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Content Standards: The learners:

1. Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge

and skills.
Performance The learners:
Standard: 1. Create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Luzon
(highlands and lowlands)
Formation Standard: This Formation Standard focuses on understanding and appreciation. So that the
(Values Integration) learners become life-giving communicator of truth and love.
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
Cognitive: Students will gain an understanding of the diverse arts and crafts
traditions of Luzon, Philippines, and appreciate the cultural
significance of these artistic expressions.
Objectives: Psychomotor: Students will be able to demonstrate basic techniques associated
with a traditional Luzon craft, such as weaving or pottery.
Affective: Students will develop an appreciation for the cultural diversity
within Luzon by expressing their thoughts and emotions about a
chosen art form.
Content/Lesson: The Art and Crafts of Luzon: An Introduction
Learning Materials: Images and examples of Luzon arts and crafts
Maps of Luzon
Blackboard and Chalks
Art supplies (optional)
Learning Resources:
Learning analyze elements and principles of art in the production of one’s arts and crafts
Competencies: inspired by the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands)
Procedure: Explore: Review:
Begin by reviewing the key concepts from the previous day's lesson,
including the geographical context and the overview of arts and crafts in
Firm-up: Student Presentations:
Have students present their research on a specific craft or art form from
Luzon. Encourage them to include information on the history, materials used,
techniques, and cultural significance.
Deepen: Group Activity – Artistic Expression:
Divide students into small groups and provide art supplies. Ask each group to
create a simple representation of the craft or art form they researched. This
could be a drawing, a small model, or any other creative expression
Transfer: Gallery Walk and Reflection:
Arrange the created artworks around the classroom for a gallery walk. Allow
students to observe and discuss each other's work. Conclude with a reflection
on what they've learned and how the arts connect to culture
Evaluation The group activity and subsequent gallery walk facilitated a dynamic learning
environment. Students' creations served as a visual testament to their understanding
of Luzon's arts and crafts.
Synthesis of the Students not only acquired knowledge about the arts and crafts of Luzon but also
Lesson: developed a deeper appreciation for the role of these artistic traditions in shaping
cultural identity. The synthesis underscores the importance of creating a holistic
and engaging learning experience that combines theoretical understanding with
hands-on activities and reflective discussions.

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