Tahe coil agqatnst this repulsive Flux of the induced cuséen} , Je must do Work The Work dene sheds uP as eledaic eneéqy in the Coll. ; plhen the. magnet {5 aithdradn , Oh it5 ri-pole Stil] facing the cai], the numbee of magnetic Vines of induchidn Hheeufh the coil decreases. The | induced cuseent reveesesits direction 4° Supplements the decmeasing flux oith 145 oon , a9 Shown in facing Pig 123 Cb) the coil along the. rnagnet. Scanned with CamScanner The {induced ureéent js in the ‘clockwi5e_ Sense . The electric eneé yy in the coi} comes from the _ work done to wiHidrad the magnet now atbrachive force Thus we see lenz's jad B 4 consequence # fhe law ef Mnseevation of encesy. Q3 Express Paeaday -Len25 Jad of eledromaqnel(c j ins tdulhion in an “equation form . ANS «| Suppose 44m _is the change In the magne} Flux T through a coil or croup in_ time Congial ee Fatadays fou) DI-Hh Special adfention to fhe_ neqadive sign e sdf a@naldee that aéea aie of the |p peérendj ~ i uae fo the plane of the ee (5 Fined and orie- eMted pagalle)_ '(8=0) fo magnetic Field B the maf netic “Field B By definjtinn of Flux, d= BA | ~e@ = ABA) =-A Je dt dt Scanned with CamScanner ti) Th e quanl it fo posilive and dB js poaifive as 3 ime, dé — ule fixes the positive sense afjon_agound Pe Jeo 46 the clockwise induced current in the feop ia anticleakwioe ; the sense emF '9 negative | Ai) Neqative sign jn the equation e =-40 in Corporede g enz'S [aw {nfo Aaaday's law. dt Q.4 Ghote He causes of induced Cubéent and explain shem_on the ba5{9 of Jen2's aw. ANS i The mofion of a conductor ina maqnelle field t\iow The change of the maqnehic flux through 9 Statlonaey Timcws. ~ = 1 Tn the Flea case the dimechon of induced emf lin the moving wnductorr fo ouch that the direction [of dhe Side’ Hrrust exceeted on Phe Conductor by the magnetic Meld 15 orpoarte in direction 40 Lids moth. The motion of’ the conductor Is, theee — L fire , oppoged . | “In the Second case ;the induced ajrrent [Seto we a maqnetye Fleld oF ito odin dhich Oh the a@ca cimewiP) 1'6 Ca) oppogite: fo the. on{ inal imaqnedic Field {5 Increasing , buf Ch) jo dn the lsame direction 45 the omlahal Field, (f the Held Lis decreasing .TuS 15 she change iin magnetic [flux theouqty the Chereust OWich fo sppesed by the induced cumrent , ‘ He = Scanned with CamScanner — Ans Con sid Prove that im in aged 5) The direction 454) th wespect _| magnetic Field (iB) remains constanf . - ement of area d4 _to this element of ceca 45 Such tha} ih the curve bounding the_areq {9 drranveesed jn Ine dime (Hon af the aro then ve norma} Comes out of the plane of pape in” ~ fo time even iF the accordance ith de Aight handed Screw rule. oi 2 —} | ( 3 | Ch) fic Field & for an element of areq 4g Situated m4 rnagne- dé = B.da = [BL 144 cos O Giheée d 4) = flux of B through the a@eq dq and 19 a Scajak quantity. @_= angle bedeen he direction of maq- nelic_Fidd B and the divect{on assiqned Ja Thus, the Flux passing throu tn 5 i5> =f dds ince the magnetic fj ld ~eveey pont changes ait time then Flax > ¢ = ct) = (BO). de Ao pee fosaday '5 discover the rahe of changes of “Plux (ae \ is rel fed to dork done fo fake dt J g_uni positive chaéqe asound the @onjoue C in the ‘wevésse direction’. ~ Scanned with CamScanner 6 [aw Sfafes induced emP d Bt). dq : aL f SUE tae of even iF 8 {ees nef changes the aéeq § changes Oth finde i @ € Show that, Por ah Cima} ghose pees rove tin 9 —_____ Alyed magnetic Field he Induced emf fo the {ime _ degivafive oF Flux Cb) weqaedless of the. shape fee ft inc Ea mare he cin uP alee ing oO 00 6 Onlfoo, | A910 © 0 © DAO O ; t | ser A i v 44 I Oo ql h | t > op 6ee oa ngs i) |@nsidee erectanqujaé Prame of Wires PQR5 of aaeq (4x) silwaked in % (onetant ma nilude Fed CB) i As the dive QR of length 2 ig moved out Orth velodhy, if_te increase 4, the idea of the loop Pars. 4 inewea$e5 x, Thus the flux «Ff B through the [loor increase Dith time . ~ iil According te the flux Tule ithe induced mF ail be equal qo the mate of Dhjdh the magnetic Flux throdah a conducting Circuj} changes ~ isl Ao de Flux 6 theoah the Frame PORS 15 B/x leLede 24 cogs aede =o/y i dt dt dt Scanned with CamScanner i { bey the “mou gaits QR Lexpediences Lerenfa > — ai vu), oa vi) | | it} PS ae ee eee eee eevee eee eee alll Now ¢ 4 change chae qe 4 wdhith 15 caeéjed along — 4 none. Cnee 7% Fz 4 Qe The force F j6 conatan bh= Fil = 4vBsinol whece 0 = ande befwe The emf geneéated is 1 along the length £ of the — Wire OR ond zeéo elsewhere. - iS! en 6 and 7 i A e=-bork =W_ =v Baing.2 - chaege 4 7 Fer maximum induced emf gin@=t emax = B/y - @7 deeive on expression fe ne telal emf Induced - in_4 conducting rotating mod. i Ans‘ id I ®@' © 0.0 © 0 ©. 9 OFY, o : © o Oo” o oO i ® Qe © 0 © o O.7 0 @ @ A_Qnducting baé etating agound 4 pivet af one end In a uniform maqnetic Field thad (5 Peepend rojak te the plane of rrofatfery, : NI onaiqee a Conducting ‘bad rotating aesund a piel at one endif 4 uniform magnetic Field that js reependicujae qo the plane of mofation , lhe induced emf jn the small seyments Cx) +P the rotating conductor (5 qvenr de = By de: The tohal emf in the sofating mod can be caluy- risted by adding ne seamen ts. individual emfs of al] Scanned with CamScanner it) Theeefire ola] Induced emPF in -rofatin “prod e=( de =( Badr 7 e= root S Borde = Bal® ss z= ve ape. Bag 0-8 Doo thed the dork done in pulling 4 fog thro - Lugh “he evqnetic Field appeats @3 heal chee gy — in the joe Ans" | ae ; ft 10 6[0 0 07 i ‘© 10 O10 © Oni z | 0 fo O68 00 | 7 | f e008 0 ©!) =v I ‘o lO oo 00, i | 02° oo © @ c | i bs WOnsidee a loop ABCH moving alta conafan] Lvelocthy ain Ta congfan| inaqnefic Fidld B i) A Current Q js induced in the leep jn clockajae* direction and the oo 5eqments. Gra petcpy eae Jt {ull he leor af a! anafant velocity a fo- edaeds right |} [5 equived fo ape un Joop Jonas to maanetic Force eP equal sa A FI 7 > aching in oppresite ditection. i | exteenal — farce F on tne ovectome the magnijude buf Scanned with CamScanner | 8) : Induced emf? ce) induced cudéert fii . d & collective resiatance ck ) [The wake of doing derk on the loo? = WoAKW) S force CF) x diaglecement C4? time (t) time CL) Fs force CFD x select cy iz 2 Pa kW Magnitude. of magnetic flux Horouth the loop 3 a fm = B.A = BLA AG the leo 19 moved to the «ight the aéea Hing Pht "[otthin the! maqnetic Fiel{_demmeases thus magnet flux {5 Jecreg ses OiHr the moving [oop According to Faded an’ lad , the Ena gui tude of ar [uduc emf qd CBlx) fer ={4¢ de dt SB = BL.d% = BlV dé ii) _using The maqayfude oF jnduced cucvenf f can be eqn) i= let BLY —— 4) R R The three seqaments ef +he cutétent caasyinng in) ber expesfente the deflecting forces Fy fe he magnedic field ® in equal avy Pail xp Eep - Scanned with CamScanner [Prom the gymmel ry fhe forces Fe and Fe being equal and opposife carcel each oh& fi is clivected apposite enteanal Prce F oop Fy= “AL? i Tes payiiade of tf {LB Jin to = [LB ={F] | ite ean Oe quad jon @ 1 {f= [Af = itp | “2 Bly [6 =B7/7V | « R wi) P= PT = O*1*7 = BtL4I= {| K R aN| p= (7K — @ od rT equation @) anf equation @) P= /BU>* R ; ie 7} Pe pt Letye ——— & § R i: G4 |Fiplain the an of Lah ete current. How) Cah) they be reduced ®% J Ans' eddy aT] v 10960 9 6 O: lee io lo 9 a! Oo ¢ |o Ty | '@ 0/0 O © : 19 8 O BD __D} anducfer plate (ynsidee Londucting [oop moving dit consfa~» Int velocity v ina ~ natant maqhelic field B. The crelafive motion beeen conductor and Scanned with CamScanner Tae aqnelic Fett induces 9 or plate. 4 _aseéent in the Condu~ the Condu=~ ase ra be done a jainst an opposing force | pposing force — Let yy the conducor dith uns Sorin velo ~~ ) Th i aN saa n eleckrong makin the jnduced— not follow one a5 they do Oj- ils dhe ete abou aithin 5 bee cr ore plade as if pete Coughlin any eddy of wated, such called edd a\ the induced Current in the Conductor plete is ~ incor NGjble For pranofes fo the mechanical eneéqy {te heat eneéqy | The Ai5Sipabiony of eneeqy a5 heal ene [6 more” appagent jaan akeangement a_onductina pl | Free to pivot swing “down pendulum ~ 7 ai rs “iin each Swing, ahen the plate entees and leaves the field. 4 postion of its mechanical ences aint| Aftee Seveeal such sings thee 19 no mechartcal ence yy Left din the pandulusn conveeted heat ene- arqy 5 Solid plate “making |} Warm . iM|gad cunrent can be reduced py didcont finuity in the! Current ruchyre of Conductor plate . | Scanned with CamScanner Ang + Uhen 4 qalanemebes [5 | 5. me rise ao fear sneasuing aurrent , the Coil i ound on | aft Tight aunirium frrame_te dead heat Thy5 is becq- | -use-the mofion @f the meta Frame in ‘maqnedic field bo eddy tunren| in dhe ferame. b) Induction mato‘ Eddy Gieren}s ase USed to know the. speed of any vehicle. A peintee dhe | opeed on a! Calibrated tacale A nagiel $5 otoded | in_an_aluminjun dewm pivoted by “means of Spe -04 JA pointe _athached to the drum - c) Ekectric’ brake *- bhhen dhe drain i6 de be shopped dhe powee Supplied to rrofofe the aale (5 saws — stehed! off. At Whe game dime, a Aaionaey magnetic field és gyerlied 4o_the crofabing drum jiving ise [ Ho sfrong “edly currents {nthe dwn > These eddy cursents” perrodilce a_ferque whith opposes the. rotation ‘of the deum “and hence dhe agle. Thus brain (6 beroug lt fo rest gutckly and Smooth|, , Tnduction furtrace ‘The etal ~ohich i5 fo tel i melted 16 laces in 4 huge crucible. High frequency alteenading current 15 allowed “bo Plad through “the Coil. AS 4 regu) a_rrapid{y yasiable {rnaqn2fic field ys produced wabhich is lenoduced net gbrong eddy curenbo Head ahich is _bmoduced | his “process (5 enough to melt the bnfive black Lf _medal_ in shee} Hine . This methed 16 qeneeally used alleys oF a(fPesent metals jn acum. Jo i Scanned with CamScanner The choeyin cyrren will ve 7 | Linked wth the “¢ eT ca eee Clux Evplain abot is self induclance a \(onsrdee 9 Circulf yr abich he curr reen[ {5 chan- ing. ——— Hh PN) err eee creer eee el 75 \YE oat = [coil Ke tit) The prreduction ofl induced emf, inthe Crvcuy't itself, Lon account of 4 change in the Current » a gant bert ow bel Lt Ngacl Noo HLT -L=Nte oe e=d4e dt using equatin @ Oo ecd (li) = -L4t at dt Scanned with CamScanner ae nn abe the enpression for Self inductance of 4 ie Hence JeFine SL wn} o inductance. Ans.) 6 r —induchance of a coll (6 4iven by a ze > = dt fat i) Tr 6E_unil te! 1s _measueed jn dL jo ainpete/eec t +, OT unit of L = vt | ampeae/ Second - 2 WF Second = heney CH) ampeé & Wap e=d wh ae a1 Ale en =i heny CHD i dt G-13 | Qesive an expmessjon fir inductance of a Sojenid. Ans Congidee 4 custenf I established jn the feng Solenoid ithe current produces magnetic flum #8 it L = no | t [nl =the numbed =F fuens | Gm = magnetic Flux linkage . iil) The_Pluy Vnkage fon lenqih £ Nm =Cnt) (6.4) = nioa, Chr =0) iv] The magnetic Field {nside the solenoid a5 @ =uoni SLs Neo = nga x TL b= nln A Scanned with CamScanner = Paaaaee a 74 | alate the rela 1 few Esk Taare For Geajes ano raéajfel ¢ ITF a Se i ‘napion e inducforg. ey icfances connected in Seéles - lor {in paedlel ahen the ofa) fal jnducance , Lrete! =Li # fo f [5 + ——- Caeajes Gmbinalion) - he Se Cfoealel Gb inadien)- li La bo y| Meefve an expression For the ence 4 Stoned 1n 4 : magnetic fidlq. “Ah changing magnetic flux ina Corl cuuses an induced. emp — i This eneéqy may be wecoveded as fhat heat in 4 | wesistunce of ‘the circu/} i) The _jnduced emp 15 given e=-Ldt The work done fn meting 4a chee yes dq dw = -e. 44 =T de. dq = L.dt.d4 dt dt ited poi bese Retiecnerenee tga tea (tater Lat Thee cfire tofal Merle wl 2 2 fd = Fide = y LL =Un ”, ‘2 Equation O gives the eneeqy Stored (Ue) fn_magne- fic Field and [5 anefoqeus te the enee 4} stored CUE) in the electric Field in 4 cavacttor, : — Scanned with CamScanner @ Rheafal ale Gatyan sry f4 il Suppose 4 cubéent Ti js Flow throu'th cil t . iid Peanedic flux de, Inked a(t susFate age Se gar = f a.84 | Sp. ww ZF the position of he coilS Peicl To | ber = fl L V\ The induced emf fn wile I eo, ~ — ddr I dt l é2) = + M/s) 4 | ae i\ hen cuseent Te Plow through Coil e pmaqnetic giz I Gin A Te Rane ey | Oye = Pe De 2 = (2 de vill The induced emf in Coif 1 Cioran i (2anes dt by Gymmely Me Mey =f] Pearl = ' IL i a eas 1 Scanned with CamScanner I : GIT Aehine mutual inductance a rns The mubef mutual jnducfance of Iwo | equal fe the. maqgnehie lua pee unit : | for = Pte and for = Pts Looe tey 5 de S To itl He mutual fnductance r] “of Flux Cts) eee r= 4s = Tp a “from Faeaday's law eg = -dés 2-4 (MID = —-r dip dt dt dt or IT =| 5 [Cat p (dé O12) Explain _coefFicient oF co fing between foo Creu - Ans “ithe _@eFFicient of Coupling Tk) (9 a4 meqguee - ace portion of Flux ie Greate the Coefficient of Coupling qreatea oll - ‘[be the mutual inductance CP. ~ : li Tnductance of any _cincuj} i5 properkjonal —- [be the induced aalhage t - + Fob & a iA| We have faudeeus emp cor = Koy - wil: Caren CKHr) *. @2)¢ We Cknh) au\ Algo Lx? or po Je hina JE Jee = Vibe Scanned with CamScanner oa vi) Sub ab ifn equation @ and replacing e21 ath q rok fbike y +i) TE k= 1, the two ceils peePechty coupled iE rma {ibe iy, if kK) 0.5 the 400 cof|s age Hipl cduplest HITE 1 0.8 the Joosely pourled xi} Tf Lele) then self = (nduchance L courted mM = tole =f =L Q.19\ Ex bbhat [5 9g fransformeé © Gfate. the principle of worldng of 4 +ransformeé b Ans’) Transformeé 2- Transhrmeé io a device ohich won ' =vee}s {ow alfeanaling voltage at high cuseenh inte high _alfesnading Aolfaqe “at low) cumrent and _p vyica_- Veta. Crindple 3- Wheneveé the magqhedic Flux Jinke i t Hh 4 Ci] Changes »an emf js induced in the peighbouding Coil. 4 = q.29 bihaf ase shepo-y? and Shep down fransformess < Angi} | Hep wr fransformees 1° Tn this Hee Ar < nls pri- = mot coil_made up Hick _aj-re a Seconda wil made up of Hin dire. Er ) Ts and wef < €s ® Step down transformess °- Tn this ype NF? N5 pelmaey Col) made up oF thin dive and Getondaty! coil —made up of thick wire Tp £45 and ep? C5 et Scanned with CamScanner | See eet afeuction and working of 4 {rand | Decribe Hh a neat jabebled diaqram . ‘i Construchion ¢- A_{ranafermee consis of 10o —t oi [3 peimaey and Secondasy, Wownd on_ i two aéms of 4 rrectnqulae frame called the Core. J | Pevtmaey Col 2 TF consisls °F an insulated Corpee | a Dire Wound on one 8m of the Core. (Toped wolaqe is applied at the ends of thi coil. “In 4 step-up _pransformeé thick corre’ Lire jo used for primaey Coll. fn 4 hep 400 inansformeé thin Coppee wire is used For prejmaey coil. ii Seondae 4 Col 3- Tt conaists of an insulated Coppee pire dound on the otheé asm ef the cove. The ovteut volt (5 obtained ends of this coil In 4 step-up fransformeé thin pres dire 15 used ‘for! 5econdaéy Co/|. tna Slee down jwans formes thick copped aire [5 used For Secondaey coll. re ae — f ac ¢ feerpad y al r nee I$ SH al | FE 3— Scanned with CamScanner —— acsefennecennatey a J Gre‘ consisfs of Shin crechan qulas Frames «fF + | GFL iron Stacked togethes , bul insulated Fre i Lecich othee i Topeking * When an AC voltage {5 applied +e the { 7g primacy coll the cuse ent Hieveugh the cot| | qoes on changing . Hence the magnetic flux threugh [ine Core alod changes, NAS the Cuéeent Changing magnetic flua 15 linked L@ttn both 4he coils Yan emf is induced in each | cor { tay er = -dé = ap do EeeeteeeeeseeeLEECGL) x at dt 4 es = -40s > ns dé == @ dt dt + C5 = Ns | J. the ratio no 5 called er le P tue _-rafjo Toyut eee = _oulpuf podee ce pte = “e555 C5 = Tr @ cc z | From 24° @ eund (4) [ 5 = > =Tr a er Ne T6 1 ef Fichency Cn) = Output podea = e415 z H

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