Market of Guar Gum

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Indian Guar Market India has been a major player in the context of guar and guar gum in the

global market. Indias production contributes to 80% of the worlds total production figuring up to 6 lakh tons. Rajasthan wholly retains the credit for Indias position producing 70% of the production itself. Guar is largely consumed as a vegetable in the Indian subcontinent. It is also used in making pickles. 25000 tons of the total production in the country constitutes to the domestic market. Guar gum has a vast range of industrial applications and the major share of demand comes from various industrial sectors only. India is the leading net exporter of guar seeds and guar gum. The country exports over 250000 tons of guar and its derivatives. The net worth of the Indian exports is estimated over Rs 1100 crores. The production list of guar is dominated by India as a leading producer of this crop. The consumption pattern of guar seeds is largely influenced by the demands from the petroleum industry of United States of America and the oil fields in the Middle East as the derivative products of these seeds are quite useful in the petroleum drilling industries. United States alone constitute to around 50 thousand tons of guar and its derivatives demand.

Also, in rest of the world, the trend of consumption has increased with time that has lead to the introduction of this crop in many countries. The major importing countries of Indian Guar Gum and its derivatives are United States of America Germany France United Kingdom South Africa Netherlands Italy Japan

Major Exporter of Guar Gum India is also the world leader in the exports of guar and its derivatives followed by Pakistan. The major countries exports guar gums are

India Pakistan USA Italy Morocco Spain France Greece Germany

Major Importer of Guar Gum The world market of guar is estimated at 1.5 lakhs tons annually. The major importer countries of the crop are

Canada China Chile Australia Austria Brazil Germany Italy Japan United Kingdom USA Ireland Sweden Greece Portugal Mexico

Production of Guar in India India produces 600000 lakh tons of guar annually i.e. the maximum level of production in the world. It contributes to around 80% share in the worlds total production. The major producing regions of this crop in India are

Rajasthan Gujarat Haryana Punjab Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Karnataka Andhra Pradesh

Guar Gums Market Influencing Factors

Changes in production due to rainfall fluctuation Demand and supply mismatch Hoarding and black marketing Government policies

Supply varies largely between years while the demand is almost constant over the years. There are involvement of speculators and stockiest in the physical market. The commodity is subjected to a long storage period based on demand and market prices. There are no Government rules and regulations governing the production, distribution, marketing, exports or imports of the commodity and the market forces determine the prices.

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