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• Full name: Miatheuwedd Akhadi of the

Stormwolf Clan.

• Race: Human.

• Class: Druid.

• Level: 3

• Age: 21

• Attitude: Socially awkward, but very Percep-

tive and Insightful.

• Appearance: Frivolous and eccentric.

• Distinguishing features: Her eyes are

impressively deep.

• Occupation: Apprentice healer and spiritual

guide of the Stormwolf clan.

• Origin: The Galaquan valley of the Norn


STR: 8 (−1) DEX: 20 (+5) CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 8 (−1)
AC: 15 HP Max: 40 (20)
PD: 16 HP Current:
MD: 14
Initiative: +8
Recoveries Max: 8
Recovieries Spent: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
Recovery Dice: 3d6+2
Scout: +3
Apprentice Healer: +3
Spiritual Guide: +2


Basic Attacks
• Basic Melee - Ausper Viridia
(+1 Staff)
Target: One enemy
Attack: +9 vs AC
Hit: 3d6+6 crushing damage. Add an extra
1d8 damage against enemies who were attacked
by the wielder of Ausper Rubex since your last
Miss: 3 damage

Racial a and Ethnic power

Quick to Fight (Human)
At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and
choose the result you want.

Icy blood of the Norns (Norn)

You have resist cold damage 14+ against enemies
or environments of your tier or lower (levels 1-
4). Additionally, you do not suffer from natural
weather-related cold.

Class features
Divine Implements
Duids use holy symbols and staffs to improve their
spellcasting abilities.

Nature Talking involving fire. If there is useful information for the

Everybody knows that druids can talk with plants druid to gain out of the situation, they should roll a
and animals. It doesn’t always work, though druids skill check that’s appropriate for the tier. Talking to
might not admit that, since no one but another druid animals requires a hard DC, and plants usually requi-
or a particularly cunning bard will have any way of re a ridiculously hard DC. A druid gains a +1 bonus
knowing what the plant/animal said in return. Twi- when talking with animals for every talent spent on
ce per day, a druid can talk with a non-hostile ani- the Shifter or Animal Companion talents. A druid
mal or plant for a short time (in battle, it takes one gains a +1 bonus when talking with plants for every
to three rounds). Conversations are simple and the talent spent on the Terrain Caster talent. Whether
feature doesn’t really increase the plant or animal’s these skill checks succeed or fail, enjoy roleplaying a
brain power, so talking with animals about things li- plant or animal and phrase the answers in ways that
ke ?are there other scary two-leggers around here? is humanoids wouldn’t necessarily think.
probably the limit. As a rule, plants don’t remember
much about things that happened before the last sun- Wilderness Survival
rise or sunset, with the possible exception of events You never suffer from natural weather-related cold,

heat, or exposure. You can go longer than most peo-

ple without eating or drinking, but only a couple days

Shifter − Adept
You glory in shifting into the forms of animals that
nature blessed with keen eyes, swift wings, and ter-
rible fangs. Sometimes you take the form of swift
scouts, while other times you shift into the form of
great beasts to destroy enemies in combat. At high
levels, you can choose to master lycanthropic forms
that mix the power of the great beasts with the spell-
casting flexibility of your humanoid form. You also
gain a number of aspects that you can assume while
battling in beast form to improve your capabilities.
As a third level adept shifter you can
− Shift into scout form once per day.
− Shift into beast form at will.
− Memorize 3 beast form aspects per day.

Scout form (Shifter)

Shifter druids can transform into small animals we
call scout forms, and powerful combat-ready preda-
tors we call beast forms. We’ll cover scout forms fir-
st. Scout forms are normal animals such as bobcats,
coyotes, owls, lizards, dire rats, giant spiders, and so
on. Most scout forms are smaller than a humanoid
body, mostly because the magic of transforming into
a scout form is related to stealth, not combat power.
Scout forms are for scouting.
Dynamics: Scout forms aren’t just normal bobcats,
badgers, and bunnies. You’re a magical animal, in med druid. Stealth is possible, but it’s not perfect.
touch with the flow of life and mana through the Becoming a small animal isn’t a perfect translation
world. As long as your focus is survival − meaning of self. Your humanoid brain doesn’t work the same
staying clear of trouble − you shouldn’t have any when you’ve shifted into scout form. You don’t talk.
problem slipping through the world without being You can’t cast spells. Your magical items and pos-
troubled by any but the most serious defenses, or by sessions change shape with you, but you don’t get to
urban or magical environments your scout form isn’t use them in scout form. You maintain your identity
naturally equipped to handle. That’s the good news. and know who your allies are, but you’re as much an
The not-quite-so-good news is that you look like a animal as a person while in the form. You can not
magical animal while in scout form. You are not fight in scout form.
quite natural, there’s something extremely magical Transition to/from scout form: Transforming from
about you, and knowledgeable souls who get a good humanoid or combat-ready beast form into scout
look at you may even recognize you as a transfor- form requires a standard action. Changing from shif-

ter form into humanoid or beast form is a quick action of 2 aspects in a single battle. A third effect cancels
instead. a previous one.
Gaining temporary background points: When you Beast aspects: While in beast form, you can take
shift to scout form, you gain 1d6+1 points in a back- on aspects of different beasts to help you in battle.
ground that matches the form you have taken. This Basically, your beast form acquires some additional
can help you with skills checks while in this form. trait that belongs to some dangerous predator ani-
Adventurer Feat (1/4): The temporary background mal. Beast aspects are powers you can use while in
points are now 1d6+1 instead of 1d4+1 (already in- beast form to help you in battle. The effects of an
cluded). aspect lasts for the battle, however, it is suspended
while you are in human form, but it resumes if you
Beast form (Shifter) turn back to beast in the same battle.
You can transform into an animal predator to fight Erin chooses and memorizes 3 aspects from the fol-
better. Adept shifters can transform into their beast lowing list at the beginning of each day (that is, after
form At-Will, as a quick action. The choice of what a full heal-up).
type of animal you become is up to you. You don’t al-
ways have to change into the same thing?your choices Memorized Beast Aspects:
can suit the story. Stick to four-legged natural preda- 1) ◯
tors, not creatures with supernatural abilities or the 2) ◯
ability to fly. 3) ◯
Spellcasting: Shifter adepts can speak in growly voi-
ces and cast spells while in beast form.
Magic Items: Your magic items stick with you and • Fury of the Wolverine
you get the benefit of their default bonuses. Yes, this Beast aspect
means the bonuses from your magic axe translate to Recharge: 16+ after battle
your beast form. Shifter adepts can use their magic Quick action
item powers while in beast form. Effect: Until the end of the battle, when your
Transition to humanoid: shifting back to humanoid melee attacks hit an enemy that has more hit
form is also a quick action. points than you, the target takes 1d6 extra da-
Natural attack: While in beast form you attack in mage from the hit. Additionally, you gain a +2
melee using the following attack bonus to all your defenses while staggered.

• Basic Melee - Beast Form Attack • Jaws of the Sabertooth

At-Will Beast aspect
Target: One enemy Recharge: 16+ after battle
Attack: +9 vs AC Quick action
Natural Even Hit: 3d10+6 slashing damage. Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain the
Natural Odd Hit: 3d6+6 slashing damage. benefits of two-weapon fighting: if your attack
Miss: Repeat this attack against the same or roll is a natural 2, you can reroll the attack, but
a different target. must use the reroll. The crit range of attacks
Second miss: 3 damage. you reroll this way expands by 4 Additionally,
Special: Add an extra 1d8 damage on a the damage of your beast form attack increases
hit, against enemies who were attacked by the to d12s (natural even hits) and d8s (natural odd
wielder of Ausper Rubex since your last turn. hits).
Adventurer feat (2/4): Your second miss on your bea- • Skin of the Walrus
st form attack deals damage equal to your level (al- Beast aspect
ready included). Moreover, you can stack the effects Recharge: 16+ after battle

porary hp equal to your recovery dice.

Adventurer Feat (3/4): The bonus to attack
and damage is now +4 instead of +2 (already

Wild Healer − Initiate

You are the druidic healer. You gain access to few
powerful healing magic, which you can cast both in
humanoid and beast forms. You can cast the Re-
generation spell once per battle, and once per day
Adventurer feat (4/4): You can also cast the spell
Wild Heal once per day.

Memorized Wild Healing Magic:

1) ◯ Regeneration, 1/battle use.
2) ◯ Regeneration, 1/day use.
3) ◯ Wild Heal, 1/day use

• Regeneration
Close-quarters spell
Once per battle plus once per day
Interrupt action or quick action.
Target: One nearby ally (with an interrupt ac-
tion), or you (with a quick action)
Trigger (for targeted ally): One of your al-
lies starts its turn.
Effect: The target heals using a recovery, rol-
ling recovery dice as normal, but heals only half
(rounding down) the amount of healing rolled.
Quick action At the start of the target’s next turn, the target
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a heals using a free recovery, but heals only half
+2 bonus to AC and PD. Additionally, the first (rounding down) the amount rolled (the first re-
time you become staggered this battle, you can covery spent continues to fuel the regeneration
heal using a recovery. effect). After the target heals this second time,
it rolls a normal save to see if the regeneration
• Tenacity of the Polar Bear spell will continue. If the save fails, the regene-
Beast aspect ration spell ends. If the save succeeds, the rege-
Recharge: 16+ after battle neration spell continues and the target will heal
Quick action using a free recovery for half hit points again at
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a the start of its next turn, and then roll another
+4 bonus to attacks and damage versus mooks save to see if the regeneration continues, and so
and enemies of level lower than you. Additional- on.
ly, when you assume this aspect, you gain tem- Special: The save to continue the regeneration

effect becomes a hard save (16+) if the target is

at maximum hit points or if the target has drop-
ped to 0 hit points or below while the regenera-
tion is in effect. Moreover, You can only have
one regeneration or greater regeneration spell on
you at a time. A second spell cast on you cancels
the first.
• Wild Heal
Close-quarters spell
Quick action.
Target: You or one nearby ally, and one ran-
domly chosen nearby ally who has taken dama-
Effect: Each target heals using one of his own

Magical Gear
• Ausper Viridia [Adventurer]:
Oak staff +1 − Weapon chakra
Small two-handed weapon, staff implement.
+1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when
using this weapon.
Property − on a hit, this weapon deals +1d8 ex-
tra damage against creatures which were attac-
ked by Ausper Rubex since your last turn.
Power − Recharge 16+ ⋄ Quick action: the wiel-
der of Ausper Rubex can make a basic melee at-
tack with it.

Quirk − Affectionate towards the wielder of

Ausper Rubex.

• Jeweled Gloves [Adventurer]: −
Gloves chakra −
Power − Recharge 6+ ⋄ Free action you cast a −
divine spell: One ally can roll a save against a −
save ends effect as a free action. −
Quirk − Always feels at the center of attention. −


− −

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