13th Age PC Starchild

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• Full name: Rfrnra ’Starchild’ Zlkantropfr

• Race: Aasimar (Star-touched)

• Class: Mystic (Cleric/Sorcerer).

• Level: 3

• Age: More than 40, though she looks young.

• Attitude: Detached, Sensitive, Prescient.

• Appearance: Awe-inspiring, but small-built.

• Distinguishing features: Glowing eyes.

• Occupation: Seer and oracle at the Sun Temple

• Origin: Unknown, found in the Khmingo crater

in the Norn steppes.

STR: 8 (+2) DEX: 8 (−1) CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 18 (+4) CHA: 18 (+4)
AC: 17 HP Max: 42 (21)
PD: 13 HP Current:
MD: 19
Initiative: +2
Recoveries Max: 8
Recovieries Spent: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
Recovery Dice: 3d8+2
Sun Temple Oracle: +3
Diplomat: +5


Class features
Mixed Implements
As a Mystic, Starchild can use any implement (divi-
ne or arcane), to improve her spellcasting. Wands,
rods, scepters, symbols and staves are the bread and

Ritual magic
You can cast your spells as rituals: Namely, you can
use spells outside combat to obtain variable effects
based on the properties and intent of the spell. The
magnitude of the effect has to be reasonable, and the
connection to the spell should be justifiable. Ritual
casting is a time-consuming process that requires de-
dicated focus, and it can take 1d4 minutes/quarter-
hours/hours. The success of a ritual is typically de-
termined by a skill check, and the daily use of that
spell is spent regardless of the outcome.

Bonus spell - heal

You gain heal as a bonus cleric spell, which is always
prepared and does not count towards your prepared
spell slots.

• Heal
Close-quarters spell
Twice per battle
Basic Attacks Quick action to cast (max 1/round)
Target: Yourself or one ally you are next to
• Basic Melee - Metal Rod Effect: The target can heal using a recovery.
Breath Weapon
Target: One enemy
When you cast a spell with the breath weapon
Attack: +2 vs. AC
keyword, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to
Hit: 3d4-1 crushing damage
re-use it later in the battle. Each breath weapon
Miss: 3 damage
spell lists the chance of re-using it during the same
battle (usually 16+). Make the re-use roll at the
start of each of your turns: success indicates that you
can use that spell again that round as a standard
action, if you wish. You don’t get to stockpile
Racial power uses − whether you use the spell again or not, you
must make the re-use roll during each round of the
Halo (Aasimar) battle. After the battle, the breath weapon power
Once per battle as a free action during your turn, is expended. You don’t get to keep rolling all day.
gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until you are hit by You can have only one breath weapon spell active
an attack (or until the battle ends). at a time. If you cast a different breath weapon

spell when you have an earlier spell active, the new

spell cancels the earlier spell. (See the Chromatic
Destroyer Heritage talent for the path to multiple
breath weapon spells.) Failing a death save cancels
any breath weapon spells you have active. Some
sorcerers actually breathe like dragons when they
use breath weapon spells. Others treat the breath
weapon shtick as a metaphor and allow the spell to
do the blasting. As always with magic, the visuals
are up to you.

When you attack with a chain spell and get a
natural even roll, you can roll another attack against
a different enemy within range. Keep on rolling
attacks as long as you get even rolls and don’t run
out of new targets (each enemy can be targeted only

Dancing Lights
All sorcerers can cast the dancing lights spell as a
standard action. Unlike the wizard’s light cantrip,
the sorcerer’s dancing lights spell produces a number
of varicolored light globes that bloom within 5 to 30
feet of the sorcerer every two to five seconds. The
sorcerer has very little control over the exact location
or illumination provided by the lights, meaning that
they can occasionally be used for dramatic plot
purposes. action to gather power, you generate a small magical
benefit. Like many of your powers, this benefit is
Gathering Power chaotic rather than perfectly reliable, so you must
Once initiative has been rolled and a battle is make a random check to see what benefit you get.
underway, a sorcerer can spend a standard action Roll a d6 and consult this table:
1−2: You gain a +1 bonus to AC until the
to gather magical power, preparing themselves
start of your next turn.
for casting a double-strength spell with their next
3−4: Deal damage equal to your level to all
standard action. Gathering power is loud and flashy,
nearby staggered enemies.
involving crackling lightning, rumbling thunder, and
5−6: Deal damage equal to your level to one
the flicker of magical light. Sorcerers who want to
nearby enemy.
gather power before initiative has been rolled can
If you get a benefit that deals damage to enemies,
go through the motions but won’t get any benefit
that damage is of random energy type (see below).
for the act; you can fool yourself but you can’t fool
Spending Power on Empowered Spellcasting: After
you have gathered power, you can use your next
Gather Power: When a sorcerer gathers power, it
standard action to cast an empowered sorcerer spell.
does not count as casting a spell; you can gather
Empowered sorcerer spells deal double the damage
power without taking opportunity attacks, for exam-
of a normal sorcerer spell. Normally this means
ple. In addition, because you spend your standard
that you simply double the damage the spell deals

on a hit or a miss. Non-attack spells generally

don’t improve when cast empowered; use empowered
casting for attacks. If you decide not to use your
next standard action to cast a spell, or spend your
entire turn unconscious, or otherwise miss the chance
to use your next standard action to cast a sorcerer
attack spell, you lose the power you’ve gathered.
If you want to waste a turn you can use your next
standard action to gather power again, but the
spell you eventually cast will still simply do double
damage, not more than that. You can spend your
move actions and quick actions any way you like
after you gather power and before casting your next
empowered spell. Yes, once a battle has started
it’s possible to perform the magical firefight trick
of gathering power while hiding to the side of the
cave entrance, then jumping into the cave opening
on your next turn and blasting with the empowered
Empowered Breath Weapons: Breath weapon spells
add an extra wrinkle. Of course you can gather
power the first time you cast a breath weapon
spell in a battle. Later in the fight it’s a question
of whether you gathered power the turn before a
breath weapon spell roll goes your way. You can be
all ready with gathered power but roll too low to
use the breath weapon spell, forcing you to cast a
different spell with the gathered power.
Ongoing damage: If you’ve gathered power for
a spell that deals ongoing damage, the ongoing Talents
damage is doubled the first time it is dealt, but not
on subsequent rounds, if any. Domain: Sun
When you make an attack (including a spell attack),
Random Energy you can have it deal holy damage instead of its normal
Some sorcerer spells deal damage of a random type. damage type.
If it matters mechanically, use a d4 to determine Adventurer Feat (1/3): On a hit, your attacks that
which type of damage the spell deals. If it doesn’t deal holy damage deal 1 extra damage (not included).
matter, because none of the targets have resistances Additionally, you gain the following daily invocation
or vulnerabilities to any particular energy, feel free power:
to state the energy that seems right for the story, or
roll it if you wish and the game can spare the time. • Invocation of Sun
1: Cold Close-quarters invocation
2: Fire Daily
3: Lightning Quick action to use
4: Thunder Effect: When you cast a daily cleric spell this
battle, roll a d6. If you roll less than or equal

that misses, you take damage equal to double

the level of the target of your attack.

You can empower cleric spells as well as sorcerer
spells. After you have gathered power, you can
decide to empower a cleric spell instead of a sor-
cerer spell. If it is a damaging (attack) spell, the
empowering works as normal. Additionally, you can
empower healing spells (Heal and Cure Wounds): If
you do, the target can spend an additional recovery
than normal, and heals additional hp for the extra
recovery spent.
Adventurer Feat (2/3): You can also use the Spell
Frenzy benefit on cleric attack spells.

You can choose and memorize spells from the appro-
priate lists at the beginning of each day (that is, af-
ter each full heal-up). You memorize 5 sorcerer spells
and 5 cleric spells; keep the two lists separated.

Memorized Cleric Spells/Invocations:

1) ◯
2) ◯
3) ◯
4) ◯
to the escalation die, you regain the use of that 5) ◯
daily spell after the battle. +) ◯◯ Heal
+) ◯ Invocation of Sun
Spell Frenzy Memorized Sorcerer Spells/Powers:
You can enter in a state of furious spellcasting, as 1) ◯
described by the following power 2) ◯
• Spell Frenzy (power) 3) ◯
Quick action 4) ◯
Daily 5) ◯
Effect: You enter the spell frenzy state until +) ◯ Spell Frenzy
the end of battle (or around five minutes, if
you decide to rage out of combat for dramatic
roleplaying effect!). While in a spell frenzy, you
Cleric Spells
roll 2d20 for each of your sorcerer spell attacks.
Use the highest die as your attack roll, but • Bless
track whether the other die hits. For each die Ranged spell

Daily Attack: +7 vs. PD

Quick action to cast Hit: 4d6+4 holy damage, and your nearby ally
Effect: Choose one of the two following options: with the fewest hit points gains a +4 bonus to
− Cast for power: One nearby ally gains a +2 AC until the end of your next turn.
attack bonus until the end of the battle. Miss: Your nearby ally with the fewest hit poin-
− Cast for broad-effect: Choose up to three near- ts gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your
by creatures (including you); each target gains a next turn.
+1 attack bonus until the end of the battle.
• Turn Undead
• Cure Wounds
Close-quarters spell
Ranged spell
Target: 1d4 nearby undead creatures, each with
Quick action to cast
55 hp or fewer.
Effect: You or a nearby ally can heal using a
Attack: +7 vs. MD
free recovery.
Hit: The target is dazed until end of your next
• Hammer of Faith turn.
Close-quarters spell Hit by 4+: 1d10 holy damage, and the target
Daily is dazed until end of your next turn.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, your ba- Hit by 8+: Holy damage equal to half the tar-
sic melee attacks use d12s as their base weapon get’s maximum hit points, and the target is da-
damage dice. zed (save ends).
Hit by 12+ or natural 20: The target is
• Javelin of Faith destroyed.
Ranged spell
Target: One nearby enemy Sorcerer Spells
Attack: +7 vs. PD
Hit: 1d6+4 holy damage. • Breath of the White Dragon
Miss: 3 damage. Close-quarters spell
Adventurer Feat (3/3): The spell also deals Daily
+1d6 damage against an undamaged target. Target: 1d2 nearby enemies in a group; breath
• Shield of Faith
Attack: +7 vs PD
Ranged spell
Hit: 3d6+4 cold damage.
Miss: half damage.
Quick action to cast
Breath weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll
Effect: Choose one of the two following options:
a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a
− Cast for power: One nearby ally gains a +2
16+, you can use breath of winter that turn if
bonus to AC this battle.
you wish.
− Cast for broad-effect: Choose up to three near-
by creatures (including you); each target gains a
+1 bonus to AC this battle. • Burning Hands
Close-quarters spell
• Spirits of the Righteous At-Will
Ranged spell Target: Up to two nearby enemies in a group.
Once per battle Attack: +7 vs PD
Target: One nearby enemy Hit: 1d6+4 fire damage.

• Chaos Bolt
Ranged spell
Special The first time you use Chaos Bolt in a
battle, determine a random energy type. Chaos
Bolt deals damage of that energy type for the
rest of the battle.
Target: One nearby or far away enemy.
Attack: +7 vs PD against nearby enemies, +5
vs PD against far away enemies.
Natural Odd Hit: 1d8+4 random energy da-
Natural Even Hit: 1d8+4 random energy da-
mage, and you gain a chaotic benefit as if you
had gathered power.
Miss: 3 random energy damage.

• Lightning Fork
Ranged spell
Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: One nearby enemy; chain spell
Attack: +5 vs PD Magical Gear
Hit: 3d6+4 lightning damage. • Hat of Loyalty [Adventurer]:
Miss: half damage. Hat +1 − Helmet chakra
Chain spell: Each time you make a natural +1 bonus to MD (already included).
even attack roll, you can additionally attack a Property − This hat always returns to you. No
different target with the spell. matter the circumstances, it always finds its way
back. You may keep up to three small items in
• Resist the Elements the brim of the hat (scrolls, potions, gemstones,
Ranged spell snacks), and they’ll be with the hat when it co-
Recharge 16+ after battle mes back to you.
Target: You or one nearby ally Quirk − Treats the hat as a pet.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target
gains resist damage 12+ to the following energy • Ring of defense bending [Adventurer]:
type of your choice: cold, fire, lightning, thunder. Ring chakra
Power − Recharge 16+ ⋄ Quick action: Until
the end of your next turn, swap your PD and
• Scorching Ray MD defense values.
Ranged spell Quirk − Drastic mood swings.
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: +7 vs PD
Natural Odd Hit: 1d6+4 fire damage. −
Natural Even Hit: 1d6+4 fire damage and 1d8 −
ongoing fire damage. −
Miss: 3 fire damage. −

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