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“51%” - - -Half of all Filipino families described themselves as

poor in March 2023 – a finding barely changed from December

2022, according to a Social Weather Stations survey. The
extreme poverty situation in the Philippines is attributed to the
GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE! I AM (NAMES). WE ARE political awareness of Filipino people in putting candidates’ to
HERE TO PRESENT TO YOU OUR RESEARCH PROPOSAL office to represent their interest.
Low political awareness can lead to the selection of leaders who
are ill-equipped to address the root causes of poverty and
KABATAAN VOTERS IN MAASIN CITY, SOUTHERN LEYTE” promote sustainable development, perpetuating a cycle of
economic hardship and social struggles.

In this generation of young voters and based on

what they value, can they be entrusted to select To answer these questions, we tried to look for
literatures relevant to this matter. However, we found
the best person for the job? Do they put a
none. Most of the available literatures mainly focus on
premium on political awareness or are they
investigating the relationship between moral reasoning
marionettes pulled by society’s strings? and political leader preference, voting preference and
party identification, political knowledge and political
What is the level of political awareness among the
involvement, and some studies discuss solely the
first-time SK voters; what is their voting
concepts of either political awareness and voting
preference? and is there a significant relationship preference without linking these variables. Also, there is
between their level of political awareness and no contextualization of the study.
voting preference?

The study’s analysis of the first-time Sangguniang So, how do we fill these gaps? Thus, this study exists.
Kabataan (SK) voters’ political awareness and voting
This is a quantitative study under descriptive-correlational design. Descriptive-
preference is premised on the argument of the Rational correlational design is used since this study aims to assess the level of political
Choice Theory which states that preference depends on awareness and voting preference of the first-time Sangguniang Kabataan voters
and how these variables correlate to one another.
the satisfaction of individual self-interest. Thus,
politically aware voters are expected to have voting Now, where will the study be the conducted & who will be the respondents?
preferences based on their rational self-interest. Badaru
The study will be conducted in Maasin City, Southern Leyte. The primary focus
(2021) stressed that selecting the most capable recipients will be on the first-time Sangguniang Kabataan voters. By selecting these
candidates during elections, is highly affected by an respondents from this specific locality, the study will be able to glean valuable
insights into the political engagement and participation of the youth within Maasin
individual’s political awareness. City.

Given the number of population of the first-time SK

With regards to data collection tool, an adapted survey
voters in Maasin City, simple random sampling questionnaire from Voter Insights on the 2022 National
technique will be utilized. The adoption of this Elections (VINE) Survey conducted by Ateneo School of
sampling method will ensure an efficient gathering Government (ASoG) of the Ateneo de Manila University will be
used to assess the voting preference of the respondents.
of data, while also minimizing the time and
Provided with the fact that this questionnaire has been
resources required for data collection. Additionally, employed in a nationwide survey, its validity and reliability is
it facilitates a diverse representation of voters from rest assured. On the other hand, a researcher-made will be
various barangays, thereby enhancing the employed to measure the level of political awareness
considering the unavailability of a standardized tool. Rest
generalizability of the study's findings to the entire
assured that the statements in the questionnaire will be
city. validated and verified through pilot testing.
Once the data are gathered, Median or Mode and
Pearson correlation coefficient are the statistical
tools to be utilized for the analysis. For Likert-scale In addition, prior to the data collection, ethical
type questionnaire, median or mode will be used considerations will be upheld through consent
to describe and analyze the level of political forms and approval letters.
awareness and voting preferences of first-time SK
voters. While for the measurement of the strength
of the linear relationship between the variables,
Pearson correlation coefficient is more suitable.

Whenever its time to exercise our right of

suffrage, do the youth really have what it takes
to choose the right leaders? As we all know,
“When one chooses wrong, wrong ones are
chosen. What if one chooses right?”

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