13th Age PC Drifter N Choi

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and Choi

• Full name: Rhasalgotr ’Drifter’ Fimbultria of

the Onyx Reindeer clan
• Race: Human.
• Class: Ranger
• Level: 3
• Age: 27
• Attitude: Free spirit, good buddy
• Appearance: Rather unkempt, somewhat
• Distinguishing features: A sincere smile with
perfect teeth
• Occupation: Guide to the Norn steppes
• Origin: The Sherradan expanse of the Norn

STR: 18 (+4) DEX: 10 (+0) CON: 16 (+3)
INT: 8 (−1) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 12 (+1)
AC: 19 HP Max: 50 (25)
PD: 17 HP Current:
MD: 14
Initiative: +3
Recoveries Max: 10
Recovieries Spent: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
Recovery Dice: 3d8+3
Norn Steppes Guide: +4
Sailor: +3
Wildlife Friend: +1


Basic Attacks conditions. You can also pick the feats from that
specific terrain list.
• Basic Melee - Glaive
Adventurer Feat (1/4): You also gain the frost touch
spell as a bonus spell. You can cast it once per
Target: One Enemy
Attack: +7 vs. AC
Adventurer Feat (2/4): You can choose which ability
Hit: 3d10+4 damage
score you want to use as the attack and damage
Miss: 3 damage
ability for terrain spells you can cast (strength),
instead of wisdom (already included).
• Basic Ranged - Thrown Handaxe
Animal Companion - Choi the Penguin
Drifter has a dire penguin animal companion, Choi,
Target: One nearby enemy
who follows him everywhere in his journeys through
Attack: +3 vs. AC
the wildlands. Choi also fights alongside Drifter, and
Hit: 3d6 damage
can slap and peck their enemies pretty hard.
Miss: 3 damage
Actions: Your animal companion acts on your
initiative turn immediately before you. Your animal
companion moves and attacks like a PC: it gets a
Racial power move action and a standard action (for everyone’s
sanity, you should generally avoid giving the animal
Racial a and Ethnic power a quick action). If you have powers that care about
Quick to Fight (Human) the first time you attack an enemy, an attack by
At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and your animal companion counts as your attack.
choose the result you want. Damage and healing: First, add two recoveries to
your total recoveries. Since you’ll be healing for
Icy blood of the Norns (Norn) two, you might need them (already included). Your
You have resist cold damage 14+ against enemies animal companion can be healed like an ally. If it
or environments of your tier or lower (levels 1- gets healed without you being healed, it uses one
4). Additionally, you do not suffer from natural of your recoveries. The better option is to use a
weather-related cold. recovery to heal yourself: when you use a recovery
while next to your animal companion (including
being engaged with the same enemy), your animal
Talents companion can also heal using a free recovery.
Specialized Terrain Magic: Instead of dying like a monster or NPC at 0 hp,
Ice, Tundra, Deep snow your animal companion follows PC rules for falling
Choose one type of terrain from the Terrain Caster unconscious at 0 hp and dying after four failed death
list of the druid class (Drifter chose ’Icy, Tundra, saves, or when its negative hit points equal half
Deep Snow’ terrain). You gain access to those spells its normal hit points. If your animal companion
and can memorize one of those daily spells per day, dies, you can summon another one. If you’re still
and cast it at your character level. The downside is on the same adventure, you can call a new animal
that you can memorize only one of those spells per companion the next day, but it will be one level
day, and that you have access to spells related to lower than an animal companion would normally be.
only one type of terrain. The upside is that you can At the start of a new adventure, or when you gain a
cast that spell regardless of the actual terrain you are level, bump the companion up to its proper level.
in, as you are so attuned to such environment that Stats and levels: Your animal companion is should
it basically follows you regardless the atmospheric be one level lower than you. As a 1st level ranger,

You can choose and memorize spells from the
appropriate lists at the beginning of each day (that
is, after each full heal-up). You memorize 1 terrain
magic spells (plus frost touch which is bonus) and 2
beastmaster spells; keep the two lists separated.

Memorized Terrain Magic Spells:

1) ◯
+) ◯ Frost Touch

Memorized Beastmaster Spells:

1) ◯
2) ◯

Terrain Magic Spells

• Frost Touch
Close-quarters spell
Once per Battle
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: +7 vs PD
Hit: 4d6+4 damage, or 6d6+4 damage if you
are engaged with the target.
Natural Even Miss: half damage.
you’ll have a level 0 animal companion. Natural Odd Miss: 3 damage.
Adventurer Feat (3/4): Your animal companion now
adds the escalation die to its attacks. • Ice Shield
Adventurer Feat (4/4): Once per day, your animal Ranged spell
companion can attack twice in a round with a Daily
standard action. Quick action
Target: Yourself
Effect: Until the end of the battle, when an
• Choi the Penguin enemy engaged with you attacks you and rolls
Level 2 Animal Companion a natural 15− (15 or lower), it takes 4d6 cold
Attack +7 vs. AC damage after the attack.
Damage: 2d6 piercing
AC: 18 • Icicle
PD: 12 Ranged spell
MD: 16 Daily
HP Max: 36 (18) Target: One nearby or far away creature
HP Current: Attack: +7 vs PD
Acts: After Drifter Natural Even Hit: 5d10+4 cold damage, and
Advantage: Excellent swimmer, can hold breath the target is hampered (makes only basic at-
for 20 minutes, Resist cold 16+ (Adventurer tier) tacks), easy save ends (6+).

Natural Odd Hit: 5d10+4 cold damage, and

the target is stuck (can not move from its place),
easy save ends (6+).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is stuck until
the end of its next turn.

Beastmaster Spells
• Pack link
Ranged spell
Quick action to cast
Target: Choi, if he is nearby
Effect: Until the end of the battle, when Choi
attacks an enemy that is engaged with you,
increase Choi’s melee attack damage for that
attack to 2d8.

• Vitality
Ranged spell
Quick action to cast
Target: Choi, if he is nearby
Effect: Choi heals using a free recovery.
Property − You gain a +2 to defenses again-
• Magic Fang
st attacks that inflict confusion, and +2 to sa-
Ranged spell
ves against confusion effects. Additionally, when
you are confused, you get to choose which ally
Quick action to cast
to attack. You can also choose yourself.
Target: Choi, if he is nearby
Quirk − Keeps an enemies list. Checks it twice.
Effect: Choi gains +2 bonus to its attacks until
the end of the battle.
Magical Gear −

• Boots of Face Stomping [Adventurer]:

Boots chakra

+1 bonus to disengage and fancy footwork


Power − Recharge 6+ ⋄ Interrupt action: When

an enemy you are engaged with becomes stag-

gered, you may automatically inflict 5 crushing

damage to it.

Quirk − Hates bug and things that crawl.

• Ring of Enmity [Adventurer]: −
Ring chakra

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