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How to build a powerful profile

Watch the video and then highlight or underline one option to answer each question:

❶ Which question is like the one the speaker uses to open her video speech?

a. How can you find your profile on Linkedin?

b. What makes your profile stand out so you can more easily get a job?
c. Which industries use Linkedin nowadays?

❷ What type of photo does she recommend uploading to your profile?

a. Just a simple photo of your face

b. A photo by a professional studio
c. A photo that shows your personal style of life

❸ According to the speaker, why is it important to include your education?

a. You look more competitive

b. It is mandatory information
c. Your old college friends can easily find you

❹ For which types of positions is an artistic skill or hobby relevant?

a. A project management job

b. A cruise worker job
c. A vacation job

NOW, let’s talk about you:

Describe your experience searching for professional opportunities

What is better for you? Professional networking online or in-person networking?

Write 5 skills you would write on your Linkedin profile

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