Numsol Project 1

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Guidelines for Student Posters

The deadline for submission of all posters is on or before December 4-8, 2023.

Making Posters

Standard poster dimensions are 11.7 inches(Width) by 16.5 inches(Height) – A3 Size in portrait layout.

Posters should be easy to read and not crowded. They should contain the following

• Title (at least 1" high)

• Name of author(s), section, and faculty sponsor(s) (at least 1" high). Example: Juan dela Cruz -
A11 (faculty sponsor: Professor Jane Smith)
• Algorithm/Flowchart. A formula or set of steps for solving a particular problem. To be an
algorithm, a set of rules must be unambiguous and have a clear stopping point. Algorithms can
be expressed in any language, from natural languages like English to programming languages
like C++, Visual Basic or FORTRAN.

• Screenshots. This is an image taken by the computer to record the visible items displayed on the
monitor as you run the program.
• Technical Documentation. This describes the handling, functionality of the program which may
include but not limited to the following: specification, limitation and application.

Sample Poster Arrangement

Guidelines for poster design

The information below contains suggestions for organizing your poster content and designing an effective
poster. We recommend using MS PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop or any graphical software to design your

The purpose of a poster is to convey information. The most important goal in poster design is to present
your information in such a way that it is accessible and understandable. Every element on the poster—
whether text or graphic, should be chosen and arranged to further that goal.

Posters are different from books or articles in the way they convey information. People view a poster from
both far away and close up. Your design, title and subheadings, which will be noticed from a distance,
need to be eye-catching. Your detailed text needs to keep the audience reading when they move close.
Poster space is very limited. Make sure that every element counts—nothing should be extraneous. Your
text should be as concise as possible.

Think carefully about the language you use and the assumptions you make about the viewers’ knowledge.
Don’t use technical jargon unless you’re sure it will be familiar to your audience. An indication of how
familiar you are with your subject is evidenced by how well you can convey it. Don’t use three words when
one will do; don’t use a three-syllable word when a one-syllable word will work as well. Keep in mind also
that your poster will be competing with others for attention.

There are two elements in a poster: text and graphics. Text includes titles, subheadings, captions, labels
and "body text"—the narrative. Graphics can include maps, charts, diagrams, illustrations or photographs.
Instruction Set of Simple Machine Program in Math15

The aim of this project is to write a program in any programming languages like C++, C# or
Fortran which can be used as a tool to solve a particular problem in linear algebra.
Program Requirements:
A complete set of instructions and their application has to be identified. You can explicitly
identify and define the function required to perform a specific task in the computer program.
The program has to fulfill the following requirements:
1-The program must be written in C, C++, C# or Fortran language
2-It can read a text file that contains a set of symbolic instructions and program.
3-The documentation must show the detailed description of each functions required to perform a
specific task in a program.
Program components:
The program must contain the following functions
a.A function that reads a list of symbolic instructions
b.A function that reads a symbolic program and decompose it to its specific task.
Report requirements:

• The program has certain built-in limitation and fully functional.

•The program flowchart must be provided

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