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OSIRIS – The Legend
The myth of Osiris the deity has been passed on to us by Plutarch and is therefore well
documented. Osiris is the Greek rendering of the Egyptian Ousir. Originally he was a nature god
and embodied the spirit of vegetation and the ebb and flow of the Nile, as one might expect, but
later became worshipped as the god of the dead.

Myth has it that he was born in Thebes of Geb and Nut who ascended to rule the heavens on their
death. He was handsome, dark-skinned and taller than other men. When he became King of
Egypt he married his sister Isis and immediately taught his people to produce grain and grapes
for bread and wine. It was he who created the god cult and built temples and gave law to his
people. He then spread civilisation the world over based on non violence, leaving Isis to rule in
his place, but on his return became victim of his evil, jealous brother Set. In the 28th year of his
reign Osiris was tricked into a box to meet his death and cast into the Nile. His loving wife
immediately set to searching for the box and when it was found hid it whilst their posthumous
son Horus was being born. Unfortunately Set found the hiding place and dismembered the body
casting it around the kingdom.

Such was her love that Isis resumed the search once more and found every part of Osiris except
for the phallus, and with the aid of sorcery brought him back to life. Horus then battled Set and
eventually won, and when the gods judged the case they found Osiris to be entirely innocent of
all blame and deserving of life once more. However, he preferred to leave Horus as king and
depart this earthly life to live in the Elysian Fields where he welcomed the souls of the just. His
tomb is said to be in Abydos in the Nile Delta. He was worshipped widely as a trinity with Isis
and Horus and was identified with Dionysus and Hades. Isis also took on many other names in
other religions such as Demeter, Hera, Selene and even Aphrodite.

PISA Passion - Integration - Sustainability - Ambition


Questions 1 - 5
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
1 What was grain used for?
A wine
B bread
C bread and wine
D none of the above
2 As a god what did Osiris do?
A spread the word
B make his brother jealous
C encourage civilisation
D sold grapes
3 Who killed Osiris?
A King of Egypt
B Isis
C Set
D Horus
4 Who did the son of Osiris fight?
A Dionysus
B Set
C Horus
D Isis
5 By what name was Isis also known?
A Demeter
B Hera
C Aphrodite
D all of the above

PISA Passion - Integration - Sustainability - Ambition


Answer key
1. B - bread
2. C - encourage civilisation
3. C - Set
4. B - Set
5. D - all of the above

PISA Passion - Integration - Sustainability - Ambition

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