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Newsletter n.

02 / 2022

3 days Training /
Learning activity
for trainers/ tutors

& results
Range of training compe-
Aims at preparing trainers/tutors/-
tences to be mobilized:
coaches to cope with the new chal-
lenge of using and exploiting the inno-
vative learning resources and create • Deal with news technologies for train-
capacity to potentiate it in the future. ing/learning namely AR and all devices
to potentiate the learning process
At the end, trainers/tutors/coaches will • Get contact with the new contents pro-
be at ease with the project training vided by the course: new materials,
resources and methodologies and sustainability…
strategies developed and offered by • Develop new attitudes for learning
the project, and will be able to promote • Develop coaching competences for
the best use of the project resources WBL
• How to deal with the B-learning plat-
form and get the most advantages of it
for themselves, for the trainers in pilot-

Who ing and for the future after project

participated • Get to know the industry contexts from
the 4 different countries involved
• Exchange ideas, practices, among the
participants/countries involved.
The trainers/tutors/coaches were recruit-
ed by the partners among their own staff.
assign 2 trainers/coaches each.
This learning/training ac-
tivity created a strong op-
BELCINTO and LEU LOCATI will assign portunity to:
more 2 tutors each from their own staff
(manager, line manager or foremen/fore- • Deal with news technologies for train-
women who has the role of internal train- ing/learning namely AR and all devices
ing, inside their companies). to potentiate the learning process
• Get contact with the new contents pro-
12 participants in total vided by the course: new materials,
The participants will convey the informa- sustainability…
tion gathered and the skills acquired in • Develop new attitudes for learning
this transnational activity to their own • Develop coaching competences for
partners’ organization, in cascade. WBL
• How to deal with the B-learning plat-
form and get the most advantages of it
for themselves, for the trainers in pilot-
ing and for the future after project
• Get to know the industry contexts from
the 4 different countries involved
• Exchange ideas, practices, among the
participants/countries involved.

O apoio da Comissão Europeia à produção desta publicação não constitui um

endosso do conteúdo que reflete apenas as opiniões dos autores, não
podendo a Comissão ser responsabilizada por qualquer uso que possa ser
feito das informações nele contidas.

Nº do projeto: 2019-I-PT01-KA202-060823 ∙ Duração do projeto: Outubro 2019 -

Março 2022

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