Leia 2021245348

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Newsletter n.

01 / NOV 2020

Training for the
Leather Goods
sector across

Project The Leather Goods industry
provides an important level
of employment in Europe
which rounds 13.138 compa-
The first step of the project was aimed
to analyse the leather goods sector in
nies and 113.304 employees
Europe and to find the best way of and a turnover of 15.331 Mil-
training a new profile needed by the lion Euros but we found out
industry. The Leather Goods Manufac- that the education connected
turing Technician: both manual and is not so developed.
technological skills will be required by
the industry! 4 VET training entities from Portugal,
Italy, Spain and Romania, in cooperation
Here some picture from the last pre- with 2 companies from Portugal and Italy,
sential meeting of the LEIA project that and a specialist in advanced learning
was in Oporto, Portugal! technologies, decided to work toward
innovative responses to the VET lack
The partners had the possibility to detected.
ex-change ideas, methods of trainings
and to visit the headquarter of the The project, called LEIA is financed by
leather goods manufacturing company European funds. It started on October
BELCINTO 2019 and will end on March 2022


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Nº do projeto: 2019-I-PT01-KA202-060823 ∙ Duração do projeto: Outubro 2019 -

Março 2022

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