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Learn the importance of mastering online manners with these netiquette guidelines.
guidelines. From email to social media, we've got you covered.

by Lendyl Coronel
Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is the responsible and ethical use of
technology to engage online, find reliable sources, and protect and
promote human rights. It teaches skills to communicate,
collaborate, and act positively on any online platform. Digital
citizenship also involves respecting others’ privacy, safeguarding
personal information, and contributing to the digital community.
The Basics: What is Netiquette?
Etiquette vs Netiquette Professionalism 101 Respect Matters

Netiquette refers to the set of As more business is conducted Netiquette is all about being
of rules that govern behavior online, netiquette becomes being respectful towards
behavior when communicating essential for maintaining a others online. It's about
communicating online. It's the professional image. treating others how we want
the cyber version of etiquette. want to be treated.
The Guideline to Good Netiquette

1 Think Before You Post

Remember that everything you post online is permanent - think before posting and ensure your
words won't be taken out of context.

2 Make Introductions First

Before launching into conversation, introduce yourself and let others know who you are and why
you're reaching out to them.

3 Use Appropriate Language

Profanity, hateful speech, and derogatory language have no place in online conversations. Use
language that matches the tone of the platform.

4 Show Professionalism

Even when the conversation is informal, keep it professional and polite. Don't let your guard down
too much - think of online platforms as an extension of the workplace.
The Importance of Netiquette

For Professional Success For Positive Relationships For Connecting with The
Mastering netiquette shows that With good netiquette, online
you are capable of conducting conversations can be positive, Netiquette helps make the internet
yourself professionally in any meaningful and constructive a connected global community,
situation, making you an asset to instead of hurtful or fostering open communication and
your team and your career. misinterpreted. understanding across cultures and
Examples of Good Netiquette

1 The Gracious Host 2 The Attentive Listener

A good netiquette practice is to When conversing with others

thank your host when they online, it's important to
provide you with hospitality. actively listen and engage in
An email, a text, or a the conversation. Don't
personalized message goes a interrupt, and show respect for
long way. what others have to say.

3 The Critical Thinker

A good netiquette practice is to approach debates or arguments with an

open mind. Be respectful, calm, and considerate when you disagree with
Examples of Bad Netiquette
The Troller The Oversharer The Disrespectful

The troller enjoys being nasty, The oversharer provides too The disrespectful netizen
disrupting conversations, and much personal information and disregards others' feelings,
playing the devil's advocate. They makes the conversation about religious beliefs, or ethnicity. They
can't seem to resist the themselves. They might reveal use derogatory language and are
temptation to say something confidential or inappropriate quick to judge without
negative, even when they know it information and derail the considering other perspectives.
will hurt or offend others. conversation.
Netiquette in Different Online Platforms

Platform Netiquette best practices

Email Use a clear and concise subject line. Be polite and

formal especially in professional settings.

Instant messaging Avoid abbreviations and emoticons in a professional

context. Respond in a timely manner and avoid
having conversations too late at night.

Social media Be respectful towards others' opinions. Avoid posting

inappropriate content. Be mindful of spelling and

Online meetings Mute your microphone when not speaking. Dress

appropriately. Be on time. In social settings, make
introductions first.
The Bottom Line The Benefits The Community

Netiquette is essential in From making positive Let's help make the internet an
today's digital age, and relationships to promoting inclusive and respectful place,
mastering it can help you in open communication, good one interaction at a time.
both your personal and netiquette can enrich our Respect each other, and enjoy
professional life. online experience. the digital world!

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