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Exercise 1 : Consider two vectors:

𝐴⃗ = 2𝑖⃗ − 3𝑗⃗+ 2𝑘⃗ and 𝐵⃗ = 5𝑖⃗ + 2𝑗⃗− 𝑘⃗

1- Calculate the magnitude of 𝐴⃗ and 𝐵⃗.

2- Calculate the unit vectors of 𝐴⃗ and 𝐵⃗.

3- Calculate the scalar product 𝐴⃗.𝐵⃗.

4- Calculate the angle between 𝐴⃗ and 𝐵⃗

5- Calculate the vector product 𝐴⃗⋀𝐵⃗.

Exercise 2 : Let two vectors A and B be located in the trihedron (Oxyz), defined by:

𝐴⃗ = 3𝑖⃗ + 4𝑗⃗- 5𝑘⃗ and 𝐵⃗ = -𝑖⃗ + 𝑗⃗+ 2𝑘⃗

1- Calculate their modules (magnitude).

2- Calculate the two vectors: 𝐴⃗+𝐵⃗and 𝐴⃗-𝐵⃗.

3- Calculate the scalar products (𝐴⃗.𝐵⃗) and (𝐵⃗. 𝐴⃗) What do you notice.

4- Determine the angle between 𝐴⃗and 𝐵⃗ .

5- Calculate the vector products (𝐴⃗⋀𝐵⃗) and (𝐵⃗⋀𝐴⃗) What do you notice.

6- We consider a vector C= x𝑖⃗ + y𝑗⃗+ z𝑘⃗, find the variables x, y and z, so that 𝐴⃗+𝐵⃗ + C=0

Exercise 3 : Let a vector A be defined by:

- Calculate div (𝐴⃗ ) , 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 ⃗(𝐴⃗) .

- Show that rot(𝐴⃗) = 0.

Exercise 4 :

- Calculate

- Calculate at point (1,0,1)

Dr. AMERI Ibrahim

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