Exercise 2

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Exercise 1 : The displacement of a bee is given by the Exercise 6 : Given a fixed reference frame (Oxyz), a
displacement vector point O’ moves on the axis (Oy) with a constant
acceleration a. We connect to the point O’ a mobile
𝑟⃗=(2𝑡2 − 3)𝑖⃗+ (4𝑡 + 4)𝑗⃗ + (𝑡3 + 2𝑡2)𝑘⃗ reference frame (O’XYZ) which rotates around (O’Z)
with a constant angular speed w. a point M moves in the
Determine : moving frame with the coordinates: X=t2, Y=t.
- At the initial time t=0, (O’X) is confused with (Ox)
1- The position of the bee at time t=0 s Determine in the basic moving frame (𝑈𝑋 ⃗,𝑈𝑌 ⃗,𝑈𝑍 ⃗) :
2- the velocity at time t=1 s and the acceleration at time t=2 1- relative speed. Deduce the absolute speed
s. 2- Relative acceleration and Coriolis acceleration.
Deduce the absolute acceleration.
Exercise 2 : An astrophysicist detected three meteorites
on his radar. He was able to determine their positions in
a plane (Oxy) as a function of time:

For each meteorite, find:

1- The trajectory equation.
2- The starting point

Exercise 3 : A point M moves in the plane (XOY)

according to the following time equations:

Find :
1- The equation of the trajectory y=f(x).
2- The components of speed and its modulus v .
3- The components of acceleration and its module
4- The tangential acceleration 𝑎𝑇 and the normal
acceleration 𝑎𝑛 .
5- The radius of curvature R.

Exercise 4 : In a habitable zone in Relizane, the speed is

limited to 30 km/h. A car crosses this zone with a
constant speed of 54 km/h. A police officer on a
motorcycle sees her and pursues her with an acceleration
of 3 m/s2. We assume t=0 x0=0 and v0=0 for the
policeman's motorcycle.

1- How long does it take for the police officer to

reach the car?
2- What is its speed?
3- What is the distance traveled by the two mobiles
(car and motorcycle).

Exercise 5 : A mobile moves on a circle of radiusR=2m.

Its Curvilinear abscissa 𝑠=𝐴𝑀̂ has the equation:
s(t) =t𝟐+2 or s(m) and t(second).
1- Express the linear velocity of the moving body.
Deduce its angular velocity.
2- Calculate the tangential and normal components of
the acceleration. Deduce the total acceleration.
Dr. AMERI Ibrahim

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