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SLT-MOBITEL is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Sri Lanka. Their
annual turnover exceeds 40 billion rupees (service, 2020). In current SLT and Mobitel bring
products and services under one brand by merging brands. SLT-MOBITEL provides mobile
ICT services, including mobile telephony, high-speed broadband, enterprise solutions,
international services and a variety of nationally-covered value-added service. SLT-MOBITEL
seeks to attract and retain customers while pursuing its own profit goals.

2. SLT-MOBITEL‘s Customer Base

SLT-MOBITEL Group primarily divides its customer base, with domestic customers
accounting for 58% of the total revenue of the business (telecom, 2017), while companies
including small and medium-sized businesses, retailers and large-scale companies provide the
remaining. SLT-MOBITEL has provided 1,717,200 fixed line connections, 966,925 broadband
connections and 415,000 PEO TV connections by 2018 (telecom, 2018).

2.1 Customer Segmentation

According to annual reports, Singer targets all customers instead of targeting a specific
segment. A new social consumer base has been proposed for this. According to SLT-
MOBITEL's target customer characteristics, marketing can be segment into three main
categories. According to some statistics SLT-MOBITEL is segment based on Demographical
and psychological factors (Singer, 2020). A SLT-MOBITEL can use the content marketing
mix to reach targeted customers in the face of competition.

 Demographical segmentation: The market can segment into various demographical

variables. All the suspects in the content marketing mix can be target market potential
buyers in different segments.
Variable How it affects Singer Sri Lanka PLC
Age Under 19-65 peoples can use electronic products and
home appliances.
Gender Male and female
Occupations Self-employed, Professional, unemployed,
Generation X

Nationality Anything
Race Anything
Religious Any

 Psychological: The market can be divided into personality, ambition, achievers, and
social class. A SLT-MOBITEL can provide customers with product knowledge through
the use of leads in the content management mix.
Ex: There are three social classes in Products that are marketed at different prices
according to those classes and income level.

3.1 Characteristic of target customer

3.1.1 Requirement and Expected Benefit

SLT-MOBITEL Target customers are entity for business organizations and Individual
customers. SLT-MOBITEL offers products and services in a variety of segments (SLT-
MOBITEL, 2021).

3.1.2 Usage of product

a. Who uses it?

 SLT-MOBITEL Products is mostly used by upper and middle class families
b. Why they use it?
 SLT-MOBITEL products and services provide a clear link with an acceptable

c. When they use it?
 Organizations and individuals to communications and access the Internet.
d. How to use it?
 Internet access and make phone calls as well as watch TV.

3.1.3 Attitude of customers

a. According to the product categories.

 SLT-MOBITEL offers mobile ICT services through Mobitel, including mobile

phones, high-speed broadband, business solutions, and international services
and nationally covered value-added services. As Sri Lanka's fastest 4.5G / 4G
+ mobile network, Mobitel offers an unprecedented broadband network,
recognised by the Oakla Speed Test Awards as the fastest mobile network in Sri
Lanka (SLT-MOBITEL, 2021).
b. With regard to company products.

 SLT-MOBITEL has a reputation of over 163 years among its customers. At the
heart of SLT-MOBITEL’s efforts to develop a socially responsible portfolio of
responsible product trust, goods and services, while specifying service criteria,
is the enhancement of customer experience (telecom, 2008).

c. Why do they like our product or not?

 SLT-MOBITEL customers are satisfied with the product and services. This is
because the proper procurement practices of SLT-MOBITEL is structured as a
successful protection framework to ensure compliance of all goods and services
with compulsory health and safety requirements, encouraging greater
transparency of procedures. There is still a clean record of violations or concerns
about non-compliance with SLT-MOBITEL regulations and voluntary codes on
health and safety effects on SLT-MOBITEL goods and services due to the non-
consensual attitude of SLT-MOBITEL to ensure client health and safety at all
d. Any special character of the customer

 Consumer characteristics are based on the competition in the market and the
lifestyle of the consumer. Currently there are several customer characteristics
that we have identified by the company.
i. Consumers making repurchases.
ii. The quality expected from the service.
iii. Having customers who have no understanding of the quality of the
product purchased
iv. The perfect customer
v. Consumers expect additional value and services in the face of existing

3 Customer journey
3.1 Customer journey map

Customer journey mapping is a way to imagine a method or service from the point of view of
a customer. A customer tour map is a useful way of reflecting the experience of a person when
communicating over time and through platforms with an entity, service or product. Creating
customer travel maps can also assist us to make fundamental changes to our company:

a. Identify our target audience

Understanding the journey of our customers is about getting to know our audience better.
We evaluate customer decisions, focus on their needs and act accordingly. With this study,
we learn more about who our target group really is and the customer service they're looking
Ex: Our customers at SLT-MOBITEL are at the top of our minds. Every home is
"connected" and we strive to continually develop our goods and services, focusing on
affordability and accessibility, so that we can enjoy the benefits of information and
knowledge. Our mission is to be a trustworthy and proven customer partner for creative and
engaging contact experience. At SLT-MOBITEL customer focus is important to us and by
rotating our strategies and behavior around our customers, we are transforming our
b. Build an inbound-first marketing model
Inbound-first marketing campaigns lead us to them rather than to track them down. Once
we have a strong knowledge of our target audience, we can build internal calling inbound-
first marketing techniques that they can carry to us.

c. Follow a customer-centric strategy
Customer orientation should be an initiative that should be extended across the
organization. But we can't give it if we don't know who our customer is .Creating customer
travel maps gives every department-sales, marketing, product development, service a better
understanding of they are related to who.

Customer Journey mapping varies slightly from one business to another. This process
would impact all of our customers, goods and services and the resources available to us. As
SLT-MOBITEL, we can follow these steps

1. Establishing objectives: - What are we hoping to achieve by mapping customer

journey in this step? It's got to have an appreciation of what are the individual steps
and priorities that the customer wants to achieve? What tools do we have to share
with the customer at all times? We need to have a specific target.
Ex: The objective of SLT-MOBITEL is to provide customer satisfying products
and maximize the company's profits while fulfilling its social responsibility. SLT-
MOBITEL achieved over 87% customer satisfaction in 2018 (telecom, 2018).

2. Creating and highlighting the target customer: Creating consumers is the first step
in getting to know our audience better. A consumer personality, including
demographics and psychology, is a fictional image of our ideal consumer. We
should try to acquire new competitors as we have already created customers.
Ex: SLT-MOBITEL is holding Campaigns to attract more of the youth community.
Emphasizing that SLT is the only provider of the fastest broadband network in the
country, SLT-MOBITEL has established itself as the premier gambling internet
service and young people's preferred internet service. Participants got a gift voucher
and a 50 percent discount on new SLT-MOBITEL Megaline connections during the
Infotel 2018 e-Sports Championship (SLT-MOBITEL, 2021).

3. Know the consumer life cycle stages: Every company's purpose is to turn people
into consumers who pay. This is because low-quality customers who purchase our
product or service only once are the customers who turn our business. Therefore,
the consumer life cycle is an essential component of an organization.

 Awareness: Discover our brand and the alternatives we deliver

 Research: Figure out more about the Singer Sri Lanka PLC and what we
have to give and decide if we have the right solutions to their problems.
 Comparison: Comparing our brand to rivals who have the best solution
for our particular needs
 Purchase: Making the final option and purchase.
 Retention: Encourage repurchase and recommend to other people.

4. Tactile mapping: Any location where our customer is engaged is a touch point. This
can be via our website, campaign for email marketing, social media, platforms for
third party feedback or over the internet. The awareness point should identify
specific profiles or platforms that the customer can travel to. This may include
social media posts or blogs of influencers or media posts. The following are
individual interactions on how a customer can care about SLT trading.
The website for the organization.

5. Find gaps and fill them: If our customer journey is already well established, we will
not be here. Customers have somehow fallen somewhere and we need to find out
 Talk to team members who facing customers
No one understands our customers' frustrations better than our support team
members. We deal with customers on a regular basis, answer questions, answer
questions and add suggestions.
 Go to the source directly
Our support team may have a lot of useful information, but we can only
understand our customers and gather data. If customers leave the customer
journey before they feel invested enough to reach our brand, we may never
know what they are thinking. Up to this point, we are now making educated
guesses about customer needs, behaviors, and thought processes. We have used
data and analytics to back up our scores but it is still reactive.
Through interviews, surveys and quizzes, we can confirm or challenge our
assumptions by talking to the company's customers and candidates.
i. Identify the audience and how we relate
How and who are we going to talk to? There may be social media fans,
Former clients, people who have totally abandoned carts, or all three.
ii. Create our questions
Once our attention focused. Questions were formulated to ask
iii. Collect the answers and search for patterns
Each consumer may have a different experience, but similar groups can
have similar reactions. Look for trends in the responses of our clients
and candidates.
 Following the customer travel map ourselves.
We have a strong understanding of our customer service team and our
customer’s themselves. After making adjustments to our customer's travel map
based on the information we receive, we set the map to follow. We claim to be
a consumer interested in our goods or services. Follows the progress of the
tangent points that we have developed in order to go through the stages of
understanding, study, consideration and purchase. In each situation, they seized

it, amid the difficulties that we can barely imagine. "If we have unanswered
questions, there might still be gaps that have not been found.

4. Recommendation to improve customer journey

 Add feedback via corporate website, customer contact points, contact center,
social media team and internal staff.

 Organizing regular field trips that promote interaction with customers and
field staff.

 Active intervention based on analysis of the data from the above sources

 Make a random call from a sample of selected customers

 Improving the quality of broadband service in accordance with regulatory


 Studying brand health routes

 Conducting research on selected product / consumer parts from time to time

5. References

service, S. l. t., 2020. Sri laanka telecom service limited, s.l.: s.n.

SLT-MOBITEL, 2021. Launches upgraded esports platform & gaming bundles, s.l.:
Lanka Business.

SLT-MOBITEL, 2021. SLT-MOBITEL Products, s.l.: s.n.

SLT-MOBITEL, 2021. Sri Lanka Telecom and Mobitel Join Forces, s.l.: Sri Lanka
Telecom and Mobitel Join Forces.

telecom, S. l., 2008. Annual report 2008, s.l.: s.n.

telecom, S. l., 2017. Sri lanka telecom annual report, s.l.: s.n.

telecom, S. L., 2018. Sri lanka telecom Annual Report , s.l.: s.n.


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