13th Age PC Ingo

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• Appearance: Misdirecting; It is hard to guess

where he comes from.
• Distinguishing features: Remarkably pale
skin, which makes Ingo look older.
• Occupation: Spy and messenger for the Norn
• Origin: The Fractured Coast.

STR: 11 (+0) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 16 (+3) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 10 (+0)
AC: 17 HP Max: 40 (20)
PD: 17 HP Current:
MD: 16
Initiative: +3
Recoveries Max: 8
Recovieries Spent: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
Recovery Dice: 3d8+2
Espionage: +4
Sailing Navigator: +1
Underworld Connections: +3
• Full name: Drisingor, of the White Dolphin
clan Basic Attacks
• Basic Melee - Knife of Secrets Revealed
• Race: Human.
(+1 Dagger)
• Class: Spellblade (Rogue/Wizard). At-Will
Target: One enemy
• Level: 3 Attack: +7 vs AC
Hit: 3d6+4 slashing damage.
• Age: 31 Miss: 3 damage
Special: The first time you inflict a critical hit
• Attitude: Determined, Secretive, Suspicious. on a particular foe, you may pose a question


to that foe, who immediately and involuntarily

gives a brief answer. The answer is always
true, at least as far as the foe knows, although
strong-willed individuals can give vague or
misleading answers.

Racial a and Ethnic power

Quick to Fight (Human)
At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and
choose the result you want.

Icy blood of the Norns (Norn)

You have resist cold damage 14+ against enemies
or environments of your tier or lower (levels 1-
4). Additionally, you do not suffer from natural
weather-related cold.

Class features
Some of the rogue’s powers function only when the ro-
gue has momentum. You gain momentum by hitting
an enemy with an attack. You lose momentum when
you are hit by an attack. The default is that you
can use momentum powers without losing momen-
tum, but a few powers specify that you must spend
your momentum to use them. You don’t have to use
attacks that require momentum against the same foe
you hit to gain that momentum. Some momentum
powers are classified as interrupt actions. You can
only use one interrupt action a round.
Multiclass: Normally, spell attacks do not gain you

Sneak Attack
Once per round when you make a rogue melee weapon
attack against an enemy engaged with one or more of
your allies, you can deal +1d6 damage if your attack
Multiclass: Normally, you can not sneak attack on
Adventurer Feat (1/4): Your Sneak Attack feature
also works the first round of combat against enemies
with a lower initiative than you.

Trap Sense want to open something and avoid traps, hire a rogue.
Even rogues whose backgrounds don’t have anything Light (standard duration): This cantrip creates a
to do with noticing, avoiding, or disarming traps ha- fairly wide and consistent field of light, up to 30 feet
ve a unique knack for dealing with traps. If a rogue’s in diameter. It could just be a glow from your staff, or
skill check involving a trap is a natural even failure, small light elementals flitting in quick circles around
the rogue can reroll the skill check once. If a trap’s you. The created light is not bright enough to dazzle
attack roll against a rogue is a natural odd roll, the anyone or to send underworld dwellers into seizures.
rogue can force the trap to reroll the attack once. Mage Hand: This cantrip creates a small telekine-
tic effect that lasts a round at most. It is also some-
Cantrips times referred to as a ‘mage-slap’ when higher-level
You can cast a handful of cantrips each day. You do wizards deliver rebuffs to their underlings. At best it
not have to memorize or choose them beforehand, you is about half as strong as the wizard’s own strongest
just cast them on the fly. You can cast up to 4 can- hand. At worst it is half as strong as the wizard when
trips per battle. If you are out of battle, that is about they are weak from a bad fever.
three to six cantrips every five minutes. Each cantrip Mending: This cantrip summons a variety of tiny
takes a standard action to cast as a ranged spell. At (hand-sized and smaller) magical sprites who swarm
the adventurer tier (levels 1-4), cantrips with a stan- over a chosen broken object attempting to mend it
dard duration last 10-60 minutes, plus ten minutes (over the course of 1-6 rounds). Small-scale repairs
per wizard level. The GM rolls and the wizard beco- like torn wineskins, muddy clothing, a broken hand-
mes aware that their cantrip is about to end a couple grip on a sword, and similar repairs that anyone could
minutes before it is done. fix with two to four hours of devoted work gets hand-
Alarm (standard duration): The cantrip creates a led in seconds. More elaborate repairs to complicated
minor watch-sprite that can be instructed to scream if objects might require an Intelligence check.
someone comes through an area or touches an object. Prestidigitation: This cantrip produces magic
Watch-sprites are notoriously stupid and sleepy, but tricks like cheaty-juggling, pulling coins out of ears,
with the right talking-to they might stay focused for small illusions created by dancing sprites, and the ba-
the duration of the spell. At higher levels, the spell sic equipment of stage-casting. One casting usually
might summon little fanged spirits buzzing back and gives you a minute of fun. But the magic has nowhere
forth serving as both visual and actual deterrents. near as much real world force as mage hand.
Ghost Sound: This spell creates false noises ema- Spark: This is a minor fire creation spell, enough to
nating from somewhere nearby. The effect is like an light a pipe, or a campfire, or even a page or two of
exceptionally good version of throwing your voice, an unprotected spellbook. It does not work against
if your voice could create a wide variety of sounds. living beings or against things that could not easily
Attempted distractions with the cantrip are DC 15 be set on fire with a few seconds of steady application
challenges in adventurer environments, or the GM of a candle. It is a show-off spell: wizards do not have
could let them succeed automatically if they are truly to light fires like ordinary people. The target of the
imaginative. spark has to be nearby and in sight.
Knock: This cantrip summons a magical servitor
three to four times as big as your closed fist that Cyclic Spells
swarms around a locked door (or a sealed treasure Spells that have a cyclic usage can always be cast at
chest) and punches or pushes it open (depending on least once per battle, and are only expended in that
whether you want to be quiet or announce your pre- battle if they are cast when the escalation die is 0 or
sence), assuming you can succeed with an Intelligence odd. In other words, if you cast a cyclic spell like
check against the environment’s DC using an appro- color spray or rebuke when the escalation die is even,
priate magical background. Note that your knock the spell is not expended and can still be cast later
servitor does not do anything to avoid traps. If you in the battle.

Ritual magic can phrase the magical effect causing the protection
as you like. Many abjurers create shimmering shields
Wizards can cast their spells as rituals: Namely, they
of magical force; others have swarming magical ser-
can use spells outside combat to obtain variable ef-
vitors blocking attacks.
fects based on the properties and intent of the spell.
The magnitude of the effect has to be reasonable, and
The Spellblade Trick
the connection to the spell should be justifiable. Ri-
You can convert damaging spells into blades that you
tual casting is a time-consuming process that requires
use to strike enemies in melee. The upside is that you
dedicated focus, and it can take 1d4 minutes/quarter-
get to use your sneak attack with the spell, if you
hours/hours. The success of a ritual is typically de-
meet the normal sneak attack requirements. The do-
termined by a skill check, and the daily use of that
wnside that the spell range is reduced to melee range,
spell is spent regardless. and the targets are reduced to one single target. To
use a spellblade trick, cast a spell you have memori-
Talents zed. It must be a damaging spell, and its properties
change as follows:
Improved Sneak Attack Range: The spell becomes Close-quarters.
Your Sneak Attack damage is better than other ro- Casting time: The casting time becomes a standard
gues, and it deals +1d8 instead. action if it was shorter (for example, a quick or move
action slows down to a standard action). Otherwise
it remains unchanged.
Whenever you cast a daily wizard spell, you gain a
Target: The targets become ’One enemy you are en-
+4 AC bonus until the end of your next turn. You

gaged with’. (you still lose momentum as being hit normally).

Attack: If the spell did not include an attack roll
(such as the ’automatically hits’ from the Magic Mis-
sile spell), the attack becomes: Key Modifier (lowest • Sure Cut
Int/Dex) + Level vs AC. Otherwise, the attack is un- Melee attack; momentum power
changed. At-Will
Special: If you are able to sneak attack the target, Special: You must have momentum and be able
this spell deals the sneak attack damage if it hits. to deal your Sneak Attack damage to the target
This counts as the use of sneak attack for this round. if you hit.
Additionally, when picking this talent, you can use Target: One enemy
daggers as magic implements for casting spells. Attack: +7 vs. AC
Adventurer Feat (2/4): The spellblade trick also gains Hit: 3d6+4 damage (plus the Sneak Attack as
you momentum if you hit. normal).
Miss: 3 damage plus Sneak Attack damage.
This counts as the Sneak Attack use for this
Rogue Powers round.
Ingo knows the following rogue powers. • Tumbling Strike
Melee attack
• Evasive Strike
Melee attack
Always: You gain a +5 bonus to all disengage
checks you attempt this turn. You can also move
Target: One enemy
to engage an enemy, make this attack against
Attack: +7 vs. AC
it, and then use a quick action to attempt to
Hit: 3d6+4 slashing damage, and you can pop
disengage from it (the quick action disengage lets
free from the target.
you move again if you succeed).
Miss: 3 damage.
Target: One enemy
• Flying Blade Attack: +7 vs. AC
Ranged attack Hit: 3d6+4 damage.
At-Will Miss: 3 damage.
Special: You must use a small thrown bladed
weapon for this attack. Wizard Spells
Target: One nearby creature
Attack: +7 vs. AC You can choose and memorize 6 spells from the follo-
Hit: 3d4+3 damage, and if your natural attack wing list at the beginning of each day (that is, after
roll is even and one of your allies is engaged with a full heal-up). Each daily spell can be memorized
the target, you can use your Sneak Attack da- only once. Any amount of these 6 slots can be used
mage for the round. to memorize the utility spell instead.
Miss: 3 damage.
Memorized Spells:
• Roll With It 1) ◯
Momentum power 2) ◯
At-Will 3) ◯
Interrupt action; requires momentum 4) ◯
Trigger: A melee attack that targets AC hits 5) ◯
you. 6) ◯
Effect: You take half damage from that attack

Utility Spell
When you choose spells during a full heal-up, instead
of taking a standard spell, you can choose to invest
a spell slot to memorize the utility spell at the same
level. When you take the utility spell, you gain access
to a range of useful non-combat spells. You do not
have to decide ahead of time which utility spell you
will cast. You can also memorize the utility spell
multiple times by giving up a spell slot for each use.
• Disguise Self
Close-quarters utility spell
Effect: This spell provides you with an effective
magical disguise that lasts about ten minutes,
making the skill check to avoid unmasking one
step easier: easy if it would have been a normal skill check (including an applicable background)
task, normal if it would have been a hard task, by the caster to resist the battering and keep the
and hard if it would have been a ridiculously spell going. Epic-tier creatures can walk right
hard task. The spell only affects your general through. (Yes, let the caster roll even if they
appearance, not your size. It can be used to aren’t present; it is their magic that is holding
hide your features behind the generic features of the door shut and intact and they will know if it
another person or race. Using it to impersonate is getting battered down.)
a specific creature makes it less effective as a
disguise. The GM will consider a -2 to -5 penalty
depending on the degree of difficulty. Combat Spells
• Feather Fall • Acid Arrow
Close-quarters utility spell Ranged spell
Daily Daily
Free action to cast Target: One nearby or far away creature
Effect: When you cast this spell, it arrests your Attack: +7 vs PD
fall, letting you glide down the ground over a Hit: 4d10+1 acid damage, and 5 ongoing acid
round or two. If you’re falling a ridiculous di- damage.
stance, wait to cast it until you are nearing the Miss: 5 ongoing acid damage, and you regain
ground or risk turning back into a non-feather the spell during your next quick rest.
at the wrong moment.
• Blur
• Hold Portal Ranged spell
Ranged utility spell Daily
Daily Target: You or a nearby ally.
Effect: You cast this spell on a door. For ten Effect: For the rest of the battle (or for five
minutes, adventurer-tier creatures can not get minutes), attacks against the target miss 20% of
through the door, not even by chopping it into the time.
splinters with an axe or blasting it with a fire-
ball. Champion-tier creatures can batter it do- • Charm Person
wn; each attempt requires a DC 20 Intelligence Ranged spell

Close-quarters spell
Target: 1d4 enemies in a group
Attack: +7 vs. MD
Hit: 2d8+1 psychic damage, and if the target
has 15 hp or fewer after the damage, it is wea-
kened (-4 to attacks and defenses) until the end
of your next turn.
Adventurer Feat (3/4): The hit point threshold
of the weakened effect is increased by 5 hp
(already included).
• Magic Missile
Ranged spell
Target: One nearby or far-away enemy
Attack: Automatic hit
Effect: 2d4+1 force damage.
• Ray of frost
Ranged spell
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: +7 vs PD
Hit: 3d6+1 cold damage.
Miss: 3 cold damage.
• Shield
Target: One nearby creature with 40 hp or
Close-quarters spell
Recharge 11+ after battle
Special: This spell cannot be cast during combat
Free action to cast
or on a target that has rolled initiative to fight.
Trigger: an attack hits your AC
Attack: +4 vs. MD
Effect: The attacker must reroll the attack. You
Hit: The target believes you are their friend un-
must accept the new result.
til you or your allies take hostile action against
them (attacking their normal allies is okay). The • Shocking Grasp
spell works best as a type of pacifier; if you or Close-quarters spell
your allies attack the target or order the target At-Will
to attack its normal allies, the target can roll a Quick action Target: One creature engaged
normal save to break the charm effect during its with you
turn each round. Attack: +7 vs. PD
Special: On a miss, the spell is not detectible Attack: 1d4+1 Lightning damage and the tar-
by most others unless you miss by 4+ or roll a get pops free from you.
natural 1, in which case the target and its allies Miss: You take damage equal to the target’s le-
knows what you tried to do and will usually be vel from botched feedback.
angry about it. Adventurer Feat (4/4): This spell now requires a
quick action to cast, instead of a standard action
• Color Spray (already included).

Magical Gear
• Knife of the Secrets Revealed [Adventurer]:
Dagger +1 − Weapon chakra
Heavy/Martial two-handed weapon.
+1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when
using this weapon.
Property − The first time you inflict a critical
hit on a particular foe, you may pose a question
to that foe, who immediately and involuntarily
gives a brief answer. The answer is always true,
at least as far as the foe knows, although strong-
willed individuals can give vague or misleading
Quirk − Remarkably curious.

• Snakebite ring [Adventurer]:

Ring − Ring chakra (1/2)
Power − Recharge 16+ ⋄ Free action when you
are hit in melee: The attacker takes ongoing poi-
son damage equal to your level.
Quirk − Vengeful and resentful.


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