Water Heater Control

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Smart Water Heater System Monitoring And

Controlling Using Arduino Board

Khalifa Dai Elnour (  khalifamhmmd@yahoo.com )

Research Article

Keywords: Water heater, Microcontroller, Temperature monitoring, LCD screen, relay

Posted Date: August 12th, 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1929361/v1

License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Smart water heating systems have become an important topic in all applications, especially industrial
applications with a wide range of efficient temperatures. The system basically includes a voltage
regulator, a dry resistor, a temperature sensor, an LCD, a relay, a heater, and a microcontroller. The
temperature difference on the surface of the processor allows for rapid heat storage. Arduino UNO is used
to regulate voltage, sense temperature and make production. The concept of draft is devised, created and
evaluated. After adjusting the temperature to various levels and checking the final output, the heater
turned on / off when the unit exceeded the set value. Therefore, the temperatures in cold and hot regions
are more efficient at reaching thermal equilibrium as the water rises.

A temperature controller is a device used to control the temperature of an object, the space inside a
container or room, and so on. The temperature sensor measures the ambient temperature and controls
the heating or cooling mechanism to maintain the set temperature range.

If the ambient temperature is above or below the set temperature it automatically operates the heating
mechanism to raise the temperature to the desired level. Here, the temperature is measured using the

The heater is controlled by a 5V relay module, and Arduino digital pins send signals to the relay module.
Therefore, any changing of temperature mechanism with external DC or AC power can be used in the
circuit. Make sure that the rated load does not exceed the rating of the relay module.

1.2 Existing System:

Most of heater monitoring and control systems typically use the Atmel 89C51 (μc8051) microcontroller.
Do the same for additional devices. A microcontroller-driven system basically consists of four parts: a
process, an analog-to-digital converter, a control algorithm, and a clock. The time that measurement the
signal is converted to digital format is called the sampling time. The time between successive sampling
is called the time period and is denoted by H. The output of the process is analog time signal need to
converted to digital format by using analog to digital converter.

1.3 Problem Associated With Existing System:

With the 8051 microcontroller, the manufacturing process for the entire device is not only very
complicated, but also difficult and time consuming. Requires AD converter, external clock, and
microcontroller development board for operation. therefore, we notice some problems that face existing
system as follows:

a) The process is relatively time consuming.

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b) Operation requires additional equipment.

c) Requires an outside clock.

d) It's difficult to programming 8051 microcontroller.

e) The size of the circuit will increase.

f) Manufacturing printed circuit boards is becoming complex and difficult.

1.4 Objectives of the paper

The main purpose of this paper is to display the temperature and control the temperature back to the
desired level when certain limits are exceeded, reducing energy waste. It also helps people with
disabilities who cannot control the temperature of water. It can also be used to monitor changes in the
environment. In the near future, it will be available in various industries and electronic devices. Another
goal is to research and build automated systems using interfaces to Arduino and other devices. Today,
Arduinos are becoming more and more popular due to their many advantages, including easy
programming and compact size. With support for many devices, our goal is to master the programming
skills and ideas of Arduino systems.

1.5 Proposed System:

The existing system uses ATMEL 89C51 and has many drawbacks as shown in Section 1.3 above. To
solve these problems, we use another advanced microcontroller called Arduino (ATmega8). It contains
many components such as analog-to-digital converters, 16MHz clocks and shift registers. The system
uses the DS18B20 temperature sensor to detect the temperature and activate the corresponding voltage.
This voltage is given to the Arduino. Depending on the code, the continuous signal is processed into a
discrete signal, forming a particular voltage level for a particular temperature. The 16x2 LCD is used to
display the output, the ambient temperature of the DS18B20, in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. At the same
time, when the data is sent to the relay and the temperature reaches the maximum from the set value, the
relay is activated and the cooling device such as air condition is turned on. In this way, the temperature is
monitored and regulated.

Figure (2) below shows what the final wiring scheme should look like after all connections are made.

2.1 System Hardware Connection

We design our project smart water heater by connect some devices. We used the DS18B20 temperature
sensor. The DS18B20 produces a low voltage corresponding to the temperature across the IC. This
produced voltage is in continuous digital form. This voltage is supplied to the control unit. Here we use
Arduino (ATmega8) as a microcontroller. This voltage is given to the digital pin of the Arduino Uno. Digital
pin stands for digital input and output. The microcontroller detects the logical state from digital input,

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and the microcontroller outputs the logical state from the digital output. This data sending out on the
digital pins (4, 5, 6, 7).

A 16X2 LCD is interfaced to the microcontroller as shown in figure (3). The pin numbered 1 is connected
to ground and pin numbered 2 is connected to Vcc via Arduino to enable or turn on the LCD. Pin 3 for 10k
ohms to adjust the brightness of the LCD screen. The RS and Enable pins are connected to pins 8 and 9,
respectively, to communicate with the Arduino. At the same time, the Arduino sends control bit 0 or 1 on
digital pin 11. This bit is used to control the part. The relay is connected to digital pin 11 in a relay circuit.

If the temperature degree is less than the desired temperature or the set temperature, the Arduino pin 11
will be at the logic low level. However, if the current temperature rises slightly above or above the set
value, a logical high level will be sent to digital pin 11. Depending on the logical stste of digital pin 11, the
relay circuit receives the input. Therefore, this relay circuit turns the relay on and off. As a result, the
heater connected to the relay also switches on or off.

2.2 Interfacing LCD to Arduino

The Arduino microcontroller can output voltages of either 5 V or 3.3 V, so the LCD can be powered by
wiring VSS and VDD to the ground and 5 V pins on the microcontroller. You can adjust the contrast of the
screen by connecting a variable resistor to V0 of pin 3 of the screen. The RS, R / W, and E pins are wired
to Arduino pins 12, ground, and 11, respectively. The LCD screen can be operated in both 8-bit and 4-bit

For this application note only 4-bit mode will be discussed, as it requires fewer pins and is generally
easier to use

To interface with the LCD in 4-bit mode the Arduino only needs to be connected to pins D4-D7, which will
connected to digital output pins 5-2 respectively. Pins 15 and 16 on the LCD screen are used to power a
backlight in the screen. This makes text displayed in the screen easier to read in poorly lit environments
and is optional. To power the backlight, pin 15 should be connected to ground and pin 16 should be
connected to the Arduino's 5V output. To power the Arduino, you can connect a 9V battery to the Arduino's
Vin and Ground pins. If such a power source is available, the Arduino can be powered via a USB
connection to the computer. Figure 4 below shows what the final wiring scheme should look like after all
connections are made.

As from the below schematic diagram the VCC and GND of sensor connected to 5V and GND of arduino,
and DATA pin is connected pin 7 of arduino .

2.3 Interfacing DS18B20 toArduino

A 4.7 ohm pull up resister is connected to data pin from 5V supply for stable data communication.

2.4 Interfacing Relay toArduino

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To control high voltage or high power circuits with Arduino, you need to separate them from Arduino with
relays. Circuits that operate at high voltages or at high currents cannot be controlled directly by an
Arduino. Instead, you use a low-voltage control signal from the Arduino to control a relay, which is
capable of handling and switching high-voltage or high-power circuits. A relay consists of an
electromagnet that, when energized, causes a switch to close or open. The relay completely electrically
insulates the control circuit from the circuit to be controlled..

Table (1) : Pinout of the Typical Relay

Pin Symbol Function

1 VCC Generally connected to the positive terminal of your signal source.

2 GND Generally connected to the negative terminal of your signal source.

3 IN Input to activate the relay.

4 NO Normally not connected to the common pin, it is connected when the relay
is activated.

5 NC Normally connected to common pin and is disconnected when relay is activated.

6 COM In most of the cases, this pin is connected to the ground of the source we use to
drive the appliance.

2.5 Interfacing Buzzer to Arduino

1. Connect the supply wire (RED) of the buzzer to the digital pin of the arduino through a 100 ohm
2. Connect the ground wire (BLACK) of the buzzer to any ground pin on the arduino.

2.6 Flowchart

Result And Discussion

As paper names smart water heater, the project requires several inputs and gives several outputs.

Firstly, we powered our electronics circuit by using directly from the computer . then adjusting the
brightness of LCD screen. Moreover, uploading the code before connecting the high voltage circuit in
order to protect our microprocessor and the rest of the ICs.

Secondly, relay is connected with relay circuit to digital pin 11.If the temperature is less than desired
temperature arduino gives logic low level to the pin 11. Nevertheless, when current temperature goes just
or more above the set level it sends logic high level to digital pin 11.

According to the logic level of digital pin 11 relay circuit gets input. According to this input relay circuit
switches ON/OFF the relay.
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Consequently, the heating device connected to relay also turns ON/OFF respectively. Furthermore, once
temperature is below set point (60 degree Celsius) the relay is off .consequently, heater is off.

When temperature goes above set point (60 degree Celsius) the relay is on. Consequently the heater is on.
And the buzzer is going to gives alarm (notice).

The table below shows data of temperature testing in our experiment.

Table (2) Data of Water Temperature Testing

Time (minutes) Temperature (Degree Celsius ) Temperature(Fahrenheit)

0 26 78

0.63 27 81

0.83 29 87

1.05 30 90

1.12 31 93

1.20 32 96

1.35 33 99

2.20 34.5 103

2.30 36.5 109

2.40 38 113.4

2.55 40 119.3

3.10 42 125.2

3.17 43 128.1

3.33 47 140

3.50 50 149

4.05 53 158

4.15 55 164

4.35 58 173

4.50 60 179

The table above appears that the data of water temperature is the same water temperature in the first
minutes at 0 minutes.

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At 0.63 minutes the temperature began to increase. In the 1.35 minutes the temperature reaches 33 ºC,
the last list of data temperature in 4.50 minutes reaches 60 ºC.

From the table above the data of water temperature over time draws in the graph below.

The graph temperature degree against time appears the variant temperature readings that occur when the
heater is connected to the supply feeder.

Firstly, the graph starts with room temperature degree and uniformly ascending from the intial moment
until reaching 60 ºC in 4.50 minutes.

•There was a deviation happen as a result of high quantity of chemical salt which dissolved with water
,this make it unstable reading of degrees between (40—47)ºC, after that the curve will be normal because
no more chemical will be effected with temperature .

We notify that after a long time when the experiment operated for a long period of time, a buzzer
miss its voice .we troubleshoot the problem by using red LCDs to notify the observer.
In power systems, a protection relay is a relay device that activates a circuit breaker when a failure is
detected. Smart water heaters are used to detect abnormal operating conditions such as overcurrent,
overvoltage, interruption of current flow, overfrequency, and low frequency.

In this paper we designed and implemented smart water heater system monitoring and controlling with
modern device like an arduino board. The result of the system was verified by setting the temperature at
different levels and it was found that the heater turn ON/OFF when the device crosses the set value.
Smart water heater is indeed beneficial because it gives people better energy management as well as
greater control. The system is open to develop and improve its value to work in many applications.

5.2 Advantages:

• Smart water heater system flexible to use in Industry as well as in Home.

• Prevents waste of energy

•Easy to use.


• Heating and cooling device automatically switching on or off.

5.3 Recommendations:
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1. Should be applied in work places.

2. The smart water heater system can be developed by adding another module like GSM.

3. Using solar energy to implement the project.

4. We recommend to be used in different factories.

5. We recommend to be connected to personal computer via Wi-Fi.

Ethical Approval

Not applicable.

Conflict of Interest statement

The author declare that he has no conflict of interest

Competing interests

The author declare that he has no competing interests.

Availability of data and materials

The experiments and results of this paper were carried out at the University of Kordofan, Faculty of
Engineering and Technical studies, Sudan. The data used and analyzed during the current study will be
available from the author upon reasonable request. This work is original and has not been published
elsewhere and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.


No funding was obtain for this study.

Author contribution

The author read and approved the final manuscript.


Not applicable.


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Figure 1

Smart water heater system block diagram

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Figure 2

Block Diagram for Smart Water Heater devices

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Figure 3

Schematic of the temperature monitoring and control system.

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Figure 4

Wiring Schematic for LCD-Arduino Interfacing

Figure 5

Wiring Schematic for DS18B20-Arduino Interfacing

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Figure 6

The Connection of Arduino with Relay and Heater

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Figure 7

Wiring Schematic for Buzzer-Arduino Interfacing

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Figure 8


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Figure 9

Graph Temperature degree against Time with minutes

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